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Do you remember the time before, when Meta, the one where FaceBook changed his name, CEO Zuckerberg sent his own picture of the meta-cosmos?


What he didn't think was that a picture of himself with his hand brought a bunch of taunts. Twenty years ago, the sense of pixels, the rough contours of characters behind the Eiffel Tower in France and the Barcelona Cathedral in Spain. Is that a billion-dollar meta-cosm?


Today we don't look into the development of the meta-cosmos. Let's talk about Web3.0. In the macro-concept of Web3.0, the meta-cosm is just the tip of the iceberg of Web3.0, so what is Web3.0?


Through the development, malpractice, change, technology, difficulty, national circumstances, applications, disputes, and so on, this paper provides a comprehensive account of the Web 3.0 future Internet, opening up its mysterious veil.


If I may sell it first, people may think that Web3.0 is just a concept, far away from themselves, but in fact it has become the next wind, remember Reebs' classic: standing in the wind, pigs can fly.


This is not a hiatus. Web3.0 in the capital market has long become an ostensible oscillation in the eyes of investors.

  • 全球最大的风险投资公司之一的红杉资本一口气投资了20多家Web3.0公司。

    Redwood capital, one of the largest venture capital companies in the world, invested in more than 20 Web3.0.

  • 2022年4月全球Web3.0领域74个项目获得总计31.03亿美元的融资。 -- 财联社

    In April 2022, 74 projects in the area of Web3.0 worldwide received funding totalling $3.1003 billion.


At the national level, Web3.0 became the same area of competition.

  • 美国大力出台支持性政策,要保证Web3.0革命发生在美国,Meta、谷歌、亚马逊、推特、eBay、奈飞、Paypal、Square等多家美国互联网知名企业已开始付出实践以探索Web3领域。

    The U.S. has vigorously put in place supportive policies to ensure that the Web3.0 revolution takes place in the U.S., and that several well-known U.S. Internet companies, such as Meta, Google, Amazon, Twitter, eBay, Naifi, Paypal, and Square, have begun to do their part in exploring the Web3.

  • 日本已经把发展Web3.0提升到国家战略层面,要举全国之力推动Web3.0发展。

    Japan has upgraded the development of Web3.0 to the level of a national strategy, with national efforts to promote the development of Web3.0.


Speaking of which, I'm sure you've been impressed with Web3.0 and let me show you the mysterious veil of Web3.0.


Speaking of Web3.0, it's about 1.0 and 2.0 of its predecessor.


Web1.0 is, in fact, an era of portals more than 20 years ago, typical of Yahoos, fox-searching, web-friendly, new waves, etc. The Internet is essentially a “read-only” model, with Internet users accessing major portals to view and read any news information they want to see.


Limited to the speed and technical limitations of the time, the use of the Internet is meant to browse a variety of information, and the web pages are relatively simple, such as the Yahoo website:


With the subsequent rise of social media, users can create content and interact in real time on a variety of social media, such as Facebook, YouTube, microblogging, tremors, public numbers, etc., at a time when the Internet becomes a “readable + writeable” model that allows users not only to read, but also to express their own views, opinions and become creators of content on various platforms.


We are in the Internet mode of Web 2.0, where everyone can speak on various Internet platforms, and a new profession, called self-media, is created with benefits, such as tremors:


Compared to Web 2.0, which is “readable + writeable”, Web3.0, which is “possessable” and Web3.0, which is decentralized, the automated, intelligent new Internet world, premised on the complete return of user digital identities, digital assets and data to the individual. Each of our interactions should be recorded and quantified, and we should own our own data ownership and access rights and participate equitably in the distribution of benefits resulting from it.


What do you have? Go to the center? Digitization? Is it a big deal? Don't worry. If you're confused with the description of Web3.0, it's just because we've been in Web 2.0 for too long and we've been used to Web 2.0 vices, but then I'm talking about Web 2.0 vices, you'll understand why Web3.0 is necessary for the development of the Internet age.


Every area of the Internet has been created by giants, because with more market resources, these platforms have become more vocal, starting to develop market rules, such as dripping, how to charge fees, how to divide them according to their own decisions, which is good for the drivers on the platform, and for the passengers, who are passive. Similar problems are the cutting-off of big power suppliers, search engines, advertising, etc.


You can't play QQ-buyed Jayon music on the Web. You publish a technical article that is published on the public number, the CSDN, the blog park, the gold mining, the knowledge, etc., because the data from the different platforms are cut apart, which causes great inconvenience to users.


Our social relations, chat records, shopping records, search records, etc. are controlled by major platforms that can use our privacy data at will. Your personal information may be sold at a few cents in the black market.


The data provided by the platform are not credible, for example: the recommended hotspots are not really hot, and the amount of goods purchased and articles read may be false. These data are manoeuvrable and misleading to users.


