发布会现场 刘畅 摄
The press conference. Liu Chang, take a picture.
云南网讯(记者 刘畅)5月14日下午,云南省发展和改革委员会举行2021年主题新闻发布会,云南省数字经济局副局长杨再林就云南区块链发展情况进行了介绍。
On the afternoon of 14 May, Yunnan Provincial Committee for Development and Reform held a thematic press conference in 2021, which was presented by Yang relin, Deputy Director of the Digital Economy Bureau of Yunnan Province, on the development of the Yunnan block chain.
In recent years, the Yunnan Provincial Council and Provincial Government have accelerated the development of the digital economy at as a breakthrough, giving high priority to the development of the block chain, which, after several years of exploration, has yielded some results.
In May 2019, with the agreement of the provincial people's government, the Provincial Development Reform Commission issued the Development Plan for the Development of the Block Chain Industry in Yunnan Province, the country's first provincial block chain development plan, which is designed to create eco-systems from data, arithmetic, 在强化政策保障方面。2020年10月,经省人民政府同意,省发展改革委出台《云南省区块链技术应用和产业发展的意见》,从助力打造世界一流“三张牌”、建设高效数字政府、提供优质公共服务、激发产业创新活力四个方面提出24项重点任务,指导全省区块链发展。2021年3月,省政府办公厅印发《云南省支持区块链产业发展若干措施》,提出10条措施,针对企业办公场地、员工培训、项目前期、成果应用、企业上市等关键环节支持区块链发展。 In October 2020, with the agreement of the Provincial People's Government, the Provincial Development Reform Commission issued the Opinion on Technical Applications and Industrial Development of the Block Chain in Yunnan Province, which sets out 24 priority tasks to guide the development of the sector chain throughout the province in terms of building the world's first-class “three cards”, building an efficient digital government, providing high-quality public services and stimulating industrial innovation. In March 2021, the Provincial Government Office issued the Measures to Support the Development of the Block Chain Industry in Yunnan Province, proposing 10 measures to support the development of the sector chain with regard to key links such as office space, training of employees, the pre-project period, the application of results, and the listing of enterprises. 在打造产业生态方面。2019年7月在昆明成功举办首届“数字云南”区块链国际论坛,开具全国第一张区块链电子冠名发票。2020年3月挂牌成立全国首个省级区块链中心,阿里巴巴、趣链、云链未来等一批优质区块链企业入驻,组建云南省区块链产业联盟。目前已有5家企业区块链服务取得备案,实现了云南省在国家区块链信息服务备案体系中“零”的突破。依托西南林业大学成立省级区块链工程研究中心,聚焦区块链技术课题和项目攻关。加快建设云南省区块链基础平台,区块链服务网络完成全省16个州(市)城市节点部署。加快区块链场景应用,目前已在商品溯源、公共资源交易、住房专项维修资金管理、工业大麻监管、普洱茶溯源、电子票据、金融服务等领域开展应用示范。 In the area of industrial ecology, the first International Forum on Digital Yunnan Block Chains, held in Kunming in July 2019, successfully invoiced the country for the first electronic name of the block chain. In March 2020, a number of high-quality block chain companies, such as Ali Baba, Fun Chain, Cloud Chain Futures, were set up in the country's first provincial block chain centre, and the Yunnan Sector Chain Industry Alliance was formed. Five business block chain services were made available, resulting in a “zero” breakthrough in the country's sector chain information service filing system in Yunnan Province. The Provincial Block Chain Engineering Research Centre was set up at the Tosi South Forestry University, focusing on technical issues and projects. 权威发布丨云南省人民政府办公厅关于印发云南省支持区块链产业发展若干措施的通知 Authority to issue a circular from the Office of the People's Government of Yunnan Province on a number of measures to support the development of block chain industries in Yunnan Province
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