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1. 币圈

Currency circles


The currency circle, the spontaneous community of digital money players, is small but large, and is often seen as a small variety. There are few money earners in the circle, and the various ways of generating money, such as ICO, coins, mining, etc., are quickly replicated.

2. 法币

French currency


The French currency, i.e., the legal currency, is issued by the State or by an authority of the Government, backed by governmental credit, such as the renminbi, the United States dollar, etc.

3. Token


Token, which is often translated as a “passport” is one of the core concepts in the block chain. Although often referred to as “demons”, in the eyes of professional “chains”, it is more precise to mean “evidence of interest” that symbolizes a right or intrinsic value in the block chain, rather than simply a currency.

4. Token三要素

4. Three elements of Token

(1) 数字权益证明:通证必须以数字形式呈现,代表一种权利或固有价值;

(1) Digital certificate of entitlement: a hyphen must be presented in digital form, representing a right or intrinsic value;

(2) 加密保护:通证的真实性、防篡改性和隐私保护由密码学技术提供保障;

(2) Encryption protection: authenticity of hyphens, anti-false and privacy protection are guaranteed by cryptography techniques;

(3) 网络流动性:通证可在网络中自由流动,随时接受验证。

(3) Network mobility: Passes are freely available in the network and are readily authenticated.

5. 梭哈



The currency coils, meaning that the investor invests the entire principal in one-time.

6. 空投

6. Airdrops


Airdrops are now popular means of encrypting money, and project parties attract interest and disseminate project information to potential investors by donating tokens.

7. 糖果

7. Candy


Currency confectionery means the initial digital currency that the ICO phase project party distributes to users free of charge, with the aim of increasing the visibility and appeal of the project.

8. 破发

8. Broken hair


Decline, meaning that the price of a given number of currencies falls under its issuing price.

9. 私募

9. Private fundraising


The private collection of currencies is an important means of financing cryptographic money projects, which finance the operation of the Platform by issuing tokens in exchange for market-based digital currencies.

10. K线

10. Line K


K-line maps, also known as candle maps, Japanese lines, etc., are drawn from their opening price, maximum price, lowest price, collection price, etc. and are used to analyse price trends during the investment cycle.

11. ICO

ICO,即Initial Coin Offering,借鉴股市IPO理念,指区块链项目以自发型虚拟货币交换市场流通货币,实现融资目标。

ICO, or Initial Coin Offering, draws on the IPO concept of the stock market and refers to the block chain project, which swaps market currencies with automatic virtual currencies in order to achieve its financing objectives.


1. 仓位:指投资者实际投资与总资产的比例。

1. Location: refers to the ratio of actual investment of investors to total assets.

2. 建仓:买入数字货币。

2. Warehousing: purchase of digital currency.

3. 补仓:分批次买入数字货币。

3. Replenishment: purchase of digital currency in batches.

4. 全仓:一次性将所有资金投入购买数字货币。

Full warehouse: a one-time investment of all funds into the purchase of digital currency.

5. 减仓:卖出部分数字货币,但不全部卖出。

5. Stewardship: some but not all of the digital currency sold.

6. 重仓:数字货币持有量占总资产比例较高。

6. Repository: Digital currency holdings as a proportion of total assets.

7. 轻仓:现金持有量占总资产比例较高。

7. Light warehouse: Cash holdings represent a high proportion of total assets.

8. 空仓:全部卖出持有的数字货币,转为现金。

8. Empty: All digital currency held is sold and converted into cash.

9. 锁仓:通常指买卖合约后,面对与操作方向相反的市场走势,新开与原持仓相反的新仓,类似“蝴蝶双飞”。

Locked warehouses: Usually, after a purchase or sale contract, in the face of market trends that are in the opposite direction of operations, new warehouses that are in the opposite direction of the original warehouse, similar to “butterflies fly twice”.

10. 止盈:在盈利状态下卖出数字货币以锁定收益。

10. Freezing: selling digital currency in a profit-making position to lock the gains.

11. 止损:在亏损达到预定水平时卖出数字货币以限制损失扩大。

11. Cessation of loss: The sale of digital currency to limit the increase in loss when the loss reaches its intended level.

