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持续两周的名人币热度已经熄火。但令社区意外的是,或许是加密 meme 里最大的人物 IP「特朗普」,也有了被「亲自发币」的时候。

Celebrity heat has been out for two weeks. But what's surprising to the community is that perhaps the biggest character in encryption meme, IP "Trump", has also been "given it in person."

北京时间今日早六时,知名美国媒体 Pirate Wires 在 X 平台发表了一条推文,内容为「据传言,特朗普正在 Solana 上推出官方代币—$DJT」。

At 6 a.m. Beijing time, the famous American media, Pirate Wires, published a tweet on platform X, saying, "According to rumours, Trump is launching the official token-$DJT on Solana."

这两个月里,特朗普的相关 meme 代币都跑出了令人惊讶的涨幅。这些代币均由社区自发发起,特朗普本人并没有在公开场合回应过这些代币,特朗普的「亲加密」表现也仅在各种竞选演讲之中。这则「特朗普推出官方代币」推文一出,就引起了社区的极大关注。

During these two months, Trump’s related meme dean ran an amazing increase. These coins were initiated by the community, Trump himself did not respond to them in public, and Trump’s pro-encryption performance was only in a variety of campaign speeches.

DJT 是特朗普的社交媒体平台「Truth Social」的股票代码。自 3 月份上市以来,该股本身一直是热门股票,DJT 的股价高达 79.38 美元。该股目前交易价格约为 35 美元。不止加密圈,FOX Business 也紧跟着做出了长文报道。

DJT is the stock code for the Trump social media platform " Truth Social ". Since it was listed in March, the unit itself has been a popular stock, with a stock price of 79.38 dollars for DJT. The unit is currently trading at approximately $35.

在报道中 FOX Business 称,无法确认 Solana 链上 Meme 币 $DJT 是否直接或间接与特朗普有关联,但业内消息人士称,与特朗普有关联的人至少两个月来一直在计划推出一种数字货币。

In the report, FOX Business stated that it could not be ascertained whether Meme Dollar $DJT was directly or indirectly associated with Trump in the Solana chain, but industry sources claimed that people associated with Trump had been planning to launch a digital currency for at least two months.

不论如何,$DJT 的出现给今天惨淡行情里的流动性提供了一个注意力去处。Pirate Wires 推文发出之后,$DJT 在一个半小时里涨幅超 250%。

Anyway, the appearance of $DJT provides a place to focus on mobility in today's sad business. After the Pirate Wires tweets, $DJT rose by more than 250 percent in an hour and a half.

但很快,社区就开始从各个方向质疑 DJT 的真实性。

But soon, the community began to question the authenticity of DJT from all directions.

社区对$DJT 的讨论很多,许多人认为$DJT 不可能是特朗普官方团队发布的代币。首先,$DJT 的 LP 池并没有锁定,也就是说团队随时可能抛售代币。

There's a lot of community discussion about $DJT, and many think that $DJT can't be a token issued by the Trump official team. First, $DJT's LP pool is not locked, which means that the team can sell at any time.

此外,社区发现$DJT 的部署地址从 Kucoin 获得了初始资金。按照平台政策,美国用户不能使用 Kucoin。如果$DJT 确实由特朗普团队发布,只能是他们外包给非美国国籍的发币团队就像此前名人币热潮中的主角那样,但作为参与大选的政治人物,外包团队发币将会对特朗普的声誉造成影响。

In addition, the community found that the deployment address of $DJT received initial funding from Kucoin. In line with the platform policy, US users cannot use Kucoin. If $DJT is indeed released by the Trump team, it can only be outsourced to non-American currency issuers, as was the case in previous celebrity coin booms, but as politicians participating in the election, the outsourcing team will have an impact on Trump’s reputation.

从交易筹码上看,可视化链上追踪工具 Bubblemaps 发现,$DJT 的 67% 的供应量集中在一个集群中。Delphi Ventures 创始人 Tommy 也认为 DJT 是一个骗局。

From a trade chip, the visualization chain tracking tool Bubblemaps found that 67% of the supply of $DJT was concentrated in a cluster. The founder of Delphi Ventures, Tommy, also considered DJT a fraud.

而此次事件的唯一信源 Pirate Wires 在之后没有放出更多讯息,其主编同时也是 Founders Fund 的 CMO Mike Solana(本人表示 Solana 是他的姓)则转发了原帖并放上了代币合约地址,而同时间诞生的$DJT 官方推特也与其互动密切。

The only source of this incident, Pirate Wires, did not post any more messages, and its editor-in-chief, CMO Mike Solana, who himself said that Solana was his last name, transmitted the original post and placed it with a currency contract address, and the official DJT tweet, which was born at the same time, interacted closely with him.

