
On 3 January 2009, Nakamoto dug up the first block on a small server located in Helsinki, Finland, receiving 50 Bitcoin awards, marking the official birth of Bitcoin.

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The birth of the White Paper

2008年11月1日,中本聪发布了比特币白皮书《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》(Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System)。白皮书中规定,比特币的总量为2100万个,每10分钟出一个块,每四年进行一次减半,采用POW工作证明机制,也就是我们所说的通过挖矿获得比特币。

On 1 November 2008, China launched the Bitcoin White Paper, Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, which provides for a total of 21 million bitcoins, one block every 10 minutes, to be halved every four years, using the Pow work certification mechanism, which is what we call the Bitcoins obtained through mining.


2009年1月3日,中本聪在位于芬兰赫尔辛基的一个小型服务器上挖出了第一个区块,获得50个比特币的奖励,宣告比特币的正式诞生。第一个区块被称之为“创世块”。与此同时,中本聪将泰晤士报的头条标题:The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.(2009 年 1 月 3 日,财政大臣正处于实施第二轮银行紧急援助的边缘),写在区块上。借此,中本聪既标记了“创始区块”的创建时间,也讽刺了他希望用比特币取而代之的、千疮百孔的传统金融系统。

On 3 January 2009, Nakamoto dug up the first block on a small server located in Helsinki, Finland, and received 50 bitcoins to announce the official birth of Bitcoin. The first block was called the “Creation of the World”. At the same time, Nakamoto identified the headline of the Times: The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on bridge of second bailout for banks. (In January 3, 2009, the Minister of Finance was on the verge of implementing the second round of bank emergency assistance.) It was written on the block.


the first person to run the Bitcoin system

2019年1月9日,中本聪向密码朋克邮件列表里发送了比特币的第一版客户端Bitcoin v0.1.0,并邀请大家建立节点来帮助比特币网络正常运行。曾经提出可重用工作量证明的Hal Finney第一时间运行了比特币的客户端,并与中本聪在邮件中交流相关的技术问题,而中本聪在测试时给哈尔芬尼转的10个币,成为了比特币世界的第一笔交易。哈芬尼成为了第一个运行比特币系统的人。

On January 9, 2019, China’s deaf sent Bitcoin v. 1.0, the first version of Bitcoin, to the code punk mailing list, and invited everyone to set up nodes to help the Bitcoin network function properly. Hal Finney, who had presented a re-useable workload certificate, operated the Bitcoin client for the first time and exchanged technical problems related to the Chinese deaf’s e-mail, while the 10 coins that China’s deaf had transferred to Halfenni at the time of the test became the first deal in the Bitcoin world. Hefeni became the first person to run the Bitcoin system.


Bitcoin price formation

2009年10月,一个名为新自由标准(New Liberty Standard)的小网站确定了比特币和美元的汇率,用计算机耗电量折合美元,然后除以挖到的比特币,最后得出了:1美元=1309.03比特币。随后,用户MarttiMalmi在该平台以5.02美元的价格购买了5,050 BTC,比特币的最初价格应该是0.001美元。

In October 2009, a small website called New Liberty Standard established the exchange rate between Bitcoin and the United States dollar, using computers to convert the amount of electricity into United States dollars, divided by the bitcoin that was dug up, resulting in the result that: US$ 1 = 1309.03 bitcoins. Subsequently, the user Martti Malmi purchased $5,050 BTC for the platform at a price of US$ 5.02, with an initial price of US$ 0.001 for bitcoins.


The most expensive bitcoin in history was born.

2010年5月18日,在中本聪创建BitcoinTalk论坛中,一个名为Laszlo Hanyecz的程序员发帖称:“用比特币换披萨?”。2010年5月22日,Laszlo Hanyecz使用10000枚比特币购买一个价值25美元的披萨。这就是被币圈称之为“史上最贵的披萨”。

On May 18, 2010, a programmer named Laszlo Hanyecz, who founded the Bitcoin Talk forum in China-Ben-Song, wrote: “Pizza for Bitcoin?” On May 22, 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz purchased a 25-dollar pizza with 10,000 bitcoin. This is what the currency ring calls the “most expensive pizza in history”.


has disappeared. >

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At the end of the spring and summer 2011, he was “disappeared” from his junior high school, a move that was rejected by the Chinese delegation, when Wikipedia claimed to accept the Bitcoin donation. Soon after, he entrusted the task of development to Gavin, who became the chief scientist of Bitcoin.