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The block chain + security fund, which Yu An-Shun has paid farmers “double insurance”; the Chinese insurance industry's first full-industry block chain insurance product is officially published; Microsoft and NASDAQ are cooperating on block chain technology; the European Parliament has adopted a block chain regulation non-legislative resolution... The following brings your attention to the latest information on the internal and external block chain.


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1, block chain + security




How to address the problem of wage arrears for rural workers in terms of source governance, process management, etc.? In recent days, the Yu An Group has introduced a system for the management of the builder’s wage guarantee, which is based on the application of block-chain funds for the management of engineering projects, and the introduction of a “double insurance” approach to guarantee the builder’s right to pay for his work and to eliminate wage arrears from the source.


In accordance with the regulations governing block-chain platform management, all funds in the new zone related to construction must be managed through block-chain platforms, using block-chain technology for distributional bookkeeping, and all information should be linked to one another and not subject to manipulation. In the process of block-chain management of engineering funds, payment paths are identified through smart contracts, one key and penetrating payments are made, and default turnouts and misappropriation of funds are avoided.


The relevant head of the financing department of the Yu'an Consortium explained that when the block chain was combined with the builder's guarantee mechanism, when the block chain platform showed that project participants had not been paid as agreed, the block chain platform would automatically trigger the builder's wage guarantee payment mechanism in one hour's time, by way of the builder's wage guarantee account, automatic penetration of the builder's salary card, and payment of the builder's salary under the builder's “insensitive” status.


In the case of enterprises that do not pay their wages as agreed, the builder's wage guarantee scheme also provides a punitive mechanism through the “blacklist system” for recording and evaluating the creditworthiness of the various contractors, which will have a direct impact on the future bidding of the enterprise for other projects in the new zone.


In addition, in developing the scheme for the management of the builder's wage guarantee, the Yu An Group took into account the interests of all parties, both to guarantee that the builder's salary would be paid in full and on time, and to take full account of the affordability of the construction enterprise, in an effort to reduce the financial burden on the construction enterprise.


To this end, the builder’s wage guarantee is set up by the joint contribution of the Yu An group and the construction enterprise (the bidding consortium) and is a deposit of funds held by the owner to settle the wage arrears of the builder in the construction of the new Yu An area. Of these, the builder’s wage guarantee is deposited in a lump sum of $10 million to a bank account entitled “Payer’s wage guarantee for a group company.” The construction enterprise pays a guarantee of 0.5% of the value of the construction contract, to a bank account entitled “Pay guarantee for the builder of the project company” with no more than $3 million in each contract, and can be paid in a non-cash form, such as a letter.


2, China's insurance industry's first whole-sector chain



On 29 October, during the launch of the first global full-industry chain block insurance product, China Reproductive Insurance, Huatai Insurance and Easy Building co-signed the block chain technical cooperation agreement, announcing the establishment of an in-depth product partnership between the three parties, the official release of the first full-chain block insurance product (Hong Foo-seon's Million Health Insurance) and the creation of a business model for “STI+Health Security” that provides a system of intelligent, transparent and safe health protection.


This product is seen as a useful attempt to construct a new ecological and reinsurance model for insurance, aimed at providing Internet insurance with the ability to be efficient, transparent and effective by providing real-time access to front-end channels, middle-end insurance, settlement and back-end reinsurance through the trust attributes of block chain technology and immeasurable features.


As the demand for consumer security rises, the structure of Internet personal insurance products improves, and the insurance industry begins its transition to health security insurance, health-safe products are expected to become new windows for Internet insurance outbreaks.


3, the block chain technology to be used at the port terminal


Creates a platform to facilitate international investment transactions

10月31日消息,香港交易所将与Blythe Master的Digital Asset Holdings LLC合作,建立区块链结算系统,用于交易中国内地股票。

On 31 October, it was reported that the Hong Kong Exchange would work with Digital Asset Holdings LLC of Blythe Master to establish a block chain settlement system for trading shares in mainland China.


