拍裸照,“被”陪睡,币圈95后女CEO徐可是谁? 2012年8月某夜,南京街头。一位17岁女孩因超速侧翻后,淡定的爬出车外。浓妆,热裤,黑色文胸,衣着暴露,“翻车女孩”一...

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来源:雪球App,作者: 用户6020886280,(https://xueqiu.com/6020886280/110221853)


On the streets of Nanjing, on the night of August 2012, a 17-year-old girl crawled out of the car after she had flipped over the side of the car. He was wearing a lot of makeup, hot pants, black bras, exposed clothes, and the girl who flipped over became an online red man, causing a lot of debate.


In the summer of 2018, there was an article in the chain of blocks, commenting on the beautiful women in the circle. The original “turnover woman” was on the top ten list as the “founder of the ONUB” and who was in line with the “sister of the currency ring”.


For six years, the girl became a serial entrepreneur in the popular industry. The thing remains, beauty, sex, front guard, boldness, exposure. The controversy, which seems to be a label on her, has always been associated with it.


She's Seo-ko.


The Sleeper of the Gun


People in the currency circles seem to value and enjoy the flow of every exposure, even if it is negative, and are willing to move. Flows are values, as many view them to be deeply popular.


Last week, Li's laughter about the “record door” was like a nuclear bomb that blew up the currency ring, reaching a lot of big players in the circle. After the tape leaked, Li Laughing, the old cat pointed out that it was Ilihua, and the two sides continued to tear up the war for several days.


After he denied that the recordings had been released, Li laughed without regard, and sent a message to expose him as a rat's barn, and he responded that Li's laughter was defamatory.


It's called "The Gentleman Fights, the Man Lies Guns." In the saliva star you come to me, Xu can join the war in an unwitting but aggressive way, attracting a lot of eyes.


Xu took the initiative in the circle of friends to “translate” Ilix's response to Li's laughter and, incidentally, revealed that the project META, which was invested by Chupan and Ilix, was a fraud project.


After that, a comment by Ilix in Xu Ko's circle of friends completely ignited the blast.


“I'm sorry he scoffed at you before the company meeting and slept with the investors in order to get an investment.”


Xu was to help Lee laugh, but was not expected to be taken as an army, which was called a bee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee.


The young girl is a bit hungry, and the other party, Li, smiled at her, scolded Irihua and was a very combatant entrepreneur with a very independent attitude.


But just as the eating people were waiting for another tearing war to begin, the scene quickly reversed.


I wonder whether there was a compromise behind it, or whether Irihua's “slept talk” did not lead to a clear understanding of what was wrong, and he apologized to Xu on the next day, while Xu also said that the Ilihua station META was just a misunderstanding.


After the two sides had earned enough eyeball, a circle of friends, a microblogging, shook hands and made peace.


In terms of fame alone, Xu's qualifications are low compared to Li's laughter, Irihua, and Chen Wei Xing's curry position in the currency circles. In some groups, someone asks: Who is Xu?


If Xu can jump out and scold the war to attract traffic, then she certainly has achieved her purpose. Some of the big guys come and go, and the unknown names of Xu and ONO became one of the main beneficiaries of this tearing up.


"Li's laughter is strong, and after 95, CEO's"

公开资料显示,徐可1995年出生于江苏南京 ,初中就读于南京外国语学校,拥有英美留学经历。2014年,年仅19岁的徐可回国创业,先是创办了毅承生物,主打母婴保健产品,但没多久就不了了之,更多像是玩票。

According to public sources, Xu, born in 1995 in Jiang Sonamjing, attended a foreign language school in Nanjing, with an English-American study experience. In 2014, Xu, a 19-year-old, returned home to start a business, starting up a responsible life, focusing on mother and child health products, but not much longer, more like a ticket.


A few months later, Xu came to the UK to work with his schoolmates to develop a social APP “ERA”. The labels “after 95”, “Beautiful CEO”, and so on, drew a lot of media coverage.


At the time, it was reported that Xu was eating snacks and noodles with his little partner in a villa rented in Shanghai.

