Arthur Hayes 博文:为什么银行摧毁 Tether 轻而易举? 作者 | Arthur Hayes编译 | Kate, 火星财经原文链接:网页链接中文链接:网页链接注:本文是上述中文版...

资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:29 评论:0



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来源:雪球App,作者: 吴说Real,(

作者 | Arthur Hayes

by Arthur Hayes

编译 | Kate, 火星财经

Kate, Mars Finance


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Note: This paper is an excerpted version based on the above-mentioned Chinese version, and some details or information may have been deleted. We suggest that readers read this document with reference to the original text in order to obtain more comprehensive information. does not constitute any financial recommendation, does not represent Wu's point of view, the encryption market is highly volatile, and readers are carefully invited to participate in investments and strictly observe the laws and regulations of their location.

我去年发布了一篇文章,提出了如何创建一个合成支持的法定稳定币,不依赖于 TradFi 银行系统。我的想法是将比特币现货多头与永续空头头寸结合起来,创建一个合成的法定货币单位,我将其命名为 Nakaddollar。在那篇文章的结尾,我承诺支持一个可信的团队,尽我所能将这个想法变为现实。

Last year, I published an article on how to create a synthesical and stable legal currency that is not dependent on the TRADFI banking system. My idea was to combine bitcoins with permanent empty positions and create a synthesic legal currency unit, which I named Nakaddollar. At the end of the article, I pledged to support a credible team and to do everything I could to translate this idea into reality.

一年的变化太大了。Guy 是 Ethena 的创始人。在参与 Ethena 项目之前,Guy 曾在一家规模 600 亿美元的对冲基金工作,主要投资信贷、私募股权和房地产等领域的特殊情况。这家伙在 2020 年开始的 DeFi Summer 期间就迷上了垃圾币,再也没有回头。在阅读了那篇文章后,他受到启发,推出了自己的合成美元。但就像所有伟大的企业家一样,他想要改进我最初的想法。他不使用比特币,而是使用以太坊创建一种合成的美元稳定币。至少一开始是这样。

Guy was the founder of Ethena. Prior to participating in the Ethena project, Guy worked on a $60 billion hedge fund, mainly investment credit, private equity and

Guy 选择了以太坊,因为以太坊网络提供了原生收益。为了提供安全性和处理交易,以太坊网络验证者可以通过协议直接为每个区块支付少量 ETH。这就是我所说的以太坊质押收益率。此外,由于以太坊现在是一种通货紧缩货币,因此 ETH/USD 远期、期货和永续交易持续溢价于现货是有根本原因的。永续空投持有者可以获得这一溢价。将实物质押的ETH加上 ETH的永续空头头寸相结合,创造了高收益的合成美元。

Guy chose Ether because Ether’s network provides raw benefits. In order to provide security and deal with transactions, Ethernet certifiers can pay a small amount of Ether directly for each block. That is what I call the Etherm pledge rate. Moreover, because Ether is now a deflationary currency, there is a fundamental reason for the ongoing premium on currents for ETH/USD long-term, futures and permanent transactions.

没有一个能够执行的团队,一个伟大的想法就什么都不是。Guy 将他的合成美元命名为 Ethena,并组建了一个明星团队,迅速安全地启动了协议。Maelstrom 于 2023 年 5 月成为创始顾问,作为交换,我们收到了治理代币。我过去曾与许多高质量的团队合作过,而 Ethena 的人也从不偷工减料。12 个月后,Ethena 的稳定币 USDe 上线仅 3 周,发行量就接近 10 亿单位(TVL 为 10 亿美元;1 USDe=1 美元)。

Without a team that can be implemented, a great idea is nothing. Guy named his synthetic dollar Ethena and set up a team of stars to quickly and safely launch the agreement. Maelström became a founding consultant in May 2023, and we received the governing token in exchange. I worked with many high-quality teams in the past, and Ethena's people never lost their jobs. Twelve months later, Ethena's stable dollar USde went online only three weeks later, and the circulation was close to 1 billion units (TVL $1 billion; USDE = $1).

我相信 Ethena 可以超越 Tether 成为最大的稳定币。这个预言将需要许多年才能实现。然而,我想解释为什么 Tether 是加密领域最好和最差的业务。它是最好的,因为它可能是 TradFi 和加密行业中每个员工最赚钱的金融中介。之所以说它是最糟糕的,是因为 Tether 的存在是为了取悦其较贫穷的 TradFi 银行合作伙伴。银行的嫉妒和 Tether 给美国金融体系的守护者带来的问题,可能会立即导致 Tether 的终结。

I believe that Ethena can go beyond Tether as the biggest stabilizer. This prophecy will take many years to achieve. However, I want to explain why Tether is the best and worst business in the field of encryption. It is the best, because it may be the most profitable financial intermediary for every employee in the TradFi and encryption industries.

对于那些被误导的 Tether FUDsters,我想澄清一下。Tether 不是金融欺诈,Tether 也没有对其储备撒谎。同时,我对那些创建和运营 Tether 的人致以崇高的敬意。但恕我直言,Ethena 将撼动 Tether。

For those who were misled, Tether FUDsters, I would like to clarify. Tether is not a financial fraud, neither did Tether lie about his stock. At the same time, I salute those who created and operated Tether. But with all due respect, Ethena will shake Tether.

本文将分为两部分。首先,我将解释为什么美联储、美国财政部和有政治关系的大型美国银行希望摧毁 Tether。第二,我将深入研究 Ethena。我将简要概述一下 Ethena 是如何构建的,它是如何保持与美元挂钩的,以及它的风险因素。最后,我将为 Ethena 的治理代币提供一个估值模型。

First, I will explain why the Fed, the U.S. Treasury Department and the big politically related

读完这篇文章,你就会明白为什么我认为 Ethena 是加密生态系统中提供基于公链的合成美元的最佳选择。

When you read this article, you'll see why I think Ethena is the best option in an encrypted ecosystem to provide a public-chain-based synthetic dollar.


"b" in the fire of jealousy

Tether(USDT)按流通代币量来算是最大的稳定币。1 USDT=1 美元。USDT 在各种公链的钱包之间进行转账。为了维持挂钩,Tether 在银行账户中持有每单位流通的 USDT 1 美元。

Tether (USDT) is the largest stable currency in terms of the currency in circulation. 1 USDT = $1. USDT transfers between wallets in various public chains. To maintain the link, Tether holds USD 1 per unit in the bank account.

没有美元银行账户,Tether 就无法履行创建 USDT、托管支持 USDT 的美元、赎回 USDT 的功能。

Without a dollar bank account, Tether will not be able to perform the functions of creating USDT, hosting the US dollar that supports USDT, and redeeming USDT.

创建:没有银行账户,就没有办法创建 USDT,因为交易者没有地方可以发送他们的美元。

Create : Without bank accounts, there is no way to create USDT because traders have no place to send their dollars.

美元的托管:没有银行账户,就没有地方可以持有锚定美元的 USDT。

United States dollar hosting : Without a bank account, there is no place to hold an anchored USDT.

