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工作量证明 ( PoW ) 协议的能耗水平提高,例如比特币 ( BTC ) 网络使用的协议,促使开发人员寻找一种环保的替代方案来为基于区块链的项目提供动力。这导致了权益证明 ( PoS ) 协议的创建,并因此产生了加密权益。

The workload proves that (PW) agreements have increased energy consumption levels, such as the Bitcoin (BTC) network use agreement, which has prompted developers to find an environmentally friendly alternative to the project based on . This has led to the creation of the Promulgation of Interests (PoS) agreement and thus to the creation of encryption rights.


 what constitutes pledge encryption currency? Near-view observation of the rise of the PoS质押加密货币涉及获取和留出一定数量的代币,这些代币将用于验证将记录在区块链上的交易。这种称为权益证明 (PoS) 的创新协议不需要使用强大的计算机来解决复杂的数学难题,因此能耗较低。相反,那些在网络中拥有“股份”的人有权添加下一个区块并获得相应的奖励。

In essence, will be used to verify that a certain amount of .

包括卡尔达诺 ( ADA ) 在内的许多区块链都采用 PoS 协议为其网络提供动力,以应对随着加密货币采用率增加而日益增长的环境问题。在本文中,我们将更详细地解释加密货币质押,同时提到一些最好的质押机会。

Many of the block chains, including the Cardano (ADA), use to drive their networks to address the growing environmental problems as encryption currency adoption increases. In this paper, we will explain in more detail the encrypt currency pledge, while mentioning some of the best pledge opportunities.


What's a pledge encoded currency?


By simply holding these coins, the buyer becomes an important part of the network’s security infrastructure and is compensated accordingly. So, what happens when you pledge the encrypted currency? The pledge income is provided in the form of interest paid to the holder, and the interest rate varies from one network to another depending on several factors.

随着基于 PoS 的网络数量不断增长,选择质押加密货币的新替代方案已经出现,包括推出群组质押,也称为质押池、质押提供者和冷质押。根据 CoinMarketCap 的数据,截至 5 月 18 日,按市值计算的顶级股权证明 (POS) 代币列表包括 72 个拥有自己的区块链的代币。

As the number of PoS-based networks continues to grow, new alternatives to the option of pledging encrypted currencies have emerged, including the introduction of group pledges, also known as pledge pools, pledge providers and cold pledges. According to CoinMarketCap, as of May 18, the list of top equity certificates (POSs) in terms of market value includes 72 tokens with their own chain of blocks.

委托权益证明 (DPoS) 是共识协议的一个相对较新的变体,旨在提高网络安全性。它允许网络令牌的持有者将验证的角色外包给代表。然后这些代表组成小组并承担在他们之间达成共识的角色。这些举措旨在使持有少量特定区块链代币的散户投资者获得质押空间中的机会民主化。

The trust certificate (DPoS) is a relatively new variant of the consensus agreement aimed at enhancing cybersecurity. It allows network token holders to outsource proven roles to delegates. These representatives then form panels and assume consensus roles among themselves.


