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In recent days, the Anti-Fraud Centre of the Police Department of the City of Petangjiang, Heilongjiang Province, and the Public Security Bureau of the city of Heiling City, have successfully investigated, after more than two months of intensive investigation, cases involving over 1 million yuan in mega-fiscal telecommunication fraud, leading to the capture of seven suspects across the province.


In March of this year, one of the residents of Heiling City added a good friend by a micromail, seeing the other party buying, selling and selling &quat; bitcoin & quot; and thus making a profit. After frequent chats, one of them is quick to believe in the friend. According to the other & quot; instructions & quot; one of the pilot downloads a small APP program, adding &quat; programmer & quot; QQ, buying & Quot; Bitcoin & quot on the Internet based on daily up and down information received.


In late June, the Anti-Fraud Centre of the Public Security Bureau of the city of Pedanjiang and the Public Security Bureau of the city of Heiling went to Fujian Province, where they arrested seven suspects, Chen and Xie Xiao, and seized more than 1 million yuan of the funds involved. By way of interrogation, seven suspects confessed to the fact that they had committed a fraud against the victim’s telecommunications network in the form of a virtual currency.

由此可见,数字货币交易仍然存在着许多诈骗手段,例如冒充平台工作人员、钓鱼网站、假客服等问题,甚至OKEx CEO Jay Hao也曾接到过冒充OKEx工作人员的诈骗电话。

As a result, there are still many frauds in digital currency transactions, such as the counterfeiting of platform staff, fishing websites, fake customer services, and even the fact that OKEx CEO Jay Hao has received fraudulent telephone calls as of the date of the counterfeiting of OKEx staff.


As a global leading digital asset trading platform, OKEx has always been committed to giving users a good experience, and avoiding the traps in the transaction for investors is no exception. Today, OKEx will present some of the common fraud techniques.


Fishing website


These sites usually have domain names and virtual web interfaces that are very similar to official sites. Unlawful individuals then send a false site address to their clients’ phones and computers through computer virus programs, garbage software, etc., or put it on search sites to lure users to log in to steal user account passwords, transactional information, or money.


Therefore, in the investment process, everyone should be vigilant, not to trust others, not to transfer other people for proxy investment, not to click on unknown links and to invest on a regular website.


Underline transactions


This type of fraud generally induces users to do business off-line rather than through the platform, which is a high risk. The official platform of the formal exchange has a transaction security mechanism, and if there is an anomaly or doubt in the transaction on-line, it can communicate with the customer service with sufficient evidence.


Community Privateism


There are more such scams, some of them bragging about their future value with so-called project white papers, pretending that they are about to go to a well-known exchange, and then, through a large group, looking for active communities, scavenging users into private solicitation, promising a ten-fold gain. Perhaps a community is all held up, and only one is a true participant.


Therefore, in the investment process, investors should develop investment decision-making and risk-control capabilities, and not trust others in their advice on private solicitation and currency-fixing.


Fake customer service, fake platform staff.


Fake customer service is a common tool. Unlawful individuals may gain access to a large number of users through dark networks, black markets, phone calls, text messages, etc., using the pseudo-services of a platform to invite users to &quat; the official exchange group &quat; the exchange of investment experiences, claiming to have & quot; teachers & quot; and the way in which users are traded.


In other cases, it is possible to pretend to be a customer, a staff member, to take information from the user, and to engage in unlawful activities.


Counterfeiting trade paper screenshots


This type of trap may occur in the OTC chain, where the wrong-doers do not complete the payment of the order, ask the merchants to give the money, and may falsify the trade warrant screens, falsely claim that the user system is late in trading, that he/she is anxious to use the currency, and that he/she deliberately creates a sense of tension that allows some users to fall prey to deception.


In such cases,


If there is a real fraud trap, don’t panic, contact the customers immediately, punish the outlaws and make up for the damage.


Finally, OKEx calls on a wide range of investors: all that is official, do not trust, do not click, do not transmit an unknown link, do not easily disclose the account code, confirm the receipt to the account before trading. Currently, OKEx has access to official channels for authentication, and users simply have to access the bottom of the official web page, choose an official certification, can verify the telephone/mail/site of the outlaws, etc., and secure their own transactions.



ALOKEX is an encrypted currency exchange that provides many alternatives to coins for trading. At the time of writing, it is the second most popular bitcoin exchange, measured by the daily volume of transactions.


I. Introduction to the ALOKEX trading platform


ALOKEX was created in 2019. The company is based in Seychelles.


