The international online Internet finance channel: yesterday's price peaked at 4476.97 in bitcoin, with a minimum price of 4424.10. This morning, two hours after the price broke out of 4480, the upward triangle of the Kline broke out and went up to $4592 directly, reaching the upper edge between the 4200 and 4600 BL.
Many of the newcomers do not know how to start their positions at the point of departure, but the best criterion is that, after a period of time, the price break starts when the price breaks. There are two different kinds of price breakthroughs: A, break-off resistance, or flat-line gold fork; B, break-up support, or a flat-line fork break. When the price breaks for the first time, we can choose to look and see whether the price is in the position where it breaks, or whether it is in the direction of a break. If the price breaks again, then we can get ready to start.
(比特币数据来源于火币网) 图示是小时级别的多空指数。昨晚傍晚多空指数稍稍看多,价格涨上来后,看空的占了多数,当前价格横盘,空仓的观望等突破。 The figure is an hour-class multi-empty index. Last evening, the multi-empty index showed a slight improvement, with prices rising to the top, the current price overhang, the empty viewing, and so on. 新人指数看相对入场资金量 (比特币数据来源于火币网) 图示是按天计算的新人指数。最近一段时间新人指数都不错。 The figure is a day-to-day index of the newcomer. The newcomer index has been good for some time. 行情总结 /strang' 前几天火币网比特币价格波动比较小,昨晚振荡整理已经接近尾声,往上涨了不少。产量减半后,算力也平稳过度,并没有引发算力的大幅度波动,从另一方面说明比特币生态系统的稳健性。(火币网 乐晓天 供稿/图) A few days ago, the Democratic Republic of the Congo was less volatile, and last night's oscillations were nearing the end of their consolidation, rising considerably. After halving production, there was also a smooth excess of computing power that did not trigger large fluctuations in computing power. On the other hand, the soundness of the Bitcoin ecosystem was illustrated. 免责声明:本行情的部分数据来自于huobi.com、bitrees和其他资讯平台,以上数据24小时实时变化,本文行情分析仅供参考,并不构成任何投资意见或建议。投资者应在相关产品页了解其风险或寻求专业投资建议。 This analysis is for information only and does not constitute any investment advice or advice. Investors should be aware of their risks on the relevant product pages or seek professional investment advice.
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