央行数研所撰文厘清区块链“是与非”:去伪存真 不能为了区块链搞形象工程

资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:29 评论:0



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原标题:央行数研所撰文厘清区块链“是与非”:去伪存真 不能为了区块链搞形象工程



It was noted that block chains, at the expense of system processing efficiency and some customer privacy at the expense of simultaneous storage and co-calculation of large amounts of redundant data, were not yet suitable for such high-sum scenarios as traditional retail payments; however, they were already widely used in areas where credible sharing of information was more demanding and less demanding, such as trade settlements, trade finance, property transfer, etc.


< not all items require a block chain


In recent years, the block chain has become a popular technology in financial science and technology, thanks to its unique trust transfer mechanism. In October last year, the Central Political Office of the Communist Party of China conducted its eighteenth collective study on the state and trends of technological development in the block chain, emphasizing that the block chain is an important entry point for core technological autonomy innovation.


In this article entitled “Development and management of block chain technology”, the Central Bank Institute of Research and Research stated that block chain technology has major advantages, such as the reliability of business data, the equalization of participants and the multidimensionalization of regulatory tools, but at the same time it has limited performance and scalability, lack of systemized security, the vulnerability of storage mechanisms to storage bottlenecks for full backup, and the difficulty of resolving the interactivity of different block chain systems.


The chain of blocks is a combination of innovations in traditional technologies, such as cryptology, peer-to-peer networks, consensus mechanisms, and the need to be objective and rational. In order to win the three major battles resolutely, it is necessary to maintain a high level of pressure on illegal fund-raising, fraud, etc., that is, to act under the guise of a block chain, to speed up the market’s successes and evaporations.


At this stage, block chain technology is still immature and faces multiple challenges, such as performance, safety, standards, compliance, etc. The parties should think calmly, explore carefully, use the block chain effectively to address industrial pains and the deep-service real economy.


> > > `Stands on the chain match' is the focus of attention .


The paper states that, in the long term, it is important to recognize the systemic, long-term and complex characteristics of block chain technology applications. At present, the ability of block chains to match up the chain and secure compliance is the focus of industry attention. The participants should take into account the multiple dimensions of market development, risk management, legal compliance, etc., so as to realize the full digital potential of the “block chain plus” by combining linkages, technical business integration, innovation and management.


In previous interviews with journalists, practitioners said that data can only be authenticated if they are above the chain, but the authenticity of the information from the source before the chain is currently beyond control. The authenticity of much of the information before the chain now needs to be verified by a credible, centralized third-party broker, and the question of the authenticity of universal information remains unresolved.


The text also states that standards are to be advanced, leading to the orderly development of the sector’s industry. Drawing on the lessons learned from the Internet’s special approach to financial risk management, it is important to avoid “pollution before management” and, in particular, to pay attention to the impact that external risks may have on financial security. The development of technical standards and operational norms would enhance our country’s international voice and rule-making authority in the area of financial block chains and would help to clarify the “no” and “false applications” of the sector’s chains and contribute to the maintenance of market order and financial stability, as well as to the orderly development of the industry’s health.


Central Bank to explore innovation for positive progress


“The block chain, at the expense of system processing efficiency and some of the customer's privacy at the expense of the simultaneous storage and co-calculation of a large amount of redundant data, is not yet suitable for such high-committal scenarios as traditional retail payments; however, the block chain is already widely used in areas where credible sharing of information is more demanding and less demanding, such as transaction settlement, trade finance, transfer of title, etc.” It is noted.


The paper also notes that central banks have studied block chains as important breakthroughs in technological autonomy, starting in 2014 with the study of statutory digital currencies, actively promoting studies on the standardization of block chains, exploring financial innovations in the areas of transaction settlement, trade finance, etc., and pre-empting positive developments.


The Institute has taken the lead in developing standards for the financial sector, including safety codes for financial distribution books, and has been actively involved in the development of rules for international financial standard-setting organizations, such as the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the Financial Stability Council (FSB), and in the development of sector-chain standards, such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). At present, the People’s Bank has applied for multiple block chain patents, which are at the top of the global central bank.


By signing a memorandum of cooperation with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s Trade Links Platform, the People’s Bank’s Trade and Financial Blocks Platform has opened an international interface with a future alliance of offshore gold platforms to build eco-systems. As of 17 December 2019, 38 banks had been involved in the platform’s promotion, with a volume of more than 87 billion yuan.


In 2017, the Shanghai Chamber and the Institute jointly led the construction of a digital paper trading platform based on block-chain technology. The platform was successfully piloted on 25 January 2018 in an experimental production system and successfully completed digital document issuance, acceptance, discount and discount operations based on block-chain technology, which was the first practice in the country to apply block-chain technology to the real production environment of paper operations.






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