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比特币投资48万哥的故事!2019年的比特币行情很像2015年,全年低位震荡。我们经常喊熊市抄底,大多数人怯于继续下跌,或对市场失去了信心,丧失了买入的好机会。“低买高卖”多简单的四个字,99% 的人是做不到的。圈子里有一句话:不用在意那些韭菜离开,只要价格上涨他们还会回来的。韭哥今年的策略很简单,疯狂囤币。

Bitcoin invested 480,000 in the story. Bitcoins in 2019 were like 2015, a year-long low shock. We used to shout the bear market down, and most of us were afraid to continue to fall, or lost confidence in the market, and lost a good opportunity to buy.



Recently, I saw the story of Bitcoin's 480,000 brothers, whose stories are so classic, so sad, so sorry, so sorry... that you've seen it both funny and good, and below we go into his story together.


In the early Chinese currency circles, the Bitcoin community was mainly located on two platforms — know and stick.


Thanks to the volume of traffic provided by the 100-degree search, the Bitcoin bar became the largest Bitcoin exchange community in China in the early years, with text readings of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands (real readings).


The story of the 480,000 brothers started in Bitcoin.

2014 年 1 月 28 日,一个名叫“诺丁山的邂逅”的网友,在比特币吧里发贴。他声称拿出了全家7、8年的准备买房的积蓄,整整 48 万,购买了 100 个比特币,准备大赚一番。

On January 28, 2014, a friend of the Internet called "The Met of Notting Hill" posted a post in a Bitcoin bar. He claimed to have taken out his family's 7 or 8 years of savings to buy a house, a total of 480,000, bought 100 bitcoins and made a lot of money.

帖子中斗志满满,甚至还有些小膨胀,也许是因为刚刚经历了 2013 年的大牛市,楼主对比特币的未来充满了信心。该帖迅速引起了吧友们的强势围观。

The post is full of fights and even small swells, perhaps because it has just gone through the Great Bulls in 2013, and the future of its owner, Bitcoin, is filled with confidence. The post quickly gave rise to a strong view of the barmates.


As a result, he was given a title: 480,000.



From today's point of view, he did not have the right time to enter. The Great Bear City of Bitcoin, which has just begun, was also destined for the tragedy of his coins.


In the days that followed, the friends of the bar witnessed the ups and downs of his life and the ups and downs of his moods.

持币第三天,比特币价格跌了 10 块钱。

On the third day, the Bitcoin price fell by ten dollars.

过了一个春节假期,比特币相较于他买入的价格涨了 40 块。

After a spring holiday, Bitcoin was 40 bucks higher than the price he bought.


A slight increase in prices, which gave him confidence, had to be doubled before goods could be delivered.



Less than a few days later, negative news was followed by an exchange of “gate-to-door” thunderstorms, and several countries did not recognize the monetary value of Bitcoin & Hellip; & Hellip;

一时间人心惶惶,比特币的价格从 5000 左右暴跌至 2000 左右。

A time of panic, bitcoin prices fell from about 5,000 to around 2000.


At a time when the assets of the “480,000 brothers” had shrunk so rapidly, and while they had lost so much, the friends of the bar began to cynicize him and to make every effort to mock him.


Here are some of the comments from our friends on the fall:


"Schmuck! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!"


"I told you not to play like this. I'll see how you get married!"




"Get out of the building! Take two steps!"


"Are you alive, brother?"


In the face of sarcasm, the “480,000” started to fight back.



Since what the “480,000 brother” had done was to keep the whole family in the market, he had also updated his status and that of his family, which had not been revealed at that time.


The more relevant frequency of the 480,000 is beginning to decrease, but any more is likely to be attacked and scoffed by friends, and his mentality is a bit disillusioned.


After all, his relationship with his family began to deteriorate, his family kept putting pressure on him to sell Bitcoin, and some of his friends started encouraging him to hold on.



Three months later, he started wanting to give up.


But it's like the girl you're after, and when you're ready to give up, she smiles and gives you new hope.

