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内容节选自零壹智库&数字资产研究院联合发布的 《银行区块链应用与案例分析报告》,零壹智库从专利申请角度解读金融机构业务痛点、技术需求、解决方法等。原报告以银行为研究对象,从专利角度分析区块链技术在银行业的应用分布情况,并筛选了7项应用场景进行解析。版权归原作者所有可查看原文链接。

The content extracts from the Report on the Application and Case Analysis of the Bank Block Chain, published jointly by the zero think tank & the Institute of Digital Assets. The zero think tank interprets financial institutions’ business pain points, technology needs, solutions, etc. from the perspective of patent applications. The original report was addressed to banks, analysing the distribution of block chain technologies in the banking sector from the perspective of patents, and screening seven applications for analysis.


bank block chain patent

  • 2016~2019年12月,银行业申请的区块链专利从11件增至433件
  • 2019年1~11月,银行业申请了284件区块链专利,微众银行占81%
  • 微众、工行和中行是我国区块链专利申请数量最多的3家银行

Between December 2016 and 2019, the banking sector increased the number of block chain patents from 11 to 433 from to January-November 2019. The banking sector applied for 284 block chain patents, with micro-banks accounting for 81 per cent , the largest three banks in the country with the largest number of block chain patents.


Patents for Bank Blocks


Of the block chain patents applied by banks, 151 were related to infrastructure and bottom technologies, and 139 were related to financial operations and applications.


From an operational point of view, digital assets, credit operations, and supply chain finance are the three areas of greatest interest to banks. Payment settlements, letters and cross-border payments are also applications of greater interest to banks.


From the application perspective, identification, block-chain voting and asset transfer are currently the three scenes of greatest interest to banks.


Site for the patent application of the banking block chain



Agricultural Bank: Technology solution system failure

目前的征信系统存在中心化的隐患问题,征信系统一旦出现服务异常、数据丢失等故障,会直接影响整个征信系统的正常运行。 基于区块链技术的征信系统,可通过联盟链避免中心化征信系统造成的单点故障问题,可有效减低银行风险管理成本。以下征信体系尤其适用于产业类型的业务。

The current system has a central problem, and the failure of the system in the event of service anomalies, data loss, etc. will have a direct impact on the normal functioning of the entire system. The system, based on block-chain technology, can effectively reduce the cost of bank risk management by avoiding single-point malfunctions caused by the central system through the Soyuz chain.

  • 数据接入模块,可以对上传的征信数据进行有效性检测,对通过核对的征信数据实现预处理,对于缺漏的数据进行补充调整,并更新到联盟链上;

    (a) Data access module, which allows validity testing of uploaded message data, pre-processing of verified message data, supplementation of missing data and updating to the alliance chain;

  • 信用报告生成模块,利用智能合约的自动计算功能,核对信用等级,从而获得信用报告,并将报告上链处理;

    Credit report generation module, which uses the automated computing function of smart contracts to check credit ratings in order to obtain credit reports, which will be reported on the chain processing;

  • 征信查询模块,用于用户征信查询请求,再实现记录上链;

    (b) A letter-search module to be used for user-mail queries, which will then be linked to the records;

  • 异议处理模块,在用户发送异议处理请求后,实现智能判断,再进行数据纠错;

    (a) Objection processing module, which allows for intelligent judgement and data correction after the user sends the challenge processing request;

  • 数据归档管理模块,把已经过期的数据进行归档处理;

    Data archiving management module to archive obsolete data;

  • 异常监测模块,通过统计用户行为,分析数据,将异常用户行为数据推送至监管部门进行监测。

    An anomaly monitoring module, which analyses data by means of statistics on user behaviour and transmits data on unusual user behaviour to the regulatory authority for monitoring.

  • 该系统支持支付机构、第三方认证等作为节点,由支付机构将其业务数据上传至区块链征信系统,从而提高征信数据的可靠性。

    The system supports payment agencies, third-party certification, etc., as nodes where payment agencies upload their operational data to block chain systems, thereby increasing the reliability of the message data.



Bank of China: block chain programme to address cyber-trading fraud

由于银行和支付机构的反欺诈系统都是独立的,当遇到跨支付机构的网络交易欺诈问题,银行很难进行有效识别,也无法及时对用户进行风险预警。 中国银行利用区块链技术组建联盟链,通过联盟链对问题账号进行排查。

Since the anti-fraud systems of banks and payment agencies are independent, it is difficult for banks to identify effectively and to warn users of risks in a timely manner when there is a problem of cyber-trading fraud across payment agencies. China’s banks use block-chain technology to form a chain of alliances to check problem accounts through a chain of alliances.

  • 由行业监管部门、公安机关和支付机构组成联盟核心节点,联合筛选出问题账号,并约定判定规则。问题账号分为黑、灰名单账号;黑名单即曾经进行过欺诈交易的账号,灰名单为陌生账号或高危险账号。

    The list of questions is divided into black and grey list accounts; the black list is the number of accounts in which fraudulent transactions have taken place, and the grey list is an unknown or high-risk account.