USDT 赎回:没有银行账户,就没有办法赎回 USDT,因为没有银行账户可以向赎回方发送美元。

USDT Foreclosure : Without a bank account, there is no way to redeem USD because there is no bank account to send the United States dollar to the redeemer.


Having a bank account is not enough to ensure success, because not all banks are equal. There are thousands of banks in the world that can accept deposits in dollars, but only some banks have one main account in the Federal Reserve. Any bank that wishes to settle the dollar through the Federal Reserve in order to fulfil its obligations as an agent of the United States dollar must hold one main account.


I'll explain quickly how the correspondent bank works.

有三家银行:A、B 和 C。A 和 B 银行位于两个非美国司法管辖区。银行 C 是一家拥有主账户的美国银行。银行 A 和银行 B 希望能够在法定金融体系中转移美元。他们各自申请使用 C 银行作为他们的代理行。银行C评估银行的客户群并批准它们。

There are three banks: A, B, and C. Banks A and B are located in two non-United States jurisdictions. Bank C is

A 银行需要向 B 银行汇 1000 美元。资金流向是 1000 美元从 A 银行在 C 银行的账户转到 B 银行在 C 银行的账户。

A Bank is required to transfer $1,000 to Bank B. The flow of funds is $1,000 from Bank A in Bank C to Bank B in Bank C.

让我们稍微改变一下示例,并添加银行 D,它也是一家拥有主账户的美国银行。A 银行使用 C 银行作为代理银行,而 B 银行使用 D 银行作为代理银行。现在,如果 A 银行想把 1000 美元汇给 B 银行呢?资金流是,银行 C 将 1000 美元从它在美联储的账户转到银行 D 在美联储的账户上。银行 D 最后将 1000 美元记入到银行 B 的账户上。

Let's change the example a little bit, and add Bank D, which is also a bank that owns the main account . A bank uses Bank C as a correspondent bank, while Bank B uses Bank D as a correspondent bank. Now, what if Bank A wants to remit $1,000 to Bank B? Bank C transfers $1,000 from its account in the Fed to Bank D. Bank D ultimately charges $1,000 to Bank B account.


Typically, banks outside the United States use correspondent banks to wire the United States dollar to the world. This is because once the dollar moves between jurisdictions, it has to be liquidated directly through the Federal Reserve.

自 2013 年以来,我一直从事加密货币行业,通常情况下,你存入法币的加密货币交易所的银行不是一家在美国注册的银行,这意味着它依赖于一家拥有主账户的美国银行来处理法币的存取款。这些规模较小的非美国银行渴望存款和银行加密公司,因为它们可以收取高额费用,而无需为存款支付任何费用。在全球范围内,银行通常迫切需要廉价的美元资金,因为美元是全球储备货币。然而,这些规模较小的外国银行必须与其代理银行进行互动,才能在其注册地以外处理美元的存取款。虽然代理银行容忍这些与加密业务相关的法币流动,但无论出于何种原因,有时在代理银行的要求下,某些加密客户会从较小的银行退出。如果较小的银行不遵守,它们就会失去代理银行关系,同时失去在国际上转移美元的能力。一家失去美元流通能力的银行无异于行尸走肉。因此,如果代理银行要求,较小的银行总是会放弃加密客户。

Since 2013, I have been engaged in the cryptographic money business, and normally your bank in the French currency is not a bank registered in the United States, which means that these smaller non-United States banks are dependent on a bank with an encrypted currency exchange,

当我们分析 Tether 银行合作伙伴的实力时,了解这些银行关系建立和发展的过程是必不可少的。

When we analyse the strengths of Tether's banking partners, it is essential to understand the process of establishing and developing these banking relationships.

Tether 银行合作伙伴

Teth Bank Partners :

● Britannia Bank & Trust

● Cantor Fitzgerald

● Capital Union

● Ansbacher

● Deltec Bank and Trust

在上市的 5 家银行中,只有 Cantor Fitzgerald 一家是在美国注册的银行。然而,这五家银行中没有一家拥有美联储的主账户。坎托·菲茨杰拉德(Cantor Fitzgerald)是一名初级交易商,他帮助美联储实施公开市场操作,比如买卖债券。Tether 转移和持有美元的能力完全取决于变化无常的代理银行的心血来潮。考虑到 Tether 美国国债投资组合的规模,我认为他们与 Cantor 的合作对于继续进入美国市场至关重要。

Of the five banks listed, only Cantor Fitzgerald is a bank registered in the United States. However, none of the five banks has a major account with the Fed.

如果这些银行的首席执行官没有通过谈判获得 Tether 的股权,以换取提供银行服务,那他们就是傻瓜。当我稍后展示 Tether 的每位员工收入指标时,你就会明白其中的原因。

If the CEOs of these banks don't negotiate Tether's shares in exchange for the provision of banking services, they're fools. When I show each employee's income index for Tether later, you'll see why.

这就解释了为什么 Tether 的银行合作伙伴不是最优的。接下来,我想解释为什么美联储不喜欢 Tether 的商业模式,以及为什么从根本上讲,它与加密货币无关,而与美元货币市场的运作方式有关。

This explains why Tether’s banking partners are not the best. Next, I want to explain why the Fed doesn’t like Tether’s business model, and why it essentially has nothing to do with encrypted money, but with how the dollar money market works.


Full Reserve Bank

当通过 TradFi 镜头观察时,Tether 是一个完全储备的银行,也称为窄银行。一个完全储备的银行只接受存款而不借出。它提供的唯一服务是来回汇款。由于存款人不面临任何风险,它几乎不支付存款利息。如果所有存款人同时要求退款,银行可以立即满足这一要求。因此,叫为完全储备。与此形成对比的是部分准备金银行,其贷款规模大于存款基数。如果所有存款人同时要求从部分准备金银行取回他们的钱,这家银行就会倒闭。部分准备金银行支付利息以吸引存款,但存款人面临风险。

When seen through the TradFi lens, Tether is a completely reserve bank, also known as a narrow bank. A fully reserve bank accepts deposits without lending them. The only service it provides is an incoming and outgoing remittance. Since depositors are not exposed to any risk, they rarely pay interest on deposits. If all depositors simultaneously demand a refund, the bank can meet this requirement immediately. Thus, it is called a full reserve.

Tether 本质上是一个完全储备的美元银行,提供由公链驱动的美元交易服务。就是这样。没有贷款,没有有趣的东西。

Tether is essentially a fully stocked dollar bank that provides a public-chain-driven dollar trading service. That's it. No loans, no interesting stuff.


The Fed does not like banks with full reserves, not because of who their clients are, but how they handle their deposits. To understand why the Fed hates the full reserve banking model, I have to discuss quantitative easing mechanisms and their implications.

银行在 2008 年金融危机期间倒闭,因为它们没有足够的准备金来弥补不良抵押贷款的损失。准备金是银行存放在美联储的资金。美联储监控银行准备金与未偿贷款总额的比例。2008 年之后,美联储确保银行永远不会缺乏准备金。美联储通过实施量化宽松做到了这一点。

The banks collapsed during the 2008 financial crisis because they did not have enough reserves to cover the losses of non-performing mortgages. Reserves are funds held by banks in the Fed. The Fed monitors the ratio of bank reserves to total outstanding loans.


