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The world’s most distant distance is to know that a large amount of bitcoin belongs only to you exists on the Internet, but you can’t remember the password to open bitcoin’s wallet. As the value of bitcoin rose sharply recently, a group of people who hold large amounts of bitcoins and who can’t remember to store bitcoin’s wallet code were getting worse.

眼看着比特币的价值越涨越高,手握7,002枚比特币的德国工程师托马斯(Stefan Thomas)心情也越来越糟,因为他把自己的比特币钱包密码存在一颗加密硬盘,但他却想不起来加密硬盘的解锁密码。

The German engineer Stefan Thomas, who was holding 7,002 bitcoins, was in a bad mood as he watched the value of bitcoin grow, because he had his own bitcoin wallet code in an encrypted hard disk, but he could not remember to encrypt it.


Now, Thomas has missed the password eight times in a row, and if the code is wrong 10 times in a row, the hard drive will automatically encrypt all the information in it and nobody will be able to read it.


The 7,002 bitcoin in Thomas' hands came from an early bitcoin player who saw a block chain made by Thomas presenting the film and decided to give him 7,002 bitcoins to reward his payment.


In that year, an early bitcoin player saw a film made by Thomas and gave him 7,002 bitcoins as a reward. Now, Thomas can't remember to open the password to the bitcoin wallet.


“I will only lie on my bed and try to remember the code.” Thomas said, “Then I will rise up to the computer and try some new ways that will help me remember the code, and I will find them not working, and then I will feel consumed by despair.”


In 2013, Howells accidentally threw a hard drive containing the bitcoin code in a trash can and was buried in a dump. Today, he has been denied permission to dig despite repeated requests to the government.

托马斯并不是唯一一个想不起或弄丢比特币密码的人。2013年时,英国工程师豪威尔斯(James Howells)突然发现他误将一颗存放7,500枚比特币钱包密码的硬盘丢掉,现已埋在当地的垃圾掩埋场。多年来,他一直向政府申请开挖垃圾掩埋场,希望能找回这颗一度价值6亿人民币的硬盘,却屡遭拒绝;美国企业家亚萨尔(Brad Yasar)也遇到类似状况,落入空有大笔财富却无法取用的窘境。

Thomas was not the only one who could not remember or lose the bitcoin code. In 2013, the British engineer James Howells suddenly discovered that he had dropped a hard disk containing 7,500 bitcoin wallet codes, which he had buried in the local landfill.


According to the estimates of Chainalysis, a block chain analysis company, about 20 per cent of the world currently has bitcoins, or bitcoins valued at about $140 billion, that cannot be used in the wallets of bitcoins that users have forgotten or lost their passwords.


If the password for traditional bank accounts is forgotten, efforts can also be made to prove the identity of the bank and eventually obtain or reset the password.


This tragedy is also related to the design principles of Bitcoin. In the case of traditional bank accounts, users can turn to banks for help when they forget their passwords and restore or reset them through them.

但在比特币上,同样的事情便难以发生,因为当初比特币发明人中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)就是以去除这些中介机构的影响力为核心来开发比特币,这样的好处是能大幅提高现实世界中的银行、政府干涉比特币帐户的难度,但一大缺点就是只要使用者忘记比特币钱包的密码,想要用钱简直难如登天。

But in bitcoin, the same thing is hard to do, because it was at the heart of the Bitcoin inventors that Satosh Nakamoto developed bitcoin by removing the influence of these intermediaries. The advantage was that it would make it much more difficult for banks in the real world to interfere with bitcoin accounts, but a major drawback was that it would be difficult for users to spend money as long as they forgot the password to the bitcoin wallet.


However, many people also smell business opportunities from those users who lost the bitcoin code, thus providing a series of fee-paying services to help them recover the code, ranging from hypnosis to powerful computers.


Since the discovery that many people can't really remember their bitcoin wallet codes, a series of "cooperative passwords" services have been introduced, ranging from algorithms to hypnosis.

美国南卡罗莱纳州格林维尔县(Greenville)的催眠师米勒(Jason Miller)表示,只要使用者愿意支付1枚比特币,加上目标帐户内5%的比特币金额,就有机会透过催眠术找回密码。

Jason Miller, a hypnotist in Greenville County, South Carolina, United States, said that if users were willing to pay a bitcoin, plus 5 per cent of the bitcoin in the target account, they would have the opportunity to retrieve the password through hypnosis.


He said, “I have developed a series of techniques that can help people remember long-sacred memories, or see what they hide somewhere.”

如果不信任催眠术,也能找上像「钱包回复服务」(Wallet Recovery Services)这样的公司。

If you do not trust hypnotism, you can find companies like Wallet Response Services.


Generally speaking, those who forget the password still have a vague impression of the password, but simply cannot recall the correct sequence and combination, so the services provided by the Wallet Response Service are to help users, through powerful algorithms and computer computing, to put together possible passwords from these vague threads.


Once successful, the Wallet Response Service will charge 20 per cent of the value of the Bitcoin account as a service fee.


Although the charges were higher than that of hypnotist Miller, the Wallet Response Service indicated that clients who had come to them to help find passwords had grown three times over the past month, receiving an average of 70 requests from different users every day.


Ultimately, only a small number of people are fortunate enough to recover the bitcoin wallet code, and most people end up praying with little means to recover their passwords and that huge fortune.

「钱包回复服务」的客户默多克(Nathan Murdoch)四年前买了一批比特币,却不幸忘记密码。在他生日当天,「钱包回复服务」送上一份大礼:找到默多克的比特币钱包密码了。

Nathan Murdoch, who bought a batch of bitcoins four years ago, unfortunately forgot the password. On his birthday day, the wallet answered with a big gift: the Bitcoin wallet code was found in Murdoch.


Happily Murdock said, "Now I've copied the code on the paper, and I've done it." I'm not going to do it again.


But those who recovered the password through the Wallet Response Service, hypnosis and hypnotism are only a handful of people who, like Thomas, were too late to retrieve the password.


Now, Thomas has hidden his hard drive in a hidden place in order to prevent hackers from finding new ways to decipher and steal a lot of wealth before him. At the same time, Thomas is trying to forget about his wealth.


He said, ‘This is how I told myself, ‘Let this be done for your mental health.’’

Tag:比特币   钱包   密码  



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