4 月 18 日,Bitget 于 Arbitrum 区上线 ArbDoge AI(AIDOGE),充值及交易通道现已开放。现推出充值及交易空投活动,总奖金池 350,000 亿枚 AIDOGE 与 20,000 枚 BGB。活动时间 2023 年 4 月 18 日 20:00 -4 月 25 日 20:00 (UTC+8)。ArbDoge AI 是 Arbitrum 生态系统中的一个实验,没有风险投资机构或团队股份,所有 Token 将平均分配至社区。得到 Arbitrum Token 空投的用户同样有机会在链上领取 AIDOGE。
3.别上头, 留一些利润格局就行了,先保证赚到钱落袋!
On April 18, Bitget's top line in the Arbitrum area, ArbDoge AI (AIDOGE) is now open for charging and trading. There are 350 million AIDOGEs and 20,000 BGBs. The total prize pool is now rolled out. Users of the AIDOGE and the BGB are given the same opportunity to receive AIDOGE on the chain as they are on April 18, 2023, 20:00 - 4 25:00 (UTC+8). ARBDoge AI is an experiment in the Arbitrum ecosystem, with no venture investment agency or team shares, all Token will be distributed to the community.
AIDOGE 总量210000000000000000枚,100%免费发放给社区。95%直接空投,5%作为邀请奖励,送完为止。所有具体$ARB空投领取资格的用户均可以登录官网领取。每个用户可领取的代币数量将根据代币总供应量在每个时间间隔内减少。
The number of coins each user can receive will be reduced according to the total supply of the tokens at each time interval.
得益于前段时间 $ARB 空投活动的巨大影响,使得 $AIDOGE 一上线就获得了巨大流量。很多国内外KOL都第一时间做了转发,当然,这是一个双赢的过程:KOL获得了社媒数据和邀请奖励,项目也获得了用户。至此,流量的问题轻松解决了。
然后介绍一下 $AIDOGE 的机制, $AIDOGE 的每笔交易设置了15%的交易税: 1%用于销毁; 3%进入质押池,按比例分配给质押用户; 2%进入流动池,增加交易深度; 3%购买 $ARB ,积累的 $ARB 主要用于Arbtrum的生态治理,但前期会拿出一些补贴流动性提供者; 3%用于项目发展;
还有3%用于幸运掉落,这部分会购买成 $ARB 进入幸运池,凡是购买 $AIDOGE 超过100u的用户将自动获得一张彩票,彩票权重按购买金额确定,超过1000u按1000u计算,每隔半小时开奖一次,开奖后当期所有彩票作废。 这个机制虽然并不算新鲜,但给项目增加了一些游戏玩法,而且深度绑定了Arbtrum生态。
then introduces the mechanism of $AIDOGE with a 15% transaction tax for each transaction: 1% for destruction; 3% for a pledge pool, proportionally distributed to the pledge user; 2% for a mobile pool, increasing the depth of the transaction; 3% for 3% for the accumulated $ARB, mainly for the ecological governance of Arbtrum, but in the previous period for some subsidized mobile providers; 3% for project development;
and 3% for lucky fall, which buys $ARB for destruction; 3% for a lucky pool, which buys more than $ADOGE to increase the depth of the transaction; 3% for purchases of $ADOGE, which will automatically get a lottery ticket, which will be used mainly for the ecological governance of Arbtrum, but which will increase the amount of the price of the prize, which will not be used at every hour, but which will not be used at every hour, and which will be used at every hour of every hour.
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