
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:29 评论:0



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11 月 13 - 14日,由中国人民大学区块链研究院、上海可一澈科技有限公司(简称“可一科技”)、CSDN 联合主办的“2021上海区块链开发者大会”在外滩成功举行。本次大会邀请了国内外区块链领域的知名学者与技术专家,共同解读区块链底层的技术突破,探讨行业的创新趋势与未来机遇。

On November 13-14, a conference of 2021 Shanghai chain developers, co-sponsored by the China People's University Block Chain Research Institute, Shanghai Science and Technology Company Ltd. (“Technology and Technology”), and CSDN, was successfully held on the outer beach. The conference invited leading scholars and technical experts in the area of block chains, both domestic and foreign, to read together the technological breakthroughs at the bottom of the block chain, and to explore innovative trends and future opportunities in the industry.

开幕式当天,在线上线下数万名嘉宾与媒体的见证下,CSDN(长沙)首席技术官陈玉龙和可一科技 CEO 兼 BSV 区块链中国站负责人李慧子正式宣布,推出 CSDN 与 BSV 区块链微认证项目,树立区块链技术人才新标准,推动区块链行业与人才市场高质量发展。

On the opening day, with the testimony of tens of thousands of online guests and the media, the Chief Technical Officer of CSDN (Longsa) Chen Yulong and the Head of the Chinese Station, CEO and BSV Block Chain, Li Huiko, officially announced the launch of the CSDN and BSV Block Chain Microcertification Project, the establishment of new standards for technical talent in block chains and the promotion of high-quality development in the sector and the talent market.

左:可一科技 CEO 兼 BSV 区块链中国站负责人李慧子

Left: one technology CEO and BSV Chief of Block Chain China Station, Li Huixiang


Right: Chen Yulong, CSDN Chief Technical Officer


The sector chain industry thrives, and the scarcity of human resources is a constraint


While the block chain was born as a mathematical model in encrypted digital currency applications, after more than a decade of intensive innovation has broken out around the block chain, digital certificates have provided good solutions for autonomous organizations, and smart contracts have allowed the block chain to evolve into an infrastructure and another cloud service to go to the centre.

国务院发布《“十三五”国家信息化规划》首次将区块链纳入新技术范畴并作前沿布局;中央网信办、国务院办公厅等 18 个部门和单位印发通知,组织开展国家区块链创新应用试点行动;由中国人民银行发行的数字形式的法定货币——数字人民币,也将区块链技术作为主要的探索方向之一。这些都预示着区块链技术未来将具备更广泛的应用前景。

The State Council issued the 13th Five-Year National Informatization Plan, which for the first time included the block chain in the scope of new technologies and provided a front-line layout; 18 departments and offices, including the Central Networking Office and the State Council Office, issued circulars to organize pilot initiatives on innovative applications of the country's block chain; and the digital legal currency, the digital renminbi, issued by the People's Bank of China, also included block chain technology as one of the main avenues for exploration. All of this augurs well for wider applications of block chain technology in the future.


The development of block-chain applications has become a necessity, yet the block-chain itself has a high technical threshold, and the development of a complete innovative block-chain project involves both a wide range and depth of technology, making it extremely difficult for traditional industries to rely on block-chain technological innovations for deployment.


Micro-certification of BSV block chain development engineer capabilities - animated short film (click to view)

作为中国专业的 IT 开发者社区,在过去20年企业发展中,CSDN 见证和参与了中国软件产业的发展,并在技术传播和人才培养与供给等方面做出了卓越的贡献。目前 CSDN 聚集了超过3200万用户,并在今年初推出了 CSDN 软件工程师能力认证,通过清晰定义软件工程师能力模型,筛选合格软件人才,助力数字经济发展。

As a professional IT developer community in China, CSDN has witnessed and participated in the development of China’s software industry over the past 20 years, and has made excellent contributions in terms of technology diffusion and talent development and supply. Currently, CSDN brings together more than 32 million users, and launched the CSDN software engineer competency certification earlier this year, screening qualified software talent through a clear definition of the software engineer’s capability model, and contributing to digital economic development.

而BSV区块链作为超高性能的全球公链,不仅能以超低的费用处理海量数据,还支持智能合约、通证方案、CA 证书管理等众多数据功能。随着 BSV 区块链技术标准委员会的成立, BSV 区块链的使用场景进一步拓宽,其在区块链开发者群体中的影响力也日益提升。

The BSV block chain, as a global public chain with super-performance, not only handles big data at a very low cost, but also supports a wide range of data functions, such as smart contracts, translator programs, and CA certificate management. With the establishment of the BSV block chain technical standards committee, the BSV block chain is being used on a wider scale, and its influence among the community of developers of the block chain is increasing.

在此背景下,CSDN 与 BSV 区块链微认证项目的推出有着重要的意义。BSV 区块链中国站负责人李慧子表示,很多区块链学习者都希望自己能尽快掌握相应的开发技能,但是却找不到正确的学习路径,区块链产业的发展需要让学习者真正高效学习,“这次推出微认证也是我们社会责任感的体现。区块链产业的愿景很好,但是我们要脚踏实地,帮助更多的年轻人更快、更顺利地加入到区块链领域。 ”

In this context, the development of the CSDN and the BSV section chain microcertification project is important. The BSV block chain manager, Li Huiko, said that many block chain learners wanted to acquire the appropriate development skills as soon as possible, but did not find the right learning path, and that the development of the block chain industry needed to enable learners to learn effectively and efficiently.


