
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:24 评论:0



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Xinhua Society, Beijing 14 April (China Securities Journal journalist Hu Rain), helped by the news that the US’s secure currency platform Coinbase was about to be listed on the market, had a night-long stake in the secure currency market. Wind data show that by 6 p.m. Beijing time on 14 April, Bitcoin prices had reached an all-time high, standing at $63,000, and that there had been a massive rise in the encoded currency of Leitco and Temas, as well as an upturn in the US stock chain concept unit.


On this occasion, Coinbase’s listing was viewed by many insiders as a positive sign of further endorsement of encrypted currency by the regulatory board, and there are agencies that suggest that more financial institutions will be involved in encryption-related money-related operations in the future. But just now, the chief executive officer of the world’s fourth largest digital currency exchange has issued a warning that “the blow to encrypted money may be imminent.”


63,000 dollars at the Bitcoin price.


After a month of shock, the price of bitcoin rose again overnight, rising to an all-time high after breaking $62,000 and $63,000 in a row. Wind data show that, as at 6 p.m. Beijing time on 14 April, bitcoin prices had risen by over 5 per cent against the United States dollar, while single bitcoin prices had risen to $63169.01, or by 6 per cent, almost $64,000.


(photo description) Photo source: Wind


Including Bitcoin, the price of encrypted currencies, such as Leiteco and Temas, has risen sharply overnight. Wind data show that, as at 6 p.m. Beijing time on 14 April, the price of Leedcoin against the United States dollar had risen by 7.44 per cent, up from a period of more than three years; and that the price of the Tailes against the United States dollar had risen by 6.51 per cent, to an all-time high.


(photo description) Photo source: Wind

  加密货币的集体狂欢也带动美股区块链概念股普涨。Wind数据显示,截至当地时间4月13日收盘,Riot Blockchain收涨15%,嘉楠科技收涨11.19%,第九城市收涨11.02%。

The block-chain concept has also grown as a result of the block crowding of encrypted money. Wind data show that, as of April 13, local time, the harvest of Riot Blockchain had risen by 15 per cent, that of KANO 11.19 per cent and that of the ninth city by 11.02 per cent.


According to insiders, the short drop in bitcoin prices is undoubtedly linked to the US stock market’s first secure currency platform. On the news, Coinbase, the largest encrypted currency trading platform in the United States, will be marketed locally on April 14th in Nasdak, United States, with the stock code “CON.”


According to public sources, Coinbase, established in 2012, now has more than 56 million certified users, serving more than 7,000 institutional clients and 115,000 ecosystem partners in more than 100 countries. Coinbase achieved operating income of $1.8 billion in the first quarter of 2021, a sharp increase of almost 9.5 times that year.


Unlike the market-based IPO listing model, Coinbase's landing in the United States followed a “direct listing” (DPO) model, whereby the company does not raise capital abroad, but converts ownership of the company's employees and investors into shares, and then signs it on the stock exchange. Once the stock is on the market, the public can buy shares, while existing investors can cash them at any time and there is no lock-term.


In terms of valuation, Coinbase was previously estimated by the market to exceed $100 billion. On a fully diluted basis, the company valued approximately $65.3 billion, based on a direct listing reference price of $250 from NASDAQ for Coinbase.


(subheadings) Peer warning against an encrypt currency strike or arrival


Encrypted money has been controversial since its inception, and Coinbase’s listing has been seen by a number of practitioners as providing more official recognition for the industry. But, as the market is encouraged, some of the “cold water” sounds have also been heard.

  据媒体报道,全球第四大数字货币交易所Kraken首席执行官Jesse Powell日前警告称,对加密货币的打击可能即将到来:“各国政府可能会开始限制使用比特币和其他加密货币,围绕加密技术的监管不确定性不会很快消失。”

According to media reports, the recent warning of Jesse Powell, Chief Executive Officer of Kraken, the world's fourth largest digital currency exchange, is that a blow to encrypted currency may be imminent: “Governments may begin to restrict the use of bitcoin and other encrypted currencies, and regulatory uncertainty surrounding encryption technology will not disappear soon.”

  在3月初美国参议院对证券交易委员会 ( SEC ) 主席和消费者金融保护局 ( CFPB ) 局长候选人举行的听证会上,SEC主席候选人Gary Gensler也明确表示,SEC必须根除加密数字货币市场的欺诈行为。Gary Gensler还明确指出,加密货币为支付和金融普惠带来了新思路,但也引发了投资者保护方面的担忧,如果自己最终当选,将致力于促进创新并确保为投资者提供保护。

At a hearing in early March between the United States Senate on the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the CFPB Director, the SEC Chairman candidate, Gary Gensler, also made it clear that the SEC must eradicate fraud in the encrypted digital currency market. Gary Gensler also made it clear that encrypting money brought new ideas for payment and financial inclusion, but also raised concerns about investor protection and, if elected, would work to promote innovation and ensure the protection of investors.


For Coinbase, the previous settlement on 19 March with the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) on allegations of improper reporting of trading volumes and “self-dealing” was fined $6.5 million, while the company announced that it would postpone listing until April. According to British financial intelligence, Coinbase remains exposed to risks for most investors, with three specific risks: Coinbase's over-dependence on encrypted currency market transactions for profits, a bubble in valuation and a higher policy risk.


(Michael) Embrace the encrypt currency surge.


Although disputes over encrypted currency and related companies persist, a growing number of traditional financial institutions and listed companies operate in the context of encrypted currency.


According to the National Securities Institute, Visa indicated that a pilot project would be set up in Ether in cooperation with the Virtual Monetary Platform Crypto, which would directly connect the payment channels for digital money. In the past, digital currency payments had to be converted into equivalent French currency for liquidation, and Visa would have kept French currency in bank accounts after the day of the transaction, but Visa’s cooperation with Crippto.com would save that link, directly using and supporting the storage of digital money. Both companies indicated that they were expected to establish partnerships with more similar channels during the course of the year.

  上市公司方面,4月初,未来金融科技宣布和Nanjing Ribensi签署收购框架协议,未来金融科技将支付6000万元人民币以收购Nanjing Ribensi,旨在进军加密数字币行业。近期美图公告称,全资子公司美图香港进一步购买了总对价约为1000万美元的比特币,截至公告日集团已累计净购买了价值约1亿美元(约合6.55亿元人民币)的加密货币。

With regard to listed companies, in early April, the future financial technology announcement and Nanjing Ribensi signed an acquisition framework agreement that would pay 60 million yuan in future finance technology to buy Nanjing Ribensi, which is intended to advance into the encrypted digital currency industry. The recent US dollar announcement states that Hong Kong, a wholly-owned subsidiary, has purchased further bitcoins with a total value of about US$ 10 million, and that the Consortium has accumulated a net purchase of about US$ 100 million worth of encrypted currency (approximately 655 million yuan) as of the date of the announcement.


In the view of the country’s securities, the circulation of encrypted money has been at the centre of beach robbery among the giants in the past few months. It is foreseen that more financial institutions will be involved in the business of encryption money in the future, embracing the new wave of block-chain encryption of monetary finance.




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