在ONO的白皮书中,对徐可的这段创业经历有过描述,“2014年开始涉入区块链创业,成功开发并运营基于认知盈余的价值社交 APP“ERA”,月交易流水超 800 万,成为届时火爆一时的现象级产品。” 

In the ONO White Paper, this entrepreneurship experience of Xu Ko was described as “the beginning of entrepreneurship in the block chain in 2014 and the successful development and operation of a value socialization based on cognitive surpluses, APP “ERA”, which traded over 8 million dollars per month as a phenomenon-grade product at that time.” & nbsp;

当时到底多火爆,月流水具体有多少,现已无法查证,不过目前在苹果的APP Store上已经找不到ERA。 

The amount of fire and the amount of water flowing out of the month could not be verified, but no ERA can be found on Apple's APP Store.


During this period, Xu and the team also made a product similar to the Ethercat, called the Genesis Dog. It is said that the first day on the line was 300,000 yuan, sold thousands of ETHs on the first day, at a price of more than 9 million.


From Xu's experience of continuous entrepreneurship, it didn't work until he met Li laughter.


Xu's latest identity is the founder of the ONO, CEO. Official sources indicate that the ONO is a centralised social networking platform for 90 or 95 years later.


In 2018, after a succession of business ventures, Xu turned to the creation of ONUB and declared in January that it had received millions of dollars in investment in coin capital from Li laughter.


At that time, Li laughter assessed Xu's “small potential in the area of block chains, young people who are willing to do what they say and do what they want” and determined that Xu could achieve great success in this area.


In April of this year, Xu announced an ONO statement — a rumour about recent laughs with Lee — to pay tribute to Lee's laughter.


"Li laughs may not be the best investor, but he's not very good at planning, and he's a sinner everywhere. But he's definitely the most considerate investor I've ever met. The love, feelings, and the extraordinary sense that Li laughs about the chain of blocks will never be erased."


And between words, it is easy to see that Xu is also a faithful admirer of Li's laughter. On every occasion, the two sides take pleasure in each other and in every way.


On 8 June, the YFK and KIP, the Korea Wind Investment Agency, again invested an A round of ONO in the amount of tens of millions of United States dollars.


In that case, it is easy to understand why Xu is jumping out for Li's laughter. The reaction of Li's laughter after "sleeping" can also be seen in Xu's "deep love for the calf."


If you use Li's laughter in the recording, it's the money in the currency circle that cheats the money of the street, and Li's laughter is the way to know it, and Xu's the way to know it.


Currency circle "bad girl"


She dropped out of school at the age of 19 and is now only 23, but Xu is “famous for a long time.” Before entering the currency, she was already a red.


The first story goes back to 2012. That year, Xu was only 17 years old.


After the Buick side flipped, she was exposed to crawling out of the car, wearing 17 cm of heels, and calmed down for police questioning and television interviews.


In the view of many people, Xu has not been alarmed by an accident at all, with a cigarette on his hands and a light description of his many roll-overs: 260 yards at one time, 240 yards at a time, and one because he fell asleep.


For the first time, Xu enjoyed being a “net red” – a television interview with a large number of friends. It is said that in the days following the accident, the number of Xu's microblogging fans rose from more than 400 to more than 14,000. Even the “turnover girl” became a 100-degree line.


In the immediate aftermath of the incident, Xu's approach to entrepreneurship began, and the image of the “beautiful post-95 CEO” came under media wrapping.


In addition, it is worth mentioning that at the beginning of the start of the business, Xu had a more visible identity, the former LOL professional “Pharma” girlfriend. This has also had an impact on her entrepreneurship socialization and play programs.


Today, it seems that Xu’s dedicated projects are not satisfactory, and it will take time to test the success of the laughter of Lee’s ONO. But the articles on his past are still available on the Internet.


At the same time as she's in the front, bold, new, branding of Xu's body, the image of a “bad girl” in the traditional mindset has also been engraved in her: from the teens, she's been racing, nightclubs, plastic surgery, dropping out of school, naked, renegade, smoking, wearing exposed...


Some say that there are a lot of after-90 virtues in Xu's body, ideas, creativity, real sex, but others say that she is more self-thinking than reality, and that the passionate entrepreneurs who rise at the moment are out of business.


Xu, who likes Texas poker, says, "The most important thing about starting a business is fast, accurate, hard," but it's been repeated many times. She also says, "Until you meet a chain of blocks, it's like you meet a true love."


For the latest project, ONO, she's ambitious, "wanting to subvert micro-letters and Facebook." This time, will she "turn over" again?

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