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  文 | 郑毅 编辑 | Tong 出品 | PANews 

Man & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; editor & nbsp; nbsp; ong & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; PANews & nbsp;


Three years later, on the evening of 30 November, after the Cattle Market of 2017, Bitcoin was finally able to innovate again. It took five hours for investors to jump from $18,500 to $19,800. & nbsp;

  牛市进行时背后,近期却飞起了多只交易所黑天鹅,BitMEX CTO被捕、Coinbase被要求暂停保证金交易、OKEx一度暂停提币、火币高管被传协助调查、库币交易所被盗……一系列猝不及防的事件,让交易所的竞争开始进入一个新时期,随着走入战略规划的十字路口,传统三大开始“分道扬镳”。 

Behind the cattle market, several exchanges of black swans, BitMEX , CTO arrested, Coinbase asked to suspend the bond deal, OKEx once suspended the withdrawal of coins, the gunpowder was summoned to assist in the investigation, and the currency exchange was stolen. A series of unshielded events began a new phase in the exchange's competition, with the traditional three starting to “separate” as they entered the crossroads of strategic planning. & nbsp;


After the currency crisis, the freedom of assets became a new competition dimension and nbsp;


When the peas re-emerged into real silver and silver, Gujima finally laid down its suspense. After two years at a price of $19,000 in Bitcoin, he survived several coins, but was appalled by the exchange’s “banning the money.”


"I didn't expect such a big exchange to ban a month's money withdrawals, and the most worrying thing is a run-off at the time of the coins." When we talked to PANews about this, the island seemed a little upset. & nbsp;


On November 26, after the OKEx Exchange announced that it was free to raise its currency, although there was no previously feared risk of a run-off, Gujima chose the first time to transfer his encrypted assets. According to him, when a crisis of trust arose, his little information and risk-sensitive pick-up must be the fastest to run.


"Maybe the big agencies will stay there because they know more about the inside, but I can't afford to bet that the gentlemen don't stand a wall." "Silently for a moment, Chijima said. Although it's not a giant whale holding millions of dollars in hand, the departure of Chijima remains a force of the exchange.

  据北京链安Chainsmap平台数据显示,OKEx交易所11月26日下午四点重新开放提币后的一小时,流入70.41 枚比特币,流出量却高达5681.79 枚。而这些转出比特币的目标交易所前三位是币安、火币和ZB。 

According to data from the Beijing chain's Anchainsmap platform, the OKEx Exchange reopened on November 26, at 4 p.m., one hour into 70.41  the Bitcoin, with a volume of 5681.79  and the first three of these transfers out of Bitcoin's target exchange, namely, currency, gun and ZB. & nbsp;


On November 27th, at 10 a.m., according to Coin Holmes platform data, about $250 million worth of encrypted assets were transferred from OKEx to the currency, including more than 12.5 million bitcoins, 29 million in the underworld and 13 million USDTs.


In fact, this massive movement of funds did not take place after OKEx opened up the coins, which had previously been “spoiled” by China’s “three largest” exchanges. Since the market position is similar to that of OKEx and the gunships are still in the country, a second figure has been sent to assist in the investigation. Although the coins respond that the company is normal, many users have chosen to transfer encrypted assets for fear of their reoccurrence.


According to data from the Beijing chain's Chainsmap platform, during the month of 15 October to 15 November, the number of currency inflows into the currency exchange amounted to 55819.9 bitcoins, up to 47.75 per cent, compared with 18.13 per cent a month earlier and 19074.39 inflows.


  由于交易所高管遭到监管机构控制而带来用户资金的“监管危机”其实10月初就已经发生过。彼时美国司法部和商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)对加密货币衍生品交易所BitMEX提起诉讼,同时于10月7日逮捕首席技术官 Samuel Reed ,这一变故让平台资金疯狂逃离。 

The “regime crisis” that led to user funds due to the control of exchange executives by regulatory bodies occurred in early October. The U.S. Department of Justice and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) filed a lawsuit against the encrypted money derivatives exchange, BitMEX, and arrested the Chief Technical Officer & nbsp; Samuel & nbsp; Reed & nbsp; and this caused the platform’s funds to run wild.

