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Watch guarantees authenticity through microstructures of visual recognition material. & nbsp;

憑藉電子保修,宇舶表推出儲存在 AURA 區塊鏈的全數碼保修。 

Roll out full-digit warranty stored in the chain of AURA by means of an electronic warranty. 

如欲獲取最新資訊,請關注: @Hublot#Hublot 

For up-to-date information, please note : @Hublot, #Hublot 

瑞士尼永2020年11月23日 /美通社/ -- 「在 2009 年成為全球首家提供腕錶電子保養服務的公司後,宇舶錶再次提供創新的電子保養服務。宇舶錶將基於其腕錶的獨特材料,使用電子護照及保養系統,就像人臉識別一樣。這項先進的技術需要與 KerQuest 公司合作研發超過三年。如今,全賴宇舶錶電子保修,只需使用手機拍攝一張簡單照片就可以啟動及存取保修服務,同時還能驗證產品的真偽。儘管開發的技術依賴於複雜的演算法,但它簡單易用。其體現技術複雜性及易用性之間的完美融合。」 宇舶錶行政總裁 Ricardo Guadalupe

This advanced technology needs to be developed in collaboration with   KerQuest for more than three years. Now, all-round watch warranty, using a simple picture from a mobile phone, can activate and retrieve the warranty service and prove the authenticity of the product at the same time. While the technology developed is based on complex algorithms, it is easy to use.

Hublot e-warranty system
Hublot e-warranty system

憑藉宇舶錶電子保修,宇舶錶及 KerQuest 融合了材料及突破性的演算法,徹底改變用戶的體驗。因此,腕錶透過識別其材料的特殊性而得到認證。這創下打擊假冒商品的先河。 

combines materials and ground-breaking algorithms with > ; KerQuest > > to completely change the experience with & nbsp;

保修卡及真偽證書的日子已成為過去;憑藉其全新的宇舶錶電子保修保護及保修系統,製錶廠正在簡化其腕錶從製造到經由銷售點的銷售的追蹤及追溯過程。秉承「首創、獨特及與眾不同」的座右銘,製錶商憑藉宇舶錶的電子保修條款,創造了技術第一,使腕錶本身成為開啟全新服務世界的關鍵。 除了促進銷售點、客戶及海關使用外,宇舶錶還在改善對假冒及盜竊的預防。簡單、輕鬆、有效!

By means of its brand-new watch system, the watch factory is simplifying the tracking and retrospectiveization of its watch from manufacturing to sales through sales sites. In keeping with the motto "First, Unique, and Unique," watchmakers created technology first with the electronic watch warranty provision of the watch, making the watch itself the key to a new world of service . & nbsp; in addition to promoting the use of sales outlets, customers, and customs, the watch is improving the precautions against counterfeiting and theft.

自 2017 年以來,製錶商一直與 KerQuest 公司合作開發演算法。目標是開發一種完全依賴腕錶特殊性的技術,即構成其材料的微結構。這種運作方式對「融合藝術」大師似乎很明顯,40 多年來,其一直使用材料及其融合方法使自己與眾不同。另一個挑戰是,儘管對材料的最廣泛的認識已研究多年,但直到現在,實際的統一認識還是一個問題。隨著智能手機的發展,尤其是相機清晰度的提高以及人工智能的發展,宇舶錶及 KerQuest 得以完善腕錶的首次視覺識別。

Since & nbsp; 2017, watchmakers have been working with   KerQuest to develop algorithms. The goal is to develop a technology that relies entirely on the special nature of the watch, i.e., to construct a microstructure of its material. This mode of operation seems obvious to masters of "integration art" who have been using materials and their integration methods to make themselves different for more than 40 years. The other challenge is that, while the most general knowledge of materials has been studied for many years, until now it remains a problem.


Each watch is unique: because of its microstructure, even two of the same types of watch can be separated when they leave the factory. The challenge is how to read and process it in a reliable and practical way. The watch warranty is based on a single understanding of the special characteristics of all the wristwatches and models.