Once the game platform you play closes the service, the time and money you spend, like your QQ pet, you'll never see it again. If a video platform closes, all the video data you publish will disappear.


Even a big V with a million fans, your account number is owned by the platform, and you have access, not ownership, even if the former US president, Trump, is blocked by Twitter. It is clearly unreasonable that the benefits of your content value are distributed by the platform.


Now that Web 2.0 has so much irrationality and inadequacy, what does the Web3.0 world look like?


Instead of having more than one account at each App, the user has a Web-wide digital identity, with one key entered. In other words, the existing data storage is no longer based on centralized management of the large factory server, but is converted to distributed storage. Once data for each of us are formed, it is very difficult to disappear.


Any data information, digital assets that you generate belongs to you, not to any other company. For example, all digital assets, such as articles, code writing, drawings, songs, etc. that you create, are stored in your personal accounts in the form of NFT. This breaks the platform’s monopoly on information management and algorithms, and changes the relationship of rights and obligations between users and platforms.


Your data will be fully protected. For example, you pay for a lot of information on a web site. But then, when this Internet company closes down, the information and interests that you store disappear. But, if you use an independent digital identity to access the Internet, the network service you buy will be recorded on the nodes of the block chain. Even if this Internet company closes, you re-check the platform and you can still see the information that you originally stored.


The economic benefits generated by your information will be all yours and will not be divided by the big Internet. For example, you publish a travel photo on the Internet, some of your friends are interested in your shoes, and you click on information about your shoes. The benefits of this advertising exposure will go directly into your personal accounts.


Of course, the changes brought about by Web3.0 are far more than four. Its arrival will change the monopolistic position of the Internet giants, change the operating rules of the current information digital economy and give ordinary users greater voice.


So what technology is needed to construct Web3.0? I have briefly listed the following:


Decentralization is essential throughout the Web3.0 architecture. Decentralization is consistent with the core concept of Web3.0 and allows users to own and control their digital identity. Decentralization includes user identification information and privacy data, which can only be used with user authorization, with features such as security, authentication, and interoperability.


Web3.0 is committed to changing the centralization platform's control over data. From this perspective, Web3.0 will not store data in a centralized server. Therefore, Web3.0 will have large data storage needs, distributed storage being an important infrastructure. Distributive storage has the advantages of high safety, privacy protection, and preventing single-point failures, as compared to traditional centralized storage.


Web3.0 was proposed in 2006, earlier than the block chain, but web3.0 had to remain at the conceptual stage because of a lack of solutions until the block chain arose. With the development of block chain technology and the growth of crypto-currency investors, a number of projects related to Web3.0 emerged in the ecology of the block chain, such as Taiwan, Polkadot. The block chain technology has thus laid the foundation for Web3.0 development. The use of block chain technology as a bottom-up structure can satisfy the need for applications such as “data cannot be tampered with” “decentralized”.

全称为Non-Fungible Token,非同质化通证,其“非同质化”意味着每一个NFT都是独一无二、不可分割的。这意味着当一件作品被铸成NFT之后,这个作品就成为了区块链上独一无二的数字资产,具有唯一性特点的可信数字权益凭证。NFT可确保其唯一性和真实性,这样,无论该作品被复制、传播了多少次,原作者始终都是这份作品的唯一所有者并可获取收益。而在传统的交易方式中,这些是很难保证的。

Called Non-Fungible Token, a non-homogenous translator, whose “non-homogenization” means that every NFT is unique and indivisible. This means that when a piece is forged into a NFT, it becomes a unique digital asset with a unique identity, a credible digital entitlement. NFT ensures its uniqueness and authenticity, so that, no matter how many times it is copied and disseminated, the original author is always the sole owner of the work and has access to the proceeds. In the traditional way of dealing, these are difficult to guarantee.


An NFT digital head image was purchased at $180,000 in a famous pool of ball stars, which, on a more side-by-side basis, illustrates the extent of the fire in the NFT and, of course, some of the ingredients are in it.


As an emerging Internet application, Web3.0 includes a number of new technologies, such as block chains, encrypted currency, cyberbills, public chains, smart contracts, machine learning, artificial intelligence, enhanced viewing, virtual reality, 5G, geographic services. The state of the Web3.0 scenario requires the construction of web3.0 from the bottom infrastructure link, and advances in infrastructure at this stage focus mainly on technology-side research and development and applications.


However, the developers still face challenges in applying a technology that is now progressively developing the mature block chain: for example, the number of block chain technical systems, the number of platforms, the diversity of technologies and the difficulty for developers to master; the lack of development, testing and security auditing tools for smart contracts based on block chain technology; and the fact that there are certain differences between block chain applications and traditional applications in the development and delivery models, making development more difficult.


