唐纳德·特朗普誓言成为“加密总统”,比特币价格突破 7 万美元

资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:29 评论:0



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Key points:

6 月 10 日,比特币 (BTC) 价格飙升至每日最高点 70,168 美元,较周五录得的周低点 68,490 美元反弹 2%。

On June 10, the price of Bitcoin (BTC) jumped to a daily maximum of $70,168, a 2 per cent rebound from the Fridayly recorded weekly low of $68,490.


Hâmit Dillon, a female member of the Republican National Committee, said that Trump emphasized the importance of encrypted currency and stressed his strong support for the industry.

共和党总统候选人唐纳德·特朗普在周日的竞选筹款活动中进一步重申了对加密货币行业的支持,引发了 BTC 投资者的看涨反应。

The Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, further reiterated his support for the crypto-currency industry during the campaign fund-raising campaign on Sunday, triggering a rising response from BTC investors.

6 月 10 日,比特币价格飙升至每日最高点 70,168 美元,周末反弹 2%,市场数据显示,BTC 持有者可能是对美国总统候选人唐纳德·特朗普最近的看涨言论做出的反应。

On June 10, Bitcoin prices jumped to a daily peak of $70,168, rebounding on weekends by 2%. Market data show that BTC holders may have responded to recent upswings by US presidential candidate Donald Trump.

由于 6 月 7 日发布的令人失望的美国非农就业数据引发了大规模抛售,全球加密货币市场于周五遭遇大幅崩盘

due to the large-scale sale of the disappointing U.S. non-farm employment data released on June 7th, the global crypto-currency market suffered a major collapse on Friday .

在此次崩盘期间,全球加密货币行业的总市值蒸发了超过 1230 亿美元,而BTC 价格也从每周最高点 71,933 美元迅速下跌 5%,随后在 68,490 美元区域获得支撑。

During the crash, the total market value of the global crypto-currency industry evaporated by over $123 billion, while BTC prices fell by 5 per cent rapidly from the weekly peak of $71,933 and were subsequently supported in the $68,490 area.

然而,当加密货币市场的其他部分还在努力应对周五崩盘的余波时,比特币在周末开始出现复苏迹象。6 月 10 日星期一,尽管宏观经济环境紧张,但比特币价格飙升至每日峰值 70,168 美元。

However, when the rest of the encrypted currency market was trying to cope with the aftershocks of Friday, Bitcoin began to show signs of recovery over the weekend. Monday, June 10, despite the tight macroeconomic environment, Bitcoin prices jumped to a daily peak of $70,168.


The small upturn in Bitcoin on Monday was due to Donald Trump's reaffirmation of support for the crypto-currency industry at a campaign fund-raising event later on Friday.

特朗普从科技风险投资家戴维·萨克斯(David Sacks)和查马斯·帕里哈皮蒂亚(Chamath Palihapitiya)在旧金山举办的筹款活动中筹集了 1200 万美元。

Trump raised $12 million from a fund-raising event organized in San Francisco by technologists David Sacks and Chamath Palihapitiya.

“他说他将成为加密货币总统,”旧金山的科技高管、前特朗普驻奥地利大使特雷弗·特雷纳 (Trevor Traina) 说。

“He says he's going to be president of encrypted money,” said Trevor Traina, the tech executive of San Francisco, the former Trump ambassador to Austria.

此外,特朗普还称赞加密货币是一个重要领域,并支持共和党全国委员会女委员哈米特·迪隆 (Harmeet Dhillon)。

In addition, Trump praised encryption as an important area and supported Harmeet Dhillon, a female member of the Republican National Committee.


数据分析提供商 Palantir 的顾问雅各布·赫尔伯格 (Jacob Helberg) 在谈到美国证券交易委员会主席加里·根斯勒 (Gary Gensler) 时表示:“特朗普总统明确表示,拜登和根斯勒针对加密货币的攻势将在特朗普第二届政府上任后一小时内停止。”

Data Analysis Provider Jacob Helberg, consultant to Palantir, referring to Gary Gensler, Chairman of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, said: “President Trump has made it clear that the offensive against encrypted currency by Biden and Gensler will cease within one hour of the second Government of Trump.”

Dhillon 补充说,加密货币交易所 Coinbase 的高管、加密货币投资者双胞胎 Tyler 和 Cameron Winklevoss 以及其他加密货币领导人也于周四出席了会议。

Dhillon added that the top managers of the encrypted currency exchange Coinbase, the twin of the encrypted currency investors Tyler and Cameron Winklevos and other encrypted currency leaders also attended the meeting on Thursday.

在特朗普发表最新安慰言论后,比特币价格目前已飙升至 70,000 美元以上,较 6 月 7 日星期五创下的周低点上涨了 2%。这一走势为即将于 2024 年 6 月 12 日公布的联邦公开市场委员会 (FOMC) 利率决定带来本周积极价格前景的希望。

Following Trump's latest comfort speech, Bitcoin prices have now skyrocketed to over $70,000, up 2% from the week's low on Friday, June 7. This trend is the prospect of a positive price outlook this week as a result of the Federal Open Markets Commission (FOMC) interest rate decision to be announced on June 12, 2024.

在缺乏明显看涨需求催化剂的情况下,比特币价格似乎不太可能在短期内突破 72,000 美元以上的历史新高。

does not seem likely to break past historical highs of more than $72,000 in the short term in the absence of a visible boost to rising demand.

IntoTheBlock 的下图描绘的历史积累趋势表明,比特币价格现在面临 70,460 美元的主要阻力位。

The historical cumulative trend described in the following graph of the Into TheBlock shows that Bitcoin prices now face a major resistance position of $70,460.

如上所示,目前有超过 680,490 个持有者地址以平均价格 70,457 美元购买了 397,330 个 BTC。如果没有决定性的看涨催化剂来支持新的历史突破,这些持有者可能会在 BTC 接近盈亏平衡点后继续获利,并打算在大幅回调后买回。

As indicated above, 397,330 BTCs have been purchased at an average price of $70,457 by more than 680,490 holders. Without a decisive upscaling catalyst to support a new historical breakthrough, these holders may continue to profit after BTC approaches the balance of gains and losses and intend to buy them back after a significant rollback.

本质上,如果 BTC 本周继续找到买家,并且美联储宣布再次冻结利率,那么未来一周大部分时间里,比特币价格将徘徊在 68,000 美元 - 71,500 美元的窄幅通道内。

In essence, if BTC continues to find buyers this week and the Federal Reserve announces that interest rates will be frozen again, then for most of the week, Bitcoin prices will hover in a narrow passage of $68,000 - $71,500.




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