 what's pledge encrypted currency?</p>
<p><strong>质押如何运作?</strong></p><p>How does the pledge work?</p>
<p>质押过程始于购买给定区块链项目的一定数量的原生代币,例如 Cardano ( ADA )、Polkadot ( DOT ) 或 Solana ( SOL )。需要注意的是,Staking 只能在支持 PoS 协议的网络中进行。</p><p>The pledge process begins with the purchase of a certain amount of original money, such as Cardano (ADA), Polkadot (DOT) or Solana (SOL), for a given block chain project. It should be noted that Staking can only take place in a network that supports the PoS protocol.</p>
<p>购买完成后,用户现在必须按照每个特定网络的开发人员指示的程序锁定资产。在大多数情况下,按照交易所或任何其他支持此类操作的协议提供的说明,可以在几分钟内执行质押交易。</p><p>After the purchase is completed, the user must now lock in the assets in accordance with the procedures instructed by the developers of each particular network. In most cases, the pledge transaction can be carried out in a few minutes, in accordance with the instructions provided by the exchange or by any other agreement supporting such operations.</p>
<p>加密货币交易所通过引入质押池等功能促进了质押代币的过程。这些旨在通过增加在给定时间点质押的代币数量来增加从质押某个网络的代币获得的补偿。质押硬币的数量越高,给定节点将被分配进行验证的交易数量就越高。在大多数情况下,节点根据它们持有的代币数量进行排名。</p><p>In most cases, nodes rank according to the number of coins they hold.</p>
<p>因此,持有最多代币的节点往往会处理最多的交易,这也是 Staking 矿池流行的原因。另一方面,用户可以在一段时间内质押代币——称为固定质押。一些提供商还提供更灵活的方案,用户可以在任何给定时间提取他们的代币。这被称为灵活的质押。固定质押的刚性导致向持有者提供更高的加密质押回报,而灵活质押往往提供的条款不那么有吸引力。</p><p>As a result, nodes holding the largest amounts of money tend to handle the most transactions, which is why the Staking pond is popular. On the other hand, users can pledge money over a period of time – known as fixed pledges. Some providers also offer more flexible options for users to withdraw their money at any given time. This is called flexible pledges. The rigidity of fixed pledges leads to a higher return on encrypted pledges to holders, while flexible pledges often offer less attractive terms.</p>
<p><strong>你可以质押什么加密货币?</strong></p><p>What kind of encoded currency can you pledge?</p>
<p>只有由 PoS 协议提供支持的区块链项目的原生代币才能提供质押的可能性。根据 CoinMarketCap 的数据,截至 5 月 18 日,市值最高的 5 种质押代币包括 Cardano ( ADA )、Near Protocol ( NEAR )、BitTorrent ( BTT )、Mina (MINA) 和 Ankr (ANKR)。加密领域最著名的智能合约网络——以太坊( ETH)——一直致力于迁移到 PoS 协议,但该操作尚未完成。</p><p>Only the original currency of the block chain project supported by the PoS agreement can provide the possibility of a pledge. According to CoinMarketCap, as of May 18, the five highest-value pledge money include Cardano (ADA), Near Protocol (NEAR), BitTorrent (BT), Mina (MINA) and Ankr (ANKR). The most famous network of smart contracts in the encryption field – Ethom (ETH) – was committed to moving to the PoS agreement, but the operation has not yet been completed.</p>
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 what's pledge encrypted currency?</p>
<p><strong>2022 年最佳质押币</strong></p><p><strong> Best pledge in 2022 </strong></p>
<p><strong># 1 - 卡尔达诺 (ADA)</strong></p><p><strang> 1 - Caldano (ADA)</strang></p>
<p>卡尔达诺(ADA)被认为是 PoS 协议的先驱,也是以太坊在创建基于区块链的智能合约方面的竞争对手之一。Cardano 网络由 Charles Hoskinson 开发,并以意大利著名数学家 Gerolamo Cardano 的名字命名。Cardano 的 Ouroboros 协议声称是“第一个可证明安全的股权证明协议,也是第一个基于同行评审研究的区块链协议”。根据 Cardano 的质押计算器,如果投资者选择将其股份委托给其他验证者代表他们使用,一年投资 10,000 个代币应产生 4.6% 的年回报率。</p><p>The Cardano network was developed by Charles Hoskinson and named after the famous Italian mathematician Gerolamo Cardano. The Oroboros agreement of Cardano claims to be “the first proven and secure equity certificate agreement and the first block chain agreement based on peer-reviewed research.” According to Cardano's pledge calculator, if an investor chooses to entrust its shares to other certifying agents for their use, an annual return of 4.6 per cent should be generated on 10,000 coins a year.</p>
<p><strong>#2 – NEAR 协议 (NEAR)</strong></p><p><strong>#2 – NEAR Protocol (NEAR) </strang ></p>
<p>NEAR 协议 ( NEAR ) 是一个第一层区块链,旨在为开发人员提供一个更快的网络,他们可以依靠该网络为其去中心化应用程序(dApps) 提供动力。NEAR 背后的开发团队创建了一种称为 Nightshade 的共识机制,以允许验证者并行处理交易。这有助于消除排队并提高交易速度,同时降低成本。</p><p>The NEAR protocol is a first-tier block chain designed to provide a faster network of developers that can rely on it to drive their decentralised applications (dApps). The development team behind NEAR has created a consensus mechanism called Nightshade to allow certifications to handle transactions in parallel. This helps to eliminate queues and increase transaction speed while reducing costs.</p>
