USDT is a stable currency whose value is pegged to the dollar, and each USDT has a corresponding dollar reserve as security.
The exchange rate of the USDT to the renminbi may vary according to different data sources.
1.截至2023年9月6日12:00,根据市场数据显示,1 USDT对人民币价格为6.45元。
1. As at 6 September 2023, 12 noon, according to market data, the price of 1 USDT to the renminbi was 6.45 yuan.
2.截至2023年2月7日下午14:27,根据C18快讯的数据,1 USDT对人民币价格为6.78元。
2. As of 7 February 2023 at 14:27 p.m., according to data from C18 Quick, the price of USDT against the renminbi was 6.78 yuan.
3.截至2023年5月24日16:03,根据脚本之家的数据,1 USDT对人民币价格为7元左右。
3. As of 24 May 2023, at 1603, according to the data of the Script House, the price of 1 USDT to the renminbi was around 7 yuan.
While the USDT target is to maintain a 1:1 ratio to the dollar, the actual prices of the USDT may deviate due to factors such as market supply and demand, transaction costs, and trust risk. In general, when market demand for the USDT increases, the USDT price rises; when market demand for the USDT decreases, the USDT price drops. Moreover, different trading platforms may have different exchange rates and fees, which may also lead to different exchange rates for the renminbi.
If you want to query and convert USDT, you can use a number of specialized encrypted currency tools and services, such as:
CoinYEP: An online encrypted currency converter that can search and convert exchange rates between different currencies in real time, including USDT and renminbi.
2. XE: One of the most popular currency tools in the world, providing services such as real-time exchange rates, online remittances, exchange rate notifications, etc., to support the transition between multiple currencies, including USDT and renminbi.
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