
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:26 评论:0



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美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 于 5 月 23 日批准了现货以太币交易所交易基金 (ETF),但这未能延续以太币的涨势,上周以太币上涨了约 25%。一个积极的信号是,监管部门的批准并没有引发抛售,这表明 ETH 多头并没有急于退出。这表明交易员似乎处于观望状态。

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved the spot-e-Teal Exchange Trading Fund (ETF) on May 23, but this failed to sustain the ETH upturn, which rose by about 25 per cent last week. A positive sign is that regulatory approval did not trigger the sale, indicating that ETH does not appear to be in a hurry to exit. This suggests that traders do not appear to be in a state of wait.

与此同时,比特币本周上涨至 72,000 美元附近,但多头未能维持高位。价格回落并跌破 70,000 美元的心理关口,表明横盘走势可能持续。

At the same time, bitcoin rose this week near $72,000, but many failed to maintain their heights. Prices fell and fell through $70,000, suggesting a possible continuation of the drive.



This week’s positive movement of Bitcoin and Ether triggered the purchase of primely chosen mountain coins that are expected to be realized in the short term. If the market respects the support of Bitcoin and Ether, some may be supported by the purchase.


Does the technical side support further increases in bitcoin and Ether? Will buyers return to the choice of mountain coins? Let's look at the five encrypted currencies that are promising on the chart.

5 月 24 日,比特币从 20 天指数移动平均线(66,814 美元)反弹,表明市场情绪已转为积极,交易员正在逢低买入。

On May 24, Bitcoin rebounded from the 20-day index moving average (US$ 66,814), indicating that market sentiment had shifted to a positive level and that traders were buying at a low level.


多头将试图将价格推高至上方阻力位 73,777 美元。这是一个需要注意的重要水平,因为空头预计将坚决捍卫这一水平。如果价格从 73,777 美元大幅下跌并跌破移动平均线,则表明区间波动可能会持续一段时间。

Several headlines will try to push prices up to the upper resistance of $73,777. This is an important level that needs attention, because the empty is expected to defend it. If prices fall sharply from $73,777 and fall through the moving average, it suggests that inter-zone fluctuations may persist for some time.

另一方面,如果多头不从 73,777 美元回吐太多,则将提高突破的可能性。BTC/USDT 对可能会尝试反弹至 80,000 美元,然后升至 84,000 美元。

On the other hand, the likelihood of a breakthrough is enhanced if there is too much vomiting from $73,777. BTC/ USDD may try to rebound to $80,000, then rise to $84,000.


买家将价格推高至下行趋势线上方,但难以维持较高水平。这表明空头尚未放弃,正在逢高抛售。如果价格跌破下行趋势线,可能会开始下跌至 66,000 美元,然后跌至 64,600 美元。

Buyers push prices up to the downward trend line, but it is difficult to maintain higher levels. This suggests that empty spaces are still being sold at high prices. If prices fall down the downward trend line, they may start to fall to $66,000 and then to $64,600.

如果多头想要保持优势,他们必须从移动平均线开始反弹,并将价格推高至 70,000 美元以上。如果他们这样做,该货币对可能会升至 72,000 美元,随后升至 73,777 美元。

If they want to maintain their advantage, they have to bounce from the moving mean line and push the price up to $70,000 or more. If they do, the currency could rise to $72,000 and then to $73,777.

以太坊 5 月 21 日,比特币价格飙升至 3,730 美元上方,此后多头一直将价格维持在突破水平之上。这表明多头正试图将 3,730 美元的水平翻转为支撑位。

May 21, when Bitcoin prices jumped above $3,730 and have since kept prices above breakthrough levels. This suggests that multiple heads are trying to turn the US$3,730 level into support.


20 日均线(3,452 美元)已开始上涨,RSI 处于超买区域,表明阻力最小的路径是向上。买家将试图将价格推高至 3,950 美元至 4,100 美元的区域。卖家预计将全力捍卫这一区域,因为如果多头占上风,ETH/USDT 对可能会飙升至 4,868 美元。

The daily average line (US$3,452) has begun to rise, and RSI is in an overpurchase area, indicating that the least resistance path is upwards. Buyers will try to push the price up to the US$3,950 to US$4,100 area. Sellers are expected to defend the area at full capacity, as if the head were above the head, ETH/USDT could jump to US$4,868.

或者,如果空头将价格压低至 3,730 美元以下,则表明回调开始。该货币对可能跌至 20 日均线,这可能成为强劲支撑位。如果价格从 20 日均线反弹,多头将再次尝试恢复上涨趋势。

Or, if the empty price falls below $3,730, it indicates the start of a rebound. The currency may fall to the 20-day average, which could be a strong support position. If the price rebounds from the 20-day average, many attempts will be made to restore the upward trend.


4 小时图显示移动平均线呈上行趋势,RSI 接近超买区域,表明多头占优势。买家将试图通过将价格推高至 3,950 美元以上来进一步巩固其头寸。如果他们成功,该货币对可能会攀升至 4,100 美元。

4 Hour maps show a upward trend in the moving average, and RSI is close to the overpurchase area, indicating a multi-headed advantage. Buyers will try to further consolidate their positions by pushing prices up to over $3,950. If they succeed, the currency may rise to $4,100.

空头可能另有打算。他们将试图将价格拉低至 20-EMA 下方。如果他们这样做,可能会吸引短期多头获利回吐。该货币对可能跌至 3,730 美元,然后跌至 50-A。跌破该水平将使卖方占据优势。

There may be other intentions. They will try to lower the price below 20-EMA. If they do so, they may attract short-term multiple gains and vomiting. The currency may fall to $3,730 and then to 50-A. A fall in that level would give the seller an advantage.

