最近币圈行情风起云涌, “519” 暴跌使得币圈逐渐走向 “ 冷静期 ” ,动物园各路牛鬼蛇神兴风作浪的时刻已然结束, “ 潮水退去才知道谁在裸泳 ” ,可以说, 2021 年下半年或是区块链价值回归的时刻,区块链从业者的精力开始转移到行业应用,这对促进行业落地必然起到积极作用。
Recent booms in currency circles, “519” & nbsp; crashes have led the currency circles to move gradually towards “ cool periods ” & nbsp; 如何瞄准下一个机会?下一个机会,永远,也只能,在价值仍被低估的地方。目前来看,远远被低估的价值洼地,首选孙宇晨的波场TRON。 How to aim for the next opportunity? The next opportunity, always, is where it's still undervalued. Now, far from undervalued, it's the beginning of Sun Woo's morning TRON. 首先来说稳定币USDT方面。 First of all, the stabilization of the currency USDT. 自TRC20-USDT发行之后,波场TRON网络的超强性能和无可比拟的优势得到了最大程度的发挥。2021年4月15日,波场公链上的USDT流通量正式超过以太坊。不到两年,波场上的USDT流通量就达到259亿枚,超越以太坊的234亿枚。目前,波场的TRC20-USDT流通量已经达到惊人的309亿美金,稳坐USDT稳定币第一宝座。 Since the release of TRC20-USDT, the super-powerful and incomparable advantages of the TRON network have been maximized. On April 15, 2021, the circulation of USDT in the public chain of the borough officially exceeded that of Etheria. In less than two years, the circulation of USDT in the borough reached 25.9 billion, exceeding 23.4 billion in Ether. Currently, the circulation of TRC20-USDT in the borough has reached an alarming $30.9 billion, holding the USDT to stabilize the first throne. 强者恒强,我认为波场TRON稳定币的流通量一定会在未来到达500亿甚至1000亿美元体量。而以太坊版USDT因拥堵的网络、高昂手续费正在逐步失去了大批用户。 The powerful have always been strong, and I think that Tron’s steady currency flow is bound to reach $50 billion, or $100 billion, in the future. The USDT version is losing a large number of users because of crowded networks and high transaction costs. 不仅如此,2021年4月9日,就连目前在全球的流通量已超过三亿、全球市值最高及流通性最佳的合规稳定币之一——TrueUSD(TUSD)也正式宣布在波场TRON网络上发行其TRC20代币版本。 Moreover, on 9 April 2021, TrueUSD (TUSD), one of the best compliant and stable currencies in global circulation, which now exceeds 300 million, officially announced the release of its TRC20 version on the TRON network. 其次,再说说最近大火的NFT方面。 Secondly, let's say that the recent fire NFT. 自从NFT成为科技艺术界新热潮,孙宇晨曾多次参与拍卖。600万美金拍下《OCEAN FRONT》后,孙宇晨正式进军NFT领域。紧接着,2021年3月,JUST NFT基金正式成立。接下来,孙宇晨的JUST NFT基金屡获佳绩,已经将毕加索名作《戴项链的躺卧裸女》、安迪沃霍尔的《三幅自画像》、Beeple创作的加密艺术NFT《OCEAN FRONT》、《时代》首次提及电脑的封面《THE COMPUTER IN SOCIETY》、Pak的全套NFT作品《Cube》等收入囊中,成为NFT届响当当的名作收割机。 Since 在孙宇晨及其JUST NFT基金的推动下,艺术品、人文、讯息、甚至是某种精神理念,都在逐渐以NFT形式得以长久记载和传承。相信孙宇晨及所创立的JUST NFT基金背靠强大的波场TRON生态,定会成为行业领军者,吸引更多优秀的的NFT化的艺术家与艺术作品与之合作,共同打造一个百花齐放的JUST NFT生态。
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