
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:28 评论:0



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In the afternoon of 18 June, Bitcoin fell by $19,000, continuing its decline since December 2020. Bitcoin fell by 33 per cent in the last seven days, with a 36 per cent drop in Ethio and a 27 per cent fall in BNB.


Following the crisis in mid-May between the stabilization of the UST and its sister-in-law, Luna, Celsius, an encrypt money-lending giant with 1.7 million users, is also on the verge of danger. On Monday, Celsius claims that the company will suspend all withdrawals, swaps, and transfers between accounts due to “extreme market conditions.”

市场担心,作为Celsius股东的全球最大稳定币发行商Tether Limited会被拖下水,或将引发币圈的“雷曼危机”。

The market fears that Tether Limited, the world's largest stable currency issuer as a shareholder in Celsius, will be dragged into the water or will trigger a “Rayman crisis” in the currency ring.



On 18 June, at around 4 p.m., Bitcoin fell by $19,000, continuing its decline since December 2020. By 9 p.m. on 18 June, the price of Bitcoin was approximately $19171, with a 24-hour drop of 7.41 per cent and a 33 per cent decline over the past seven days.


Since the historic peak of $69,000 in November 2021, Bitcoin has been devalued by about 70 per cent.


The second largest encrypt currency also fell by 7.3 to 1000 dollars per day, the lowest level since January 2021. Nearly 80% below its previous peak. & nbsp;


Also according to Coinglass data, as at 2300 hours on 18 June, a total of 77,000 people in the digital currency area had been detonated in the last 24 hours, with a total of $270 million.

BitMEX前首席执行官Arthur Hayes此前表示,20000美元和1000美元分别代表了比特币和以太坊的价格支撑位,如果被突破,将引发“巨大的抛售压力”。另外,比特币交易所Swan的比特币分析师Sam Callahan也认为,根据之前熊市的经验,比特币可能会从历史高点下跌80%以上。这意味着比特币将跌至13800美元。

The former Chief Executive Officer of BitMEX, Arthur Hayes, had previously stated that US$ 20,000 and US$ 1,000, respectively, represented Bitcoin and the price support of the Taiku, and that a breakthrough would trigger a “big selling pressure.” In addition, Sam Callahan, a Bitcoin analyst for the Bitcoin Exchange, Swan, argued that, based on the experience of Bear City, Bitcoin could fall by more than 80 per cent from historical heights.

据CNN报道,有分析师表示,跌破20000美元关口,对于在疫情期间蓬勃发展的市场来说,将是一个清醒的里程碑。外汇公司Oanda的高级市场分析师克雷格·厄拉姆(Craig Erlam)周二在一份报告中表示:“跌破20000美元将是巨大的心理打击,并可能使比特币进一步下跌。”

According to CNN, analysts report that breaking down the $200 threshold would be a sobering milestone for a market that flourished during the epidemic. On Tuesday, Craig Erlam, a senior market analyst for foreign exchange company Oanda, said in a report: “Breaking the $20,000 would be a huge psychological blow and could cause Bitcoin to fall further.”


Virtual currency bears are more brutal than other assets. According to CoinMarketCap, the total market value of the entire encrypted currency market was $3 trillion in November last year, while the total market value is now approximately $844 billion, with $2.16 trillion “evaporated” in just seven months, and more than 70 per cent shrinking.


Tesla’s investment losses are nearly $600 million, compared to the $1.5 billion spent on purchasing bitcoins at the beginning of 2021. Zhao Chang-peng, the founder of the once “Chinese-rich” currency exchange, lost $85.6 billion in about six months, amounting to approximately RMB 57.7 billion, a decline of 90%.


"The Lehman Crisis"?


Why is the virtual currency, represented by bitcoin, recently sold collectively by investors?


At the macro level, as the world’s leading central banks raise interest rates to control inflation, traders sell higher-risk investments, including more volatile encrypted assets. Perhaps the more important reason is that some investors are unable to draw funds from some of the encrypted currency exchanges this week, increasing investors’ concerns about virtual currency liquidity.


On Monday, Binance, the world's largest encrypted currency exchange, suspended a few hours of bitcoin withdrawals on Monday, claiming that some transactions were “cuffed” and resulted in crowding.


In addition, Celsius, an encrypt currency-lending giant of 1.7 million users, declared on Monday that it would suspend all withdrawals, swaps and transfers between accounts because of “extreme market conditions”. Celsius told its 1.7 million clients that it had decided “to stabilize liquidity and operations while we take steps to protect assets.” Celsius did not state when the exchange would be reopened, stating that it would “take some time” before allowing customers to make further deposits.


The company’s network of officials showed that, as of 17 May, the company owned $11.8 billion worth of assets. Market analysis suggests that, while there has been a marked decline from over $26 billion in October last year, Celsius is still, on a scale, regarded by investors as “banks in currency circles”.

