比特币历史价格走势图 btc大涨大跌背后的逻辑分析

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Today, based on the Bitcoin White Paper Bitcoin: A Point-to-Point Electronic Cash System graduation paper, you are presented with a chart of BTC's historical time price trends and a causal analysis behind the btc surge to prove BTC's history.


BTC historical time price forecast 2010-2020


The first documented incident of BTC's sale was in May 2010, when a program ape used 10,000 BTCs to exchange two pieces of pizza worth $25, which is the historic BTC's famous “BTC pizza” which was calculated at a price of US$ 0.0025.


From US$ 0.0025 to US$ 60,000, how does the BTC move to today’s position, and where will it go? How about we take this opportunity to look back at BTC’s price movements over the years, analyze the reasons for its increase or decline, and sort out a pattern, and then give some reference to predicting future prices in bitcoin.


The price of bitcoin has been rising steadily since 10,000 bitcoins were purchased of two pieces of pizza, and information indicates that by 18 July 2010, the price of bitcoin had reached US$ 0.06, a 23-fold increase over US$ 0.0025.


The boom in BTC prices has also led to the emergence of the Bitcoin Exchange, the largest trading centre in the world at that time, the Mt.Gox. In November 2010, BTC prices once reached $0.5 million, nearly 200 times higher than the initial pizza price.


In April-June 2011, it took only two months for BTC to jump from a price of $0.68 to around $30, and news outlets such as Times Weekly and Forbes published articles about Bitcoin.

比特币历史价格走势图 btc大涨大跌背后的逻辑分析


As a result, BTC prices fell from a high of $32 to $2 between June and November 2011, down 94%. While the heavy volatility of Bitcoin has discouraged some of its staff, it has also exposed widely recognized investors to the development potential of bitcoins and a strong conviction to reinvest in projects.


After more than a year of silence, BTC made another breakthrough of $30 in February 2013. The historical ink in Bitcoin in 2013 opened the second round of Bitcoin's cattle market, as the BTC's “risk-free assets” were excavated during the year.



In response to the serious economic crisis that broke out in Estonia in 2013, the Estonian Government finally decided to give up the rights of uninsured depositors in order to obtain benefits and to freeze more than 100,000 euros in savings to deal with the debt crisis.


Irresponsible measures by the government led to a lot of anxiety among the population and a clear suspicion about the safety of bank products, when part of the Estonian population saw BTC as different from the sovereign currency and in a high-price cycle, because of the BTC's “block chain technology” “stability of total production” character, which led many to think that BTC might be the alternative to resolving this dilemma, and he competed to buy BTC. On March 1, April 9, more than a month later, BTC prices rose from $33 to an impressive $235. Unfortunately, this price did not last much longer, and BTC prices fell again to around $80.


But the incident made more people aware of the usage value of Bitcoin, and BTC prices also picked up in late 2013 by a larger round, from $106 to $1177, which was the first time in history that an BTC price exceeded the price of 1 ounce of gold, and BTC opened a new chapter.


But because of Mt. Gox’s theft of many BTCs and subsequent bankruptcy, panic and a combination of a policy failure, the BTC fluctuated, and the marketing market went back to the long stock market. In 2013-2015, BTC prices fell by 90% more.


The best-time drug, with two years of change, has been slowly restored in Bitcoin’s trade market. In 2016, the BTC experienced a second contraction, with the rise of the Ether, which led to yet another high level of concern in the block chain market sector, a significant increase in the total number of investors, and a third round of growth in the BTC.


Even after the BTC’s first break-up and its 9/4 crash, the enthusiasm of investors continued unabated. From November 2017, BTC sprung up, and prices jumped to almost $20,000 in history.



But because the latter good news does not support the point, such as block chain technology, which is limited to the initial phase and is not scalding in size, coupled with a weak marketing market and a lack of financial management tools, BTC has been foiled by fluctuations from cattle to bears for nearly three years, with a minimum drop of $3,000, a decline of about 83 per cent compared to the highest.


By 2020, the global outbreak of the neo-crowd pneumonia epidemic, the revariability of market-based institutions around the world, the collapse of United States equities, the weakness of the economy, the use of pass-through fiscal policies by central banks in various countries represented by the European and American countries to stimulate the economy, and to deal with inflationary and dollar-consumption anxiety are likely to weaken, and investors are again looking to the BTC, which is anti-inflation-resistant.



Unlike in the past, BTC investors are no longer private investors, but organizations. The BTC prices have been rising since the start of the “crazy shopping” by the Bitcoin Fund's private fund at the grey scale, coupled with the influx of various listed companies and the improvement of their financial instruments, the price of virtual currency transactions, which rose lightly over 2017, have gone all the way around $60,000.


The rapid pace of development of new things has been incorruptible, but it has also been invincible. In the last 12 years of history, BTC has experienced a process of development that has been supported by suspicion — recognition — and new expectations — and by coldness — so that the process has become more and more solid every time it has been removed from the re-establishment process, and this cognitive ability has been reflected in the continued rise in BTC prices and overall market value, which is growing in scope.



Looking back at BTC's historical time price changes, the following characteristics were observed:



We can expand the dimensions to bitcoin prices for the year’s base, and we can learn that BTC’s historical time price is on the rise. A closer look at BTC’s historical time price suggests that BTC has experienced four surges, the first up to $31.90, compared with the previous peak of $0.50, which rose by 6280%; the second peak rise, which reached $1177.19, compared to the previous peak of $31.90, which rose by 3590%; the third upturn, with BTC’s price rising by 1579% compared to the previous height of 19764.51; and the fourth cow market, which continues to rise by 228% at the current peak of $64846.90, compared to the previous peak of $64846.90.90.