<p>该项目声称将其他区块链的平均处理时间减少至少 1,000 倍,而依赖网络的开发人员将获得 30% 的交易费用作为补偿。质押 NEAR (该区块链项目的原生代币)的人获得的奖励与质押到网络的代币总量成正比。例如,如果质押了 1,000 个代币,而用户质押了其中的 100 个,他们可以获得总奖励的 10%,这些奖励将分发到网络中。</p><p>The project claims to have reduced the average processing time of other block chains by at least 1,000 times, while network developers will be compensated for 30% of the transaction costs. Those who pledge NEAR (the original intergenerational currency of the block chain project) will receive a positive ratio to the total number of tokens pledged to the network. For example, if 1,000 tokens are pledged, 100 of which are pledged by the user, they will receive 10% of the total reward, which will be distributed to the network.</p>
<p><strong>#3 – BitTorrent-New (BTT)</strong></p>
<p>几十年来,BitTorrent 一直是一个流行的文件共享网络,甚至在区块链技术被构想之前。用户依靠此应用程序来交换电影、文档和音频等计算机文件。既有播种者——提供文件以便其他人下载它们的人——也有下载者——下载文件的人。</p><p>For decades, BitTorrent has been a popular file-sharing network, even before block chain technology is conceived. Users rely on this application to exchange computer files such as movies, files and audio. People who download files -- those who provide them for others to download them -- and those who download them.</p>
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 what encumbers encrypted currency?</p>
<p>有趣的是,BitTorrent 本身就是一个去中心化的项目,因为许多播种者可以同时参与,将特定文件的一小部分提供给 leecher。2018 年,该应用被一层区块链项目TRON( TRX )收购。BTT代币是由 TRON 提供支持的 TRC-10 资产。该令牌可用于支付 BitTorrent 提供的一些高级服务。</p><p>Interestingly, BitTorrent is itself a decentralised project, because many podcasters can participate at the same time and provide a small portion of a particular file to Leecher. In 2018, the application was acquired by TRON (TRX) as a block chain project. BTT is an asset supported by TRON. The token can be used to cover some of the high-level services provided by BitTorrent.</p>
<p>根据由 BitTorrent 创建的基于区块链的流媒体服务DLive的数据,该平台收到的所有捐赠和订阅中有 5% 分配给 BTT 利益相关者。到目前为止,这导致年化回报率为 2.4%。</p><p>According to DLive, a block-based stream media service created by BitTorrent, 5% of all donations and subscriptions received by the platform are allocated to BTT stakeholders. So far, this has resulted in an annualized return of 2.4%.</p>
<p><strong># 4 - 米娜 (MINA)</strong></p><p><strong> 4 - Mina </strang ></p>
<p>Mina (MINA) 的开发人员声称他们的项目是世界上“最轻的区块链协议”。原因是该项目的软件开发工具包 (SDK)——为希望依靠 Mina 的去中心化网络开发应用程序的开发人员提供的一组工具——与其他可能重达数百 GB 的 SDK 相比只有 22KB。</p><p>Mina (MINA) developers claim that their project is the world's “lightest block chain agreement” because the project's software development toolkit (SDK) — a set of tools for developers of decentralised web development applications who want to rely on Mina — is 22 KB compared to other SDKs that may weigh hundreds of GBs.</p>
<p>在运行多个测试网后,Mina 的主网于去年 3 月成功上线,目前有 265 名活跃验证者保持网络安全和高效。根据该项目,Mina 的年通货膨胀率为 12%,也有可能每年赚取高达 24% 的收入。这些特殊奖励被称为“超级奖励奖励”。</p><p>After operating multiple testing networks, Mina’s main network was successfully online last March, and there are currently 265 active certifications who maintain network security and efficiency. According to the project, Mina’s annual inflation rate is 12%, with the potential to earn up to 24% a year. These special incentives are called “super-incentives.”</p>
<p><strong># 5 - 墨水 (ANKR)</strong></p><p><strong>#5 - Ink (ANKR)</strang></p>
<p>Ankr (ANKR) 是由 PoS 协议提供支持的第一层区块链,它提供了一个生态系统,开发人员可以在该生态系统上构建他们的去中心化应用程序。Ankr 依赖于其广泛的验证者网络,这些验证者为Web3项目提供所需的基础设施。</p><p>Ankr (ANKR) is the first block chain supported by the PoS protocol, which provides an ecosystem on which developers can build their decentralised applications. Ankr relies on its extensive network of certifying officers, who provide the infrastructure needed for the Web3 project.</p>
