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The concept of the metaspace has been on fire for years, but there are still many people who do not understand what the metaspace is, using the words of the famous mechanical engineering expert, Mr. Tan Jianyong of the Chinese Engineering Institute, which is the sum of all technologies from virtual reality to digital birth, including, of course, artificial intelligence, block chains, big data, mobile Internet, and so on. The core technology of the metacosystem is virtual reality and digital birth. The first feature is virtual reality and virtual incarnation. We used to interact with each other, people on the web outside the machine, people outside the Internet, people outside the metacosystem, and people went inside. The virtual integrator is one of the features of the metacosystem. The second feature is real experience, real interaction.



So what's the industrial cosmos? What are the applications of the cosmos in the industrial field?


What's an industrial universe?


The metacosystem is often described as an all-encompassing single digital world, but it can be divided into three different areas, namely, the industrial cosmos, the corporate cosmos, and the consumer cosmos. The pace of development in each metacosystem is uncertain, but all analyses predict that the industrial cosmos and its enabling technologies will grow rapidly over the next decade.


It provides participants with a fully immersed, interactive, continuous, real-time and synchronized real-world presence and simulation of highly complex systems, such as machines, factories, cities, transport networks.


Existing and developing technologies, including digital twinges, artificial intelligence and machine learning, extended reality, block chains, and cloud computing and margin computing, will be the cornerstones of the industrial metacosystem. These technologies will be integrated to create a powerful interface between the real and digital worlds and to create synergies.


Using an industrial meta-cosm tool, enterprises can undertake infinite design overlaps, real-time modelling, prototypes and tests in a virtual environment before investing actual resources in projects, and the industrial cosmos will usher in a new era of digital solutions to real world problems.



On the one hand, in the context of the digitalization of industry, the technology of the meta-cosm, which is an essential component of the meta-cosm, is important for promoting digitalization, networking, and intellectualization of traditional industries. On the other hand, the technology of the meta-cosm will contribute further to fundamental changes in industrial production methods, organizational patterns, and even process services, leading to the creation of new business models, the construction of new industrial ecology and intelligent economic systems, and the acceleration of high-quality industrial development. On the other hand, as a prototype of the next generation of Internet applications, the development of the meta-cosm technology will trigger a new turn in the information technology industry and facilitate technological leapfrogging, such as 5G, block chains, artificial intelligence, chips, etc., and the construction of infrastructure, and accelerate the diffusion of key technological innovations and applications.


The new generation of information technologies has evolved, integrated, and applied, and the assistive industrial meta-cosmos continues to grow. At present, the industrial cosmos has functional advantages in a number of important scenarios:


In the area of R & D design, applications such as design assessment, iterative optimization and virtual validation can be provided in virtual digital spaces, leading to advance validation of parameters such as capacity configuration, equipment structure, man-lines, etc., shortening the R & D design cycle and reducing the risk of system implementation.


In the area of manufacturing, the industrial meta-cosmos can provide, in virtual digital space, applications such as monitoring of production processes, visualization of data, safe production management, equipment simulation and diagnostics, transparent management, increased productivity and reduced overall energy consumption.



In the area of transport-related management, the industrial universe can provide situational awareness, intelligent inspection, emergency command and other applications in virtual digital space, provide rapid response to safety production problems, fail-positioning and historical traceability, and raise the level of physical safety of factors of production, such as personnel, equipment, etc.


In the area of skills training, the industrial universe can provide guidance on operating processes, equipment presentations, specialist AR teaching, etc. in virtual digital spaces, allowing for a immersion experience of hands-on training, avoiding problems of combining course content and practice in high-risk, extreme environmental, irreversible or costly scenarios.


In the area of product testing, the industrial meta-cosmos can provide applications such as virtual roaming reviews, human engineering analysis and out-of-the-field computing in virtual digital spaces, enabling parallel computing of simulation scenarios, testing of automatic processing of data, improving test efficiency, reducing test setting costs and increasing test accuracy.


In essence, the industrial universe is the cornerstone of the industrial universe, which is the advanced form of the industrial Internet.


Industrial cosmology application direction


1. Predictability maintenance


The XDTs introduced by Siemens and the peripherals are designed primarily for such applications, and the equipment is developed for use at the manufacturing site.


2. Improved design and engineering synergies


Team members in different sectors, locations and even industries can interact with their clients through industrial cosmopolitan technology, design new products and gain real-time in-depth knowledge, without time, money and resources, and reduce travel.


3. Extensive testing and validation


By combining surreal environments with multi-entity simulations, industries can test different scenarios. The industrial meta-cosm has a wider range of test and validation scenarios than digital twines. At the same time, through machine learning and synthetic data training, new product development will be much faster.


4. Virtual debugging


The use of virtual models of manufacturing systems to create simulation scenarios, detect and correct early errors in design and software development without disrupting production lines, and avoid the depletion of physical resources.


5. Enhancing operational capacity


By simulating factories or other workplaces, team members can collect data in the digital world that can be used for a variety of artificial intelligence applications, such as virtual factory planning, autonomous robotic operation monitoring, predictive maintenance and big data analysis.


6. Service front-line operators


While AR/VR/MR and immersion experience are thought to be only the elements needed to consume the metacosystem, in practice it has been found that AR/VR/MR can support front-line operators and improve their efficiency in the real world.


TeamViewer applied AR/VR/MR to remote expert support, training of new staff, presentation of instructions, logistics distribution, etc., resulting in savings in travel costs, manpower training costs and enabling front-line operators to free their hands, improve efficiency and improve the quality of their operations.


The American Boeing company introduced TeamViewer's AR technology in cable network assembly, using voice to interact with AR glasses, where operators simply call out cable numbers, pointing to the position in the plug, and significantly increasing the efficiency and correctness of cable network assembly.

BSH公司在产线虚拟调试中使用VR技术配合可穿戴设备,最多可同时有16名来自全世界各地的工程师在Process Simulate产品中对整条产线进行虚拟调试,同时也提高了仿真设备维护维修的可操作性。这项技术的应用在疫情和后疫情时代为客户节省了大量差旅经费,缩短了项目周期,大大提高了产线设计精确度。

BSH uses VR technology in virtual line-dealing to wear equipment, with a maximum of 16 engineers from all over the world performing virtual calibration of the entire production line in Process Simulate products, while also increasing the operationality of imitation maintenance. The application of this technology has resulted in significant travel savings for clients in the epidemic and post-epidemiology era, shortening the project cycle, and significantly improving product-line design accuracy.


7. In-depth application of AI

越来越多的AI算法应用于硬件控制,如RTR(real time robotic),基于机器视觉的物料分拣算法等。工业元宇宙在模拟AI算法执行结果的同时,也会将AI算法引入机器代码编制过程中,大幅提升离线编程效率,提高代码质量。

A growing number of AI algorithms are applied to hardware control, such as RTR (real time robotic), machine-based visual material separation algorithms, etc. The industrial metacosystems, while simulating the results of AI algorithms, also introduce AI algorithms into machine code development, significantly improve offline programming efficiency and improve code quality.


8. Overwrite actual rendering


Light quantitative simulation models used in simulations can be converted to a USD format, with additional photogramming, material secondary processing, overwritten rendering, which partially replaces the manufacture of prototype equipment or prototypes.

文章来源: 中国工业互联网研究院、新型工业化、科闻社

Source: China Institute of Industrial Internet Studies, New Industrialization, Scientific Studies Institute.




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