  Crystal Blockchain数据表明,在美国CFTC对BitMEX采取行动的48小时内,超过4.5万枚比特币从该交易所中流出。与此同时,流入量最多的目标交易所是币安和Gemini,其次是OKEx和火币。 

Crystal  Blockchain data show that more than 45,000 bitcoins flow out of the exchange within 48 hours of the CFTC’s action against BitMEX in the United States. At the same time, the most inflow target exchange is the currency and Gemini, followed by the OKEx and the coin. & nbsp;


For the exchange, depositing funds is a dead end and a moat. Exchanges with large capital in cold wallets are easier to cope with market crises of all kinds, as well as users’ trust. Whether they are arrested by BitMEX executives or OKEx limits on the amount of money raised, all traders are warned that asset security and liquidity will be the new heights of the exchange’s competition with regulatory interference.

  从近期提币危机中的数据看,币安似乎成为了“躺赚用户”的最大赢家。牛市行情之下,据The Block统计11月份交易量已经接近历史高位达到2892.5亿美元,在所有交易所中,币安以60.9%的市场份额遥遥领先。

According to data from the recent currency crisis, the currency seems to have become the biggest winner of the “go-to-go user.” In the case of the cattle market, according to The  Block, the volume of transactions in November was close to an all-time high of $289.25 billion, with 60.9 per cent of the market share leading all exchanges.



> CEX in the tide of DeFi & nbsp > ;


Apart from the fear of financial security and the choice to leave the exchange, the high returns from decentralized financial DeFi and the Lego combinations have been important reasons for the transfer of money from traders since the summer. In DeFi’s scene, the platform coins have multiple interests in mobile mining, voting, red distribution, etc., while the central exchange’s platform coins, be they currency prices or ecological techniques, have largely failed to make a breakthrough and perform evenly.


In fact, apart from the BNB of the Exchange, the platform currency of the country, which was introduced only after 4 September 2017, had a certain genetic deficiency. The bill was issued only as a sale fee “point card” after the events of 94. The distribution of the platform currency was carried out in the form of a tied gift. Because of the separation of the important interest in the sale process, most of the platform currency became “required” and flattened when the platform currency was introduced.


