Bitcoin emptiness refers to speculative trading by investors in terms of falling bitcoin prices, which are expected to fall and profit by selling bitcoins. Contrary to doing so, empty investors want to make profits when bitcoin prices fall.
In traditional financial markets, nothing is done by borrowing assets and selling them. However, in encrypted money markets, especially bitcoin, it is usually done by trading in bitcoin futures contracts. Bitcoin futures contracts are derivative instruments that allow investors to buy or sell bitcoins at agreed prices at a given date in the future.
Bitcoin futures contracts may be traded on an exchange, and investors may deal in bitcoin futures contracts through the following steps:
1. 选择交易所:选择受信任的、有良好声誉的加密货币交易所进行交易。对比交易所的费用、安全性和可用合约进行评估,并选择最适合您需求的交易所。 2. 注册账户:在所选交易所上注册账户,并完成身份验证程序,以确保您的账户安全。 3. 学习合约规则:仔细研究交易所的比特币期货合约规则,包括合约大小、合约期限、保证金要求等。了解这些规则对于有效进行期货交易至关重要。 4. 存入资金:在交易所账户中存入足够的资金作为保证金,这是进行期货交易必要的步骤。保证金将用于支付损失或获得利润。 5. 下订单:通过交易所平台下订单购买或卖出比特币期货合约。在下订单时,您需要明确指定交易量、价格和交割日期。 6. 盯盘交易:在订单成交后,您可以通过交易所平台监控您的交易,包括当前价格、盈亏情况和账户余额。及时跟踪您的交易是重要的,以便在市场波动时采取相应的行动。 7. 平仓:在达到您预期的交割日期或根据您的交易计划,在交割日期之前将合约平仓。平仓时,您将以当前市场价格买入或卖出比特币期货合约。需要注意的是,在比特币期货交易中,由于市场波动和杠杆交易的存在,投资者可能会面临更高的风险。因此,投资者应充分了解风险,并根据自身的风险承受能力制定合理的交易策略。
It is important to note that investors may face higher risks in Bitcoin futures transactions because of market volatility and leverage transactions. Investors should therefore be fully aware of risks and develop sound trading strategies based on their own risk tolerance.
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