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币种名 美元价格$
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This start can be said to be quite bright in 2015. It was a big opening in comparison to its July-September 2014 crowd-raising price.


But the good news is not long, with prices falling sharply after four days, falling to around $0.67 by 11 August. The decline may be due to early investor sales, which are very similar to the trajectory of many of the earlier generations when they first entered the exchange.


By August 14, however, the price rebounded to $1.98, more than three times that of three days ago, and the volume of transactions reached more than $4.7 million. This was only a temporary rebound.


After falling to an all-time low on 22 October 2015, after more than a week of adjustment, Ethio gradually returned to an era of fluctuations around a dollar until January 2016.


During this period, the Devcon-1 Developer’s Conference was held in Etheria, from 9 to 13 November 2015, which drew more attention to it. The event helped to increase expectations of Ether’s future value, thereby stabilizing its prices at around $1 and not continuing to fall.


After an early surge and collapse, and after a two-and-a-half-month adjustment, there was a gradual consensus in the market about the final prices of ETH, which fluctuated around $1. Coincidentally, the period also lasted about two-and-a-half months.


This is the first real leap in the history of taupe prices. From the beginning of January to mid-March 2016, taupe prices jumped from around $1 to over $10. The process also took about two months.


The main event during this period was the expected release of a more stable version of the Etherkom (Homestead), with a maximum price of $15 on 14 March. The total market value of the Etherpant was over $1.1 billion, entering the Unicorn class.


However, with the release of Homestead's hard fork on 14 March, the good news was absorbed and the price of the taupulega began to fall to the bottom of $7.39 on 30 April. But the ensuing period fluctuated around about $10. This period is called the “$10 era” in the history of taupe prices. The 10-dollar era was the longest period in the history of taupe prices and lasted about 11 months from March 2016 until mid-February 2017.


In the light of the above, the release of the Homestead version was a key event in the transition from a dollar-era to a $10-year-old era.

此外,2016年期间还发生过一次较大的涨跌。这都与The DAO事件相关。The DAO开启了以太坊的众筹。鉴于The DAO项目筹集了1,200万个ETH,在当时价值1.5亿美元。这推动了人们对以太坊前景的乐观预期,期间的价格曾经在2016年6月16日拉升到了历史新高18.43美元。

In addition, there was a major ups and downs in 2016. This is all related to the DAO event. The DAO has launched a popular campaign for Etheria. Given that the DAO project raised 12 million ETHs, valued at $150 million at that time. This has boosted optimism about Ether’s prospects, when prices rose to an all-time high of $18.43 on 16 June 2016.

但好景不长,随后发生了黑客攻击事件。The DAO被黑客盗取价值5000万美元的ETH。人们高涨的热情瞬间被浇灭,在随后的半年多时间里以太坊价格一直处于向下的趋势,不过基本上还能维持在10美元左右,最低价格出现在2016年12月28日,跌至7.09美元。

The DAO was stolen by hackers for $50 million of ETH. People’s enthusiasm was swept away, and the following six months were marked by a downward trend in the price of Tai-Fan, although it remained essentially around $10, with the lowest price falling to $7.09 on December 28, 2016.

10美元时代的ETH有两大的重要事件,一是Homestead的发布,二是The DAO项目事件。Homestead将以太坊从1美元拉升至10美元时代,让以太坊总市值突破10亿美元。The DAO项目原本拉升人们对以太坊未来的预期,但黑客事件极大阻击了以太坊向上的动能。

The ETH of the 10-dollar era has two major events, one the release of Homestead and the other the project of The DAO. Homestead will raise the entire market value of Etheria from $1 to $10. The DAO project would have raised expectations of Ether’s future, but the hacker’s incident was a major setback to the movement of Ether.

围绕The DAO项目的黑客事件,以太坊社区分裂成为两个派别,一个派别主张通过硬分叉实现资金回滚,而另一派则反对这一行动,因为它违反了区块链不可篡改的精神。最后以太坊实施了硬分叉,产生了ETH和ETC两条链。这样的社区之争也导致以太坊价格下跌。即便如此,以太坊依然维持在10美元上下波动的时代,在这一阶段基本稳住脚跟。

The hackers around the DAO project split the community into two factions, one advocating a return of money through a hard split, while the other opposed it because it violated the inexorable spirit of the block chain. Finally, it implemented a hard split, resulting in two chains: ETH and ETC. Such communal disputes also led to a fall in the prices of the community.


There were also DDos attacks in Etheria during the period, and these negative news led to a price downturn in December 2016, although it still fell by $7.


Even after the release of the Homestead version in 2016, even after numerous negative events, the Ether House has not returned to the $1 era, indicating a relatively stable consensus on market prices in Ether.


From mid-February to mid-June 2017, in a short period of four months, the rate rose from around US$ 10 to US$ 400.42 on June 14, a 40-fold increase, the highest in the history of the increase in the price of the price of the price of the price of the price. The price of the price of the price will rise directly from US$ 10 to hundreds of dollars.


