ATFX 是由多家公司共同使用的品牌,包括:
ATFX is a brand shared by a number of companies, including:
AT Global Markets LLC 是位于圣文森特和格林纳丁斯的有限责任公司,公司编号为 333 LLC 2020。注册地址是:1st Floor, First St. Vincent Bank Bldg, James Street, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines | AT Global Markets (UK) Ltd. 获英国金融行为监管局 (FCA) 授权并受其监管,FCA 许可证号码为 760555。注册地址是:1st Floor, 32 Cornhill, London EC3V 3SG, United Kingdom | ATFX Global Markets (CY) Ltd. 获塞浦路斯证券交易委员会 (CySEC) 授权并受其监管,许可证号码为 285/15。注册地址是:159 Leontiou A’ Street, Maryvonne Building Office 204, 3022, Limassol, Cyprus | AT Global Markets (Australia) Pty Ltd由澳大利亚证券和投资委员会(ASIC)授权并受其监管,AFSL许可证号为418036。注册地址是:Tower 2 Darling Park, Level 16, 201 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000 | AT Global Markets SA (Pty) Ltd 在南非获得金融部门行为监管局颁发的许可证,FSP 许可证号为 44816,也是一家获得许可的场外衍生品提供商。注册办公地址:1020 Manhattan Place, 130 Bree Street Cape Town, 8001 | AT Global Markets Intl. Ltd. 获毛里求斯共和国的金融服务委员会 (FSC) 授权并受其监管,许可证号码为 C118023331。注册地址是:G08, Ground Floor, The Catalyst, Silicon Avenue, 40 Cybercity, 72201 Ebène, Republic of Mauritius | ATFX Mena Financial Services LLC 获阿拉伯联合酋长国证券和商品管理局(SCA)监管,许可证号为20200000078。
AT Global Markets LLC is a limited liability company located in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, licensed and regulated by the British Financial Conduct Regulatory Authority (FCA) No. 333 LLC 2020. Registered at: 1st Floor, First St. Vincent Bank Bldg, James Street, Kingtown, St. Vincent and the Global Markets (UK), Ltd., authorized and supervised by the British Financial Conduct Regulatory Authority (FCA), FCA Licence No. 760555. Registered at: 1st Bloor, 32 Cornill, London EC3V 3SG, United Kingdom ATFX Global Markets (CY) Ltd.
高风险投资警告: CFDs差价合约交易具有高度投机性和高风险性,并不适合所有投资者。您可能损失部分或全部投资资金。因此,您的投资金额应该在您可承受的范围之内。您应当了解保证金投资相关的所有风险。请阅读完整的风险披露政策。
High-risk investment warning: The CFPs differential contract transaction is highly speculative and high-risk and not suitable for all investors. You may lose some or all of your investment funds. Therefore, the amount of your investment should be within your range. You should understand all the risks associated with the deposit investment. Read the complete .
受限制地区:AT GLOBAL MARKETS LLC 的网站信息不针对加拿大的卑诗省、魁北克省和萨斯喀彻温省地区、日本、台湾、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国(朝鲜)、伊朗、美国的居民;并且不向身处与发布或使用该信息有违当地法律法规的国家或管辖地之人发送或提供其使用。
Restricted areas: AT GLOBAL MARKETS LLC's website information is not directed at Canadian residents of the Pseudo, Quebec and Saskatchewan regions, Japan, Taiwan, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Iran and the United States; and it is not sent or made available to persons in countries or jurisdictions where the information is issued or used in violation of local laws and regulations.
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