
资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:30 评论:0



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1 DeFi的概念

1 DeFi concept

DeFi:Decentralized Finance,去中心化金融或者分布式金融,是一场能够让用户在无需依靠中心化实体的情况下使用诸如借贷和交易等金融服务的运动,主要是为了解决市场摩擦、不可获取性和监管的不确定性等困扰当前银行系统的问题,让每个人都可以获取金融服务,而不接受任何形式的审查。它并非是单个的产品或公司,而是一些替代银行、保险、债券和货币市场等机构的产品和服务,主要运行在公链上(如以太坊)。

DeFi: Decentralized Finance, decentralized or distributed finance, is a movement that allows users to use financial services such as loans and transactions without relying on a centralized entity, primarily to address the problems that plague the current banking system, such as market friction, uncertainty of accessibility and regulation, so that everyone has access to financial services without being subjected to any form of censorship. It is not a single product or company, but rather a substitute for the products and services of institutions such as banks, insurance, bonds and money markets, which operate mainly on the public chain (e.g., the Taiwan).

2 DeFi的主要类别

2 DeFi main category


(1) Stable currency: Decentralized currency is created through over-collateralization and operates entirely on district centralized books, administered by decentralised self-governing organizations, and whose reserves are publicly audited by any person.


(2) Lending: Decentralized lending allows anyone to encumber their digital assets and then use the mortgage assets to obtain a loan. At the same time, users can benefit from their assets and participate in the loan market by infusing the assets into the lending pool to earn interest.


(3) Exchanges: Users use currency injections such as Coinbase, which are centralized exchanges, meaning that they are also intermediaries and custodians of traded assets. Users of such exchanges do not have full control over their assets and face significant losses in the event of a hacker attack on a transaction that results in their inability to pay their debts.


(4) Derivatives: derivatives are designed to replicate the actual assets held without actual execution or to simulate different ways of investing in the underlying assets (i.e. to provide derivatives that are empty or leveraged).


(5) Fund management: Fund management is primarily proactive and reactive, active fund management has a management team responsible for investment decision-making, passive fund management has no management team and has been designed to be as close as possible to the performance of a particular benchmark, and in DeFi some projects have begun to allow passive fund management to be achieved in a decentralized manner.


(6) Payments: A key role of encrypted currency is to allow both parties to make decentralized transfers without any need for trust.


(7) Insurance: Insurance is a risk management strategy. When an unfortunate event occurs, individuals can obtain financial security and compensation from insurance companies, and it is very common for individuals to buy insurance for the health and life of a car’s family. Therefore, is there any central insurance coverage in DeFi? Because of the large transfer of funds, the locked tokens in all smart contracts are vulnerable to smart contract loopholes. Although most projects have been audited, we always really determine whether the smart contract is really safe, and there is always a risk of loss as a result of hacking attacks, highlighting the need for insurance, especially when users deal with large amounts of money on DeFi.


(8) Lottery: As the creative and subversive financial applications of DeFi evolve, they become popular in accessing financial services and remove intermediaries, and in conjunction with the DeFi lottery, the trustee of the pool can be transferred to the Etherno Smart Contract.

3 DeFi的主要项目

3 DeFi main project


MakerDAO在DeFi领域是龙头老大,据DEFI PULSE的数据显示,DeFi锁仓总市值达到9.575亿美元,而MakerDAO就占了其中5.447亿美元,比重高达56.89%。MakerDAO 是建立在太坊上的去中心化的衍生金融体系,它采用了双币模式,一种为稳定币 Dai,另一种为权益代币和管理型代币 MKR。通过双币机制,MakerDAO使得整个去中心化的质押贷款体系得以运转。

MakerDAO is the leader in the DeFi field. According to DEFI PulSE, the total market value of the DeFi lockup was $957.5 million, of which MakerDAO accounted for $544.7 million, or 56.89 per cent. MakerDAO is a decentralized derivative financial system based on the Taiku, using a double currency model, one for stable currency, Dai, and the other for equity and management currency, MKR. Through the dual currency mechanism, MakerDAO has enabled the entire decentralised mortgage system to function.



The Compoun agreement creates a non-intermediated lending platform for borrowers to obtain benefits, for lenders to pay interest, and its new ERC-20 proxies, cToken, allows users to borrow more easily. If the cDAI is supported in exchange with DAI, the DAI holder can lend the coin to the cDAI user.



Synthetix is based on an agreement to issue synthetic assets in Taiku, without having to deal with both sides of the deal, without fear of liquidity and slide points, and can be traded directly on Synthetix in a decentralised manner, through smart contracts, transactions that are smart contracts, not purchase book transactions. Its unique trading experience and advantages are thus.

参考资料:Darren Lau,Dary Lau,Teh Sze Jin et al.How to DeFi(中文版)[M].由CoinGecko出品

References: Darren Lau, Dary Lau, Teh Sze Jin et al. How to DeFi [M]. by




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