QEL refers to the process by which the Fed purchases bonds from banks and lends to banks the reserves held by the Fed. The Fed has implemented a trillion-dollar QELC purchase, which expands the bank’s reserve balance.

量化宽松并不像新冠疫情刺激措施那样明显地造成疯狂的通货膨胀,因为银行准备金留在美联储。新冠疫情刺激直接交给了民众,让他们随心所欲地消费。如果银行把这些准备金贷出去,2008 年后的通货膨胀就会立即上升,因为这些钱将掌握在企业和个人手中。

QEs are not as obvious as the new crown’s stimulus to inflation, because bank reserves remain in the Fed. The new crown stimulus is given directly to the people, allowing them to consume as much as they want.


Small banks exist to lend loans; if they do not, they will not make money. Thus, in other cases, under the same conditions, some reserve banks are more willing to lend their reserves to paying customers than to remain in the Fed. The Fed has encountered problems. How do they ensure that the banking system has almost unlimited reserves, without causing inflation?

贿赂银行需要美联储支付银行系统超额准备金的利息。为了计算贿赂的规模,将美联储持有的银行准备金总额乘以准备金余额利息(IORB)。IORB 必须徘徊在联邦基金利率的下限和上限之间。

To calculate the size of the bribe, the total bank reserve held by the Fed is multiplied by the interest on the reserve balance (IORB). IORB must hover between the lower and upper federal fund interest rates.

贷款是有风险的。借款人违约。银行宁愿从美联储获得无风险的利息收入,也不愿贷款给私人部门,以免遭受可能的损失。因此,随着量化宽松的推进,银行体系的未偿贷款并没有以美联储资产负债表的速度增长。然而,成功并不便宜。当联邦基金利率为 0% 至 0.25% 时,贿赂成本并不高。但现在,由于联邦基金利率在 5.25% 到 5.50% 之间,IORB 的贿赂使美联储每年损失数十亿美元。

Loans are risky. Borrowers default. Banks prefer risk-free interest earnings from the Fed to the private sector to avoid potential losses.

美联储维持“高”政策利率以抑制通胀;然而,由于 IORB 的成本较高,美联储变得无利可图。美国财政部,乃至美国公众,正通过 IORB 计划直接为美联储贿赂银行提供资金。当美联储赚钱时,它会把这些钱汇给美国财政部。当美联储亏损时,美国财政部借钱并将其输送给美联储,以弥补其损失。

The Fed maintains “high” policy interest rates to curb inflation; however, because of the high cost of IORB, the Fed becomes unprofitable. The US Treasury Department, and even the US public, is financing the Fed directly through the IORB scheme to bribe banks. When the Fed makes money, it remits the money to the US Treasury Department.


QE addresses the problem of inadequate bank reserves. The Fed now hopes to contain inflation by reducing bank reserves.

QT 是指美联储向银行系统出售债券,并在美联储持有准备金。QE 增加了银行准备金,QT 则减少了银行准备金。随着银行准备金的下降,IORB 贿赂的成本也随之下降。显然,如果银行准备金上升的同时,美联储因 IORB 而支付高利率,美联储不会高兴的。

QT means that the Fed sells bonds to the banking system and holds reserves in the Fed. QE increases bank reserves, while QT reduces bank reserves.

完全储备的银行模式与美联储的既定目标背道而驰。完全准备金银行不发放贷款,这意味着 100% 的存款作为准备金存在美联储。如果美联储开始向从事类似 Tether 业务的银行发放全储备银行牌照,将加剧美联储的损失。

Full reserve banking models run counter to the Fed’s stated objectives. Full reserve banks do not issue loans, which means that 100% of the deposits are held in the Fed as reserves.

Tether 不是一家美国许可的银行,因此它不能直接在美联储存款并赚取 IORB。但 Tether 可以将现金存入货币市场基金,这些基金可以参与逆回购计划(RRP)。RRP 与 IORB 的相似之处在于,美联储必须在联邦基金的下限和上限之间支付利率,以便准确地决定短期利率的走势。国库券(T-bills)是一种期限小于一年的零息债券,其收益率略高于存款准备金率。因此,尽管 Tether 不是一家银行,但它的存款投资于需要美联储和美国财政部支付利息的工具。Tether 在货币市场基金和国库券上投资了近 810 亿美元。

Tether is not a United States-licensed bank, so it cannot directly save money in the United States and earn IORB. But Tether can deposit cash into the money market fund, which can be involved in

Tether 对美联储进行套利,因为 Tether 对 USDT 余额支付 0% 的利息,但其收益大约是联邦基金利率的上限。这是 Tether 的净息差(NIM)。正如你可以想象的那样,Tether 对美联储加息非常高兴,因为 NIM 在不到 18 个月的时间里(2022 年 3 月至 2023 年 9 月)从基本上为 0% 升至接近6%。

Tether arbitrage to the Fed because Tether pays 0% interest on the USDT balance, but its earnings are about the upper limit of the federal fund interest rate. This is Tether’s net interest margin (NIM). As you can imagine, Tether is very pleased with the Fed’s interest increase, because NIM rose from essentially 0% to almost 6% in less than 18 months (2022 March to September 2023).

Tether 并不是唯一一家为美联储套利的稳定币发行商。Circle(USDC)和所有其他接受美元并发行代币的稳定币都在做同样的事情。

Tether is not the only stable currency issuer for the Fed’s arbitrage. Circle (USDC) and all the other stable currencies that accept and issue the dollar are doing the same thing.

如果银行因某种原因放弃了与 Tether 的关系,美联储将不会采取任何措施来提供帮助。

If, for some reason, the bank gave up its relationship with Tether, the Fed would not take any measures to help.

那坏女孩耶伦呢?她的财政部对 Tether 有意见吗?

What about the bad girl, Ellen? Does her Treasury have a problem with Tether?

Tether 太大了

Teher is too big

美国财长珍妮特?耶伦(Janet Yellen)需要一个运转良好的美国国债市场。这使她能够借到必要的钱来支付每年数万亿美元的政府赤字。2008 年后,美国国债市场的规模与财政赤字一道急剧膨胀。它长得越大,就越脆弱。

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen needs a well-functioning US public debt market. This allows her to borrow the money necessary to cover trillions of dollars in government deficits each year.


This chart from the US Government's Securities Liquidity Index clearly shows the decline in liquidity in the US Treasury market since the new crown outbreak (the higher the number means the worse the liquidity situation). A small amount of sales can disrupt the market. What I call market disruption is a rapid fall in bond prices or a rise in yields.

Tether 目前是美国国债的 22 大持有者之一。如果 Tether 出于某种原因不得不迅速减持,可能会给全球债券市场带来混乱。我说全球是因为所有法定债务工具在某种程度上、形状上或形式上都是由美国国债曲线定价的。

Tether is currently one of the 22 major holders of US public debt. If, for some reason, Tether had to cut rapidly, it could cause confusion in the global bond market.