This year, when DeFi's “farming” wave swept the currency circle, traders took the lead in launching the currency smart chain BSC and moved DeFi directly to the exchange, adding new currency to mine, liquid mining, etc. After the first mining project BurgerSwap went online, up to 10% of the daily head mine dividend quickly attracted users, while liquidized up to $400 million in a short period of two days with a lock-in value of 8.2 million BNBs. DeFi miners who had called for the “centralized exchange dead” did not escape the real law, and bought BNB to dig. The BSC ecological map now published by the community contains 50 projects. oldsrc = 400 million United States dollars in a short period of two days, with a lock-in value of 8.2 million BNBs.</p>
<p>  BNB也给各大交易所起到了示范作用。虽然不是所有交易所都能像币安一样依靠自己的公链系统迅速转战DeFi生态。但跟进策略可以降低用户的认知成本,通过锁仓自身平台币“挖取”新币也成了一个重要获客手段。而截至目前,OKChain、火币公链,以及多个已经发声要做公链的交易所,尚且还没有正式推出的消息。 </p><p>But follow-up strategies can reduce the user’s cognitive costs, and “excavating” the new currency by locking down his own platform currency has become an important means of receiving visitors. To date, the OK Chain, the public chain of the gun, and several exchanges that have made public calls have not yet been officially launched.</p>
<p>  而在2019年的平台币牛市中,同样也是币安率先推出IEO模式,用户使用平台币BNB即可参与项目认购,首个项目BTT涨幅高达1000%,首批吃螃蟹的用户获利颇丰,而强大的造富效应引来了众多模仿者,也由此开启了平台币的小牛市。 </p><p>In 2019, in the same city, the IEO model was also pioneered by the IEO model, with users using the platform currency BNB to subscribe to the project. The first project, BTT, increased by up to 1,000%, was profitable for the first users of crabs, while the powerful enrichment effect led to a large number of imitators, thus opening the pygmies to small cattle. & nbsp;</p>
<p>  “安全、便捷”这两个因素是此前PANews针对598位交易所投资者调查得出的最关心因素。交易所的核心是服务好用户,而币圈用户的核心诉求则是在安全前提下投资有良好收益。在提币风波中独善其身甚至“躺赢”,在DeFi浪潮中通过创新抢回流量,也让投资者更加认可了的BNB价值,据币安行情数据显示,11月24日BNB价格上涨11%至35.15美元,破年内新高。也就在这天,币安24小时现货交易量突破330亿美元,创下单日交易量历史新高。 </p><p>“Safety, easy” factors were the two most important concerns of the previous PANews survey of 598 exchange investors. The central focus of the exchange was to serve good users, while the central demand of currency circle users was to invest in a safe environment for good returns. Uniquely and even “keep-in-the-roll” in the tiles of the tiles, and the recovery of flow through innovation in the DeFi wave, which increased investors’ recognition of the BNB value, with an increase of 11 to 35.15 dollars in BNB prices on November 24, a year-old high.</p>
<p> <strong> 全球化发展的十字路口</strong> </p><p><strung> Crossroads in the Development of Globalization</strang> </p>
<p>  虽然同属加密货币行业,但在战略发展上,中国“三大”交易所有着大相径庭的选择。本土化较强的OKEx和火币不约而同选择了向传统资本靠拢,迈出了港股借壳上市的步伐。OKEx借壳前进控股并更名为“欧科云链”,火币则借壳桐城控股并更名为“火币科技”。在OKEx和火币进军港股的另一面,赵长鹏和币安的兴趣则在于收购全球各国的加密初创公司。 </p><p>Although the same sector of cryptography is involved, China’s “three major” exchanges have very different options for strategic development. The more localized OKEx and the coins have chosen to close to traditional capital, taking steps to borrow the shell on the market. OKEx borrows the shell and renames it the “Ocowin chain”, and the gun currency borrows the shell city and renames it the “ign currency technology.” On the other hand, the interest of Zhao Changping and the currency is to buy encryption start-ups in countries around the world. & nbsp;</p>
<p>  “25%利润”是币安用于买买买的剁手经费,币安联合创始人何一表示这一数字是经过严格财务测算与规划得出的。据币安创始人兼CEO赵长鹏披露的数据,币安2019年共进行了9次全资收购,其中包括了期权交易所JEX、DAPP数据平台DappReview、印度交易所WazirX;还投资了包括FTX在内的21家加密行业公司。2020年则收购了加密货币行情网站CoinmarketCap、投资了韩元稳定币公司公司BxB、印尼交易所Tokocrypto等……国际化生态版图不断扩围,辐射更广泛的用户群。 </p><p>“25% of the profit” is money used to buy and buy chopsticks, and the co-founder of the confederates said that this figure was based on rigorous financial calculations and planning. According to data disclosed by the founder of the coin and CEO, Chang Peng Zhao, in 2019, there were nine full-cost acquisitions of the coin, including JeX of the options exchange, DappReview of the DAPP data platform, WazirX of the Indian exchange, and 21 encryption industry companies, including FTX. In 2020, Coinmarket Cap was acquired, invested in the Korea Dollar Stabilization Corporation BxB, Tokocrypto of the Indonesian exchange, etc.</p>
<p>  而近期,火币和币安都被传出在洽谈收购韩国 Bithumb交易所和日本Bitflyer交易所的消息,以便在韩国特别金融法实行后,在韩国开展虚拟资产业务,今年早前,欧科集团旗下的OKCoin Japan也在今年3月份拿到了日本金融厅颁发的数字货币交易所牌照。似乎也有意加速全球化之路。 </p><p>Recently, both the gun and the currency were reported to be negotiating the acquisition of Korea & nbsp; the Bithumb Exchange and the Japanese Bitflyer Exchange for a virtual asset operation in Korea following the introduction of Korea’s special financial law. Earlier this year, the Euroco Group was under the banner of OkCoin  Japan also received a digital currency exchange license plate issued by the Japanese Financial Office in March this year.</p>
<p>  三个交易所的发展路径背后,是传统中式思维的资本市场布局和出海战略,与全球化和去中心化加密原生战略两条路。 </p><p>Behind the development path of the three exchanges are the traditional medium-thinking capital market layouts and seaboard strategies, as well as globalization and decentralised encryption strategies. & nbsp;</p>
<p>  据SimilarWeb数据显示,5月20日至10月20日的6个月时间中,币安官网的总访问量为3146万,是火币共322万访问量的近10倍,OKEx共601万访问量的超5倍。而从访问用户来看,火币和OKEx仍以中国用户最多,而币安访问排名前五的国家中并没有中国。所以相比而言,OKEx和火币对中国市场的依赖程度更高。</p><p>According to SimilarWeb, during the six-month period from 20 May to 20 October, the total number of visits to the network was 3,146 million, almost 10 times the total of 3.22 million hits and over 5 times the total of 6.01 million hits by OKEx. According to the users visited, the gun coins and OKEx were still the largest number of users in China, while Keane visited the top five countries without China.</p>
<p>  <img alt=


In the eyes of users such as Gukchi Island, it seems that the title of “the three countries” is moving away and that the taste of “fashion” & nbsp is growing;




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