
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:28 评论:0



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The crypto-currency trading platform FTX fell from the altar faster than it could have imagined.

在暴雷之前,FTX的创始人Sam Bankman-Fried一度风光无限,他的加密货币交易所FTX估值320亿美元,个人财富160亿美元。

Before the thunderstorm, the founder of FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, for a time, was inexhaustible, with his encrypted currency exchange, FTX, valued at $32 billion and personal wealth at $16 billion.

Sam Bankman-Fried


Today, with the exception of a million angry creditors, dozens of shaky crypto-currency companies and sophisticated regulatory and criminal investigations, everything has been wiped out — according to media reports, on 11 November FTX Trading announced through social media that FTX and other affiliates of the FTX Group have commenced voluntary insolvency proceedings in accordance with United States law.


How deadly would the high-speed crash of the FTX exchange be for the crypto-money industry?


10 days of bankruptcy


There was a thunderstorm at FTX.


What happened to FTX in less than 10 days, just 10 days after the second company in the currency exchange went bankrupt?

故事从11月2日Coindesk关于Alameda Research的爆料说起。

The story begins on November 2nd in Coindisk about Alameda Research.

Alameda Research是专注于加密资产做市和初创加密公司的风投基金,其创始人为Sam Bankman-Fried,同时也是FTX交易所首席执行官。

Alameda Research, a wind pitch fund focused on cryptographic asset-making and start-up encryption companies, was founded by Sam Bankman-Fried and was also Chief Executive Officer of the FTX Exchange.


Sam founded the FTX, a virtual encrypted currency exchange in 2019, which provides NFT tools, including Bitcoin, Etheria trading services, and issues its own virtual currency, FTT. The central role of the exchange is that of an intermediary, where the exchange arranges transactions between buyers and sellers and collects commissions from them.

去年10月,Sam宣布退出Alameda 研究公司的管理,表示将专心关注FTX的发展,希望市场能将FTX和Alameda视作两家独立的企业。

Last October, Sam announced his withdrawal from the management of Alameda Research, indicating that he would focus on the development of FTX and hoped that the market would see FTX and Alameda as two independent enterprises.


But on November 2, the encrypted market news site Coindesk reported that Alameda Research had borrowed $10 billion from the FTX exchange to buy most of the money into the FTT to support the market value of the FTT. Because Alameda had up to $6.12 billion in FTT-issued tokens on its balance sheet, Dominos began to collapse.


For the FTX exchange, the FTX exchange can use the money deposited by the newcomers to cover the needs of the old investors as long as the customers do not take all the money away. But, as soon as news comes out, the circle is immediately concerned about the liquidity of the FT, with whale players (users with large amounts of encrypted money) starting to sell the FT, and soon after, the co-founder of Binance, the world’s largest trade, also said that 20% of the FTX shares had been sold, and that FTT’s currency prices had declined.

在短短3天时间里,投资者从FTX的交易所撤出了60多亿美元。而Alameda Research和FTX双方均没有及时对外给出令人信服的回应,币圈内关于FTX的质疑声愈发尖锐。到了11月6日,币安CEO赵长鹏公开表示币安交易所将选择清算其投资组合中剩余的FTT。

In just three days, investors withdrew more than $6 billion from the FTX exchange. Neither Alameda Research nor FTX responded convincingly in a timely manner, and questions about FTX in the currency circles became more acute.


Cheong Peng of the CEO


As a result of this move, there is a great risk that the FTX will remain. At the cruising point, the market began to see large-scale selling of the FTT, and the FTT’s currency price fell further.


In the face of this pressure, Sam finally stopped and began to push for the money to buy FTX, but after reviewing the financial position of FTX on that day, the money security side quickly abandoned the acquisition plan. By then, the FTX mine had been completely blown up, 90 per cent of the FTT price had fallen that day, and Sam had evaporated $14.6 billion overnight.


Eventually, the FTX group came to an end on November 11th. The second largest exchange in the encryption ring collapsed.


The bankruptcy crisis spreads


The bankruptcy of FTX, which was once the second-highest crypto-currency trading platform, once again triggered a strong earthquake in the cryptosphere.


