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  • Mineant提供更简洁的界面、更完善的功能、更方便的使用和更丰厚透明的收益,为数字资产投资者提供稳定、安全、公开、开放的业务平台,与此同时,它以市场发展为导向,不断创新发展,为高端客户财富实现复利增长和利润最大化、生活实现和谐自由。

    Mineant provides a simpler interface, better functionality, easier use and more transparent returns, and provides a stable, secure, open and open business platform for digital asset investors, while at the same time it is constantly developing innovatively, guided by market development, and achieving compound growth and profit maximization for the wealth of high-end clients, and the freedom to live in harmony.


Unlike credit card networks such as Visa and payment processors such as Paypal, Bitcoins are not owned by individuals or companies. Bitcoins is the first fully open payment network in the world, in which anyone with Internet connections can participate, and bitcoins are intended for use on the Internet without relying on banks or private companies to handle transactions.


This digital currency began to circulate on the Internet in 2009. At that time, a bitcoin was able to convert only a small amount of “real money.” But now, a bitcoin is worth more than $2,000.



One of the most important elements of Bitcoin is the block chain, which can track who owns what, similar to how banks track assets. The difference between the bitcoin block chain and the bank account book is that it is decentralized, which means that no one can see it, and no entity can control it.


So, what the hell is Bitcoin?


What's a bitcoin?


The concept of Bitcoin was originally proposed by Nakamoto on 1 November 2008 and officially launched on 3 January 2009, with open-source software designed to be released along the same lines as the P2P network. Bitcoin is a virtual encrypted digital currency in the form of P2P. The point-to-point transmission means a decentralized payment system.


Unlike all currencies, Bitcoin does not depend on a specific monetary institution, which is generated by a large number of calculations, using distributed databases consisting of numerous nodes in the entire P2P network to identify and record all transactions and using cryptographic designs to ensure the security of all links in currency circulation. The decentralized properties and algorithms of P2P can themselves ensure that the value of currency cannot be artificially controlled by large amounts of bitcoin. The cryptography-based design allows Bitcoins to be transferred or paid only by real owners. This also ensures the anonymity of currency ownership and circulation transactions. The biggest difference between Bitcoins and other virtual currencies is their very limited total and extremely scarceness.


从比特币的本质说起,比特币的本质其实就是一堆复杂算法所生成的特解。特解是指方程组所能得到有限个解中的一组。而每一个特解都能解开方程并且是唯一的。以钞票来比喻的话,比特币就是钞票的冠字号码,你知道了某张钞票上的冠字号码,你就拥有了这张钞票。而挖矿的过程就是通过庞大的计算量不断的去寻求这个方程组的特解,这个方程组被设计成了只有 2100 万个特解,所以比特币的上限就是 2100 万个。

The essence of Bitcoin, from the very essence of Bitcoin, is actually a conundrum of complex algorithms. The special solution is a limited set of equations that the equations can get. And each one solves the equation and is the only one. In monetary terms, Bitcoin is the crown number of the banknote, and you know the crown number on a banknote, and you own the banknote.


Bitcoin Features


Decentralisation : Bitcoin is the first distributed virtual currency, with the entire network made up of users without central banks. Decentralization is a guarantee of bitcoin security and freedom.


You can dig, buy, sell, or collect bitcoin anywhere you want.


proprietary ownership : Controlling Bitcoin requires a private key that can be stored in isolation in any storage medium. No one can access it except the user itself.


low transaction costs : Bitcoins may be transferred free of charge, but ultimately approximately 1 bit of transaction fee will be charged for each transaction to ensure that the transaction is executed faster.



has no hidden costs : As a means of payment from A to B, bitcoins do not have onerous limits and formalities.


Cross Platform Excavation : Users can tap into the computing capabilities of different hardware on numerous platforms.


What's the block chain?


Block chains are new applications of computer technology such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanisms, encryption algorithms, etc.


The block chain, which originates in Bitcoin, is an important concept of Bitcoin, which is essentially a decentralised database and, as the bottom technology of Bitcoin, is a series of data blocks that are linked by cryptography, each containing a batch of subbitcoin network transactions to verify the validity of its information and generate the next block.



Block chains have potentially significant application value in financial areas such as international exchange, letters of credit, equity registers, and stock exchanges. Applying block chain technology in the financial sector can save third-party intermediaries and direct point-to-point interfaces, thereby rapidly completing transaction payments while significantly reducing costs.


Features of the block chain


The block chain technology is not dependent on additional third-party management or hardware facilities, without central control, and apart from the self-contained block chain itself, the information is self-validated, transmitted and managed through distributed accounting and storage. Decentralized is the most prominent feature of the block chain.


Open . The technical basis of the block chain is open-source, the data in the block chain are open to all except for private information of the parties to the transaction, and anyone can access the block chain data and develop relevant applications through open interfaces, thus providing a high degree of transparency of information throughout the system.


Independence. Based on consensus norms and agreements (a variety of mathematical algorithms, such as the Hashi algorithm used in Bitcoin), the whole block chain system is not dependent on other third parties, and all nodes are able to verify and exchange data automatically and safely within the system without intervention by anyone.


security. As long as 51% of all data nodes are not controlled, network data cannot be manipulated arbitrarily, making the block chain itself relatively secure and avoiding subjective data changes.


is anonymous .


With respect to bitcoin and block chains , bitcoin has created block chains whose universal application value is greater than Bitcoin itself. Simply put, the relationship between block chain technology and bitcoin is like a water-fish relationship. Bitcoin grows in block chain technology. Bitcoin also benefits block chain technology, which complements each other.



Mineant has a wide range of project sources and channels of cooperation, building on its extensive industry experience with senior people with many years of experience in marketing, technology, investment, both at home and abroad, and its in-depth research and well-established communication and cooperation platforms at various levels, which form the basis of numerous project sources and provide stable, secure, open and open business platforms for digital asset investors.




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