From infrastructure to application development, a new path to the growth of technologists in building block chains


Most of the early block chain-related applications relied on highly talented, learning-and-coding, individual engineers to provoke the Great Liang Kaishan faction. Now, as the industry has evolved, technology has improved, more abstract intermediate-level components have been developed by engineers and released to the network, and the difficulty of developing block-chain applications has been reduced, but the complexity of the application landscape has been increasing, which has made it difficult for the previous one-person, two-person, four-person development model to continue to adapt to the industry.

在 CSDN(长沙)首席技术官陈玉龙看来,未来区块链应用的开发也会慢慢走向类似 Web 开发的方式,也就是对区块链技术栈进行分层,一部分工程师从事基础设施的开发主要解决如共识协议、分布式存储、网络广播等偏底层技术问题;一部分做应用场景业务创新,主要集中在商业模式的创造和规则设计,他们的主要工作任务就是编写智能合约;当然应用最终是要交到普通用户手上的,DApp 也需要有客户端,因此区块链的整个开发生态中,客户端程序员依然会是主角。

In the view of Chen Yulong, Chief Technical Officer of CSDN (Longsa), the development of future block chain applications will also move slowly towards a similar form of Web development, i.e. a layering of block chain technology stores, with some engineers engaged in infrastructure development primarily addressing bottom-down technical issues such as consensus agreements, distributional storage, webcasting, etc.; some of the innovations in the application landscape are focused on the creation and design of business models, and their main task is to prepare smart contracts; of course, applications are ultimately intended to reach ordinary users, and the Dapp needs to have a client, so that the client-end programmer will remain the main player in the whole development ecology of the block chain.


In response to this trend, Chen Yulong stated that “the block chain has gradually become an infrastructure, we also need to stratification the block chain, and in the future there will be someone specializing in the infrastructure, that is, the wheel builder, but we will not need to repeat the wheels, but we will need to do more to develop the application of the block chain as a business innovation”.

毫无疑问,对开发岗位进行细分并制作各岗位所需能力的技能树和知识图谱将会大大加速区块链人才培养,通过设定相应考核规范则能够为行业筛选出更多合格的区块链应用开发人才,而“ BSV 微认证”正是基于这样的理念设计的。

There is no doubt that a breakdown of the development jobs and the production of skills trees and knowledge maps of the competencies required for each post would greatly accelerate the development of block chain talent, which would allow industry to screen more qualified block chain applications through the setting of appropriate test codes, and that the “BSV microcertification” was designed on the basis of this concept.

BSV 微认证是基于 BSV 区块链技术构建特定场景下区块链应用开发能力的考试认证,整套体系包含块链基础概念、基本原理、开发技能和基础设施四大模块,并按照入门-中级-高阶划分。其中,区块链基础概念和原理模块聚焦 BSV 区块链系统设计的基本知识,开发技能模块则为开发者提供最尖端的工具和技术,基础设施模块对网络的构造及大规模扩容方式进行解释,为区块链开发者提供了全面而完善的技术进阶之路。

BSV Micro-certification is based on an examination of BSV block chain technology to build capacity for the development of block chain applications in specific settings. The complete system consists of four modules: the basic concept of the block chain, the rationale, the development of skills and infrastructure, and is divided according to the entry-middle-high step. In this, the basic knowledge of BSV block chain system design is focused on the basic concept and rationale of the block chain; the development skills module provides the developer with the most cutting-edge tools and techniques; the infrastructure module interprets the construction of the network and the large-scale expansion approach; and it provides a comprehensive and well-developed technological path for the developers of the block chain.


According to Chen Yulong, “students, developers, and block-chain fans can apply for BSV micro-certification. Not only do they have the skills to develop block-chain applications, they will also get a double endorsement of the CSDN and BSV block-chains to facilitate personal career development and breakthroughs.”


Open together, from the wilderness to the new world.


The essence of the block chain is not the new gold of the digital age, either the new currency of the encrypted world or the new world of anarchy, which does not represent the chain of blocks or the value of the chain of blocks.


In Li's view, the block chain is very simple in nature, it represents neither currency nor wealth, it is a data network, and each block chain is a collection of a series of data protocols.


“Although we are still in the barren zone of block chain technology, everything is developed in a twist, which is temporary, and we can finally find our place”, said Li Huixiang.

而 CSDN 始终相信终身学习、实力来自于动手实践、成长需要伙伴,相信知识分享、开源共创的价值,相信 BSV 微认证的发布也将帮助更多开发者找到自己的位置,将区块链打造成真正的新基建,创造更多的价值。

CSDN, on the other hand, has always believed that lifelong learning, strength from hands-on practice, growing up requires partners, knowledge sharing, open-source co-creation, and that the release of BSV microcertification will also help more developers to find their own place, to create genuine new infrastructure and to create more value.




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