如果 Tether 的银行业合作伙伴退出 Tether,耶伦可能会通过以下方式进行干预:

If Tether's banking partner withdraws, Ellen may intervene by:

1. 也许她会规定,给 Tether 一个合理的时间来保持客户身份,这样它就不会被迫出售资产,以满足迅速赎回的要求。

1. Perhaps she would provide Tether with a reasonable time to maintain her client status so that it would not be forced to sell its assets to meet the requirement of prompt redemption.

2. 也许她会冻结 Tether 的资产,这样它就不能出售任何东西,直到她觉得市场可以吸收 Tether 的资产。

2. Perhaps she would freeze Tether's assets so that it could not sell anything until she felt that the market could absorb Tether's assets.

但耶伦肯定不会帮助 Tether 找到另一个长期的银行合作伙伴。为加密市场服务的 Tether 和类似稳定币的增长给美国国债市场带来了风险。

But Yale will certainly not help Tether find another long-term banking partner. The growth of Tether and similar stable currencies that serve the encryption market poses a risk to the US public debt market.

如果 Tether 决定购买没有人想要的债券,即 10 年期以上的长期债券,而不是所有人都想要的短期债券,耶伦可能会站在他们一边。但是为什么 Tether 要冒这样的期限风险来赚取比短期国库券更少的钱呢?这是由于收益率曲线的反转(长期利率低于短期利率)。

If Tether decides to buy the bonds that no one wants, that is, long-term bonds older than 10 years, rather than short-term bonds that everyone wants, Ellen may be on their side. But why does Tether take the risk of a period of time to earn less than short-term treasury bills? This is because of the reversal of the yield curve (long-term interest rates are lower than short-term rates).

美国财政部宁愿 Tether 不存在。这些都和加密没有任何关系。

The U.S. Treasury prefers that Tether doesn't exist. None of this has anything to do with encryption.

Tether 太有钱了

Teher's too rich.

Maelstrom 的天才分析师为 Tether 创建了以下投机性资产负债表和损益表。他们结合了 Tether 的公开披露和他们的判断来创造这个。

Maelstrom's genius analysts created the following speculative balance sheets and profit-and-loss statements for Tether. They created this together with Teth's public disclosure and their judgment.

下表列出了在美国经济和政治体系中运营的八家“太大而不能倒”(TBTF)银行及其 2023 财年净利润。

The following table shows the eight “too big” (TBTF) banks operating in the United States economic and political system and their net profits for the 2023 fiscal year.

Cantor Fitzgerald 不是一家银行,而是一家一级交易商和贸易公司。一级交易商银行只有 23 家。因此,在 Total Deposits 列中,Cantor 的数字表示其资产负债表上的资产价值。我从 Zippia 那里得到了 Cantor 的净收入和总劳动力的估计。

Cantor Fitzgerald is not a bank, but a first-tier dealer and trading company. There are only 23 first-tier traders. So, in the Total Deposits column, Cantor's numbers represent the value of the assets on its balance sheet. I got an estimate from Zippia of Cantor's net income and total labour force.

Tether 每位员工的收入为 6200 万美元。名单上没有其他银行能与之相提并论。Tether 的盈利能力是加密货币将如何影响人类文明史上最大的财富转移的另一个例子。

There are no banks on the list that can be compared to that. The profitability of Tether is another example of how encrypted money will affect the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of human civilization.

为什么这些 TBTF 银行不提供一种与法币挂钩的稳定币?Tether 每位员工的收入高于所有这些银行,但如果没有这些银行和其他类似的银行,Tether 就不可能存在。

Why do these TBTF banks not provide a stable currency tied to French currency? Tether earns more per employee than all these banks, but without these and other similar banks, Tether cannot exist.

也许这些银行中的一家可以购买 Tether,而不是要求 Tether 去银行化。但他们为什么要这么做呢?当然不会是技术。由于公共区块链的透明度,部署智能合约 Tether 克隆的代码已经在互联网上了。

Maybe one of these banks could buy Tether, not ask him to go to bank. Why would they do that? Of course not technology. Because of the transparency of the public block chain, the code for deploying Tether clones is already on the Internet.

如果我是一家美国银行的首席执行官,让 Tether 得以存在,我会立即让他们脱离银行,并提供一种与之竞争的产品。第一家提供稳定币的美国银行将迅速占领市场。作为用户,持有摩根大通代币的风险低于 Tether。前者是“太大而不能倒”银行的负债,而后者本质上是整个帝国的负债。后者是整个美国银行体系及其监管机构所鄙视的一家私营公司的责任。

If I were the CEO of

我没有理由相信一家美国银行正在密谋推翻 Tether。但这样做是微不足道的。Tether 由在巴哈马群岛的加密货币提线木偶所有,其存在 100% 取决于美国银行系统的准入,为什么允许它在几个交易日内赚得比杰米?戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)还多?让你走的东西,嗯.....

I have no reason to believe that a

随着加密牛市的推进,任何与加密业务线相关的股票都将上涨。由于市场对不良商业房地产贷款感到恐慌,一家美国银行的股价正在下跌,该银行可能会通过进入加密稳定币市场来提高估值。这可能是美国银行最终与 Tether、Circle 等直接竞争所需的全部动机。

As the city moves forward with encryption cattle, any stock associated with encryption lines will rise. Since market prices for bad business

如果 Circle 的 IPO 进展顺利,预计将面临来自银行体系的挑战。像 Circle 和 Tether 这样的稳定币企业应该以低于收益的价格进行交易,因为它们没有竞争的护城河。Circle 可以接受 IPO 这一事实本身就是一出喜剧。

If Circle's IPO is going well, it is expected to face challenges from the banking system. Stable money firms like Circle and Tether should do business at lower prices than earnings, because they have no competitive moat. The fact that Circle can accept IPO is a comedy in itself.


Nothing is insurmountable

我刚刚解释了为什么美国银行体系摧毁 Tether 比在奥林匹克数学竞赛中击败卡罗琳?埃里森(Caroline Ellison)更容易。但是,作为加密生态系统,我们为什么要创造一种不同类型的与法币挂钩的稳定币呢?

I have just explained why

由于 Tether,我们知道加密资本市场需要一个与法币挂钩的稳定币。问题在于,银行提供的服务很差,因为没有竞争让它们变得更好。使用 Tether,任何有互联网连接的人都可以全天候使用美元支付。

Because Tether, we know that encryption capital markets require a stable currency tied to French currency. The problem is that banks provide poor services because there is no competition to make them better. With Tether, anyone with Internet connections can pay in dollars around the clock.

Tether 存在两个主要问题:

There are two main problems, Tether:

1. 用户不会从 Tether 的 NIM 中获得任何分成。

1. Users will not receive any share of Tether's NIM.

2. Tether 可以在一夜之间被美国银行系统关闭,即使它一切照章办事。

2. Tether may be shut down overnight by the

公平地说,任何货币的用户通常都不会分享铸币税收入。持有实物现金美元钞票并不能让你享受美联储的利润,但绝对可以享受它的损失。因此,USDT 的持有者不应该期望获得任何 Tether 的 NIM。然而,应该得到补偿的一个用户群是加密货币交易所。

To be fair, users of any currency usually don’t share in casting tax revenues. Holding cash in kind in dollars does not allow you to enjoy the Fed’s profits, but certainly to enjoy its losses. Therefore, the holder of USDT should not expect to receive any Teth’s NIM.

