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1、艾达币 艾达币于年诞生,总量为45亿。它代表了未来货币的数字化,通过加密技术实现快速、直接和安全的转账。泰达币 泰达币是由Tether推出的一种与美元挂钩的虚拟货币,储备在外汇储备账户中,并得到法定货币支持。1泰达币等于1美元。IOTA IOTA是一种专注于机器间交易问题的数字加密货币。

1 - Adaco, a total of 4.5 billion. It represents the digitization of future currencies and rapid, direct and secure transfers through encryption technology. Tedaco is a virtual dollar-linked currency introduced by Tether, which is stored in foreign exchange reserve accounts and supported by statutory currency. 1 tada is equal to $1. IOTA IOTA is a digital cryptographic currency that focuses on inter-machine transactions.

2、瑞波币 瑞波币是瑞波网络的基础货币,在整个瑞波网络中流通。其总量约为1000亿,随着交易的发生,总量会逐渐减少。去年,瑞波币曾在短时间内超过以太币,成为全球市值第二高的虚拟货币。比特币现金 比特币现金是由比特币大陆旗下的矿池ViaC基于Bitcoin ABC方分叉推出的新型加密数字货币。

Last year, Ribbon was the second-highest virtual currency in the world’s market. Bitcoin cash was a new type of encrypted digital currency launched by ViaC, a mine under the Bitcoin continental flag, based on Bitcoin ABC fork.


The market value of these currencies is ranked among the top 10: C/bitcoin, ETH/Etheria, USDT/Tedan, XRP/Ribo, BCH/bitcoin in cash, BSV, LTC/Letcoin, BNB/Bitcoin, EOS/Dank, ADA/Adaco.


Bitcoin is, of course, much more of a long-term investment value than gold. Since its birth, Bitcoin has been a new asset for many investors, and even some think that bitcoin is worth more than gold. Under this scheme, Bitcoin is even more expensive than gold.

2、同时,比特币还会受媒体效应、投资者情绪、行动和炒作的影响,价格存在暴涨暴跌,但黄金则不然。 高盛:相对于比特币 黄金是更好的投资组合多元化 高盛12月发表研报称,预计黄金在其实际需求驱动因素的作用下,从长期来看将跑赢高波动性的比特币。

At the same time, Bitcoin will also be influenced by media effects, investor sentiment, actions, and speculation, and prices will soar and fall, but not gold. Goldman Sachs: Gold is a better portfolio than Bitcoin.

3、高盛:相对于比特币 黄金是更好的投资组合多元化 高盛12月发表研报称,预计黄金在其实际需求驱动因素的作用下,从长期来看将跑赢高波动性的比特币。该行表示,黄金不太可能受到金融环境收紧的影响,这意味着它是一种有用的投资组合多元化,并且黄金具有非投机用途,而比特币仍具有很强的投机性。

According to the Bank, gold is unlikely to be affected by a tight financial environment, which means that it is a useful portfolio diversification and that gold is non-speculative, while Bitcoin is still highly speculative.


4. More recently, there are signs that older investors are beginning to think that C and other digital currencies are viable project investments. Exterior: gold is stored in physical threads, and its hardness and flashy physical properties seem unique in nature; C is strictly based on record-based account balances, even in the form of a string of identifiers.


It is gold that is essentially a generic reference of value. If you want to invest in gold, you can try the treasure, mainly if it allows you to collect the gold, or if you can manage the gold, and there is a difference in time, i.e., the price of the treasure is updated later than the price of the gold in real time, the price of the gold in advance is more accurate than the price of the gold in advance.


Gold is a metal that has traditionally been regarded as a hedge asset, often performing better in times of economic uncertainty or financial-market volatility. By contrast, Bitcoin is an emerging cryptic currency with greater price volatility, and is also considered to have a certain risk-free character, especially among the younger generation of investors.

比特币是一种数字货币,它允许用户在无需第三方中介的情况下进行交易。 在我国,比特币不被视为货币,而是一种电子商品。 德国已经承认比特币为合法的货币,这表明比特币在国际上正逐渐获得认可。 一些人将比特币视为收藏品,他们珍视比特币作为一种独特的数字资产。

In my country, bitcoin is not considered a currency, but an electronic commodity. Germany has recognized bitcoin as a legitimate currency, indicating that bitcoin is gaining international recognition.


Bitcoin is a digital currency, and bitcoin can only be counted as an electronic commodity in our country, and bitcoin has become a legal currency in Germany. Bitcoin can be seen as a collection, the collector treats bitcoin as a priceless treasure, and the non-collector treats bitcoin as a valueless character.

比特币的流通性和有限性,决定了比特币是可以充当相当于一般等价物的货币功能,或者充当货币的衡量物,只不过这种衡量不是像黄金一样的实体衡量,而是一种数字产品。相关概念: 比特币世界的大概长得像这样:1EnvYExAb3JEkreirBufUhdeXyYyeNcC。

The mobility and limitedness of Bitcoins determines that bitcoins can act as monetary functions equivalent to general equivalents, or as monetary measures, except that they are not measured by a gold-like entity, but by a digital product. The associated concept: the world of Bitcoins looks like this: one EnvYExAb3JEkreirBofUhdeXyYYNC.


Bitcoin is a virtual currency, limited in quantity, but it can be used: it can be converted into most currencies. You can use bitcoin to buy virtual items, such as clothes, hats, equipment, etc. in the network, and you can use bitcoin to buy real-life items whenever someone accepts it.


Bitcoin is a virtual Internet currency that can be used to purchase virtual items, such as clothes, hats, equipment, etc. in the network, as well as to buy real items among Internet users.

当作投资,即简单的做多或做空。 套利。例如做短线利用时间差价格不同套利,比如利用币易瞪交易所币价不同套利,再比如利用不同币种和不同货币之间的价格差,绕一圈回来能赚个一部分的也有。挖矿,其实这个应该属于投资的衍生品,相当于做期货。

arbitrage. Short lines, for example, take advantage of different arbitrage rates, for example, using exchange exchange rates for different arbitrage rates, and for example, take advantage of price differentials between different currencies and different currencies, for those who come back in circles to earn a portion. Mining, in fact, should be a derivative of the investment, which is equivalent to making futures.


1. The future of the virtual currency does not seem to be promising, nor does it feel that the prospects for development are particularly promising.

2、这直接会带动币圈消亡 这种局势直接就会带动币圈消亡,比特币从6万美元跌到2万美元经历了一年多的时间,这也就意味着比特币最多也就是跌跌不休;但对于狗狗币等其他虚拟货币来说,它们不仅本身就没有什么价值可言,而且炒作市场也没有比特币这么火爆,跌的抗打击也没有比特币的这么强。

Two, this directly leads to the loss of the currency circle, a situation that directly leads to the disappearance of the currency, a situation in which bitcoin fell from $60,000 to $20,000 for over a year, which means that bitcoins have fallen at most, that is to say, falling; but for other virtual currencies, such as dogcoins, not only have little value per se, but the market is not as hot as bitcoin, and the impact of falling is not as strong as bitcoin.

3、月以来,比特币震荡下行,告别5月的4万美元关口,一路跌破3万美元。 以太坊也经历了冲击,并在 5 月份跌破了 3,000 美元和 2,000 美元的门槛。 自 6 月 10 日以来,以太坊的价格也暴跌。

Since March, Bitcoin has swung down, at the 40,000-dollar gate in May, falling 30,000-dollars a long way. The Ether House has also experienced shocks, and in May it has fallen below the threshold of US$ 3,000 and US$ 2,000.




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