12. 牛市:市场价格持续上扬,市场前景乐观。

12. Cow market: Market prices continue to rise and market prospects are positive.

13. 熊市:市场价格持续下跌,市场前景悲观。

13. Bear City: Market prices continue to fall and market prospects are pessimistic.

14. 多头(做多):看好价格上涨,买入数字货币,待升值后卖出获利。

Multiple head (do more): Take good care of price increases, buy in digital currency and sell for profit after appreciation.

15. 空头(做空):预期价格下跌,卖出(或借入)数字货币,待价格下降后买回,同时规避风险。

15. Empty (empty): Anticipated price falls, sells (or borrows) digital currency and buys it back when prices fall, while avoiding risk.

16. 反弹:市场价格在下跌过程中因跌幅过快而出现短暂回升。

The rebound: market prices rebounded briefly as they fell too fast during the fall.

17. 盘整(横盘):市场价格波动幅度极小,相对稳定。

17. Wholesizing (cross-cutting): Market price volatility is minimal and relatively stable.

18. 阴跌:市场价格缓慢下滑。

18. Decline: Market prices have declined slowly.

19. 跳水(瀑布):市场价格急剧下跌,跌幅巨大。

19. Jumping (waterfall): Market prices fell sharply and sharply.

20. 割肉:买入数字货币后价格下跌,为避免更大损失而出售数字货币;或借币做空后价格上涨,被迫高价回购。

20. Meat cutting: Prices fall after purchasing digital currencies and sell them in order to avoid greater losses; or price increases when they become empty and forced to buy back at higher prices.

21. 套牢:买入数字货币后价格下跌导致账面亏损,或卖出后价格反而上涨,均无法立即平仓获利。

21. Cracking: A fall in prices after buying up a digital currency, resulting in a loss on the books or an increase in prices after selling, is not immediately profitable.

22. 解套:买入数字货币后价格回升,使得账面亏损转化为盈利。

22. Solverage: Prices recovered after purchasing digital currencies, transforming book losses into profit.

23. 踏空:因看空市场而卖出数字货币后,价格却持续上涨,错失盈利机会。

23. Stepping down: prices continue to rise and profit opportunities are missed when digital currencies are sold out as a result of market vacating.

24. 超买:市场价格持续上行至高位,买方力量接近枯竭,预示价格可能回调。

Superpurchase: The continued upturn in market prices, the near exhaustion of buyer power, foreshadowed a possible reversal of prices.

25. 超卖:市场价格持续下跌至低位,卖方力量接近耗尽,预示价格可能反弹。

Supersales: Market prices continue to fall to a low level, and sellers are nearing exhaustion, predicting a possible rebound in prices.

26. 诱多:空方通过拉高价格诱骗多方买入,随后打压价格,令多方陷入困境。

26. Litigation: empty parties induce multiple purchases by raising prices and then pressurize prices, leaving them in a difficult position.

27. 诱空:多方通过压低价格诱骗空方卖出,随后拉升价格,令空方陷入被动。

27. Hiding: Multiple parties lured empty parties through lower prices and then raised prices, leaving empty parties passive.


1. 全面考察项目,避免盲目跟风。警惕币圈充斥的山寨、圈钱项目,一旦项目方跑路,投资者难以寻求法律救济。

1. A comprehensive study of the project to avoid blindness.

2. 入圈前学习区块链基础知识,理解其解决行业痛点的机制。

2. Learning the basic knowledge of the block chain before entering the circle and understanding its mechanisms for addressing industrial pain points.

3. 投资项目前,务必深入研究项目是否真正运用区块链技术,核实创始人身份及其背景真实性,评估项目业务逻辑与代币的关联度,考察同行业是否有类似项目已解决问题,以及项目落地后在现实中盈利的可能性。

3. Before investing in a project, it is important to study in depth whether the project actually uses block chain technology, to verify the identity of the founder and the authenticity of his/her background, to assess the relevance of the business logic of the project to the currency, to examine whether there are problems with similar projects in the industry and the possibility of making a profit in reality when the project lands.

4. 如难以准确判断币种前景,投资时不超过总资产20%,且分散投资以降低风险。

4. Where it is difficult to determine accurately the currency's prospects, investments do not exceed 20 per cent of total assets and are diversified to reduce risk.