Tether 的主要用例是用于加密交易的融资货币。Tether 还提供了一种近乎即时的方式,在交易场所之间转移法币。交易所作为加密货币交易的场所赋予了 Tether 实用性,但他们没有得到任何回报。没有可以购买的 Tether 治理代币,为持有者提供对 NIM 的索赔。除非交易所在 Tether 的早期以某种方式获得股权,否则没有办法分享 Tether 的成功。这不是一个关于为什么 Tether 应该向交易所提供资金的悲伤故事。相反,这促使交易所支持稳定币发行人,该发行人将大部分 NIM 传递给持有者,并为交易所提供机会,在发行人开发的早期以便宜的估值购买治理代币。

The main example of Tether is the financing currency used to encrypt transactions. Tether also provides an almost instantaneous way of transferring French currency between trading places. The exchange, as a place for encrypted currency transactions, gives Teth practicality, but they do not receive any return. There is no purchaseable Teth to govern the currency, providing the holder with a claim against NIM. There is no way for the exchange to share Teth’s success unless it obtains equity in some way at an early stage in Teth. This is not a sad story about why Teth should fund the exchange.

很简单,如果想要超越 Tether,就必须将大部分 NIM 支付给稳定币持有者,并将廉价的治理代币出售给交易所。这就是你们吸血乌贼攻击法定稳定币的方式。

Simplely, if you want to go beyond Tether, you have to pay most of the NIM to stable currency holders and sell cheap governance tokens to the exchange. That is the way you smoke blood squid to attack the legal stable currency.

Ethena 完全按照这个剧本做了。USDe 的持有者可以直接在 Ethena 质押并获得大部分 NIM。主流交易所在早期融资中都投资了 Ethena。Ethena 拥有 Binance Labs、Bybit via Mirana、OKX Ventures、Deribit、Gemini 和 Kraken 作为交易所合作伙伴投资者。

The holder of the USDE can pledge directly to Ethena and obtain most of the NIM. The mainstream exchange has invested in Ethena in early financing. Ethena has Binance Labs, Bybit via Mirana, OKX Ventures, Deribit, Gemini and Kraken as exchange partner investors.

就这些交易所所代表的市场份额而言,它们覆盖了 ETH 在主要流交易所约 90% 的未平仓合约。

As far as the market shares represented by these exchanges are concerned, they cover about 90% of the unsavory contracts at the main stream exchange.


How does it work?

Ethena 是一种合成支持的法定加密美元。

Ethena is a syntheticly supported statutory encryption dollar.


ETH = Ether

stETH=Lido 质押 ETH 衍生品

StETH=Lido pledge ETH derivative



ETH/USD 永续掉期合约价值=价值 1 美元的 ETH 或 stETH=1 / ETH 或 stETH 美元价值

ETH/USD value = value of $1 ETH or stETH=1 / ETH or stETH United States dollar value


pegged exchange rate

USDe 是 Ethena 发行的稳定币,旨在与美元 1:1 挂钩。

The USDE is a stable currency issued by Ethena and is intended to be linked to the dollar of 1:1.

Ethena 加入了各种授权参与者 (AP)。AP 可以以 1:1 的比例铸造和销毁 USDe。

Ethena has joined various authorized participants (AP). AP can cast and destroy USDE in 1:1.



目前接受 stETH Lido、Mantle mETH、Binance WBETH、ETH。然后,Ethena 自动出售 ETH/USD 的永续合约,以锁定该 ETH 或 ETH LSD 的美元价值。然后,该协议将生成与空头对冲的美元价值相匹配的等量美元。

Currently, STETH Lido, Mantle METH, Binance WBETH, ETH. Then Ethena automatically sells ETH/USD a permanent contract to lock in the dollar value of the ETH or ETH LSD. Then the agreement will generate the equivalent dollar value corresponding to the dollar value of the empties.



1. AP 存入1 stETH,价值1万美元。

1. AP deposited in 1 stETH, valued at $10,000.

2. Ethena 卖出 10,000 ETH/USD / 永续掉期合约=10,000 美元/ 1 美元合约价值。

Ethena sells 10,000 ETH/USD/ permanent contract = $10,000/US$ 1 contract value.

3. AP 收到 10,000 USDe,因为 Ethena 卖出了 10,000 ETH/USD 的永续掉期合约。

3. AP received 10,000 USDE because Ethena sold 10,000 ETH/USD for permanent renewal.


Destruction :

要销毁 USDe,AP 将 USDe 存入 Ethena。然后,Ethena 会自动覆盖其 ETH/USD 永续合约空头头寸的一部分,从而解锁一定数量的美元价值。然后,该协议将销毁 USDe,并根据解锁的美元价值总量减去执行费用返回一定数量的 ETH 或 ETH LSD。

To destroy USDE, AP deposits USDE in Ethena. Then Ethena automatically covers part of its ETH/USD permanent contract empty position, thereby unlocking a certain amount of dollar value. Then the agreement destroys USDE and returns a certain amount of ETH or ETH LSD according to the total dollar value of the unlocked, minus the cost of execution.



1. AP 存款 1 万美元。

1. $10 million in AP deposits.

2. Ethena 回购 10,000 份 ETH/USD / 永续掉期合约=10,000 美元/ 1 美元合约价值

2. Ethena buys 10,000 ETH/ USDD/ permanent contract = $10,000/ $1 contract value

3. AP 收到 1

3. AP Received 1

stETH=10,000 * $1 / $10,000 stETH/美元减去执行费用

StETH = 10,000 * $1 / $10,000 stETH/US$ less implementation costs

为了理解为什么最初 USDe 应该在像 Curve 这样的稳定币交易平台上以略高于美元的价格交易,我将解释为什么用户想要持有 USDe。

To understand why USD should initially be traded at a price slightly higher than the dollar on a stable currency trading platform like Curve, I will explain why users want to hold USD.

USDe 收益率

USDE rate of return

ETH 质押收益率和 ETH/USD 永续合约资金的组合相当于高合成美元收益率。为了获得此收益,USDe 持有者将其直接质押在 Ethena 应用程序上。只需不到一分钟即可开始赚取收益。

The combination of ETH pledge rates and ETH/USD permanent contract funds is equivalent to a high synthetic dollar rate of return. In order to obtain this benefit, the USDE holder pledges it directly on the Ethena application.

已经持有收益少得多的美元稳定币的用户将转向 sUSDe。这提供了买方压力,并将推高 Curve 池中的 USDe 价格。当 USDe 以足够高的溢价交易时,AP 将介入并从中套利。

Users who already hold a much less profitable dollar-stabilized currency will turn to sUSDE. This provides buyer pressure and pushes up the USDE price in the Curve pool. When USDE deals at a sufficiently high premium, AP will intervene and hedge.