1. Safety and efficiency, firewall protection at front end, hidden separation deployment at back desk, white list access mechanism


2. Excellence in performance: High-frequency transactions convection engines, fully designed and designed on the basis of high-frequency transactions, stable support for large data volumes, high performance, high co-production


3. Powerful function: Support load balance, motion separation to upgrade the system, carrying capacity and response speed


4. Rapid deployment: systems with distributed structures, rapid and simple deployment, high speed on-line testing of k-line, routing and in-depth data


Data security: bank-level user data encryption, dynamic data validation, multi-level line recognition control, security of transactions, multi-layer encryption, offline cold storage of wallets


6. Super-extension: comprehensive support to client customization techniques that best match the functional needs of different clients


II. ALOKEX trading platform terms and conditions


1. Transaction tools (encrypted currency)


ALOKEX has always been known for providing multiple mainstream currencies. But it's obvious that there are too many currencies, and the following are some of the most popular: Bitcoin, Ethel, Letco, Ripco, Monroe, Darceco, Zcash.


2. Minimum initial deposits


ALOKEX does not declare a clear minimum deposit level. This is not unusual in the area of encrypted currency, unlike the foreign exchange industry, where most brokers declare this information. For example, the IG’s FCA regulatory industry pioneers (who, by the way, also offer Bitcoin transactions) have no minimum deposit requirements. In essence, you can step on as little as possible.


Introduction to ALOKEX Trading Platform, ALOKEX Exchange Information


3. Leveraging


ALOKEX’s leverage is 1-100 times the option. Remember that encrypted currencies tend to be more volatile than established traditional currencies. If the euro/dollar changes rarely more than 100-200 points per day, even in days without major news, Bitcoins’ prices often change by 5-10%.


III. ALOKEX trading platform costs


ALOKEX currently charges only 0.05% of the fees. In order for foreign exchange traders to understand what these costs mean, we have to explain their basis of calculation.


You can purchase assets at the lowest price offered by the other participants or at any lower price of your choice. If you decide to carry out the transaction immediately, you will effectively take it away from the market. This makes you a “tenant” and you will have to pay a slightly higher fee.


IV. Information on the ALOKEX Exchange


ALOKEX offers transactions through Web-based platforms. It plays a very important role, while at the same time it impresses us. The chart function of the platform is particularly excellent. Charts move at will, resize or set to full screen. Scale and scroll charts, which typically take a large portion of characters and interact with candlesticks (especially when magnified). Moving average lines, Boolin belts and MACDs are actually all available technical indicators.


It does take some time to get used to everything you need to know. The first column on the left is the actual transaction price, and the second column is the amount available under that particular price. Although the other two currencies seem to be outdated, this is definitely not the case when looking at the other currencies, in which you need to trade an encrypted currency with another.


V. ALOKEX mode of payment


Payments to and from ALOKEX are made only in encrypted currency. While this limits the potential to attract inexperienced fever-related friends, this is not unusual. Adding options such as bank transfers, credit cards, Neteller, etc. will increase the traders’ base.

本文来源: 金色财经 / 作者:币圈武松

Source: Golden Finance / Author: Wuxun



As a confluence of resources and flows in currency circles, the

exchange has always been a very important ecological member of the industry. Many industries have come and gone in hot spots, up and down in recent years, but the exchange has been sitting firmly on fishing platforms.


It is worth noting, however, that not all currency exchanges have been able to keep pace with the times. 2020 was an extraordinary year, with the new crowning epidemic that ravaged the world causing an early start, and the currency exchange was not calm. In the first half of this year, FCoin, who was the scene of a sudden thunderstorm, was investigated by the Wenzhou police, the old exchange BitMEX was in a deep liquidity crisis, there was a sharp drop in exchange flows, and some second-line exchanges were entangled in scandals, leaving the industry at a critical stage for those who were lagging behind.


Nevertheless, there are still thousands of currency chains around the world. Which one should I choose to trade as a seasoned currency? I think we need to look at brands, product lines, product experiences, asset security, and customer service in many ways.


It also needs to be hard on its own, as an old currency exchange that can fully meet the above conditions. OKEx has strong brand influence, rich product lines, leading product experiences, strong asset security, and high-quality customer services.


Powerful branding.


As a few old exchanges, OKEx has a strong branding influence in the industry. This is due to the growing importance of OKEx's large ecology. Not only has it been a long-term leader in encryption derivatives trading, but it has also been actively deployed in many industries such as OKChain's original open-source public chain, open trading platforms, decentralized exchanges, mineral ponds, wallets, OKEx College, platform currency OKB, stable currency USDK, DeFi, etc.


