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Let me introduce you to the book.

(仅为部分内容 )


For example, when you walk into the stock market, or into the mall, you find yourself always a “weaker” and your opponent always competes in an unfair way, which is consistent with the situation in the three countries. When you look at the three countries, you find that the three have always been guided by the principle of “how the weak prevail over the strong” and that it is difficult to compete evenly. In general, the weak are hard to win over the strong, but in all three countries, eight out of ten are “weaks win”.


The book rereads the history and characters of the three countries using a rigorous game theory. The authors read the three countries through their game theory visions, excavate stories behind stories, explain extraordinarily, and gain some human wisdom, management philosophy.

拿起博弈论的毛刷,小心翼翼地抚去历史的尘埃,三国故事背后的博弈玄机,着实让你惊出一身冷汗…… 本书可以做为大众读者的娱乐性读物,也可以作为企业管理人员闲暇时的益智读物,还可以作大学生们和三国迷们了解博弈论的入门读物。

The book can be used as an entertainment reader for the general public, as a resourceful reader for business managers in their leisure time, and as an introductory book for university students and triads to learn about game theory.



第一回 刘关张桃园结义“备羽飞公司”起步

For the first time, Liu Guan has started the "Bei Fu Company"

第二回 战黄巾显示力量投官军依附“大猪”

The second time, the yellow towels showed the strength of the army to be attached to the Big Pig.

第三回 大将更多军变革体制失败少壮派清除宦党成功

Third general more The failure of the system of change in the army has been successful in clearing the /span'span's party.

第四回 矫诏檄文会义师聚点均衡推盟主

Fourth time, the Orthodontists gather to promote a balanced alliance.


Fifth time? Dong Cheol's strategic alliance in the Blue Sea is in prison.

第六回 斗鸡博弈重复上演局外力量改变均衡

For the sixth time, the cock-fighting game repeats the extraneous forces changing the balance.

第七回 曹操誓报杀父大仇刘备难接烫手山芋

For the seventh time, Cao Cao vowed to kill his father.

第八回 刘玄德能伸能屈曹孟德先后用计

For the eighth time, Liu Xuande has been able to use his powers to justify the actions of the Cao Mengde.

第九回 辕门射戟退袁术小沛截马毁前情

For the ninth time, we're going to have an affair.

第十回 “核心能力”失窃典韦吕布丧命

The tenth time, the "core ability" was stolen from Wei Lubb.

第十一回 刘备后园种菜曹操青梅煮酒

For the 11th time, Liu Bei's garden has grown wine from Qingmei Cao.

第十二回 枭雄曹操攘内外儿女袁绍拒良机

For the twelfth time, Yuan Shao, a son and daughter of the Emperor, refused the opportunity.

第十三回 弃下邳关公失计较上土山张辽说罪便

For the 13th time, you'll be guilty if you abandon the courthouse.

第十四回 三杰古城重聚首二雄官渡再开战

14th time, the city of San Jiegu will meet again and fight again.

第十五回 十面埋伏程昱逞计苍亭之战袁绍完败

On the 15th, the battle of Yuan Shao is over in an ambush on the 10th.

第十六回 袁绍立嗣起内乱郭嘉献计定河北

In the 16th time, Yuan Shaiji raised civil strife, and Guo Jia contributed to the planning of Hebei.

第十七回 坐荆州景升无远志屯新野玄德添新愁

"Seventeenth time, sitting in a state where there's no way to get to Shinno Hyung-dee"

第十八回 遇元直公司显生气得孑L明玄德上正路

The 18th time I met Yuan Nao, I was so angry that I was on the right track.

第十九回 新野烧樊城弃刘备逃命刘表亡刘琮降荆州归曹

XIX: Liu Bei, who fled to the city of Nobuno, is Cao Cao of Liu Dynasty.

第二十回 驻江夏刘皇叔暂安心境赴柴桑诸葛亮大话联盟

Uncle Liu, who is based in Jiangxia, went to the Chai Soong-hyeong Constellation Union for the time being.

第二十一回 七星坛诸葛布迷阵三江口周郎放大火

In the twenty-first time, Kyoro Kugebou was a fan of the Seven Stars, magnifying the fire.