The Executive Director of the Hong Kong Exchange, Lee Xiaoga, recently stated at a science and technology company forum that the proposed trading platform would simplify the north-to-south transaction process under the stock-connection mechanism. International investors often encounter difficulties in the transaction chain as China uses the day-to-day settlement system, which makes it difficult for investors who are accustomed to longer processes to complete the transaction in a timely manner.


It is understood that, at present, the Hong Kong Exchange relies heavily on transaction costs, and follows the example of the competitor's venture capital firm and Nasdak's venture capital subsidiary, seeking access to science and technology, while diversifying sources of income.


The Hong Kong Exchange has not yet provided a deadline for the roll-out of the system, but a statement was made at the forum stating that a prototype of a functional transaction had been established. The statement stated that the proposed system would mean that traders could pre-arrange settlement details and improve coordination between bond dealers, asset management companies and custodians.


4 >, a credible block-chain drive plan to launch in Kyoto


Self-regulation Initiative for Block Chain Industries


On 31 October, the credible block chain push plan launched the Self-Regulation Initiative for the Block Chain Industry in Kyoto.


According to Mr. Sudet, the Director of the Office of the Quaker Block Chain Advancement Project, in recent years, the technology of the block chain has received wide attention, but it has also faced a number of problems and challenges, and speculation has adversely affected industry development. With the guidance and support of the Information and Software Services Division of the Ministry of Industry and Informatics, the Quaker Block Chain Advancement Project's Self-Regulation Initiative for the Block Chain Industry, designed to further enhance self-regulation in the sector, promote the healthy and orderly development of the block chain industry, and jointly maintain a sound market order and an industry environment.


The following are the main elements of the Initiative:


I. Strict compliance with national laws and regulations, self-regulation, strengthening of self-regulation in the sector, together with the maintenance of a sound market order and a sound industrial environment, and the promotion of healthy and sustainable development in the sector.


ii. Actively fulfils the responsibilities of the principals of the enterprise by establishing an adequate internal management system and strengthening the management of personnel, operations and so on.


iii. To strengthen collaboration with all stakeholders in production and research, to promote conceptual, technological and application pathways, to actively explore collaborative and win-win models, to promote the development of core technologies in block chains, to participate actively in innovative research, standard-setting, testing and validation, and to build open-source communities, and to accelerate the deployment of industrial applications and promote the deep integration of block chains with the real economy.


4. Resolutely rejects the use of block chains for illegal fund-raising, Internet distribution, ICOs and various variants, and the dissemination of poor information, among other types of violations.


The block chain is not used for activities such as speculation, capital speculation, illegal financial transactions, etc.


Visibility of social supervision, social responsibility and the promotion of social credibility.


Respect for intellectual property rights, protection of the privacy of users, clarification of the rights and interests of data owners, and attention to legal compliance with information services.


5 built in >.


Scattered Chicken's Block Chain Retrieval System


It has been reported that the rooster-farming “block chain” developed by Gudd Network Technology Ltd. in Guizhou is running in Chengjong Town, Zianyang County, prior to its application. The system is a retrospective “pre-sale platform” that combines the Internet with eco-farming to determine the amount of roosters to be released on the basis of orders from clients and to track back through block-chain technology.


At present, it is known that 27,000 haemorrhagic chicken seedlings have been dropped at the Emerald Eco-baby Base in Chengdang Town, Xianyang County, where they will be placed in the forest farm in Sangi Town, Xiaohua County, in a month. Consumers can clearly see their feeding and activities through the APP, including their shantytowns, altitude, temperature, growth trajectory and slaughtering, transportation, etc. On their mobile phones, it is possible to trace the chicken's growth to the market.


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6, Microsoft and NASDAQ


Cooperation on block chain technology

据Cointelegraph 10月31日报道,美国软件公司微软将把Azure区块链技术整合到纳斯达克的财务框架(NFF)中。

On 31 October, Cointelegraph reported that Microsoft, a United States software company, would integrate Azure block chain technology into the NFF financial framework in Nasdak.