So, what happened at this stage?


On February 23, 2017, Ether was added to eToro (traffic social platform)



In early May 2017, Bitcoin re-emerged with a trade congestion that served as a reminder of the potential value of the Taikus.


At the same time, ETH is becoming the preferred currency for encryption projects. The demand for ETH has increased substantially with hundreds of block chain projects in 2017.


The above (including other factors not mentioned) has led to a consensus on the value of hundreds of dollars over time in the prices of the Pacific.


This period was also marked by a number of declines, such as a fall in mid-June 2017, which fell to around $154 in mid-July. But then it stabilized and fluctuated between $200 and $400, and the adjustment for this period was mainly overstretched. But even when regulation came in September 2017, prices fell to around $250.


From mid-November 2017 to mid-January 2018, it rose from about $300 to a maximum of $1,400 in about two months. On 14 January 2018, it reached its historic highest price of $142.48, with transactions of over $5.6 billion on that day.


These two months are the most ecstatic periods in the entire encryption community. Not only is the price of Taiwan and Bitcoin, but the price of other encrypted currencies has reached historic heights.


There are several key points in the mad cow market, which will push the talisman from more than $300 to more than $1,400:


In mid-October 2017, the Byzantine network was activated, providing the technological infrastructure for a new round of upward development.


There has been a steady increase in the number of projects using ETH as a proxy, with thousands of crowd-raising projects and a surge in some of them on the exchange, which has led to the popularization of projects on the market, which is also linked to the inability of ordinary users to participate directly. The market atmosphere is characterized by fanaticism and irrationality.


Bitcoin continues to rise, leading directly to the explosion of the entire encryption market, with numerous inexperienced new users rushing into it, leading to an irrational surge in the entire encryption market, including the Etherm, which greatly exceeds the fundamentals of value.


Beginning in mid-January 2018, Etheria was on its way to decline. Although there was a rebound during the period, Ether was able to survive for a month or two between $600 and $800, it eventually failed to survive, thus opening a downward pattern, which eventually fell to $84.55 on December 15, 2018. The price was the same as in mid-May 2017.


After more than a year of nightmares, Etherom finally returned to the 100-dollar era. There were several key points during this period:


The irrational boom in the market has led to the departure of early entrants, triggering a chain reaction in the market, to the point where the Ether was not spared.


The price of the overall encryption market has fallen, which has also made it difficult to be visible when new encryption projects are on the exchange, leading to a contraction of crowd-sourcing projects and a direct decline in demand for ETH.


Added to this is the frenzied sale of ETH during a project to raise large amounts of ETH in 2017, further exacerbating the downward trend in ETH.


The postponement of the upgrading of the hard fork in Constantinople in 2018 and the continued fall of Bitcoin led to market pessimism and a collapse of $100 ($84.55).


The development of DeFi in 2018 and 2019, the escalation of Constantinople in February and Istanbul in December 2019 and the expectation of ETH 2.0 have stabilized the situation.


After falling 100 dollars in mid-December 2018, in 2019, the prices of the Taiwan remained essentially stable at between $100 and $300 until today.


More than four years have passed since Ether took up the exchange in August 2015 and, in just a few years, it has gone through the development of a mountain car at the price of Ether.


After a year of adjustment and digestion in 2019, the price of the taupulega remained essentially stable at between $100 and $300. The market was also sharpened after more than a year of repeated revisions.


The year 2020 will not be a smooth year with the upgrading of the Etherm fundamentals and changes in market sentiment.

首先是DeFi逐渐找到产品和市场的契合,当前DeFi项目锁定的ETH达到310万个,DeFi项目对ETH的需求会持续增加。其次是以太坊layer 2的Rollup方案发展给人们带来期望,同时以太坊上的隐私解决方案(如Aztec)也带来更多可能性。最后ETH2.0的PoS对ETH的需求预期也会导致市场将其反映到价格中。

The first is DeFi’s gradual convergence of products and markets, with 3.1 million ETHs currently targeted by the DeFi project, and the continuing increase in demand for ETH by the DeFi project. The second is that the development of the Rollup program with Taiyolayer 2 has created expectations, as well as more possibilities for privacy solutions (e.g. Aztec). Finally, the PoS demand for ETH 2.0 is expected to result in the market reflecting it in prices.


The development of these fundamentals of the Etherm, coupled with the halving of Bitcoin in 2020, has led many to be optimistic about the Etherms in 2020.


In view of these developments, it is understandable to be optimistic about Etheria. But this is a routine logic, and if some black swan events occur, there may also be major repetitions, such as the safety of the DeFi project’s assets, possible uncertainty over a period of half of Bitcoin, other unpredictable security issues, regulatory issues, etc.


Overall, the 2020 Etheria may not be as hot as it was in 2017, but there is also a significant probability that it will change much more than in 2019.

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