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好吧,废话不多说了,其实比特币 - Bitcoin 出现时间已经很久了,不过对于新手来说,还是需要讲解一下的。关于比特币。FORECE 在好几年前就听说过了,不过当时就觉得这玩意不靠谱。不过看到CNBETA这几年来一直不时的有比特币的新闻出现。FORECE 决定没事玩玩先吧。

Well, no more nonsense, it's been a long time since Bitcoin-Bitcoin appeared, but for the newcomers, there's still something to explain. For the bitcoin. FORECE heard about it a few years ago, but it didn't feel right at the time.


Bitcoin's profile.

比特币(英语:Bitcoin,简写:BTC,货币符号:?),是一种用开源的P2P技术的软件而产生的电子货币。 虚拟货币 “比特币”的概念最初由中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto,可能化名)在2009年提出。现在比特币也指根据中本聪的思路设计发布的开源软件以及建构其上的整个P2P网络。

Bitcoin (English: Bitcoin, short: BTC, currency symbol:?) is an electronic currency generated by open-source P2P technology software. Virtual currency & & ldquo; Bitcoin & rdquo; concept originally proposed in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto (probably aliased). Bitcoin now also refers to the open source software


On a global scale, Bitcoin can be exchanged through multiple online exchanges and service providers, or can be exchanged for cash or gold on-line, without any legal guarantee by the State.


The value of bitcoin.

那么现在的比特币的价值如何呢?我们可以通过 https://mtgox.com/ 来查看当前汇率,刚刚 Forece 查看了一下,一个 BTC 就可以兑换到 $117 美元。

So what's the value of the bitcoin now? We can look at the current exchange rate through https://mtgox.com/.


Bitcoin's access.


So how do we get bitcoin? At first, bitcoin gets &ldquo through CPUs; dig mines & rdquo; that is, we get bitcoin through CPUs, by contributing to our CPU calculations, and when your CPU digs a block, you get a bitcoin. But now it's harder to do it alone, because bitcoins are fixed, knowing that Bitcoins are more and more users, so it's harder to dig bitcoins. So & & ldquao; the pond & rdquao; the big bulls on the Internet are born and they have a web site that brings together the calculators, although you didn't dig bitcos, you get a small bit of bitcoins through contribution calculations.

目前来说比特币的挖矿方式已经从 CPU 转为了 GPU,因为 GPU 的设计问题,GPU 更适用于比特币的计算方式。所以一般来说 GPU 的速度往往要比 CPU 的速度大十倍甚至几十倍。

At present, Bitcoin's mining methods have shifted from CPU to GPU, because GPU design problems make it more appropriate for bitcoins to calculate. Thus, in general, GPUs tend to be 10 or even dozens of times faster than CPUs.


Preparatory work

1. 显卡


显卡最好是 AMD ATI 的显卡,N卡不成,速度没有A卡的效果好,当然等级越高越好,另外可以从这个网站看一下自己挖矿的速度。

A card better be an AMD ATI card, a N card doesn't work, a card doesn't work. The higher the grade, the better, and the more you can see the speed of your mining from this site.


2. 比特币钱包

2. Bitcoin wallet

3. 挖矿软件

3. Mining software


A bitcoin mining tutor.

1. 首先安装一个比特币钱包,获得一个比特币的地址

1. First install a bitcoin wallet and get an address for a bitcoin

去 Bitcoin 官方网站,下载比特币钱包 Bitcoin-Qt ,适用于多个平台。当然你也可以下载到你安卓手机上,在 Google Play 中搜索 Bitcoin Wallet 就可以简单安装了。

Go to Bitcoin's official website, download Bitcoin-Qt's wallet, which applies to multiple platforms. Of course you can download it from your Andre and search Bitcoin Wallet in Google Play and simply install it.


In various bitcoin wallets, your own wallet address is found as follows:


Bitcoin Mining Detailed Graphics Curriculum


In addition to Bitcoin's official wallet, we have a variety of other wallets. We have advantages.

Bitcoin-Qt - 基于 C++/Qt 的 Bitcoin 比特币客户端图形化界面,支持 Linux/MacOSX/Windows,全功能。现在作为官方客户端使用,不过有个缺点,就是需要同步数据,超级慢啊,网上搜索了一下,大概需要7G的数据。所以就难怪网络上一堆人在那里叫:比特币钱包同步怎么这么慢啊?实在是没法快起来,数据包太大了。如果实在受不了,只想要一个钱包地址的话,那么不妨试试手机客户端或者以下其他几种客户端吧。 下载地址: http://bitcoin.org/en/download