NFF is a technology that provides software for trade infrastructure and business outsourcing and allows NASDAQ risk and surveillance. The block chain integrated into Azure, in addition to facilitating the development of block chains, allows NFF clients to deploy blocks through a common interface.

据报道,在这一合作中,双方将各开发一种“分类账本不可知区块链性能(ledger agnostic blockchain capacity)”的技术,它将允许实现跨多个分类账本的可操作性。据称,新产品将使买卖双方更容易进行匹配、管理交货、支付和结算交易。

In this cooperation, it was reported that each of the parties would develop a technology for “ledger unknown blockage performance”, which would allow for the operationalization of multiple ledgers. It was stated that the new product would make it easier for buyers and sellers to match, manage delivery, pay and settle transactions.

纳斯达克企业架构高级副总裁Tom Fay表示,纳斯达克与微软的合作消除了将区块链技术集成到现有基础设施中的复杂性。他补充道:“我们的NFF与微软的区块链服务的集成提供了一个层,使我们的产品不依赖于主机就能达到安全和高度可扩展性,并最终能帮助我们继续探索客户更广泛的区块链用例。”

Tom Fay, Senior Vice-President of NASDAQ's Business Architecture, said that NASDAQ's collaboration with Microsoft had eliminated the complexity of integrating block chain technology into existing infrastructure. He added: “Our NFF integration with Microsoft's block chain services provides a layer in which our products can be made safe and highly scalable without reliance on the mainframe, and ultimately can help us continue to explore the broader case of customer block chains.”


7 non-legislative resolution of the European Parliament on the regulation of the block chain

近日,欧洲议会做出的一项非立法决议(non-legislative resolution)强调了未来区块链行业监管的一个关键要素——信任。

A recent non-legislative resolution of the European Parliament (non-legislative regulation) highlighted a key element of future regulation of the block chain industry — trust.



It was reported that the non-legislative resolution was intended to explore the potential regulatory aspects of “distributive book technology (i.e. block chain technology)” and to highlight the need for coordinated cooperation within the EU, as well as the need to comply with the EU General Data Protection (GDPR) regulations in relation to the regulation of the initial currency issuance (ICO) and other encrypted currency and block chain industries in order to prevent fraud.


2015年,欧盟委员会推出了10个政治优先工作,其中之一就是要构建“数字单一市场(Digital Single Market)”,而本次欧洲议会发布的这项非立法决议也是遵循了此前相关工作的要求。“数字单一市场”政策旨在消除线上和线下世界的关键差异,打破欧洲跨境线上活动中存在的障碍,以便让欧盟成员国内的企业、政府和他们所服务的用户可以在确保数据隐私和安全的前提下,充分利用数字技术优势。

In 2015, the European Commission launched 10 political priorities, one of which is the construction of the Digital Single Market, a non-legislative resolution issued by the European Parliament that follows the requirements of the previous work. The “Digital Single Market” policy is aimed at eliminating key differences in the world on and below the line, breaking the barriers in Europe’s cross-border activities, so that enterprises, governments, and users they serve in EU member states can take full advantage of digital technology, while ensuring data privacy and security.


8; nine Japanese banks tested


Fuston Block Chain Clearing Platform


Nine Japanese banks are reportedly working together on the use of Fujitun technology to test the inter-bank settlement system based on the block chain.


At a recent press conference, the IT giant Fuji announced that the company had been selected as an “application development supplier” and that it would use a custom digital currency to settle the total amount in real time, thereby enabling small-scale low-cost transfer transactions. The test was designed to assess all aspects of the technical, safety, and practical feasibility.


The nine banks involved in the experiment included a consortium called the Japan Bank Payment Settlement Network (or Zengin Network), as well as Sio Bank and MUFG Bank.


Specifically, Foustton will use block chain technology to build and provide new pilot platforms, and will use the point-to-point money transfer platform developed with three banks in 2017. The pilot will include a cloud-based block chain platform for sending money between individuals, as well as smartphone applications.