The collapse of FTX has raised widespread concerns among the industry about centralized exchanges, with an increasing number of users pouring into major exchanges to extract assets, while the foreclosure of customers triggered by the bankruptcy of FTX is causing other encrypted money platforms to fall into trouble.


The currency circle crisis caused by the FTX crash of the encrypted currency exchange continues to spread, and the encryption lending platform Genesis is likely to become the next “unlucky man”.


In the past few days, Genesis has sought at least $1 billion in new capital, but so far the financing has not materialized. On November 16, Genesis announced that it would suspend withdrawals from its lending sector on the grounds that FTX caused “unprecedented market turmoil.”

在FTX宣布破产后,Genesis已经因此损失了1.75亿美元存款,随后其母公司Digital Currency Group介入,向Genesis注入1.4亿美元的流动性资金。但提款潮的到来让Genesis也撑不住了。

Following the bankruptcy of FTX, Genesis had already lost $175 million in deposits, followed by the intervention of its parent company, Digital Crime Group, which injected $140 million in liquidity into Genesis. But the current of the withdrawal made Genesis unsustainable.


Gemini, an encrypted currency exchange created by the billionaire Winklevos brothers, had previously indicated that its high-yield products for bulk investors would be put on hold. Moreover, it was reported that the encrypted money lending platform BlockFi was planning to lay off its staff and consider applying for bankruptcy after it stopped its users from taking deposits and admitted that there was a “significant risk exposure” to FTX.


Winklevos brothers.

早前已经破产的加密货币借贷平台Voyager Digital也直接受到FTX破产影响。据11月16日报道,Voyager正试图签署一项协议,将公司出售给在拍卖中落选的竞购方之一(该竞购原本被FTX赢下)。Voyager表示,正在与包括币安在内的几家其他竞标者积极讨论,并将随时公布重组工作的最新进展。

It was reported on November 16 that Voyager was trying to sign an agreement to sell the company to one of the competing buyers that had been defeated in the auction (which had been won by FTX). Voyager indicated that it was actively discussing with several other bidders, including currency security, and would keep up to date with the latest developments in the reorganization.


The impact of the FTX crisis on the fragile bear city was almost devastating. After the events quickly fermented, the price of encrypted currency such as Bitcoin and Etheria jumped, with the lowest price falling by $15,000, reaching its lowest point since October 2020.


Mining institutions have also been hit, and the fall in encrypted currency as a result of the bankruptcy of FTX has put more pressure on their profitability. Industry sources claim that the cryptographic money industry will face more corporate bankruptcy.


the currency circle is far-reaching


While the collapse of FTX was only a short-term liquidity event, it again revealed the risks inherent in transparency and the risk of trust most lacking in the virtual currency market.


The virtual currency originated in 2009, and the shadow of the subprime mortgage crisis has yet to dissipate, with several countries in Europe and the United States saving their economies by printing money, while the dollar’s credibility has reached a low point. With the dollar’s weakness, the virtual currency has been branded as the new world currency: a dollar that replaces the devalued credit.


Now that the bankruptcy of FTX has left the story of the currency ring once again “down the altar”, the question of whether virtual currency trading platforms can be trusted has once again been put before the public.


In fact, there are other virtual currency exchanges that are brazen about ponzi fraud. Because of the low threshold of establishing the exchange’s website, some people download the exchange template directly online, making it possible to go online with minor modifications, a private exchange that is not regulated is at great risk.


Virtual coins have always had the idea of destabilizing the financial system, starting with bitcoin, but believers have been “realistically attacked.” From the earlier Lunacoins, until the bankruptcy of the FTX and its collapse, it can be said that the current investor's “belief” of virtual coins has become vulnerable.


Any Ponzi scheme has its final chapter. The aftershocks of the LUNA overnight crash have not dissipated, and the FTX liquidity crisis has exacerbated the encryption industry in Bear City.



For the whole cryptography circle, the crisis of trust created by the bankruptcy of FTX will probably continue to haunt the circle, which in the future will either face the fate of being regulated by the market or be abandoned by suspected players, whose “decentization” story may not be much longer.

- END -




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