For example, OK Chain’s original open-source public chain, which aims to create a decentralised block chain of commercial union ecology, with three main features: safety, stability, and openness, allows for the free development of all commercial applications needed by users. With OK Chain, events similar to the three-person forgery of the old mother’s stamp and the totem contract will no longer occur, and the chain of custody will guarantee the safety, transparency, traceability, and regulation of the entire process, leading to a significant increase in the cost and likelihood of malpractice.

DeFi也是当下的行业热点,被认为是行业未来的发力方向。OKEx CEO Jay Hao表示,“目前传统金融市场上的质押贷款业务总会面临一些风险,如签订质押合同而未实际交付,质权行使风险等;如果使用智能合约来实现第三方的自动锁仓,整个过程公开透明,这些风险就能很好地解决。”COMP凭借着“流动性挖矿”模式成为今年最火热的DeFi项目,市值已经超越了曾经的老大MakerDAO,现已经上线OKEx。实际上,MakerDAO早在19年末就上线了OKEx,足见OKEx对DeFi的高度重视。

DeFi is also the current industry hotspot, which is considered to be the future thrust of the industry. OKEx CEO Jay Hao states that “the pledge lending business in traditional financial markets is exposed to a number of risks, such as pledge contracts without actual delivery, and the risk of the exercise of rights; these risks can be best addressed if smart contracts are used to achieve a third party's automatic lock-up and the process is transparent.” The COMP, with its mobile mining model, has become the hottest DeFi project this year, and its market value has gone beyond the former boss, MakerDAO, and is now on-line OKEx. In fact, MakerDAO has been on-line since late 19 years, and is well aware of the importance that he attaches to DeFi.


Rich product lines


A wealth of encrypted derivatives is the core competitive advantage of OKEx. Currently, OKEx offers multiple types of encrypted derivatives, including French currency, currency, leverage, immortality, handing over, options, etc., that can meet any transaction needs of different users and now have tens of thousands of levels of user capacity, with operations covering more than 200 countries and territories worldwide.


OKEx has also developed simulating accounts that are suitable for small white users to learn and practice. The influx of new users in the currency circle has injected new dynamism into the industry. Most of these new users have no real-war experience. Many platforms are either lacking in simulating or simulating transaction exercises, or have only text presentations, or simply video presentations, which are not enough landscaped and distanced for new users.


Lead product experience

OKEx不仅拥有丰富的产品线,还有领先的产品体验。无论是币币交易还是合约交易,OKEx的交易量一直处在行业的领先地位。从今年五月的数据可知,OKExde 期权、交割、永续合约的交易量全线上涨,整体涨幅超过了24%。

The trade volume of OKEx has been at the forefront of the industry, both in currency and contract transactions. From May this year’s data, the total volume of OKExde options, cutouts, and permanent contracts has risen by more than 24%.


In addition, industry leads in depth and liquidity, whether in currency or in contracts, and buys and sells large amounts of money without pressure. In contrast to some pseudo-trading platforms, the true depth is poor, the transaction is delayed, a larger list of prices may not be available for long periods of time, or the average transaction price is significantly different from the instant market price at the time of the listing.


Strong asset safety and security


Using advanced technologies such as GSLB, distributed server clusters, distributed storage, multi-organic high-speed memory engines, cold wallets, offline hot wallets, etc., OKEx provides a secure, stable, credible digital capital trading service to its clients with multiple terminals such as Web end, cellular end, PC end, etc. For a long time, there has never been a theft of a user’s assets.


High-quality client services


The performance of OKEx’s customer service was also widely recognized by industry users, both in terms of the speed of response and the professionalism of the answer to questions. Client services tend to reflect the true level of an exchange.


In a combination of these dimensions, OKEx is the best option for users to trade in digital assets. Halfway through 2020, uncertainty remains about currency circles and currency circles in the second half of the year.



In recent months, the digital asset market has performed poorly: Bitcoin has failed at 10,000 gates, and then continues to slump, eventually losing 9000 integer places. While there has been a good period of rebound, it has experienced a sharp fall in the United States stock: three major shares have opened on 9 days, and the 500 index has fallen rapidly by 7% per day, triggering a second melting in the history of the United States. Then, the panic spreads to currency circles, leading to a sharp fall in mainstream currencies, such as the BTC.


How to survive the downturn, minimize the loss of assets, or use it to reap the benefits. It has become a unified topic for investors today. Today, it will be useful for you to be given an operational guide to OKEx in the last fall.