2014 年 5 月份,比特币行情一度回暖,反弹到 3600 附近,“48万哥”认为比特币能再到 4800 元,表示自己不抛,吧友们也为他高兴。

In May 2014, Bitcoin was warmed up and bounced around 3600, and the "480,000" thought that Bitcoin could reach another $4,800, saying he wouldn't throw, and the friends were happy for him.

很快,反弹结束,币价再次跌到 2000 左右。他更了 2014 年的最后一个帖子,帖子附带一张照片,照片上显示:他账户中有 100 个比特币,比特币的价格是 2164 元。

Soon, the rebound came to an end, and the currency fell again around 2000. His last post in 2014 was accompanied by a photograph showing that he had 100 bitcoins in his account at a price of $2164.

发帖时间在 6 月份,从此他再也没有出现过,我们无法知道这段时间他的身上发生了什么,唯一可以确定的是:比特币的价格继续下跌。

He never showed up again in June, and we can't know what happened to him in that time. The only certainty is that the price of bitcoin continues to fall.

2015 年初,比特币的价格跌至 900 元,有好事的吧友组织了一场“比特币吧傻瓜排行榜”

At the beginning of 2015, the price of bitcoin fell to $900.



In such a half-jokeed post, the word “480,000” became “160,000” and “90,000” “60,000”.



Brother 480,000 has been the object of a complete scoff, he has never appeared, and we have no way of knowing whether he has been watching it in the dark, suffering and suffering.

终于,经过一年半的沉寂,在 2016 年 6 月,“48万哥”重出江湖了!

Finally, after a year and a half of silence, in June 2016, "480,000" came back!

经过 2015 年的长期横盘震荡,16 年的比特币价格开始稳步回升,接连突破了 3000.4000.5000 人民币的大关,此时的“48万哥”终于看到了回本的希望。

After a long-term tectonic shock in 2015, 16 years of bitcoin prices began to rise steadily, breaking the threshold of 300.000.500.000 yuan, at a time when the “480,000 brothers” finally saw hope for a return.

但是在 16 年年初,他在 3000 元卖掉了自己的比特币,亏损了18万。我猜想有可能是因为丈母娘和老婆施加了巨大压力,他最终败给了女人!

But at the beginning of the 16th year, he sold his own bitcoin at $3000 and lost 180,000. I guess it was because the mother-in-law and his wife put a lot of pressure on him, and he finally lost it to the woman!


Since then, he has continued to appear in the bar from time to time to express his feelings about the value of the currency.

2017 年,他终于要换成了,不过这个钱不是来自炒币的盈利。有吧友这样回复他:坚持不卖可以换卡宴了。

In 2017, he finally changed, but this money wasn't a profit from the coins. A friend of yours replied to him, saying, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

2017 年底,牛市进入了高潮,比特币的价格开始冲击 14 万。

By the end of 2017, the cattle market had reached its peak, and the price of Bitcoin had started to hit 140,000.


或许是因为错失暴富的机会,“48万哥”删掉了自己的帖子,注销了自己的 ID,从次消失在茫茫人海中。

Perhaps because of the missed opportunity to be rich, the 480,000 brother deleted his post, cancelled his ID and disappeared into the sea.


This is the story of the 480,000 brothers. As he concludes himself, the darkness before dawn is not holding, and the long march is the last step.


In his story, Sam learned the following lessons:


1. Don't use the money that affects life. The money for living is a loan and is bound to the family and family;

2、不能一次梭哈,可以分成 12 份,每个月定投;

2. Not once, it can be divided into 12 copies, scheduled for each month;


3. Enhancing their off-the-shelf earning capacity, using the purchase of currency as a form of storage and as a self-serving investor;


If the money doesn't affect life, don't get out of the car;


To the extent possible, understand the market, block chain technology, social values.


The tragedy of Brother 480,000 is that he recognizes the value of Bitcoin, does not understand the investment strategy, is just trying to make money in the market for a car, does not fear or know the dangers of the market, and in the end he is a perfect pickle.




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