5. 对优质项目保持耐心,短期价格波动不必过分在意,关注团队开发进度与白皮书承诺的一致性,长期持有往往能获取更高收益。

5. Patience for high-quality projects. Short-term price fluctuations need not be overstretched, attention being paid to the alignment of team development with the White Paper commitments, and long-term holdings often yield higher returns.

6. 交易守则:

6. Code of dealings:

(1) 低价筹码不易得,坚定信心,防范庄家砸盘。

(1) Low-price chips are not easy to obtain, and there is a strong confidence to guard against house strikes.

(2) 追涨杀跌、全仓操作乃大忌。在大趋势向好时,逢低分批建仓更为稳妥,风险更低,利润空间更大。

(2) Stalking down and down, siloing, is a big taboo. When the big trend is better, low-volume silos are more secure, less risky and more profitable.

(3) 合理调配利润,释放资金最大效能,而非一味追加投资。

(3) Rational allocation of profits and release of the best value for money, rather than a mere additional investment.

(4) 急涨时适当出货回收本金,急跌时坚守币种,保持冷静,不投机、不浮躁、不贪婪、不恐惧,不做无准备之战。

(4) Reclamation of principal in case of surge, maintenance of currency in case of collapse, calm, non-speculation, non-irour, no greed, no fear and no unprepared battles.

(5) 建仓、出货应分层分段,价格区间拉开,有效控制风险与利润比例。

(5) The risk-to-profit ratio is effectively controlled by stratification of warehousing and delivery of goods, with price spreads.

(6) 熟悉联动效应,关注市场整体走势及各币种动态,它们之间看似独立实则相互影响,借助工具了解币种信息与资讯。

(6) Be familiar with the effects of linkages and focus on overall market trends and currency dynamics, which appear to be independent and interact with each other, using tools to understand currency information and information.

(7) 配仓需兼顾热门币与价值币,平衡抗风险能力与收益期望值。价值币以稳健为主,热门币波动剧烈,可能一夜暴富也可能一败涂地。

(7) A silo needs to balance hot currency against value currency, balancing risk resistance against yield expectations. Value currency is mostly robust, hot currency is highly volatile, and may well be lost overnight.

(8) 保持盘面有币、账户有钱、口袋有现钞的安全配置,严禁梭哈,梭哈必败,风控意识与资金管理关乎心态与成败。

(8) Maintaining the safe configuration of the plate with currency, the money in the account, the cash in the pocket, the ban on travel, the defeat of Soho, and the perception of wind control and the management of the funds are related to mentalities and failures.

(9) 掌握基本操作技巧,学会举一反三,观察为先,记录关键价位,培养阅读、筛选、过滤信息的习惯。

(9) To acquire basic operational skills and learn to read, filter and filter information first and foremost, and to record key prices.


1. 仓位控制:坚决避免满仓操作。原因有三:

1. Position control: To refrain from operating in full for three reasons:

(1) 风险防控:无法确保买入后立即上涨,若遭遇暴跌,资产大幅缩水且无法补仓降低成本。

(1) Risk control: it is not possible to ensure an immediate increase upon purchase, and in the event of a collapse, the assets are significantly reduced and the cost of the storage cannot be covered.

(2) 心态把控:满仓易使人过度关注市场,影响正常生活,甚至夜不能寐。

(2) Psychiatry: Too much attention is paid to the market, affecting normal life and even the night.

(3) 避免被割韭菜:满仓易滋生赌博心理,频繁关注收益变动,一旦所持币种未如期上涨,而其他币种或新目标吸引眼球,便冲动割肉换仓,导致资产持续缩水。

(3) Avoiding the cutting of groceries: full of gambling culture, frequent attention to changes in earnings, when holding currencies does not rise as scheduled, while other currencies or new targets attract eyeballs, rushes to cut racks, resulting in a continuous contraction of assets.

2. 稳健投资建议如下配置:

2. A robust investment is proposed to be configured as follows:

(1) 长线投资:3-4成仓位,以求稳定收益。

(1) Long-term investments: 3-4 per cent warehouse for stable returns.

(2) 短线操作:3-4成仓位,满足操作欲望,但须牢记短线并非必




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