Ordinary currency holders: coins in deposit


Surplus money is a value-added product built by OKEx that can be deposited with it. It has the characteristics of unlimited, interest-bearing, deposit-taking, and so on. Users can transfer idle currency into the treasure, thereby reaping daily the gains from the treasure.


At present, there are 34 digital assets, such as BTC, ETH, EOS, USDT, and OKB, that support the value-added needs of most of the currency-holding users. At the same time, the return on the money-bearing assets is relatively significant, with a maximum annualization of 5.0628%.


Contract Dealer: Consort, empty, bounce back.


Contracts are a financial tool for investors to hedge. Some large-scale investors tend to use contracts for long-term hedges in order to avoid a sharp fall in currency prices. For example, when currency prices fall, 10 per cent of assets can be put on a 10-fold leverage bill.


As a one-stop trading platform, OKEx has a product matrix that is in the forefront of the industry, while providing users with USDT and permanent contracts, currency-based contracts and sustainable contracts. Users can choose different types of contracts according to their strategy: when currency prices fall, they can use USDT contracts to make them more stable, so that they can avoid the risk of currency price declines.


Short-line operations allow for the option of handing over contracts, while long-line or empty-spaced transactions can be made using long-term contracts to ensure continuity of transactions. More recently, OKEx’s permanent contracts have been linked to three high-quality currencies: NEO, LINK, and DASH, providing users with more trading options.


Futures contracts: limited losses and unlimited returns


Another group of users, pursuing high returns and high capital utilization, do not want to have too much trading risk. This group of investors can choose the options of OKEx. Because options are a product with limited losses, but unlimited returns.


Moreover, recently, the OKEx options are online with a simple selection function: users can significantly reduce operating costs by quickly selecting fixed-term rights through three dimensions of trends, time and profit/loss points.


By way of introduction, you can see that the OKEx, which is a one-stop trading platform, is sufficient to meet the needs of different users and to provide them with a better trading environment. Regardless of the movement, OKEx is the first option for currency circle investors.



According to the information received, through this plan, OKEx will share with its cooperating members the combination of its own set-up system, counter system, cold wallet system, hot wallet system, money clearing system, global multilingual customer service capability, global customer identification and anti-money laundering system, which has accumulated over the past five years in the field of digital asset transactions, i.e., the “OK Partners”.


Teams that become “OK partners” can easily build digital asset exchanges with a professional, process-wide solution, sharing depth and mobility with other “OK partners.”


It is known that the open win-win scheme has a very high entry threshold, with only 100 openings for the first period. The lock-in of half a million OKB teams (certifying firms, voters, professional investors, etc.) is only eligible for registration if they do not participate in the calculation.


Core resources are open to sharing, and the international strategy for OKEx is gaining ground.


As one of the world’s top digital asset trading platforms, the OKEx platform brings together a large number of domestic and foreign digital money investors, with extremely strong liquidity and sustainability. In a few years of growth and operation, OKEx accumulated valuable business experience and core technology, and these intangible assets are undoubtedly a great blessing for block-chain entrepreneurs.


Any Licorne enterprise will gradually evolve from “participants” to “ecological builders” in its own field of advantage, such as the treasure seller ecology, the 100-degree Apollo plan, and so on. For OKEx, this will also be a necessary route. OKEx has now issued the Platform Currency “OKB”, an excellent and competitive distribution mechanism since it came online, which will regularly benefit from BTC-based dividends. In addition, OKEx is gradually opening up the OKB trading area, where participants are entitled to zero fees, OKB fees, professional investors, etc.


Exchange empowerment will regulate the development of the currency circle and raise the threshold of competition for service users


For some time now, uneven digital money exchanges, both domestic and foreign, have become a sword of stifling investors in the currency circle, with network delays, cyber hackers, and server breakdowns resulting from overtrades besetting investors and young project teams. It is no doubt industry’s blessing that the current OKEx opts for a full-chain solution open to quality teams. This subversive innovation is equivalent to providing a high-quality bottom infrastructure for start-up teams, allowing them to focus more resources on project and product development.


As the industry deepens, “decentralization” is becoming an emerging business model. This “OKEx” initiative to open-exchange union ecology is undoubtedly a more solid step on the road to “decentralization.”


On the other hand, the OKEx Exchange Enabling Scheme also provides opportunities for more high-quality projects to be replicated, and for ordinary investors to participate in early projects as well as professional investors, sharing the benefits of the Black Horse project.


There is no standard answer to the future of platform money and to more innovation. But in this context, the forward layouts of OKEx have already highlighted invaluable innovation, using mature block-link ideas to lead industry innovation.


