To facilitate instant access to the information on the chain and participation in the chain, aelf issues the block-chain browser as a companion tool for the aelf ecology.
1. aelf区块链浏览器概述
1. Aelf Block Chain Browser Overview
The aelf block chain browser is used primarily for monitoring and searching the main chain and its side chain information.
Through aelf block chain browser, users are able to:
(1) View: basic data such as number of transactions per minute, block height, total number of transactions, total number of accounts, number of applications, number of side chains;
(2) Query: specific information on block height, transaction ID, address can be consulted;
(3) Co-construction: participation in the construction of aelf ecosystems through nodes campaigns, purchase of resources, contract review, etc.
2.aelf Public Test Web Browser Address
主链: https://explorer-test.aelf.io
Main chain: https://explorer-test-side01.aelf.io/
3 aelf区块链浏览器使用说明
3 aelf block chain browser instructions
3.1 使用aelf区块链浏览器查看全网概况
3.1 Aelf block chain browser used to view the full web profile
You can view the basic data on aelf ecosystem operations on the home page of the browser: the number of transactions per minute, the current block height, the total number of transactions, the total number of accounts, the number of applications, the number of side chains, etc.;
3.2 使用aelf区块链浏览器查看合约详情及历史记录
3.2 View contract details and historical records using aelf block chain browser
3.3 使用aelf区块链浏览器查看区块及交易详情
3.3 Use aelf block chain browser to view blocks and transaction details
3.4 使用aelf区块链浏览器查看地址信息
3.4 View address information using aelf block chain browser
3.5 使用aelf区块链浏览器进行节点竞选及投票
3.5 Node campaigning and voting using aelf block chain browser
3.6 使用aelf区块链浏览器进行资源购买
3.6 Resource purchase using aelf block chain browser
Users can purchase CPU resources, RAM resources, DISK resources, NET resources, READ resources, WRITE resources, STORAGE resources, TRAFFIC resources for chain governance through the aelf block chain browser.
3.7 使用aelf区块链浏览器进行提案操作
3.7 Proposal operation with aelf block chain browser
Users can use the aelf block chain browser to view, initiate proposals, and establish their own organization to be deeply involved in chain governance.
Aelf Browser Viewing Proposals
Aelf Browser Launch Proposals
Aelf Browser Viewes and Creates Organizations
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