也有人从「种种信号」中找出了$DJT 的特别意义。比如在特朗普团队的官方社交媒体平台 Truth Social 上,特朗普本人发布了一条内容,并以字母「DJT」结束了推文,但此前他并没有这样做过。曾指出 io.net 的 GPU 数据显示有问题、并得到 CEO 回复的社区用户 Martin Shkreli 也转发了 DJT 相关讯息,这为 DJT 的可信性又加了一层。

For example, on Trump’s official social media platform, Truth Social, Trump himself published a text and ended the tweet with the letter DJT, but he did not do so before. Martin Shkreli, a community user with problematic GPU data from Io.net and with a response from CEO, has also forwarded DJT-related information, adding a layer to DJT’s credibility.

在多方猜测之下,$DJT 上涨乏力。再一次点燃动力从疑似特朗普亲近人士 Bo Loudon 下场发推开始。

Under a lot of speculation, $DJT is on the rise. Once again, the engine starts with the next move of the suspected Trump affin Bo Loudon.

上午 11 点 47 分,一个头像为特朗普合照的 Bo Loudon 发文表示「$DJT IS THE ONLY REAL TRUMP TOKEN(这是特朗普唯一官方的 meme 代币)」,据 Blockbeats 了解,Bo Loudon 跟特朗普家族还有特朗普系显贵交往密切,是特朗普的铁粉,其推特背景图是一张和特朗普家族的合照。

At 11:47 a.m., Bo Loudon, the headman of Trump, wrote, "$DJT ISTHE ONLY REAL TRUMP TOKEN (the only official meme token of Trump), which, according to Blockbeats, Bo Loudon has close ties with the Trump family and the Trump family, and is Trump's iron powder, and its Twitter background is a photo taken together with the Trump family.

此外,Bo Loudon 的个人网站上有多张和 Trump 的合照,也有一些和特朗普家族成员的合影。正因如此,社区推测 Bo Loudon 的喊话某种意义上代表着官方的态度。在 Bo Loudon 发出推文之后的半个小时里,$DJT 一路从 0.02 美元涨到 0.045 美元附近,可以说「应声翻倍」。高峰时,$DJT 的市值突破 $380M,超过另一特朗普系 meme 币$TRUMP 的$325.6M,交易量达 12.8 万美元。

In addition, Bo Loudon's personal website has several photos with Trump, as well as some photos with members of the Trump family. That is why the community assumes that Bo Loudon's voice represents an official attitude. In the half-hour following Bo Loudon's tweets, DJT went from $0.02 to $0.045, arguably doubling. At the peak, DJT's market value broke by $380M, exceeding the $325.6M of another TRUMP, amounting to $12.8 million.

$DJT 在一定程度上吸引了其他特朗普概念 meme 币的流动性,$TRUMP 的价格快速下降了近 50%。

DJT has attracted to some extent the liquidity of other Trump concepts of meme currency, and the price of $TRUMP has declined rapidly by almost 50 percent.

推特用户 BILI 就发现,$TRUMP 代币在今日早盘出现大幅下跌,跌幅一度超过 30%,引发投资者抛售潮。多位大户选择获利了结,以百万美元计的代币被大量抛售。与此同时,$MAGA 代币也未能幸免,跌幅接近 20%。

Twitter user BILI found that the dollar TRUMP tokens fell sharply in the early days of the day, once more than 30%, triggering investors to sell. Many large households chose to make a profit, and millions of dollars in coins were sold.

「PoliFi」格局会被冲击吗?社区转而猜测,对于和特朗普题材相关的 meme 财富密码,以特朗普的亲戚名字命名的 meme 代币有可能也会跟随上涨,成为下一个财富密码。

"PoliFi" patterns will be affected? The community turns to speculation that meme tokens named after Trump's relatives may also rise and become the next wealth code for meme related to the Trump question.

截至撰稿时,$DJT 的价格为 0.029 美元,较高点回落 30%。$DJT 的官方推特 TrumpCoin ($DJT) on Solana 的关注者不乏 Jito 创始人 buffalu、Framework 创始人 Vance Spencer 这样的加密社区重要人物,其官方 telegram 频道成员已经超过 2700 人。

At the time of writing, the price of $DJT was $0.029, which is 30% higher. The official Twitter of $DJT TumpCoin ($DJT) on Solana has received more than 2700 followers of the encrypted community, Buffalu, founder of Jito, Vance Spencer, founder of Framework, and its official telegram channel.

回顾这个上午,$DJT 之所以能引起关注,是因为这次的发币传闻来自 Pirate Wires 这样的机构媒体,在之前的几位美国名人下场发币后,竞选期间与加密话题互动密切的特朗普发币也成了很多社区会想象的事情。但事情真相还不得知,BlockBeats 提醒投资者,加入 meme 狂欢的同时,也要注意保护好自己的本金。

Looking back this morning, the interest of $DJT comes from institutional media such as Pirate Wires, where when several former American celebrities paid, the Trump coins, which interacted closely with the subject of encryption during the election campaign, became a lot of community imagination. But the truth is still not known, BlockBeats reminds investors to join meme while also protecting their capital.




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