It can be expected that the OKEx Digital Assets Exchange opening-up win-win scheme will result in the initial decentralization of the exchange, which in turn will have a significant catalytic and catalytic effect on the digital asset trading industry.




OKEx platform undertakes that we will pay for the damage caused to users by the platform and will contact all users who may have lost their losses during the upgrade of the system within 48 hours.


2020年上半年的币圈近乎魔幻,风起云涌,奇闻异事一件接着一件,让人有点目不暇接。312暴跌,让投资者叫苦连天;比特币减半,给投资者吃了一颗定心丸;比特大陆争夺公章事件,"上线鸽王"Filecoin和难兄难弟ETH 2.0冲锋一事,都让投资者们大跌眼镜。

The currency circle in the first half of 2020 was a bit miraculous, with wind and wind, and one after another. 312 fell, causing investors to cry; Bitcoin was halved, giving investors a shot of certainty; Bitcoins were fighting for the seals, &quat; doves &quat; Filecoin and brother of distress ETH 2.0 were hitting investors with big glasses.


Since this year, OKB has grown by 153.53 per cent and is leading the mainstream platform currency. From July last year to July this year, it has achieved more than 1.5 times the value added of its assets in a year, leading not only by far the platform's currency, but also by far among the many mainstream encryption assets.


The continued destruction of the OKB platform currency, resulting in a mode of deflation that is absolutely beneficial to investors, has led to a sharp rise in the value of the OKB! It is understood that since 4 May 2019, Okex has destroyed 20,671,583.58 units (excluding 700 million undistributed) in aggregate, with 279,328,416.42 units in circulation and eight successive repurchases of the platform currency being destroyed.

OKB的持有者可以拥有多项平台权益,包括OKB回购与销毁、OKNodes、投票、全球合伙人、上币福利活动、okex DEX去中心化交易、认证商家、OKB法币及币币交易、余币宝存储、okex Jumpstart预约额度、OKChain公链生态权益、小额资产兑换以及OKB杠杆交易(3倍杠杆)、手续费折扣等。

Holders of OKB may have a number of platform interests, including OKB buyback and destruction, OKNodes, voting, global partners, upper currency welfare activities, OKex DEX decentralised transactions, certification dealers, OKB French and currency transactions, treasure deposits, kex Jumpstart bookings, OK Chain chain ecological interests, small asset conversions, and OKB leverage trading (three times leverage), fee discounts, etc.


OKB has also developed a number of eco-application scenarios through which holders can access first-class safety services, mortgage lending services, wallet storage services of all types, offline shopping payment services, hotel booking services, etc., covering dozens of important areas such as payments, transactions, hospitality software, wallets, borrowing finance, technical security, tourism, living services, entertainment, socialization, electronic contracts, O2O, etc.


In June of this year, another six eco-partners were added to OKB, including the API Convergence Trading Platform Coinrule, the Russian French Exchange Platform Baksman, Enjin, the giant block-chain game, Flipside, the Treasure Data Agency, the encrypted asset wallet Coinomi and Guarda.


The growth of OKB is also strongly related to the abundance of the Okex exchange products, wind control mechanisms, fine-tuning services and the configuration of globalization, not merely because of the deflationary patterns of the OKB itself and the maintenance of many ecological applications.


As a leading leading exchange, Okex now covers 154 countries and territories, and Europe and South-East Asia became the most active new market in June, with the most full range of encrypted derivatives, including French currency, currency, leverage, cut-off, perpetual succession and options.

在产品交易深度和流动性上,okex一直保持领先地位。据悉,6月份okex有超过8000笔10 BTC以上的鲸鱼交易,月均鲸鱼交易数量超33BTC,单笔最高达到513.1 BTC的,均为交易所之首。

Okex has been a leader in terms of product depth and liquidity. In June, it was reported that more than 8,000 whales were traded in more than 10 BTCs, with average monthly whales trading exceeding 33 BTCs, up to 513.1 BTCs, the top of the exchange.


Okex has done well in wind control, providing a strong trade guarantee for contract users without fear of user sharing due to warehousing, in the case of the BTC permanent contract, with a risk reserve of 2449.7875 BTC and maintaining a steady growth trend.


Okex also has a strong technical back-up to ensure the security of platform funds and accounts. Similar to &quat; & & quot; theft, currency theft, etc., never happened on the OKex platform. In addition, OKex uses a 7* 24-hour, 24-hour, online service that provides client counselling services to users worldwide to maximize the security of their assets.