Despite two significant price fluctuations in BTC’s history, if the timeline were to grow, you would find that these booms and drops were more extensive than in the rivers of history. In fact, if we match Bitcoin’s history with higher historical times, we would find that long-term investments are still profitable.


The BTC is a very worthwhile type of long-term investment, and apart from its historical price escalation, one can compare Bitcoin's behavior with the long-term investments in Standard & Poor's 500, Dow Jones, gold, platinum and oil.



As can be seen from the figure, while crude oil fell by 10 per cent in mid-March and gold and silver rose by 44 per cent and 72 per cent respectively in 2021, BTC rose by 754 per cent in the second half of the year, making alarming profits, leaving other types of investment far behind.


In the face of uncertainty in the world economy, the BTC has taken a different market stance based on its own value merits, and the ELEP website shows that the BTC's largest spot transaction price amounts to $64846.9, rediscovering its value and seeing once again the unique charm of Bitcoin investment.


Looking back to the past for a better vision of the future. Past cycles and price fluctuations in bitcoin are important indicators that investors can refer to, and find that the aggregation of these patterns can have some effect on the future management decisions of investors.


Indication One: Longer cycles, with the price of bitcoin rising continuously, and despite price fluctuations over short periods of time, many investors who are aware of its value choose to invest in the long term.


Enlightenment II: BTC surges can have a negative impact on risk, and investors can manage the risk at a time when BTC prices fall at historical times.


Intriguing three: If the investor buys BTC a higher spot deal, don't worry about it. According to BTC prices, just wait patiently for BTC's next height to arrive, and we can keep up with the moon.


As has often been said, unlike in the past, the BTC Cattle City is no longer a private investor, but rather a traditional financial enterprise, a well-known investor, and they have a positive attitude towards the future of Bitcoin.



A total of 33 organizations, including about 17 listed businesses, 4 non-listed, and 12 equity funds, have been counted as having Bitcoin. In addition, some international Internet users, such as Microsoft, PayPal, overstock, MasterCard, etc., are already paying for BTC, but the energy is still growing.


According to the historical BTC prices, the data encrypting circle has moved away from its initial moody, blindness, the economic environment of encrypted assets has become more regulated, financial instruments are becoming more robust, and there is reason to believe that the BTC is becoming popular. History is always amazingly similar, but it will not repeat itself, and if it works properly, there will be an investment rate far higher than that shown in the traditional stock market, which is also an alarming prospect of development and booming in the regenerative A stock market!



In 2008, when the financial storm broke out, the same year, the quantum chain published a graduation paper in the mail archive on the “metzdowd.com” page, entitled Bitcoin: an electronic cash system with a point-to-point approach, called the “bitcoin white paper”, and the definition of Bitcoin came to life.


On January 3, 2009, Bitcoin’s first block chain, the “Creation Block”, was dug up, marking the operation of the BTC Internet, which means the start of a technical fitness campaign to encrypt assets and block chains. It is important to note that the first two years of BTC did not run in the trade market, but in the form of incentives from procedural apes.

BTC在2021 年起以每枚货币32,000 美金的价格买卖,在2020 年末超过2017 多年的历史高些20,000 美金。这类行业领先的数字货币在2021 年再次其2020 年反跳,并且在2021年11月份BTC价格创下历史新高,但在随后的一个月内,比特币走势慢慢降低,到12月初比特币大跌,在其中主要的原因与新冠病毒变异变异蔓延相关,此病毒感染早已蔓延最少38个国家和地区,这38个国家和地区之中包括了大部分比特币投资。

BTC has been buying and selling at $32,000 per currency since 2021, and at the end of 2020 it was more than $20,000 higher than it had been for more than 2017 years. The leading digital currency in this industry rebounded again in 2021 in 2020 and in November 2021 BTC prices hit a record high, but in the following month, Bitcoin moved slowly down and by early December Bitcoin fell, mainly because of the spread of the new crown virus, which has already spread in 38 countries and territories, including most of its investments.

在过去52 个星期内,2022年比特币的价格上升了72%。2022年BTC价格在10200上下波动,24钟头上涨幅度近7%。6月26日,BTC价格一举提升12000美金,创出自去年1月来近17月高些。6月27日早上,BTC价格一度贴近14000美金,再次创下年之内新纪录。因此BTC未来价格行情并不是可控。实际上,比特币走势显而易见比普通的股市更强。依据历史波动率数据信息,BTC更有优势,260天波动性考量也创出迄今为止最低标准。2017年BTC价格创下历史新高时,不确定性是Nasdaq的七倍,但目前只有二倍。值得一提的是,BTC相对性。

In the past 52 weeks, BTC prices have risen by 72% in 2022. BTC prices fluctuated at 10200 in 2022, rising by almost 7% in 24 hours. On 26 June, BTC prices rose by $12,000, almost 17 years higher since last January. In the morning of June 27, BTC prices were once close to $14,000, again recording a new record in the year.


But over the course of more than a decade of history, BTC's overall prices and total market value have been rising, from 2019 to 2019, when BTC had only $10,000, but it has already doubled. But, in sum, BTC is still a new and insufficiently regulated trade market, and it is not worth it in this industry. In mid-April, BTC made a new record of $64838, followed by a steady decline.




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