据了解,在其对区块链的各种探索中,富士通还于9月与日本银行家协会(JBA)合作,提供了一个使用Hyperledger Fabric所构建的平台,集团内的银行可以用来测试该技术的各种业务用例。

It is understood that in its various explorations of the block chain, Fujitun, in cooperation with the Japan Bankers Association (JBA) in September, also provided a platform using Hyperledger Fabric to test business examples of the technology.


9, launched by the Singapore Electricity Company



In recent days, it has been reported that the Singapore Power Group, which is an energy utility provider in Singapore, has launched a renewable energy certification market (RECs) based on a block chain.


At a press conference, the Singapore Electricity Corporation announced that the block chain platform was designed and built within the company and allowed organizations to trade in REDD, with tradable certificates representing renewable energy sources, such as solar energy. Block chain technology brought the platform “safeness, integrity, and traceability for each REC transaction.”


When entities purchase RECs, producers generate renewable energy on their behalf. It was also mentioned at the launch that buyers can automatically match sellers on block-chain platforms to help businesses achieve sustainable development goals.

新加坡电力首席数字官Samuel Tan表示:“通过区块链技术,我们可以使公司方便、无缝、安全地交易可再生能源证书,帮助他们实现更环保的业务运营并实现可持续发展目标。”

Singapore's Chief Digital Officer, Samuel Tan, stated: “through block chain technology, we can enable companies to easily, seamlessly and safely trade renewable energy certificates to help them achieve greener business operations and achieve sustainable development goals.”


10, British Partnership Block Chain EnterpriseXAIN


introduces block chain technology into cars


据外媒报道,英飞凌技术公司(Infineon Technologies AG)和区块链企业XAIN已经同意将区块链技术引入汽车领域。这家位于德国慕尼黑的半导体制造商(英飞凌)与位于德国柏林的初创公司(XAIN)已经在英飞凌第一届汽车网络安全论坛(Infineon’s 1st Automotive Cybersecurity Forum)上签署了谅解备忘录。

According to the foreign media, the Infinion Technology AG and the block chain firm XAIN have agreed to introduce block chain technology into the automotive sector. The semiconductor manufacturer in Munich, Germany, and XAIN in Berlin, Germany, have signed a memorandum of understanding at the First Automobile Cyber Security Forum in British Flyingon’s 1st Automotive Cybersecurity Forum.

英飞凌汽车事业部总裁Peter Schiefer表示:“网络安全对于未来数据驱动的移动出行至关重要。区块链技术在这方面具有巨大的潜力,但是使用该技术需要所选区块链方法与安装在汽车身上的安全硬件之间达到高度协调。我们将与XAIN公司合作,实现此配置。”

Peter Schiefer, Managing Director of British Flying Motors, said, “Web security is essential for future data-driven mobile mobility. Block chain technology has great potential in this regard, but using it requires a high degree of coordination between the block chain approach of the constituency and the safety hardware installed on the vehicle. We will work with XAIN to achieve this configuration.”


Block chains are a decentralized database that allows rapid transactions, especially secure and non-manual storage functions. When connected to a vehicle, the technology enables automatic payments, keyless access to car sharing schemes, needs-based services, optimized protection, and autopilot. In essence, this is a technology for authorizing access, primarily to the vehicle itself or to specific data in the vehicle.

XAIN公司的创始人兼首席执行官Leif-Nissen Lundb?k表示:“我们的目标是将汽车变为成熟网络的参与者。除了对实现离线和实时等功能非常重要之外,该技术还能实现与人工智能(AI)技术相关的高级别隐私保护功能,确保机器学习的私有数据专门保存在本地存储中。我们与英飞凌合作的目标就是推动在汽车中使用XAIN的人工智能技术。”

XAIN’s founder and CEO, Leif-Nissen Lundb?k says, “Our goal is to transform cars into participants in mature networks. In addition to being important for the realization of functions such as offline and real-time, the technology can also achieve high-level privacy protection functions related to artificial intelligence (AI) technology, ensuring that private data from machine learning are stored locally. The goal of our cooperation with British Eagle is to promote the use of XAIN’s artificial intelligence technology in cars.”





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