想象一下:1 USDe=2 USDT。如果AP可以用1 USDT 价值的 ETH 或stETH 创造 1 USDe,他们可以获得无风险的 1 美元利润。过程如下:

Imagine: 1 USDe=2 USDT. If AP can create 1 USDE with an ETH or stETH value of 1 USDT, they can get a risk-free $1 profit. The process is as follows:

1. 电汇美元到交易所。

1. The wire transfer of United States dollars to the exchange.

2. 卖出 1 美元换取 ETH 或 ETH。

2. Sale of US$ 1 in exchange for ETH or ETH.

3. 在 Ethena app 上存入 ETH 或 stETH,可获得 1 USDe。

3. 1 USDE is available for deposit on Ethena app with ETH or stETH.

4. 在 Curve 上存入 USDe,然后以 2 USDT 的价格出售。

4. Deposit on Curve USDE and sell it at a price of 2 USDDT.

5. 在交易所以 2 美元的价格卖出 2 USDT,并将美元提取到银行账户。

5. Sale of 2 USDT on the exchange at a price of US$ 2 and withdrawal of the dollar to a bank account.

如果用户相信 Ethena 是安全的,并且收益是真实的,那么在这个假设的例子中,流通中的 USDT 会下降,流通中的 USDe 会上升。

If users believe that Ethena is safe and that the benefits are real, then in this hypothetical example, the USDT in circulation will fall and the USDE in circulation will rise.

Terra USD(UST)收益率

Terra USD(UST) rate of return

太多加密货币行业的人认为,Ethena 会像 UST 一样失败。UST 是附属于 Terra/Luna 生态系统的稳定币。Anchor 是 Terra 生态系统中的一个去中心化货币市场协议,为那些质押 UST 的人提供了 20% 的年收益率。人们可以存入 UST,然后 Anchor 将存款贷给借款人。

Too many people in the crypto-currency industry believe that Ethena will fail like a UST. UST is a stable currency attached to the Terra/Luna ecosystem. Ancor is a decentralized money market agreement in the Terra ecosystem, providing 20% annual return for those who pledge UST. People can deposit it into the UST, and then Ancor lends the deposit to the borrower.

任何稳定币发行人都必须说服用户,为什么他们应该从 Tether 转向新产品,通常是 Tether。高收益率是促使这种转变的原因。

Any steady currency issuer must convince users why they should move from Tether to a new product, usually Tether. A high rate of return is the reason for this shift.

UST 是由 Luna 支持的,而比特币是通过出售 Luna 购买的。Luna 是生态系统的治理代币。该基金会拥有 Luna 的大部分股份。由于 Luna 的价格很高,基金会将 Luna 卖给了 UST,以支付高昂的 UST 利率。利率不是用实物美元支付的,而是你赚了更多的 UST 代币。虽然 UST 与美元保持 1:1 的挂钩,但市场认为,如果 UST 持有更多,美元也会持有更多。

UST is supported by Luna, and Bitcoin is purchased through the sale of Luna. Luna is an ecosystem management token. The Foundation owns most of Luna’s shares. Because of the high price of Luna, the Foundation sells Luna to UST to pay high UST interest rates. The interest rate is not paid in kind, but you earn more UST. While UST maintains a link to the dollar of 1:1, the market believes that if UST holds more, the dollar will hold more.

随着 Anchor 锁定的 UST 总价值的增长,其 UST 利息支出也在增长。基金会继续出售 Luna 以补贴 Anchor 的 UST 奖励,这已经变得不可持续。这种收益只是因为市场认为Luna应该值数十亿美元。

As the total UST value targeted by Ancher increases, so does its UST interest expenditure. The Foundation continues to sell Luna to subsidize the Ust incentive for Anchoor, which has become unsustainable. This gain is simply because the market believes that Luna should be worth billions of dollars.

当 Luna 的价格开始下跌时,算法稳定币的死亡螺旋开始了。由于 Luna 的铸造和燃烧方式使 UST 与美元保持 1:1 的挂钩,随着 Luna 价值的下跌,维持 UST 与美元的挂钩变得更加困难。一旦挂钩汇率被猛烈地打破,所有积累在 Anchor 上的利息都变得一文不值。

When Luna’s prices began to fall, the death spiral of the algorithm stabilizes the currency. As Luna’s casting and burning patterns keep UST tied to the dollar by 1:1, maintaining the UST to the dollar becomes more difficult as Luna’s value falls. Once the pegged exchange rate is broken, all interest accumulated on Ancor becomes worthless.

Ethena 收益率

Ethena rate of return

USDe 产生收益的方式与 UST 完全不同。Ethena 持有两种产生收益的资产。

USDe generates the proceeds in a completely different way from UST. Ethena holds two assets that generate the proceeds.

质押 ETH:


ETH 使用Lido (stETH)等流动性质押衍生品进行质押。stETH 赚取 ETH 质押收益。ETH 存放在 Lido 上。Lido 运行以 ETH 存款资本化的验证节点,并将以太坊网络支付的 ETH 汇给 stETH 持有者。

ETH uses mobile derivatives such as Lido (stETH) for pledge. StETH earns ETH pledge proceeds. ETH is stored on Lido. Lido runs the validation node for capitalization of ETH deposits and remits the ETH paid in the Tails network to the STETH holder.


Permanent contract:

永续合约掉期是连续的短期期货合约。大多数永续合约的资金费率每 8 小时重置一次。资金费率基于永续合约相对于现货的溢价或折价。如果在过去 8 小时内,永续合约相对于现货交易溢价 1%,则下一期的资金费率将为 +1%。如果资金利率为正,则多头支付空头;如果利率为负数,则反之亦然。

The financial rate is based on the premium or discount on a permanent contract against a spot. If, within the last eight hours, a permanent contract over a current transaction premium of 1%, the funding rate for the next period will be +1%. If the interest rate is positive, more payments will be made; if the interest rate is negative, so will the reverse.

Ethena 持有空头永续掉期头寸,以锁定其持有的质押 ETH 的美元价值。因此,如果资金为正数,Ethena 将获得利息收入。如果为负数,则支付利息。显然,作为 USDe 持有者,我们希望确信 Ethena 将获得利息而不是支付利息。问题是,为什么 ETH/USD 应该在远期基础上溢价交易?

Ethena holds an empty and permanent replacement position to lock in the dollar value of the pledge ETH it holds. Thus, if the money is positive, Ethena will receive interest income. If it is negative, interest will be paid. Obviously, as a USDE holder, we want to be sure that Ethena will receive interest instead of paying interest. The question is, why should ETH/USD have a premium on a forward-term basis?

以太坊现在是一种通货紧缩货币。美元是通货膨胀的货币。如果未来 ETH 减少而美元增加,那么 ETH/USD 应该在远期基础上以更高的汇率交易。这意味着,任何杠杆远期衍生品(如期权掉期)的交易价格都应高于现货价格。资金在很大程度上应该是积极的,这意味着 Ethena 会收到利息。数据支持了这一点。

It is now a deflationary currency. The dollar is the currency of inflation. If the future ETH decreases and the dollar increases, the ETH/USD should be traded at a higher exchange rate on a forward basis. This means that the transaction price for any leveraged forward derivative (as option swaps) should be higher than the spot price. The money should be very positive, which means that Ethena will receive interest.

