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  錢學森 資料照片


In the recent results of the Han-language board 2021 review, the term “won cosmos” was used as an international word for the year. Just recently, on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of Money Learners' Christmas, the question of the “spirit” that was given to VR (virtual reality) was also hotly debated. The term “metrocos” was translated from the English version of metaverse, which is the abbreviation of the English version of Meta (which meant “exceeding”, computer domain translation is “me”) and universese (cosmos). Metaverse originated from the American science fiction novel Avalan, which describes a virtual world called Metaverse, where people simply connect to the public entrance and can enter it in a virtual way that opens up a life that is different from the real world .


examines the blueprints of the “megaspace” painted by the world, where the reality and the virtual world are typically mapd and interacted with each other, and VR is an essential key technique. Recently, Shanghai Transport University's School of Money and Technology revealed that a famous strategic scientist, Mr. Moneyson, had given VR a name in the early 1990s, the Spirit. In fact, at the same time, he named “telespace”, “television”, “teleperception”, “teleposition”, “telepresence”, “cyberspace” and so on. If this new concept is coherent, it seems like a “metaspace” blueprint.



In November 1990, in a letter to Wang, then head of the “863 Plan” smart computer team, he first proposed the VR translation: “Man is a landscape” or “spirits” and stressed “special love for the ‘spirits’, Chinese flavour.” In June 1998, he wrote back to the National Commission for the Identification of Scientific and Technological Nomenclatures (the “National Commission of Technology Nomenclatures”) and, after comparing the “situation” and the “spirits”, thought that the “spirits are the reality” and finally recommended the “spirits”. It is not known that in the eight years between the two letters he was writing to researchers, journal editors, linguists and his own relatives in more than 10 letters about the new name that he created for VR, the “spirits”.


In October 1994, in a letter addressed to Dare, Wang, and Money Sense, he said: “Psychic technology is yet another technological revolution following the revolution in computing technology that will shake the entire world and must be a major event in human history.” He also attached a blue map that he had imagined: “imageal thinking” and “intellectual thinking” by “spiriting skills”, “creational empowerment”, “intellectual intelligence” and “information network” and “scientific development” and “scientific development” and “scientific revolution” and so on.


In his letter to Ju Guangya in August 1993, he said, “The word should be translated into Han and Chinese.” In May and September 1994, he wrote, “I always thought that our country had its own cultural tradition, that the foreign language could not be translated, that there was no Chinese smell, that there should be China!”


According to the author, there are three interpretations of the “spiritual landscape” in the Ancient Language: the first refers to the “miraculous frontier” and the second refers to the “irresistance of spirituality”, the “irresistance of the ghost workers”, the second to the “false landscape”, as in the case of the tenth book of Micrograss Reading, which refers to “where the spirit is and how many times it has gone”; the third refers to the “minority of the human world”, as in the case of the Journal of Access to the Tangling Law, which depicts the image of the Tang Wujun who will destroy the temple door of the post-Word Temple in four years: “All the spirits, all the people have come, and there is no supply.


In May 1994, when he became a believer, he said, “I suggest a poetic ‘spiritual’. I think it may be too ‘symmetric’ now. The ‘spiritation’ sounds are ‘spirits’, but they are easier to understand, and they are superior.” Indeed, the VR technique is a combination of fiction and reality, and people can get as real as they are in the virtual world, while the two-word “situation” is a classic ‘situation’ — “situation in it.” At the end of the day, even though the money learned to give up the “situation” “because it is vanquished, it is not true”, it has not turned the “situation” into a completely non-Chinese expression.


Why didn't the Spirit be accepted


In order to ensure the authority and accessibility of the terminologies, the National Science and Technology Nomenclature Commission would, to the extent possible, take up a higher degree of consensus among the experts at the time. The lack of general consensus in the scientific and technological community on the term “the state” was the main reason why the currently favoured term had not been adopted by the state at the time.


The Chinese name of VR, published in 1996 and in 1997 alone, was dedicated to discussing the Chinese paradigm of VR at the beginning of its 1998 edition. Nearly 20 translations from the academic community, including the “real” “real” “real” “real” “nature” “nature” “nature” “nature” “nature” “nature” “nature” “nature” “nature” “nature” “nature” “nature” “nature” “nature” “nature” “nature” “nature” “nature” “nature” “nature” “nature” “real” “nature” and “nature” “nature” “nature” “s”, which were discussed at the beginning of the publication.