In the second half of this year, or in the second half of this year, it will be the platform’s most promising investment track, currently represented by OKB. A direct factor in the continued growth of OKB is the continuous roll-out of the OKB buy-back destruction program by Okex, which will continue to improve the ecology of the OKB applications for users. Its own constant enrichment of product lines, grinding of products, fine customer service, and safe-guarding of the user’s transactions provide a fundamental guarantee for the growth of the OKB.



Since the advent of Bitcoin in 2008, 11 years have passed since the advent of block-chain encrypted currency, and Bitcoin has been misconstrued from the past until it is slowly accepted by the general public and has even begun to change the rules of the financial sector. In terms of trading patterns, the Bitcoin Exchange has also started to offer more types of transactions, such as currency transactions, leverage transactions, and even derivatives.


For many new entrants, perhaps you're excited to register an OKEx exchange account, and then you're ready to start doing something of your own, and it turns out that bitcoin's current mode of dealing is huge and mature, and it's too late to learn, because there's too much to learn. So today, I'm here to talk to you about new players in the OKEx exchange, how to turn into a variety of bitcoin types.


Assuming that you have registered the account number of OKEx and have completed the corresponding KYC personal certification, the next step is naturally to charge the currency and then prepare the transaction. OKEx divides the entire trading system into three types: French currency, currency, and contracts. It is quite simple to understand these three types of transactions. French deals refer to exchange transactions between cash and Bitcoins, while currency transactions are transactions between bitcoins and other types of digital assets.


First of all, starting with the French currency transaction, the initial amount of money is certainly not too much for the newcomers, so the bulk of the money-to-money transactions can be ignored for the time being. For French currency transactions, it is actually the gold entry point for OKEx, where you can exchange various digitally encrypted currencies and, on the contrary, you can convert digital assets into French.


Now you can start trading in bitcoins with the OKEx French currency trading system, which is the type of transaction you used most often in the early days of the OKEx exchange. Simply put, this refers to a transaction between digital assets pricing another block chain asset, such as an ETH/BTC transaction at a bitcoin price, which means how much bitcoins you need to buy in an Ethletics.


Through currency transactions, you can directly exchange a block-chain asset for another block-chain asset, the middle of which does not involve the transit or settlement of a legal currency. It can be said that now almost half of the global volume of transactions in bit-currency is traded in currency, and that the ratio of transactions between legal currency and bit-currency is gradually narrowing with the emergence of a stable dollar-denominated currency such as the USDT.


In fact, currency transactions are like ordinary A-share transactions, following the principle of low-buying, relatively simple, and highly market-dependent. If you want to make money in the opposite market, you need to know about currency-leveraging transactions.


The alternative is to buy the principal and the borrowed currency into another currency, to be raised to the desired price “sold” and to borrow the currency and interest, the remainder of which is more than a multi-fold gain. In the case of empty currency, you can “sell” the money, and you can “buy” the money to the desired price, and you can earn the “empty” return. In short, you can earn money, regardless of whether the line rises or falls.


Finally, when it comes to the derivatives of OKEx, which are part of the contractual transaction, it is necessary for you to be proficient in the process of entering into the contractual transaction, since the contract transaction can also do more or do nothing, but it is operated in both directions, not only by doing more or by doing more, but also by doing up to 100 times the leverage, and the nature of the contract can also serve as a hedge tool for your risk and reduce losses.


Simply put, the contract deal is not in kind (bitcoin), but a contract that is delivered at a certain price at a certain point in the future. In practice, when you think that the city will rise, you start more contracts (opening), then sell more contracts (silos), and instead, when you think that the market will fall, the corresponding bill will be open. In the case of the contract deal with OKEx, you can experience it in practice.


As opposed to the traditional futures market, newcomers do not have to pay too much attention to the attributes of “prospects” in the course of contractual transactions, because the more advanced risk management systems offered by OKEx, together with the warehouse-piercing security, will not cost you much money, as long as it is remembered that flexible leverage options and a maximum of 100 times leverage are allowed to play.


These are some of the types of transactions and uses that are commonly used in OKEx platforms, and friends who learn to fight on their own should be easier than you think.


据Token Terminal 数据显示,DeFi年化收益比去年增长近150%,并于今天达到4200万美元。其中,每周变化达到有史以来第二高,7月连续两周增长50%。增长幅度最大的两大类别为DEX和提供流动性挖矿的协议。

According to Token Terminal data, DeFi’s annualized earnings increased by nearly 150% over the previous year and today reached $42 million. Of this, the second-highest change in a week, with a 50% increase in two consecutive weeks in July. The two largest categories of growth were DEX and the agreement to provide liquidity for mining.