什么会导致以太坊从通货紧缩货币变成通货膨胀货币?如果以太坊的网络使用量急剧下降,那么每个区块燃烧的 ETH gas 就会少得多。在这种情况下,以太坊区块奖励将大于以太坊 gas 的消耗。

What would lead to a shift from deflationary currency to inflation currency? If the use of Taepan’s network dropped sharply, there would be a much smaller number of ETH gass burning per block.


America’s politicians should not spend that much more on re-election. The Fed must reduce its balance sheet to zero.


I believe that neither scenario is likely to happen; therefore, there is reason to expect that the financing rate will be positive for most of the period in the foreseeable future.

USDe 不是 UST。

USD is not UST.

ETH 质押收益率和正永续掉期资金费率的结合是产生 USDe 收益的原因。收益率不是基于 Ethena 治理代币的价值。USDe 和 UST 以完全不同的方式产生收益。

The combination of the ETH pledge rate and the current funding rate is the reason for the USDE rate of return. The rate of return is not based on the value of Ethena’s governing tokens. The USDE and UST generate returns in a completely different way.

Ethena 风险

Ethena Risk

Ethena 存在交易对手风险。Ethena 不是去中心化的,它也不打算去中心化。Ethena 在衍生品中心化交易所持有空头永续合约头寸。如果 CEX 由于任何原因无法支付永续合约头寸的利润,或者无法退还存入的抵押品,那么 Ethena 将遭受资本损失。Ethena 试图通过将资金交给第三方托管人来降低直接交易对手风险,例如:

Ethena is at risk. Ethena is not going to centralize. Ethena holds an empty contract position at the derivatives centralization exchange. If CEX cannot pay the profits of the permanent contract position for any reason or return the collateral deposited, then Ethena will suffer a loss of capital. Ethena is trying to mitigate the risk of a direct counterparty by handing the funds over to a third-party trustee, for example:

Tether 的交易对手风险在于传统金融银行。Ethena 的交易对手风险来自衍生品 CEX 和加密货币托管人。

The counterparty risk for Tether is a traditional financial bank.

CEX 是 Ethena 的投资者,在不被黑客入侵并确保其衍生品获得适当支付方面拥有既得利益。衍生品 CEX 是最赚钱的加密公司,他们希望保持这种状态。祸害你的客户可不是什么好生意。随着 Ethena 的增长,衍生品未平仓合约的增长,CEX 的费用收入也随之增加。所有的激励都是一致的。CEX 们希望 Ethena 做得好。

CEX is Ethena’s investor and has a vested interest in not hacking and ensuring that its derivatives are properly paid. Derivative CEX is the most profitable encryption company, and they want to keep it that way.

Tether 的产品有助于加密资本市场的运作。加密货币存在于去中介化的 TradFi 银行中。TradFi 银行希望加密货币失败。从基本面来看,Tether 的银行业务加速了 TradFi 的消亡。激励机制并不一致。TradFi 银行不希望 Tether 做得好,它们的监管机构也不希望。

Tether’s products help to encrypt the operation of capital markets. Encrypted money exists in de-intermediated TreadFi banks. TreadFi banks want to encrypt money to fail. In basic terms, Tether’s banking operations have accelerated the disappearance of TreadFi. Incentives are not consistent. TreadFi banks do not want Tether to do well, nor do their regulators.

LSD 智能合约和削减风险

LSD Smart Contract and Risk Reduction

Ethena 持有 ETH LSD。它面临智能合约风险。例如,Lido 可能会出现一些问题,使 stETH 变得毫无价值。此外,还有被削减的风险。当以太坊节点网络验证者违反某些规则时,就会发生削减。作为惩罚,验证者持有的 ETH 资本会减少,也就是削减。

Ethena holds ETH LSD. It is exposed to smart contract risks. Lido, for example, may have problems making stETH worthless. Moreover, there is a risk of being cut off. When Taiwan network certifiers violate certain rules, cuts occur. As a punishment, the ETH capital held by the certifiers will be reduced, that is, cut.


Negative fund rate

正如我之前提到的,永续资金费率可能在很长一段时间内为负。永续资金费率可能会降至负值,以至于 Ethena 的资产净值低于发行的美元,然后 USDe 将脱钩。

As I mentioned earlier, the funding rate may be negative for a long time. The funding rate may fall to a negative level, so that Ethena's net assets are less than the US dollar issued, and USD will decouple.

Ethena 智能合约风险

Ethena Smart Contract Risk

就像 Tether 一样,Ethena 在公链上运行智能合约。代码中可能存在导致意外行为的错误,最终导致 USDe 持有者遭受损失。通常,黑客会试图免费制造大量稳定币,然后在 Uniswap 或 Curve 等平台上交易另一种加密货币。随着稳定币的供应增加,而支持稳定币的资产却没有同样的增加,这就导致了脱钩。

Like Tether, Ethena runs a smart contract on the public chain. There may be errors in the code that lead to unexpected behavior, which eventually leads to losses for USDE holders. Usually, hackers try to make large amounts of stable currency for free, and then trade another encrypted currency on platforms like Uniswap or Curve. As the supply of stable currency increases, there is no similar increase in assets that support stable currency, which leads to decoupling.

然而,以太坊智能合约相对简单,其大部分复杂性位于链下工程。链上铸币/赎回合约只有大约 600 行代码,只有批准的参与者才能与链上最敏感的合约进行交互,这有助于降低这种风险,阻止恶意的未知交易对手与之交互。

However, it is relatively simple, and most of its complexity lies in the chain of engineering. Only about 600 lines of code are used to cast money on the chain/foreclosure contracts, and only approved participants can interact with the most sensitive contracts on the chain, which helps to reduce this risk and prevent malicious unknown traders from interacting with it.


The limits of growth

USDe 的流通供应量只能与交易所 ETH 期货和永续掉期合约的总未平仓合约一样大。实物支持的法定稳定币的流通供应量约为 1300 亿美元。ETH 在 Ethena 交易的所有交易所的未平仓合约总额约为 85 亿美元,在所有交易所约为 120 亿美元,另外还有 310 亿美元的 BTC 合约未平仓合约,一旦 Ethena 决定将 BTC 作为抵押品,Ethena 就可以利用这些合约。凭借约 430 亿美元的 BTC 和 ETH 未平仓合约,鉴于目前的市场状况,Ethena不可能占据第一的位置。虽然 Ethena 从 ETH 开始,但 BTC 和 SOL 很容易添加到他们的系统中,这只是一个排序问题。

USDE's liquidity supply can only be as large as the stock of stock exchange ETH futures and permanent lease contracts. The flow of legal stable currency in kind support is about US$ 130 billion. The total amount of unsettled contracts for all exchanges traded by ETH at Ethena is about US$ 8.5 billion, about US$ 12 billion for all exchanges, and a further US$ 31 billion BTC contract is open, and Ethena can use these contracts once Ethena decides to use BTC as collateral. With some US$ 43 billion BTC and ETH unstied contracts, it is unlikely that Ethena will be in the first position, given the current market situation. Although Ethena started with Ethena, BTC and SOL can easily be added to their systems, which is just a matter of sequencing.