我們是在製造的核心部分找到主要技術,從某種意義上說,這是確立腕錶護照的基礎。經過特殊設計的光學閱讀器可在非常高清的情況下詳細成像及重建每件真實的作品。實際上,每隻腕錶在生產過程中都會「拍照」。在精品店中出售腕錶時,銷售點會使用宇舶錶電子保修應用程式啟動保修(該應用程式將腕錶的頂端照片與顯示在屏幕上的副本對齊)。而腕錶的照片會發送至運算基礎設施,以便處理照片,如果能正確識別該照片,則會自動啟動保修。當腕錶得到認可及認證,客戶就可以透過自己選擇的渠道(短訊、電郵、WhatsApp、微信、Instagram、Messenger 等)獲得宇舶錶電子保修,然後便可以輕鬆加入 Hublotista 社群。

In fact, every wristwatch is "photographed" during the production process. When you sell your wristwatch in a fine shop, the sales point uses an ESP to activate the warranty (the application aligns the top of the watch with the copies shown on the screen). The wristwatch photo is sent to a very sophisticated facility to handle the photos and, if you know the picture correctly, self-activate the warrant. When the watch is recognized and recognized, the client has access to the channels of his choice (short messages, e-mails, Whatsapp, micro-letters, Instagram, Messenger, etc.), the client can easily join the HBS.

我們還為客戶提供特定的電子保修應用程式。這使他們能夠輕鬆存取新服務,例如驗證一件商品的真偽、獲取一件商品的保修狀態或存取 Hublotista 社群。如果遺失保修數據或出售腕錶而未將保修轉給新的所有者時,則會由宇舶錶電子保修應用程式統一識別該腕錶,以再次允許存取有關腕錶及其保修的所有訊息;而應用程式則可在 Google Play 商店及 Apple App 獲取。在涉及二手腕錶交易中,宇舶錶電子保修應用程式將使賣方或買方能夠檢查腕錶的狀態,並保護免於賣方轉售被盜腕錶。

We also provide customers with specific electronic warranty applications. This allows them easy access to new services, such as verifying the authenticity of a commodity, obtaining a warranty status for a commodity, or accessing   Hublotista communities. If the missing warranty data or selling a watch are not transferred to the new owner, the watch warranty application will be identified by the watch warranty application to allow again access to all information about the watch and its warranty; the application will be taken in   Google Play store; and & nbsp; Apple App. In the case of second-hand watch transactions, the watch warranty application will enable the seller or buyer to check the watch and protect the seller from being stolen.

宇舶錶電子保修技術已與製造商自 2020 年初生產的所有腕錶兼容。目前,這項功能全面的技術正在宇舶錶的所有銷售點推廣。 巴黎旺多姆精品店已經率先使用超過一年,而瑞士的精品店及零售商也已經開始使用。其他市場將在未來幾個月內陸續使用。對較早的產品,其電子保修已準備就緒。當這些腕錶需要售後服務時,製造商將為其記錄,以便可以享用新的宇舶錶電子保修系統帶來的好處。

Watch security technology has been used first for more than a year, and Swiss fine shops and retailers have started to use it. Other markets will continue to be used in the coming months. For earlier products, their electronic security is ready. When they require post-sale services, manufacturers will record them so that they can enjoy the benefits of the new watch system.


The watch once again places the client at the centre of its development and intends to use this technology to provide new interactive functions for its loyal clients.

電子保修卡已於 2009 年創下先河 

Electronic warranty cards have been established in and nbsp; in 2009 > ;

2009 年,宇舶錶成為全球首批為其腕錶配備 WISeKey 技術的公司之一,WISeKey 技術是一種購買時啟用的保修卡,帶有雙重認證系統(密碼及腕錶序號)。這項技術與 USB 保修讀取器結合使用,使客戶能夠加入 Hublotista 社群。在 2015 年,技術得到發展,用 NFC(近場通訊)技術取代接觸電子晶片。

In 2009, the watch became one of the first companies in the world to prepare its wristwatch & nbsp; the WiseKey technology was a security card that was used when buying, with a dual identification system (password and wristwatch number). This technique is used in combination with   USB security readers to enable clients to join the & nbsp; Hublotista community. In   2015, technology was developed with   NFC (near-site communication) technologies to replace the contact chip.