由此可见, DEX已经成为DeFi获取收益的重要途径之一。

As a result, DEX has become an important source of benefits for DeFi.

那么DEX将如何发展的?DEX与CEX又有什么样的区别和优势?未来又会如何? OKEx分析师将会为大家进行介绍。

So how does DEX develop? What are the differences and advantages between DEX and CEX? What is the future?

去中心化交易所(DEX)的核心部件是部署在区块链上的智能合约, 与传统数字货币交易所的最大区别即数字资产的托管和结算环节。传统的数字货币交易所将用户的资产统一存放在交易所的资金池里,客户需要提现时再从资金池中取出,交易完成后由交易所完成结算;而在去中心化的交易所中,钱包私钥由用户掌控,资产由用户授权后在智能

The core component of the decentralised exchange is the smart contract deployed on the block chain, the biggest difference from the traditional digital currency exchange, i.e. the hosting and settlement of digital assets. The traditional digital currency exchange keeps the user's assets centrally in the exchange's pool, the customer needs to cash out and the transaction is closed by the exchange; in decentralized exchange, the private key of the wallet is in the hands of the user and the asset is smart after the user has authorized it.


The contract is held in trust and the transaction is settled by an intelligent contract upon completion of the transaction.


Decentralized exchanges can better ensure transparency of transactions, security of transactions, and protection of user privacy than decentralized exchanges. As derivatives evolve, investors’ acceptance of decentralized exchanges is increasing.

对此,OKEx CEO Jay Hao则认为:"中心化交易平台与去中心化交易平台并不是替代关系,而是相辅相成的兄弟关系。"

In response, OKEx CEO Jay Hao argues that: &quat; centralized trading platforms and decentralized trading platforms are not substitute relationships, but rather complementary brotherhoods. & quot;

OKEx和OKChain旗下的DEX致力于反映中心化交易所和去中心化交易所两者之间的关系。根据OKEx官方公布的信息,其新一代交易系统Lightning System 2.0,其交易处理能力的峰值达到了10万笔/秒,可媲美全球证券市场上的主流交易系统;另一方面,OKChain上的DEX,根据最新的测试数据,其交易处理能力的平均值为246.9笔/秒,峰值为1400笔/秒,平均出块时间为2秒。

DEX, under the flags of OKEx and OKChain, is dedicated to reflecting the relationship between the centralized and decentralized exchanges. According to the information officially released by OKEx, its new-generation trading system, Lighting System 2.0, has a peak of 100,000 transactions per second, comparable to the mainstream trading system in the global securities market; on the other hand, DEX, on OKChain, has an average of 246.9 transactions per second, with a peak of 1,400 transactions per second and an average of 2 seconds.


OKEx has always maintained that an exchange assumes an essentially confidence-building role in block-chain ecology, and that currency transactions are currently the most pressing type of credit-added service, so that the provision of product services does not need to be limited to a certain form of technology. DEX is about meeting the needs of users who have higher demands for safety.

OKEx作为全球领先的数字资产交易平台之一,始终致力于给予用户最便捷和最舒适的体验。OKEx CEO Jay Hao表示:"OKEx在提供更好交易体验上永无止境。"

As one of the world’s leading digital asset trading platforms, OKEx has always worked to give users the easiest and most comfortable experience. OKEx CEO Jay Hao says: &quat; OKEx provides a better trading experience. & quot;



On 2 August, at about 12 p.m., BTC fell sharply from $1 1950 to $10,747.1 in two consecutive three-minute periods, up to 10.07 per cent. The price continued to fall in the next three minutes, once down to $10,457.9, and then gradually recovered and stabilized near $11,300. After the fall, one side was blown up and one side was called for.


In general, most of those who have been blown up simply consider themselves to be in the opposite direction, with insufficient deposits, and unable to replenish or reduce them in a timely manner, but there is also a hidden point in front of users that little attention is paid to, that is to say, the rate of funding.


In other words, the price is not charged by the trading platform, but is paid in large amounts, or in large amounts. Payment or collection is usually made on a daily basis at 8:00, 16:00, 24:00, for a total of three times, and if there is no warehouse at that point, it will not be paid. The money rate is used to reduce the price differential between the contract and the spot market, thus returning the contract price to the spot price.

