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Hong Kong's first encrypted retail exchange

媒体消息,2023年8月28日香港首个面向零售的虚拟资产交易所举办启动仪式,香港众多科技金融相关的政商领袖参会,香港财库局副局长陈浩濂、香港 Web3 协会会长陈德霖、香港数码港总裁任景信、香港特区立法会议员邱达根、香港特区立法会议员吴杰庄、香港科技大学副校长兼香港Web3.0协会首席科学顾问汪扬到场参会,部分领导发表演讲。

Media sources reported that on 28 August 2023, Hong Kong's first retail-oriented virtual asset exchange was inaugurated with the participation of many Hong Kong leaders of science and technology-related finance, Chen Ho-jin, Deputy Director of the Hong Kong Treasury, Chen Deok-hyun, President of Hong Kong's Web3 Association, Ken-shin, President of the Digital Port of Hong Kong, Chu Dagen, Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Hong Kong SAR, Kitagen Wu, Member of the Legislative Council, and Wang Yang, Vice-Rector of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Chief Scientific Adviser of the Web3.0 Association of Hong Kong.


The opening of the exchange meant that for the first time in China there was a formal institution for legal compliance with encrypted digital currencies for bulk consumers. And on September 5, exactly one week after August 28, there was a public announcement by seven sectors, including the People’s Bank, on protection against the risk of financing the issuance of currency.



The birth of domestic encryption transactions

虽然现在市场正处熊市整体较冷,但是众多加密粉丝和圈内从业者非常振奋,很多大佬发表朋友圈庆祝这个标志性的事件。这个名为hashkey exchange的交易所的成立仪式在轰轰烈烈拥抱web3的香港并没有引发非常大的关注,但是从合规角度出发这是6年来第一次出现了受法律保护合规的数字加密交易所。

Although the market is now colder as a whole in Bear City, many encryption fans and insiders are very excited, and many older people have published a circle of friends to celebrate this landmark event. The opening ceremony of the Hashkey exchange did not attract much attention in Hong Kong, where web3 was strongly hugged, but for the first time in six years there was a legally-protected digital encryption exchange from a compliance point of view.


When it comes to the chain of important technological blocks in the meta-cosmos, many will be slightly unfamiliar, but when it comes to the first application of the chain — bitcoin — almost no one knows it — it can be said that block chain technology is well known to the world, and even to be an important infrastructure in the world of meta-cosmos, bitcoins, it is the wealth effects of bitcoins that make the chain known as quickly as possible.


So the most important thing for early investors is how to trade bitcoins and other mainstream encrypted currencies that follow them. The original solution is either off-site transactions, or collateral. This approach is time-consuming and extremely inefficient, and security is not guaranteed if the middleman is not reliable. So the exchange is born.





Whether it is known as the world’s three largest exchanges, or the many second-line exchanges that began to grow in the aftermath of the rains, have grown slowly since about 17,18. And 17 years of “94” as a clear dividing line, some of which remain silent, and some of which take advantage, currency security is a typical example, after which all domestic exchanges have announced that they no longer support domestic users, and that they have not only continued to support them, but have also announced that they are moving their headquarters out of the country.


After the news came out of 94, the country’s encryption market operators and ordinary traders were confused, and it became clear from the market’s reaction that the market as a whole had lost confidence, down from a low of up to 5,000 points to nearly 2,800. But then, in 17 years of rage, the bull market hit nearly 20,000, seven times the lowest.


From that point on, we have observed that the volume of transactions can be said to be quite different from that of the past, and that the wealth effect has brought about the “regular army” as well as the “regular army”, and that there has been a gradual announcement by well-known businesses, well-known foundations, large institutions to join the Web3 world and even by Facebook to change the name of the business directly to META, which can be translated directly into meta-cosmos or meta-coastal companies.


Exchanges have seen the enormous potential of the cryptomarket, the post-Cosmos world, to move from recklessness to formalization, compliance, regulatory development, and coinbase's bell at NASDAQ on 14 April 2021, the first “regular army” to be listed in the United States under SEC supervision and protection, which has since become the object and purpose of all exchanges.




Hashkey described it precisely at the launch conference of 28: “The first retail licensed exchange”, whereas the Hong Kong Censorship Commission (SFC) has already approved two encrypted exchanges, OSL in 2020 and Hashkey in 2022.


However, the licence contains stricter trading restrictions, limiting services to “specialized investors” who limit service to investors such as companies and institutions. There is no way to participate in the case of bulk households, so it simply means that the country can trade in encrypted products, while the bulk is unable to do so.

而这一次在2023年8月3日,虚拟资产交易平台HashKey Exchange宣布获得香港证监会1号和7号牌照升级批准,意味着它的业务范围扩大到了散户用户,经历了6年的漫长等待,这一次中国的普通人终于能够在国内合法地享受比特币交易服务了,这是个重大的突破!

This time, on 3 August 2023, the virtual asset trading platform, HashKey Exchange, announced approval for the upgrade of the Hong Kong CVM license plates Nos. 1 and 7, meaning that its operations were extended to bulk users, that it had been waiting for six years, and that it was a major breakthrough for ordinary Chinese to be able to benefit legally from the Bitcoin trading service domestically.



restrictions still exist

虽然是国内首个面向散户的加密交易所,但是其实并不是所有人都可以使用的,hashkey首席运营官表示目前Hashkey Exchange是不支持中国大陆用户使用的,只开放给SFC所支持批准的16个国家和地区。所以严格来说大陆的散户暂时是没有办法直接使用的。还有个现实的问题就是目前所支持的交易种类还非常的少,仅有比特币和以太坊的现货交易,合约交易也还未开通。

Although it is the country’s first bulk-oriented encryption exchange, it is not actually available to all, and hashkey’s CEO has indicated that hehkey Exchange is not currently used by mainland Chinese users, but is open to only 16 countries and territories that are approved by the SFC. So, strictly speaking, there is no way that the continent’s bulk households can be used directly. The real problem is that currently there are very few types of transactions supported, with only bitcoins and spot deals in Etheria, and contract transactions are not yet open.


Although there are many problems that continental users are unable to use, without contracts, and with transactional relativity, Hashkey’s push for encryption is indeed a solid step and a very important one. To be large, encryption products, as an important component of financial products, do require attention and timely involvement.


The release coincided with the release of another self-research chip, 9000 S. The release of the self-research chip, 1042 days after the last release of the last release, is also very important for China’s industrial upgrading as a chain of blocks and their encrypted currency products that are important to the meta-cosmos and the web3 industry.


As Hong Kong's Deputy Director General of the Treasury, Chen Ho-jung, said at the launch ceremony: “Web3 technology is conducive to financial innovation, Hong Kong will promote virtual asset distribution, monetization, virtual asset management, etc..” We will no longer be left behind on the web3 track. This is a good start, and the Web3 and Won cosmopolitan industries will continue to grow and grow in China, making a huge contribution to the development of finance, technology, and related industries.





states that this document does not constitute any investment proposal, but merely the exploration and analysis of cutting-edge technologies, the risk of investment and the need for caution in entering the market!






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