宇舶錶電子保修將成為 LVMH 發起的 AURA 區塊鏈的一部分 

(b) watch warranty will be part of the chain of & nbsp > ; LVMH > & nbsp; AURA ; & nbsp >;

宇舶錶開發的新保修系統是由 LVMH 發起的打擊假冒、追蹤及追溯產品生命週期的全球趨勢的一環。宇舶錶電子保修將儲存在供其他奢侈品牌使用的 AURA 區塊鏈中。由微軟及區塊鏈公司 ConsenSys 開發的 AURA 是首個旨在幫助消費者追蹤物品並評估其真偽的國際區塊鏈。它由奢侈品牌為奢侈品牌設計,可以跟蹤原材料採購並保護知識產權及創意財產等。

The new warranty system developed by the watch is   LVMH is the first international chain designed to help consumers track items and evaluate their authenticity. It is designed by luxury brands for luxury brands that track raw materials and protect intellectual rights and creative assets.


(b) Watch and nbsp;

宇舶錶 (HUBLOT) 於 1980 年在瑞士成立,其創新之處始於金與橡膠的原創結合。這種「融合藝術」源自其富有遠見的主席 Jean-Claude Biver 的想像力,自 2012 年以來一直由行政總裁 Ricardo Guadalupe 推動。

This "integration art" stems from the imagination of its visionary president & nbsp; Jean-Claude Biver, since & nbsp; since 2012 it has been driven by the Chief Executive & nbsp; Ricardo Guadalupe.

2005 年,屢獲殊榮的標誌性 Big Bang 面世,為新的旗艦系列(經典融合,Big Bang 精神)鋪路,其複雜性從簡單到極度精緻,確立了瑞士製錶品牌的非凡基因,並確保其驚人的增長。

In 2005, the prestigious logo & nbsp; Big Bang appeared and paved the way for the new flagship series (classic integration, Big Bang spirit), whose complexity ranged from simplicity to extreme precision, confirmed the extraordinary genes of the Swiss watch brand and ensured its impressive growth.

這家瑞士製錶廠一直熱衷於保留傳統及尖端的專業知識,並秉承「率先、與眾不同及獨一無二」的理念,透過創新材料(耐磨的 Magic Gold、鮮豔的彩色陶瓷、藍寶石)及製錶機芯(Unico、Meca-10、陀飛輪),使這家瑞士製錶廠一直先拔頭籌。

The Swiss watch factory, which has always been keen to preserve traditional and cutting-edge professional knowledge, and the idea of "leading, different and unique" has led to the creation of new materials (the & nbsp; Magic Gold, the fresh coloured ceramics, the blue stones) and the core of the watchmaker (Unico, Meca-10, the towing wheels), which has enabled the Swiss watch factory to continue to build up its head.

HUBLOT 致力於打造具有遠見未來的高級鐘錶品牌:融合時代重要事件的未來(世界盃足球賽、歐洲冠軍聯賽、歐洲國家盃及法拉利),以及我們這個時代的最傑出品牌形象大使(安巴比、博爾特、比利)。

HUBLOT works to create high-end watch brands with a vision for the future: the future of the important events of the integration era (the World Cup, the European League of Champions, the European Cup and Ferrari), and the best branding ambassadors of our time (Ambabi, Bolt, Billy).

透過我們位於全球主要城市的精品店發現 HUBLOT 的世界:日內瓦、巴黎、倫敦、紐約、香港、杜拜、東京、新加坡及 HUBLOT.com。

The world of HUBLOT: Geneva, Paris, London, New York, Hong Kong, Dubai, Tokyo, Singapore, and   HUBLOT.com.


KerQuest 開發了強大的單一識別引擎,該引擎託管在名為 Solid Media Messaging 的平台上。它使任何用戶都可以透過智能手機與任何對象進行直接互動,並執行各種交易服務。儘管它可以滿足品牌及分銷商的許多業務職能,但它也是建立客戶忠誠度的絕佳工具。

KerQuest has developed a powerful single awareness engine on a platform called   Solid Media Messaging. It allows any user to interact directly with any opponent through smartphones and to perform all kinds of transactional services. Although it can satisfy many of the professional competencies of brands and distributors, it is also an excellent tool for building customer loyalty.

圖片 - https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/1339074/hublot_e_warranty_system.jpg?p=medium600  
標誌 - https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/1176881/Hublot_Logo.jpg?p=medium600

Image & nbsp; -    
logo & nbsp;





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