  • 银行在系统中对交易双方账号排查,若账号正常,则直接通过;若账号为黑名单,则对该银行账号暂时冻结,并向用户说明原因;若账号为灰名单,则以短信或提示语的形式向用户进行预警,同时进行二次风险确认和身份认证。

    Banks check the accounts of both parties to a transaction in the system and, if the account number is normal, directly through; if the account number is blacklisted, the bank account number is temporarily frozen and the reason is explained to the user; if the account number is grey, the user is warned in the form of a text message or a reminder, together with secondary risk identification and identification.

此外,系统通过规则合约识别问题账户,提高欺诈事件的识别效率; 将问题账户在链中进行广播,推动数据和信息的共享,帮助各节点的数据的孤岛问题; 同时能为用户提供风险预警。

In addition, the system improves the efficiency of fraud identification through rules-contract identification of problem accounts;



Bank of China: Cross-border payment block chaining programme for payment systems

目前的跨境支付业务大部分是基于SWIFT代理模式进行交易,但该存在痛点: 跨境支付业务会经过多个代理机构,业务环节很长,效率低;再加上 银行之间的非实时性,如时差、休假等,会令跨境汇兑、交易、支付的时间很长; 跨境支付则需要向代理银行支付费用,成本增高; 销账率较低等 。 这个系统由区块链网络、支付网关和网络管理系统构成。 其中区块链网络中会由多个节点组成; 支付网关负责连接各节点、网络管理系统和参加行支付系统,接收和存取支付数据,为普通行的支付系统提供依据; 网络管理系统负责接收审核信息,为参加行开户的请求反馈信息,并授权参加行开设托管账户。

The current cross-border payment operations are mostly based on the SWIFT proxy model, but there are pains: Cross-border payment operations will go through multiple agencies, with long business lines and inefficiencies; plus non-real-time banking, such as time lags, vacations, etc., will require long periods of cross-border exchange, transaction and payment; Cross-border payments will require fees to be paid to correspondent banks, with higher costs; Low rates of cancellation, etc. The system consists of a network of blocks, payment gateways, and network management systems. The network of blocks will consist of multiple nodes; The payment gateways are responsible for connecting nodes, network management systems and participation in line payment systems, receiving and accessing payment data, and providing the basis for ordinary line payment systems; The web-based management system is responsible for receiving clearance information, providing feedback on requests from participants in opening accounts and authorizing the opening of trust accounts.

  • 注册交易环节:普通行发起注资请求,账户管理行接收信息后,将注资行的实体帐户向实体托管账户注入注资金额,并将这个信息上链;区块链网络根据注资结果,注入金额。

    Registered transaction chain: The general bank initiates a request for funding and, upon receipt of the information by the account management bank, injects the entity account of the funded bank into the entity's hosting account and links the information to it; the block chain network injects the amount based on the results of the funding.

  • 转账交易环节:汇款客户发起的转账请求,汇款行根据请求,对客户账户及汇款行记账;各节点对转账请求和转账结果进行表决,若表决通过,则将区块链账户向收款行区块链账户转入金额,并将支付报文发给收款行。

    Transfer transactions: requests for transfers initiated by the remittance client, which are recorded by the remittance bank on request in the account of the customer and the remittance account; votes on the transfer request and the result of the transfer at all nodes and, if adopted, the block chain account is transferred to the receiving line block chain account and the payment statement is sent to the receiving authority.

  • 取现交易流程:普通行发送的取现请求,帐户管理行将账户管理行的实体托管账户向取现行实体帐户转入取现金额;托管账户转入取现金额。

    Cash-taking process: cash-taking requests sent by the ordinary bank, where the account management bank transfers the entity hosting account of the account manager to the current entity account for cash withdrawals; and the trust account for cash withdrawals.




目前法院仲裁进行债务催收是银行催收一种途径。 仲裁的流程有:提交仲裁、仲裁庭受理、收集证据、按前调节、出庭举证、组庭裁决等,这导致效率低、时间长。 微众银行的债务催收系统基于区块链技术将债务催收自动化、线上化。 该系统利用区块链智能合约、共识算法等技术实现仲裁流程自动化,从而降低人力投入,简化催收流程。 当系统发现用户贷款逾期,就根据规则进行自动判断,是否进行仲裁操作;再 根据逾期数据和节点存证数据,来生成仲裁内容并发送至仲裁系统,这过程都是自动化完成;系统还有 自动缴纳费用、自动 触发并执行债务催收请求的功能。

The debt collection system of micro-banks is based on block-chain technology to automate debt collection. The system automates the arbitration process, using techniques such as block-chain smart contracts, consensus algorithms, etc., thereby reducing manpower input and simplifying the collection process.


The system could link related business systems such as collection, arbitration, record-keeping, freezing, etc., and provide full-process management of arbitral collection through a big data platform.