虽然以上是真的,但记住我说过 Ethena 将在许多年后加冕为国王。随着加密货币作为一种资产类别的增长,总未平仓量将呈指数级增长。一些人认为,加密货币作为一种资产类别,在这个周期将达到 10 万亿美元。在这个层面上,考虑到以太坊是法定市值第二大的加密货币,以太坊的未平仓量可能超过 1 万亿美元并不荒谬。

Although this is true, remember that I said that Ethena will be crowned king after many years. With the growth of encrypted currency as an asset class, the total unscathed volume will increase exponentially. Some argue that encrypted currency, as an asset class, will reach $10 trillion in this cycle.

Ethena 将随着加密货币的增长而增长。

Ethena will grow as the encoded currency grows.


Insurance Fund

保险基金的存在是为了减轻由于上述一些风险而造成的经济损失。如果资金费率变为负值或汇率脱钩,这些基金将在公开市场上充当 USDe 的竞标者。该基金由稳定币(USDT 和 USDC)、stETH 和 USDe/USD LP 头寸组成。目前,该保险基金的资金来自于Ethena Labs的几轮融资,以及 USDe 产生的部分收益。未来,随着美元的流通供应增加,这些基金将获得长期收益率。在撰写本文时,该保险基金为 1600 万美元。

The existence of an insurance fund is intended to mitigate the economic losses resulting from some of the above-mentioned risks. If the fund rate becomes negative or decoupled, these funds will act as biders for USDE on the open market. The fund consists of stable currency (USDT and USDC), stETH and USDE/USD LP positions. Currently, the fund is financed from several rounds of Ethena Labs, as well as some of the benefits from USDE. In the future, these funds will receive a long-term return as the flow of the dollar increases. At the time of writing, the fund is $16 million.

USDT 和 USDe 都不是没有风险的。然而,风险是不同的。Tether 和 Ethena 最终可能会失败,但原因不同。

The USDT and the USde are not risk-free. However, the risks are different. Tether and Ethena may eventually fail, but for different reasons.


Governance token

随着人们开始相信 USDe 的收益率不是虚浮的,流通中的 USDe 将会增长。

As people begin to believe that the USDE rate of return is not inflated, the USDE in circulation will grow.

下一步是拥有王国的一部分。这就是即将到来的 Ethena 治理代币发挥作用的地方。

The next step is to have a part of the kingdom. That's where Ethena will be running the token.

评估 Ethena

Assessment of Ethena

像任何货币发行者一样,Ethena 的生死都取决于铸币税。这就是创造货币的成本与货币所能买到的真实商品之间的区别。我想提出一个简单的模型,根据这些铸币税收入来评估 Ethena。对于那些可能在未来几个月购买 Ethena 治理代币的人来说,你至少应该尝试构建一个模型来评估该协议。

Like any money issuer, the life and death of Ethena depends on a monetization tax. That is the difference between the cost of creating a currency and the real goods that money can buy. I would like to propose a simple model from which to assess Ethena’s income from these mooring taxes.

任何发行的 USDe 都可以质押并赚取 ETH 质押和永续资金收益。截至目前,Ethena 分配支持 sUSDe 的资产产生的收益,而支持无抵押 USDe 的资产产生的收益则发送给保险基金,以后该收入将进入协议。我估计,长期拆分将是 80% 的协议生成收益累积到有质押的 USDe (sUSDe),而产生的收益的 20% 归 Ethena 协议所有。

To date, Ethena distributes the proceeds generated by assets that support sUSDE, while the proceeds generated by assets that support unencumbered USDE are sent to the insurance fund, which will then enter into the agreement. I estimate that the long-term split will be 80% of the proceeds generated by the agreement accumulated into the pledged USDE (USDE) and 20% of the proceeds from the Ethena agreement.

Ethena 协议年收入=总收益率 (1–80% (1 - sUSDe 供应量 / USDe 供应量))

Ethena annual income = total rate of return (1-80 per cent (1-sUSDE supply / USDE supply))

如果质押了 100% 的 USDe,即 sUSDe 供应量=USDe 供应量:

If a pledge of 100% USDE, i. e. sUSDE supply = USDE supply:

Ethena 协议年收入=总收益 * 20%

Ethena annual income = total gain * 20%

总收益率=USDe供应量* (ETH 质押收益率 + ETH 永续资金费率收入)

Total rate of return = USDe supply* (ETH pledge rate + ETH income from the sustainable fund rate)

以太坊质押收益率和 ETH 永续资金费率是可变利率。最近的历史可以引导我们走向未来的可能性。

The rate of return on talisman pledge and the ETH rate is variable. Recent history can lead us to the possibility of the future.

ETH 质押收益率 — 我假设 4% 的年收益率

ETH Pledge rate -- I assume 4% annual rate of return

ETH 永续资金费率 — 我假设 20% 的年收益率。

ETH funding rate -- I assume 20% annual rate of return.

质押百分比 — 目前,只有 28% 的 USDe 被质押。我预计这个数字会随着时间的推移而上升。我假设未来将有 50% 的质押。

The percentage of pledges – currently, only 28% of USDEs are being pledged. I expect this number to rise over time. I assume 50% of pledges will be made in the future.

该模型的关键部分是完全稀释估值(FDV)与收入倍数的比值。这总是一个猜谜游戏,但我将基于可比较的 DeFi 稳定币项目提出一些未来的路径。

The key part of the model is a total dilution of the value of the valuation (FDV) to the income multiplier. It's always a puzzle game, but I'll propose some future paths based on a comparable DeFi stabilization project.

使用这些倍数作为指导,我创建了以下潜在的 Ethena FDV。

Using these multiples as a guide, I created the following potential Ethena FDV.

横轴是以数十亿为单位的美元供应量。纵轴是 FDV/Rev 倍数。

The horizontal axis is the supply of billions of dollars in dollars. The vertical axis is the FDV/Rev multiplier.

Ondo 是稳定币板块最新最热门的选手。该公司现金流入量约为 60 亿美元,营收只有 900 万美元,市盈率为 630 倍。呜!Ethena 的估值可以达到类似的高度吗?

Ondo is the newest and hottest player in the steady currency plate. The company’s cash inflows are about $6 billion, with a revenue of only $9 million, and a market gain of 630 times. Can Ethena’s valuation reach similar heights?

本周,Ethena 8.2 亿美元的资产产生了 67% 的收益率。按照 sUSDe 与 USDe 的供应比例为 50% 的情况推算,Ethena 的年化收入约为 3 亿美元。如果使用 Ondo 这样的估值,该公司的外部增加值将达到 1890 亿美元。这是否意味着 Ethena 的 FDV 在推出时将接近 2000 亿美元?不。但这确实意味着市场将为未来的 Ethena 收入支付巨额费用。

This week, Ethena's $820 million of assets generated a 67 per cent return. The annualized income of Ethena is about $300 million, based on a 50 per cent supply ratio of SUSDE to USDE. Using valuations like Ondo, the company's external value added would be $189.0 billion. Does this mean that Ethena's FDV would be close to $200 billion at the time of its launch? No.


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