When experts are more divided about a given name, they tend to have a higher degree of common understanding about the options (e.g. “fiction reality”) in the debate, which is adopted by the state as the standard for scientific research, teaching, production, running and news publishing units throughout the country.


The "Chinese Favorite" of the technology term

   錢學森創造的漢語科技新詞很多,他曾這樣評價自己:“外文名詞中譯,的確要慎重,總該從中顯示出中華幾千年的文化。我在這方面是在不斷努力,有成功的,如:激光、航天、航天飛機、空天飛機,也有失敗的,如我原建議‘黑洞Black Hole’譯為‘陷光星’。”錢學森在書信中談及對科技名詞定名的意見時,常常提到“中國味”“中國風味”“中國文化味”“中國化”“漢語化”“中國文化傳統”“中國范”等字眼。他非常希望中國的科技新名詞能更好體現中華科技文化傳統和中國語言文化傳統。

There are many new words in the Han language that Money has created, and he has commented on himself as follows: “It is true that foreign terms are translated with caution, and it is always time to show China’s culture for thousands of years. I have been working hard and successful in this area, such as lasers, space shuttles, skyscrapers, and failures, such as my suggestion that ‘Black Hole’ be translated as a ‘light star’.” In his letters, he has often referred to the Chinese “Chinese” and “Chinese” and “Chinese” and “Chinese” and “Chinese” and “Chinese” and “Chinese” cultural traditions. He very much hopes that China’s new scientific and technological terms will better reflect the Chinese and Chinese cultural traditions.


After the principles of “monitorism, science, system, harmony” and the principles of “internationality”, it is intended to emphasize that the term “technology” is consistent with the Chinese particulars, to express the concept of science and technology using the current Chinese- and Chinese-specific terms, such as the astronomical term “Venus” “Jupiter” as “Star” rather than “God of Love” as “Jupiter.” In addition, for the past 30 years, the entire National Organization of Scientific and Technical Terminology (NTO) scientific and technological experts on both sides of the Taiwan Straits have jointly named new elements, using methods of choosing or making new narratives, such as the Chinese term “Jupiter” of the 115-118 element “see figure 2” — another example of Chinese identity.


In leading the development of science and technology, it is important to keep in mind the Chinese name created in time for the creation of new concepts, and the many classics he has created have played an immeasurable role in the rapid diffusion of these cutting-edge concepts. I call on Chinese scientists, in the new era’s great quest to create a technologically powerful country, to spend more time and effort on giving new ideas of science and technology a good name. At the same time, using the Chinese language with confidence in the field of science and technology, writing articles in Chinese with confidence in the journal of science and technology, giving full use to the Chinese language’s unique charms, and telling Chinese-language stories, to be part of the new era of China’s science and technology community to build cultural confidence and inspire China’s language to move forward, and to win the world’s voice in science and technology.


a given name for the new term


More than 30 years ago, the “won cosmos” suddenly burst into flames, and the money-student's translator, the “intellectual landscape,” has come to the attention of the public. This has touched us to think about how to guide the community of scientists to make a sound recommendation when new concepts have not been entrenched.


I believe that, on the one hand, the State should ensure that its scientific programmes and projects are implemented in a synchronized manner with the definition and application of new scientific terms, and that it should promote scientific terminology to the forefront of science and technology. On the other hand, it should create positive conditions for the entry and promotion of new concepts from new sources of science and technology, as well as for the ownership of new concepts of science and technology; and, on the other hand, it should find in the wider scientific community a large number of people who are active in science and technology, with both technical and linguistic literacy, high-level experts who are good at naming and popularizing science and technology concepts, as well as high-level experts who have discovered, studied and promoted new concepts of science and technology in time and in time.


In recent times, the source of indigenous science and culture, named after the term “spirits” of technology, has been largely shared by the whole society. And Moneyson, perhaps inspired by the “spirits,” has developed thinking about “image, spirituality,” and has developed a strategic vision of “scientifics” and technology, leading to “scientific developments” and “cultural developments.” So, at the cutting edge of science and technology and at the core of the concept, the strategic significance of a technology name cannot be underestimated.


(author: Zhang Xing, Baia Army, with a distinction of deputy director and director of the National Council of Scientific and Technological Nomenclatures)






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