: Simplified pro-poor lending process based on block chain technology

目前中国的扶贫贷款存在诸多问题:例如流程复杂、信息不对称、数据可信度低、监管难等。 相比普通贷款,扶贫贷款涉及到的角色和环节很多,例如各级政府部门,需要对不同流程进行整合;此外, 还要把用户的借款需求、还款能力、还款意愿、是否是贫困户等情况进行判断;同时 还要基于银行贷款系统、财务系统、扶贫贷款管理系统等多个系统进行信息对接。 福建农信的扶贫贷款管理系统,在精准扶贫、贷款流程、以及监管监督充分利用了区块链的特性,大幅度改善了业务。

There are a number of problems with China’s pro-poor lending: processes are complex, information asymmetric, data credibility, and regulatory difficulties. There are many roles and links to pro-poor lending compared to ordinary lending, such as the need to integrate different processes at all levels of government; furthermore, users’ borrowing needs, repayment capacity, willingness to repay, and whether they are poor households are to be judged; and information is to be linked on the basis of various systems, such as the banking system, the financial system, and the system for managing pro-poor loans.

  • 打通各政府系统、银行系统,解决了数据孤岛的问题,并将各系统数据上链保存。银行可通过区块链获取到不同的客户数据,促进数据共享。有效减少扶贫贷款业务的门槛,提高扶贫贷款的准确率。

    Banks can access different customer data through block chains to facilitate data sharing. Effectively reduce the threshold of pro-poor lending and improve the accuracy of pro-poor lending.

  • 利用智能合约机制,优化扶贫贷款的审核流程,改善审批和发放速度,将贷款业务线上化、自动化。

    Use smart contract mechanisms to optimize the processing of pro-poor loans, improve the speed of approval and disbursement, and upgrade and automate lending operations.

此外,系统还为提供政府部门的数据获取方式。 通过区块链可以对扶贫代理过程进行监控,包括信息流、资金流、审批流。还可以掌握 贷款进度,对贷款进度中的违规违法行为进行处理。

In addition, the system provides access to data from government departments. Through the block chain, the process of pro-poor agents can be monitored, including information flows, financial flows, and approval flows.



Fujian: . is based on block chain technology for the marketing of products

目前银行的产品营销,是可以利用大数据分析,获得相关金融产品或服务的潜在客户信息。 但基于监管要求,银行的营销方式有所限制,客户依然要前往银行网点或与客户经理对接; 至于电话、短信、邮件等方式因监管限制,效果不佳。 福建农信基于区块链和物联网技术,在物联网设备之间利用区块链定向客户营销和开放式客户营销,可提高银行营销准确性、有效性、便捷性。

But, on the basis of regulatory requirements, banks’ marketing practices are limited, and customers still have to go to bank points or interface with their customers’ managers; As for telephones, text messages, mail, etc., they are not effective because of regulatory restrictions.

在不同的参与者之间,通过网络架构建立一条广告链和一条客户链; 在两条区块链上分别针对客户和广告设置不同的记账; 由金融区块链联盟建立、保存广告积分总账,并负责投放广告积分; 将物联网与区块链融合定向对客户营销。

An advertising chain and a customer chain are established among the different participants through a network structure; Different accounts are maintained on each block chain for customers and advertising; The general ledger of advertising points is created, maintained and placed by the financial block chain alliance and is responsible for posting advertising credits; Linking the object to the block chain is targeted for marketing to customers.



Yushan Commercial Bank: .

跨国企业当前处理资金需求时,一般是先申请跨境授信,再扩展企业授信额度使用范围到国外,让海外业务能得到对应的授信资金支持。 当银行对海外企业进行授权时,由于海内外分行授信额度与动用信息由不同的系统管理,导致跨境额度查询和管理时产生不便。 此外,跨境业务确认方式落后,目前主要是电子邮件和电话方式,导致授信额度管理的难度增加。 玉山商业银行利用区块链技术实现了对授信额度的管理。

When banks authorize overseas businesses, cross-border lines are difficult to access and manage as a result of different systems for granting and using information from branches, both within and outside the country. Moreover, cross-border operations are poorly recognized, and now mainly by e-mail and telephone, making it more difficult to manage the lines of credit.

  • 先由银行建立一个私有链,全球各分行作为授信节点。各节点都运行同一个合约共识,再通过分布式存储方式,将授信额度批复和数据传递,记录所有历史使用信息,然后进行加密处理。

    The banks first set up a private chain, with branches around the world serving as credit nodes. Each node runs the same contractual consensus, then, through distributed storage, the amount of credit and the transmission of data, records all historical usage information, and then encrypts it.

  • 用户可在总行、分行或支行设立授信批复书等授信操作。节点将授信批复书编译成数字化合约,发布至执行授信的节点。

    Users can set up letters for distribution at the head office, branch, or branch office.

  • 当用户在境外动用授信额度时,动用记录自动编译成数字合约,并发布至授信节点。

    The records are automatically translated into digital contracts when users use the amount of the letter award from outside the country and are issued to the award node.




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