一般来说,资金费率=Clamp(MA(((合约买一价+合约卖一价)/2-现货指数价格)/现货指数价格 - Interest), a, b)

In general, the financial rate = Clamp (MA(((contract one price + contract one price) /2 - spot index price)/ spot index price - Interest), a, b)


Of these, Clamp: for more than ada, for more than bb; MA: for the average movement of the previous minute; Interest: for 0.


The funding rate is automatically calculated by the Platform, each with a history of changes in the funding rate, which is open and transparent, and the figure below is a recent change in the funding rate for OKEx, the tender, BitMEX and the currency.


So the question is, when do we pay more for the empty, and when do we pay more for the empty? Simplely, all we need to see is the pros and cons of the money rate: when the money rate is positive, more for the empty; when the money rate is negative, more for the empty.


If you know the rate of the funds, how do you calculate the cost of the funds? It's a lot simpler.


Fund cost = value of warehouse holdings* fund rate


The value of the warehouse is the size of the warehouse where you open, you convert the currency into the currency, you convert the USDT to the USDT. The formula is,


Local currency: warehouse value = face value * number/late marked price


USDT contract: location value = face value * latest marked price


There must be a lot of learning players here, and the basic knowledge points here are finished. It is curious to have a contract player, and why there is a money rate. Indeed, a careful and senior player may have found that only a permanent contract has a financial rate and a contract of delivery is not. Why is that? People are aware that a contract of delivery can have a large base difference (note: base difference = spot price – contract price) because of a regular delivery, and eventually return to spot price in the form of a due delivery, so that a contract of delivery does not need to be corrected by a fund rate to the price of the contract price of the spot; and a permanent contract, because of the absence of a contract, can be held by the user, and if there is no correction mechanism, the base difference between the contract price and the spot price of the contract is likely to increase, and in order to return the contract price of the contract of a permanent contract to current price, it would be necessary to reduce the base price through a correction mechanism, and there would be a financial rate.


Each trading platform has a financial rate, which is high and low, and the lower the funding rate, which is based on the base difference, indicates that the platform has a lower counterpart cost, that the platform is more mobile, that the premium is lower, and that it is more user-friendly. And we start to focus on the four exchanges, and who has a lower funding rate.


To give a simple example, what is the cost of a user doing more than BTC by 8 a.m. on 5 July, using $5,000 in principal, 20 times leverage, opening a more than $100,000 warehouse, and selling it 30 days later by 8 a.m. on 4 August?


The analysis shows that the value of the user's warehouse space was $100,000 and that it lasted a total of 30 days, with three funding costs per day (8:00, 16:06, 24:00 each), and that the funding rates for each platform were based on data from Skew, an encrypted data provider, as shown below.


The cost of funds for each platform would then be well calculated, not to mention the direct result:


It needs to be made clear that here we have a simplified treatment, where the funds rate uses a recent fixed value for each exchange, but this does not affect the final result, as Skew can clearly see the evolution of the rates for each exchange.


Skeew data show that the funding rate for OKEx is less than half the price of the gun and for BitMEX, less than one third of the currency, the lowest of the four exchanges. Correspondingly, the cost of OKEx funds is only $603 and the cost of the money is 12.06 per cent; the price of the gun is $1323, or 26.46 per cent, which is twice as high as that for OKEx; the price of BitMEX is $1539, or 30.78 per cent, which is twice as high as that for OKEx; and the price is $2142, or 42.84 per cent, or three times as much as that for OKEx. The same contract, the same principal, the same leverage, the same warehouse, is clearly the best accounting for the trade in OKEx, the most wasted in the currency, the cost of the money alone, and the amount of $1539 spent in the currency, which is a lot more than the cost of the money.


To sum up, as with all other platforms, OKEx is smooth, rising, and OKEx is more user-friendly, and can earn more money. The leaking of so many daily machines may also offend some platforms, coughing, but, seriously, choosing to stand on a front with users, which I think is a very correct choice for the benefit of a wide range of contract players.


On the subject of the funding rate, several KOLs also expressed their views on Twitter, agreeing that, in the same context, the cost of the OKEx warehouse was lower and even cost-effective. As can be seen, the user-friendliness of the OKEx is real and well-known.


In short, the devil often hides in detail. In addition to looking at the basics of brands, technologies, and wind control mechanisms, the small details of choosing a suitable trading platform are also of great interest.


If users choose other platforms when making sustainable contracts and open comparable warehouses, they spend a few dollars, dozens or even hundreds of dollars more every day than in OKEx, and for a long time, there will be a serious reduction in the warehouse space, a sharp increase in the cost of holding a warehouse, or even an explosion. So, the selection is important for a trading platform, otherwise you can blow up your cells in minutes.




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