Bitcoin-Qt - Bitcoin Bitcoin client graphical interface based on C++/Qt supports Linux/MacosX/Windows, full functionality. Now, as an official client, one of the disadvantages is to synchronize data, super-slow, and search online, probably 7G data. So it's no wonder there's a bunch of people on the network calling it: Bitcoin's wallet is so slow. It's too soon to get up. If you really can't stand it, just want a wallet address, then try a mobile phone client or several other customers. Download address: http://bitcoin.org/en/download

MultiBit - 一个安全、轻量级、国际化的 Bitcoin 比特币钱包,支持 Windows、MacOS 和 Linux。MultiBit比特币客户端主要面向非技术用户,目标是为了让普通用户更快更方便的使用比特币。主要特征有“秒同步”(同步速度飞快),客户端可以创建和管理多个钱包,另外每个钱包都可以创建无数个收款地址。唯一的一点不好,选项里面有一个0.001的交易手续费,且不能取消。这是不是意味着,每次付款都要付出至少0.001的手续费呢?小编使用的就是这个客户端,强烈推荐。网站: https://multibit.org/

MultiBit - A secure, lightweight, internationalized Bitcoin wallet that supports Windows, MacOS and Linux. MultiBitbit's client is primarily aimed at unskilled users and aims to make it easier for ordinary users to use bitcoin more quickly. The main features are “ synchronous & rdquo (synchronous speed) and the client can create and manage multiple wallets, while each wallet can create numerous collection addresses. The only bad thing is that the option includes a transaction fee of 0.001, which cannot be cancelled.

Armory - 是一个开放源代码的钱包客户端。它从一开始就设计用来给大量投资比特币的用户提供最高级别的安全性,同时仍然保持了高度的易用性和便利性。其易于使用和大量先进的功能,使它成为最流行的比特币客户端之一。Armory是基于 Python 的客户端,当前处在 Alpha 测试阶段,Beta 版本由多人资助。网站: https://bitcoinarmory.com/

Armory - is a wallet client that opens . It has been designed from the outset to provide the highest level of security to users who invest heavily in bitcoin, while maintaining a high level of ease of use and convenience. It is easy to use and a large number of advanced functions, making it one of the most popular bitcoin clients. Armory's client based on Python is currently in the Alpha test phase and the Beta version is funded by a number of people. Website: https://bitcoinormory.com/

Electrum - 是一个轻量级的、易于使用的比特币客户端,它可以保护你的比特币,避免遭受到因为备份错误或者电脑故障而造成的损失。你的钱包可以从一个秘密的短语中恢复,你可以把这段密语写在纸上或者记在心里。它并不下载比特币的块链数据,所以当你启动客户端时,你会发现不需要等待(众所周知官方客户端启动超慢)。网址: http://electrum.org/

Electrum - is a lightweight, easy-to-use bitcoin client that can protect your bitcoin from losses caused by backup errors or computer malfunctions. Your wallet can be recovered from a secret phrase, and you can write it on paper or in your heart. It doesn't download bitcoin's chain data, so when you start the client, you don't need to wait.

2. 找一个矿池,注册一个账号我们就可以开始挖矿啦。如果你不知道都有哪些矿池的话,不妨先下载一个挖矿软件,这里 Forece 推荐的挖矿软件叫做 GUIMiner 然后打开 GUIMiner,通过查看服务器,我们就可以知道目前都有哪些流行的矿池了。

Find a pond, register an account, and we can start digging. If you don't know all the ponds, you can download a mining software, which is called GUIMiner, and then open GUIMiner, by looking at .


Bitcoin Mining Detailed Graphics Curriculum

3. 注册完毕后,在网站中选择挖矿方式,然后我们就可以用 GUIMiner 开始挖矿了,在 GUIMiner 中填入刚刚注册的矿池账号信息,然后点击开始挖矿即可。至于挖矿方式,下方会有介绍。

3. Once registered, we choose the mining method on the website, and then we can start digging with GUIMiner, fill in the newly registered pool account number in GUIMiner, and then click on the start of mining. As for the mining method, we will have a description below.


Introduction to several mining methods

1. Slush方式-Slush矿池基于积分制,较老的shares将比新的shares拥有更低的权重,以减少一轮中切换矿池的投机分子。

1. The Slush-Slush pond is based on a system of points, and the older shares will have lower weights than the new shares, in order to reduce speculators who switch pits in one round.

2. Pay-Per-Share方式-该方式为立即为每一个share支付报酬。该支出来源于矿池现有的比特币资金,因此可以立即取现,而不用等待区块生成完毕或者确认。这样可以避免矿池运营者幕后操纵。这中方法减少了矿工的风险,但将风险转移给了矿池的运营者。运营者可以收取手续费来弥补这些风险可能造成的损失。

The Pay-Per-Share approach, which provides immediate remuneration for each share. The expenditure is derived from the amount of bitcoin available in the pond and can therefore be recovered immediately without waiting for the block to be created or confirmed. This avoids behind-the-scenes manipulation by the pond operator.