<p>Ankr 的原生代币 ANKR 用于支付区块链的高级服务和交易费用。代币可以被质押。通过Ankr Earn,用户可以让投资者通过一种名为 aETHc 的合成资产质押 ETH 代币。根据项目官网,质押该代币的年收益率约为4.2%。</p><p>Ankr’s original ingenuity ANKR is used to pay high-level service and transaction costs for the block chain. A token can be pledged. Through Ankr Earn, the user can get investors to pledge ETH in a synthetic asset called aETHc. According to the Project Officer Network, the annual rate of return on the pledge is approximately 4.2%.</p>
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 what encumbers encrypt currency?</p>
<p><strong>抵押加密货币的好处和风险</strong></p><p>The advantages and risks of <strong' mortgaged encrypted currency</strong></p>
<p>质押加密货币意味着什么?这真的是个好主意吗?质押加密意味着投资者赋予网络内的验证者使用他们的股份来处理一些需要记录在区块链上的交易的权利。抵押加密货币有两个主要好处。首先,投资者因持有代币而获得补偿,这可以被视为赚取被动收入。其次,用户可以通过质押他们的资产来提高网络效率,因为验证者将能够更快地处理交易。</p><p>What does pledge an encrypted currency mean? Is it really a good idea? The pledge encryption means that investors give network certifications the right to use their shares to deal with transactions that need to be recorded in the block chain. Mortgage of encrypted money has two main advantages. First, investors are compensated for holding tokens, which can be considered passive income. Second, users can increase network efficiency by pledging their assets, because the certificationer will be able to handle the transaction more quickly.</p>
<p>然而,加密质押回报并非没有风险,因为多种因素可能会影响您质押代币的性能和安全性。要提到的第一个风险是网络安全事件的可能性,这可能导致您在某个交易所或在线钱包中持有的代币丢失。为了消除这种威胁,一些加密投资者已经转向冷质押——一种将你的代币存储在硬盘等硬件上的活动。</p><p>The first risk to be mentioned is the possibility of a cyber-security event, which could result in the loss of a token you hold in a particular exchange or online wallet. To counter this threat, some encryption investors have turned to a cold pledge, an activity that stores your money on hardware such as a hard disk.</p>
<p>冷存储您的加密资产可以保护您的资产免受网络攻击,因为硬件不会连接到互联网。但是,使用这种形式的质押时,硬件的丢失或损坏仍然存在风险。质押的另一个风险来自质押期间加密资产价格的潜在低迷。由于通过锁定您的代币进行质押,如果市场下跌,您将无法清算您的资产,因此您面临损失部分本金的风险,而无法通过出售您的代币来减少这些损失.</p><p>Cold storage of your encrypted assets protects your assets from cyberattacks because hardware is not connected to the Internet. However, there is still a risk of loss or damage of hardware when using this form of pledge. Another risk to the pledge is the potential low price of the encrypted asset during the pledge. Because of the pledge by locking in your tokens, you will not be able to liquidate your assets if the market falls, and therefore you will be at risk of losing some of your principal and will not be able to mitigate these losses by selling your tokens.</p>
<p>同样重要的是要注意,某些网络可能会由于提高质押奖励而导致严重的通货膨胀。加密货币的通货膨胀是指创建新的代币来补偿验证者的努力。如果创建的代币数量过多,它会稀释项目的价值,除非对代币的需求以同样的速度上升。</p><p>It is also important to note that some networks may lead to severe inflation as a result of higher pledge incentives. Inflation in encrypted currencies refers to efforts to create a new currency to compensate for the efforts of the certifying officers.</p>
<p><strong>一个有价值的被动收入来源还是一种冒险的做法?</strong></p><p>Is a valuable passive source of income still risky?</p>
<p>加密质押吸引了寻求通过持有加密货币赚取收入的投资者——类似于债券或高股息股票的运作方式。一些代币提供的有吸引力的年利率(APR)吸引了数十亿美元。根据Staking Rewards的数据,截至 5 月 18 日,按质押价值排名前 10 位的加密资产的 APR 介于 4% 到 13% 之间。PoS 协议还使一些网络摆脱了传统 PoW 机制的能源密集型所带来的环境问题。</p><p>The encrypt pledge attracts investors who seek to earn income through the holding of encrypt currency – akin to the way bonds or high-value equities operate. The attractive annual interest rate (APR) offered by some tokens attracts billions of dollars. According to Staking Rewards, as of May 18, the APR of the top 10 places of encryptable assets by pledge value ranged from 4% to 13%. The PoS agreement also removes some networks from the energy-intensive environment posed by traditional Pow mechanisms.</p>
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与任何其他形式的投资一样,加密抵押也存在风险,包括在网络安全漏洞或因代币价格急剧下跌导致本金损失的情况下丢失在线钱包中的硬币的可能性。锁定期。您应该根据市场条件、网络的可靠性以及区块链提供的奖励来分析 Staking 的风险/回报率,以确保您对所承担的风险获得足够的补偿。在投入硬币之前,请务必进行自己的分析。永远不要投资超过你能承受的损失。

As with any other type of investment, there are risks associated with encryption mortgages, including the possibility of losing a coin in an online wallet in the event of a security gap in the network or a loss of principal due to a sharp fall in the price of a token.




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