据媒体报道,Celsius在业内地位不容小觑,号称拥有170万客户,并向用户宣传通过该平台他们可以获得18%的收益率。用户在Celsius存入他们的加密货币,然后这些加密货币被借给机构和其他投资者,然后用户从Celsius赚取的收入中获得收益。更重要的是,按照Celsius首席执行官Alex Mashinsky的说法,他们几乎参与了所有主要“去中心化金融(DeFi)”协议。

According to media reports, Celsius is in no small position within the industry, claiming 1.7 million clients and informing users of the 18% rate of return through the platform. Users deposit their encrypted currency in Celsius, then lend it to institutions and other investors, and then the user gains from the income earned by Celsius. More importantly, according to Celsius CEO Alex Mashinsky, they are involved in almost all major “deFi” agreements.


This means that, following the crisis in mid-May between the UST and its sister-in-law Luna, Celsius, a member of the currency-banking industry, is on the brink of danger. Some investors are concerned that if such large currency-banking banks are unable to reopen and allow withdrawals, there will be a chain reaction to the entire encrypted currency market.

而市场更为关注的是,作为Celsius股东的Tether Limited——全球最大稳定币Tether的发行商,是否会被拖下水。如果把Celsius危机比作币圈的“贝尔斯登事件”,那么Tether Limited则是币圈雷曼级别的存在。

And the market is more concerned about whether the issuer of the largest stable currency in the world, Tether, is being dragged into the water. If the Celsius crisis is compared to the “Belfesdon” in the currency circle, then Tether Limited has a Lehman-level presence in the ring.

Tether Limited是价值1800亿美元的稳定币领域最大的运营商,在促进整个加密货币市场的交易方面发挥着关键作用,还提供了与主流金融系统的联系,相当于币圈金融基础设施。所谓“稳定币”是一种市场价值与美元或黄金等“稳定的”储备资产挂钩的加密货币,在加密货币市场承担定价锚和交易媒介的功能。

Tether Limited, the largest player in the $180 billion stable currency sector, plays a key role in facilitating transactions in the entire crypto-currency market, and also provides links to the mainstream financial system, equivalent to the financial infrastructure of the currency ring. The so-called “stabilized currency” is an encrypted currency whose market value is tied to “stable” reserve assets, such as the United States dollar or gold, and assumes the function of a price anchor and a trading medium in the crypto-currency market.


For a long time, Tether has been one of the most censored companies in the industry, and it is now under pressure from regulators, investors, economists, and a growing number of skeptics. There is concern that Tether, if problematic, could trigger a domino effect, leading to a larger collapse.


U.S. University finance expert Hilary Allen says, "Teth is really the lifeblood of an encrypted ecosystem. If it explodes, it will cause the entire wall to collapse."


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Since the beginning of the year, the currency circle, the “things of thunder” has continued to play a superstorm.


On 12 May of this year, over 99 per cent of LUNA coins, once referred to by currency-circumstance players as “the bottom of the currency ring”, fell to less than three cents on the same day, and tens of billions of dollars of wealth were close to zero.


According to CNN, the virtual currency industry is being laid off to survive the “winter”.


On Tuesday, the largest encrypted currency exchange in the United States, Coinbase, said that about 1,000 people, or 18% of the total workforce, would be laid off. The reason was fear of an impending recession and “encrypted winter.” Its latest financial report showed a net loss of $430 million in the first quarter of 2022, compared to $840 million in net profits in the previous quarter.


Indeed, a number of colleagues have announced large-scale layoffs in recent weeks, including the encrypted money lending platform BlockFi, the encrypted currency trading platform Crypto.com, Gemini, and the Argentine-based exchange Buenbit, in which Buenbit fired 45 per cent of its employees in May.


However, according to the foreign media, to date, the big players in the currency circles have not been very worried about the collapse of the currency circles. They say that it is natural that the bear market of encryption technology is different from the bear market of the stock: the lower, but the higher.

“加密货币的熊市通常会下跌85%至90%。”加密货币研究平台Blockworks的联合创始人杰森·亚诺维茨(Jason Yanowitz)表示。他还表示,在过去十年中,比特币经历了两次漫长的加密衰退,损失了80%以上的价值,但比特币也一次次反弹。

“The city of an encrypted currency usually falls by 85 to 90%.” Jason Yanowitz, the co-founder of the encrypted money research platform Blockworks, said. He also said that Bitcoin had experienced two long encryption recessions over the past decade, losing more than 80% of its value, but that Bitcoin had rebounded again.

2017年至2018年加密熊市期间,比特币暴跌83%,从19423美元跌至3217美元。但到2021 11月,比特币价格超过68000美元/枚。

During the period from 2017 to 2018, Bitcoin fell by 83 per cent, from US$ 19423 to US$ 3217. By November, however, Bitcoin was worth more than US$ 68,000.


On Friday, local time (17 June), the Fed, in its semi-annual monetary policy report to Congress, warned of the “structural fragility” of the stable currency. The report warned that the recent collapse and sharp fluctuations in the stable currency and other digital asset markets highlighted the structural fragility of this fast-growing sector.


The report suggests that stable currencies, which are not supported by safe and sufficient liquid assets and are not subject to relevant regulatory standards, can create risks for investors and can have an impact on the financial system, including by increasing the probability of disruptive run-off. At the same time, assets that support stable currencies lack transparency about their risk and liquidity or further exacerbate these vulnerabilities.


(formerly entitled: Collapse! Global virtual currency is being sold, currency rings are being attacked by the Lehman crisis? Bitcoin once fell through $19,000, with 1.7 million users on the brink of danger.)




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