LINK币过去三天一直在关键上方阻力位 17.32 美元附近交易,表明多头和空头之间存在争斗。

For the past three days, the LINK has been trading near the critical upper resistance position of $17.32, indicating a struggle between multiple head and empty head.


20 日均线 (15.96 美元) 上行,RSI 高于 62,表明多头占据主导地位。阻力位在 18.68 美元,但如果多头突破这一阻力,LINK/USDT 对可能会升至 20.74 美元,随后升至 22 美元。

20 Dayline (15.96) up, RSI is above 62, indicating multiple dominance. The resistance is at $18.68, but if the resistance is broken, LINK/USDT may rise to $20.74 and then $22.

与此假设相反,如果价格下跌并维持在 17.32 美元以下,则表明市场拒绝了突破。该货币对可能跌至 20 日 EMA,然后跌至 50 日 A(14.95 美元)。

Contrary to this assumption, if prices fall and remain below $17.32, the market refuses to break. The currency may fall to 20 days EMA and then to 50 days A ($14.95).


多头正在努力将价格维持在突破水平 17.32 美元上方,这表明空头在更高水平上活跃。价格已达到 4 小时图上的移动平均线,这是一个需要关注的重要水平。如果价格从移动平均线强势反弹,多头将再次尝试推动该货币对升至 18.68 美元。

Many headlines are trying to keep prices above the breakthrough level of $17.32, indicating that the empty is active at a higher level. Prices have reached a moving average of four hours, which is an important level of concern. If prices rebound from the moving average, many headlines will try again to push the currency up to $18.68.

相反,跌破移动平均线将表明多头正在失去控制。该货币对可能跌至关键支撑位 15.44 美元。

Conversely, a fall in the moving average would indicate that many are losing control. The currency could fall to a critical support position of $15.44.

UNI币 5 月 20 日买家将价格推高至移动平均线上方后,复苏势头增强。

The recovery gained momentum when buyers pushed prices above the moving mean line on May 20.


UNI/USDT 对在 5 月 26 日从上方阻力位 11.81 美元回落,但如果买家不向空头让出太多空间,则突破 11.81 美元的可能性将会增加。如果发生这种情况,该货币对可能会飙升至 13.34 美元,然后升至 15 美元。

UNI/USDT returns the upper resistance position of $11.81 on May 26, but if buyers do not give up too much space in the air, the likelihood of a breakthrough of $11.81 will increase. If this happens, the currency may soar to $13.34 and then to $15.

相反,如果价格下跌并跌破 10 美元,则表明多头正在积极获利了结。这可能会使该货币对跌至 20 日均线(9.05 美元),并推迟下一轮上涨的开始。

On the contrary, if prices fall and fall by $10, it suggests that many are making a positive profit. This could cause the currency to fall to the 20-day average ($9.05) and delay the start of the next round of increase.


该货币对已从 11.81 美元下跌,表明空头正在激烈捍卫该水平。下行方面需要注意的第一个支撑位是 20-EMA。从该水平强劲反弹将表明市场情绪仍然乐观,交易员将逢低视为买入机会。这可能会增加突破 11.81 美元的可能性。

The currency has fallen from $11.81, indicating that the empty space is safeguarding the level vigorously. The first supporting position that requires attention on the bottom is 20-EMA. A strong rebound from this level would indicate that the market mood remains optimistic, and traders will view it as an opportunity to buy. This could increase the likelihood of a breakthrough of $11.81.

相反,如果价格下跌并跌破 20-EMA,则表明多头正在失去控制。该货币对可能随后跌至 50-A。

Conversely, if the price falls and falls 20-EMA, it means that many are losing control. The currency may then fall to 50-A.

过去几天,Arbitrum (ARB) 一直试图突破 1.27 美元的上方阻力位,但空头仍守住了阵地。

Over the past few days, Arbitrum (ARB) has been trying to break through the $1.27 upper resistance position, but has maintained its position empty.


然而,对多头来说,一个小小的利好是他们没有让价格跌破 20 日均线(1.11 美元)。这增加了突破阻力位的可能性。如果发生这种情况,ARB/USDT 对可能会增加动能并飙升至 1.60 美元,最终达到 1.75 美元。

However, for many, a small advantage is that they didn't let the price fall over the 20-day average ($1.11). This increases the likelihood of a break in the resistance position. If this happens, ARB/USDT is likely to increase kinetic energy and jump to $1.60, eventually reaching $1.75.

如果价格大幅下跌并跌破 1.10 美元,这种乐观观点将在短期内被否定。这可能会将价格拉低至 0.90 美元附近的强劲支撑位。

If prices fall sharply and fall by $1.10, this optimism will be rejected in the short term. This could push prices down to a strong support position near $0.90.


4 小时图显示,该货币对从 20-EMA 大幅反弹,并已达到上方阻力位 1.27 美元。预计空头将捍卫这一水平,但如果多头占上风,该货币对可能会加速上涨至 1.40 美元。

4 The hour chart shows that the currency rebounded significantly from 20-EMA and reached the upper resistance of $1.27. It is expected that the empty head will defend this level, but if many head-overs prevail, the currency may accelerate to $1.40.

如果空头想要阻止上行,他们将不得不积极捍卫 1.27 美元的水平,并将该货币对推低至 20-EMA 以下。如果他们这样做,该货币对可能会跌至 1.10 美元的强劲支撑位,买家可能会介入。

If they want to stop going up, they will have to actively defend the $1.27 level and push the currency below 20-EMA. If they do, the currency may fall to a strong support position of $1.10, and buyers may intervene.




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