3. Luke-Jr方式-该方式借用了其他方式的长处,如Slush方式一样,矿工需要提供工作证明来获得shares,如puddinpop方式一样,当区块生成时马上进行支付。但是不象之前的方式,针对一个区块的shares,会被再次利用于生成下一个 区块 。为了区分一下参与矿工的交易传输费用,只有当矿工的余额超过1BTC时才进行支付。如果没有达到1BTC,那么将在下一个区块生成时进行累计。如果矿工在一周内没有提供一个share,那么矿池会将剩下的余额进行支付,不管余额是多少。

3. The Luke-Jr approach, which borrows the advantages of other ways, like the Slush approach, where miners are required to provide proof of work to obtain shares, as in the case of the puddinpop approach, which is paid immediately when blocks are generated. But, unlike the previous approach, the shares for a block are used again to generate the next block. In order to distinguish the transaction costs of participating miners, payments are made only when the balance exceeds 1BTC. If 1BTC is not reached, the next block is accumulated. If the miner does not provide a share of share within a week, then the pond will pay the remaining balance, regardless of the balance.

4. Triplemining方式-该方式是将一些中等大小矿池的计算力合并起来,然后将获得奖励的1%按照各个矿池计算力的比例分发给矿池运营者。

4. Triplemining, which combines the calculus of a number of medium-sized ore ponds, distributes 1 per cent of the prizes to the operators of the pits in proportion to their respective ores.

5. P2Pool方式-P2Pool的挖矿节点工作在类似比特币区块链的一种shares链上。由于没有中心,所以也不会受到DoS攻击。和其他现有的矿池技术都不一样-每个节点工作的区块,都包括支付给前期shares的所有者以及该节点自己的比特币。99%的奖励(寻修网 http://www.seekxiu.com/ (注意:50BTC+交易费用)会平均分给矿工,另外0.5%会奖励给生成区块的人。

5. The P2Pool-P2Pool mining node works on a shares chain similar to the Bitcoin block chain. If there is no centre, it will not be attacked by DoS. None of the other pit technology available - the blocks that work at each node include payment to the owner of the previous shares and to the node's own bitcoins. 99 per cent of the awards (research network http://www.seekxiu.com/ (note: 50 BTC+ transaction costs) will be distributed equally to miners, and another 0.5 per cent will be awarded to those who generate the node.

6. Puddinpop方式-一种使用“元哈希”技术的方式,使用特定的puddinpop挖矿软件,现在没有矿池用这种方式。

The Puddinpop approach - a technique that uses & ldquao; Won Hashi & rdquao; and uses specific puddinpop mining software, is not available for ponds.

目前使用较多的方式为Pay-Per-Share,如 deepbit.net和btcguild.com 等均支持PPS,矿工使用起来也比较方便。

当然除了 GUIMiner ,我们还有其他选择,比如 CGMiner 等等,不过 GUIMiner 是大家最常用的软件,对于新手来说比较方便。像CGMiner 就是纯代码版本的,需要手动如数一些参数才可以开始挖矿,对于新手来说麻烦一些。

Of course, there are other options besides GUIMINER, such as CGMINER, but GUIMINER is the most popular software available to newcomers, and it's easier for newcomers. Like CGMINER, it's a pure code version, and it takes a few parameters to start digging, and it's a little more difficult for newcomers.

另外使用 GUIMiner 的时候,请先安装 AMD 的 SDK 软件,和更新一下驱动程序,目前来说 AMD-APP-SDK-v2.6 和 AMD 12.6 的显卡驱动比较稳定。请大家去官网查询下载。

Also when using GUIMINER, install the AMD SDK software and update the driver. The AMD-APP-SDK-v2.6 and AMD 12.6 are currently more stable. Go to the Web for downloads.


Other ways of earning bitcoin.

现在很多网站还提供很多其他赚取比特币的方式,比如看广告,看视频等等,只要完成他们的任务,你就可以获得小部分比特币,这里 Forece 会稍作整理然后放出。

There are many other ways to earn bitcoin, such as watching commercials, watching videos, and so on, and you can get a small bit of bitcoin if you do their job, and here Forece will sort it out and release it.


Access is free only once a day:







BTC is available for daily advertising at the following stations:





It's about bitcoin withdrawal.

很多人一拿到比特币就想提现,这里 Forece 推荐几个网站

A lot of people want to cash it as soon as they get Bitcoin. Here, Forece recommends a few websites.


Cashing in United States dollars, foreign currency




Presentation of the renminbi:






Calculation of the rate of mining

大家可以来到这个网站,通过 GuiMiner 中提供的速率,然后来查询你通过挂机能获得的金额。

You can come to this site, use the speed provided in GuiMiner, and then ask for the amount you can get through the hang-up.





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