Moreover, for every transaction to be made, an enormous amount of traffic is needed. Bitcoin is now trading at about seven transactions per second, and a peak of 90,000 per second for products such as payment treasures. That is, transactions are bound to be slower and slower when the amount of data is larger, the data are extremely centralized, and the amount of data stored is extremely large.


At present, the Web3.0 industry in China, which has already begun its development, can be divided into five main categories: 1. Digital Collection; 2. Virtual Digital People; 3. Game; 4. Socialization; and 5. Supply Chain.


The Web3.0 industry in our country is somewhat different in terms of quantity and quality, compared to overseas, to a large extent related to the country’s strict regulation of encrypted currency and various initiatives to protect against financial risks. Because of the different investment climate at home and abroad, only the area of digital treasures is currently a potential area of investment, and large factories are also laying out projects like the ants chain of ants that pay for treasures, the phantom nuclear APP, and so on.


As a result of the domestic regulatory environment, some of the businesses operating in Web3.0 have opted to develop abroad, stating that they are “not afraid of regulation, but of passivity, borderlessness, and lack of legal regulation.” In Singapore, financial STI start-ups with block chains, meta-cosm and Web3.0 technologies have specifically provided a sandbox policy that allows “test error”, and about 780 companies are currently in a queue in Singapore to claim their licences and can still operate until they obtain them.


On April 13, 2022, the China Internet Finance Association, the China Banking Association, and the China Securities Association jointly issued the Initiative on Protection against NFT-related Financial Risks, which advocates that NFTs should be financialized, de-securitized, de-virtualized and de-monetized, and that NFT operators and participants should comply with the legal red line for issuing NFTs in order to avoid exposure to virtual currency.


The State is actively developing the relevant legal and regulatory system for Web3.0, strengthening data compliance, strengthening infrastructure, setting standards and promoting the establishment of appropriate regulatory rules to ensure that Web3.0 can develop in a stable and orderly manner in the country.


Web3.0 is still being explored and the current Web3.0 application on the market is, in fact, mostly the traditional Web2 application and the concept of +web3, mainly in foreign markets, and two more famous Web3.0 applications are listed here.


As long as there is hunting in the Web3.0, you will certainly not be unfamiliar with the digital wallet fox Metamask, and you can interpret Metamask as the payment treasure of the Web3.0 era, which is equally useful for paying attributes. But, in contrast, Metamask also carries an independent digital identity function that highly binds digital identity to private property, personal information, and is entirely in its own hands.

目前市面上主流的 Web2 浏览器,无论是谷歌的 Chrome、还是国内的360、搜狗浏览器...其实都存在着售卖用户信息给广告商的变现模式,而这其中自然就会存在着用户隐私泄露的问题。而Brave浏览器主打的就是隐私保护,它最大的特色就是广告拦截功能,用户使用Brave不会受到广告轰炸的困扰。不久前,Brave浏览器就创造了,世界上第一个拥有超过100万用户的加密应用程序的记录。

The Web2 browser, currently in the market, whether Google's Chrome, or the country's 360, and dog search browsers... has a pattern of selling user information to advertisers, which naturally leads to privacy leaks. Brave browsers are concerned with privacy protection, the biggest feature of which is advertising interception, and the user's use of brave will not be disturbed by advertising bombing.


Web3.0 applications in other areas, such as gymnastics StepN, social media APPICS, online exchange Uniswap, music streaming media platform Sound.xyz, etc., are available to interested people.

虽然Web3.0正在蓬勃的探索发展,质疑的声音也不占少数。埃隆马斯克甚至公开对Web3进行嘲讽:“我不认为Web3.0真实存在,现在更像是市场营销的热词。” 微信之父张小龙也曾说,Web3可能是虚假的狂欢。

Web3.0, although web3.0, is developing vigorously, and the voices of doubt are not in the minority. Elommask even publicly mocks Web3: “I don't think Web3.0 is real, but it's more like the word of marketing.” The father of Quakers, Zhang Xiaolong, also said, may be a fake carnival.


Of course, the challenge is not unreasonable, and the bottom-line use of block chains to encrypt money can easily be associated with some of the frauds. Some have also become the first Web3 pickles in the capital markets.


So is Web3.0 the future of the Internet or a scam?


What I would like to say about Web3.0 is that there is too much uncertainty about such a bottom-up technological innovation, and we can be more patient, as if a decade ago we could not understand why there is a QQ without a trace, why there is a cash check, why there is a 3G upgrade to 4G, so never underestimate any new form of technology, its destabilizing power to the traditional world, and sometimes what they lack is just an application scene.


When we look at the development of the Internet, every innovation is not always easy at first, and it goes through a period of ignorance, failure, and failure to catch up. The birth of a new technology must be a journey of desolation, let's wait and see to see the arrival of Web3.0!


Well, that's all about Web3.0. It's not about opening a whole new world.


Did you learn to quit?





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