第二十二回 释曹操关羽背黑锅 占荆襄诸葛用兵符

The twenty-second time, the release of the Cao Cao Yu and the use of weapons against Zhuge.


Twenty-third time? Sun Kwon's sister-in-law's strong alliance with Liu Beayan and Xiaoyu.

第二十四回 曹操终平西凉大患马韩怎比桃园三杰

For the twenty-fourth time, how can Cao be better than the Sanjie of Pingxi?

第二十五回 玄德文火煮青蛙季玉糊涂让益州

Twenty-fifth time.

第二十六回 西征汉中半途而废南下合淝无功而返

Twenty-sixth time in the middle of the West.

第二十七回 三军狂饮诱蛇出洞二猛巧谋将计就计

In the 27th, the 3rd army will be drinking to lure the snake out of the hole.


28th time, Wong was proud to win over Cao's troops.

第二十九回 忘嘱托惹翻东吴蔑风险痛失荆州

Twenty-ninth time.

第三 十 回 绝退路糜芳反叛人歧途关公归神


第三十一回 拒诤谏囚忠臣先主强东进弃根基失理性蜀军终败北

In the 31st time, the army was defeated by the rejection of the leader of the prisoner's loyal master, Jingdong.

第三十二回 托孤白帝隆中战略中断出兵东吴司马计划实施


第三十三回 平南蛮诸葛搞军演屯西凉司马被削职

In the 33rd time, Ping Nam and Zhuges were removed from their post as Tunxi Shansuma.

第三十四回 失街亭孔明斩马谡抢战功仲达气曹真

In the 34th time, he was killed and killed.


Thirty-fifth time, Zhuge-hsiang will come out again?

第三十六回 孔明三屯祁山寨仲达初封大都督

Thirty-six times.

第三十七回 三气曹真司马懿赌赛 四出祁山诸葛亮班师

In the 37th time, there's a three-way bet on Cao Jinchang.


In the 38th time, Zhang was killed.

第三十九回 司马懿推病赚曹爽晋武帝绍魏成大统

In the thirty-ninth time, Sma'am made Cao's contribution to Wuty-soo Wei's victory.

汉时有一秀才叫司马貌,字重湘。酒醉后作《怨词》一篇,骂老天之不公, 又道:“我若作阎王,世事皆更正。”岂知, 惊动了玉皇大帝。玉帝大怒:“甚是狂妄! 他作阎王,就能把世事更正? 阴司里的案子堆积如山,十殿阎君尚应付不暇。偏他有甚本事?”太白金星启奏道:“不如押司马貌到阴司,叫他剖断, 看是否公明。”玉帝准奏。

When he was drunk, he said, "If I was king of the world, the world would be right," and he said, "Well, I'd be king of the world. I don't know, the Jade Emperor was shocked. The Jade Emperor was angry: "Very arrogant! He's a king of the world, and he can correct the world.

? ? 司马貌被勾到阴司,阎王与他换了衣服, 假扮作阎王模样, 限他一晚六个时辰,审理最难的汉高祖冤杀功臣案。第一个来告状的人是韩信。

♪ Szema-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma was caught in the vagina, and the king changed clothes with him, pretending to be the king, giving him six hours a night to try the most difficult case of Han Go-zu's murder. The first person to sue was Han Xin.

  韩信道:“我为汉祖立下十大功劳,谁知汉祖得了天下,不念前功,将我贬爵。吕后又与萧何定计,哄我到长乐宫,不由分说,叫武士缚住斩了, 诬以反叛。我自思无罪,受此惨祸,三百余年,含冤未报,乞望阎君明断。”

He believed: “I have done ten great deeds for Han-Jo. Whoever knows that Han-Jo has earned the world, and does not remember his deeds and demeans me. Then Lu and Xiao made a plan to bring me to the Long-Long Palace, so that the Samurai would have settled and beheaded and rebelled. I am innocent of this evil, and for more than three hundred years I have not been punished, and I have been begging for the King.”

? ? 重湘道:“你既为元帅,岂无商量帮助之人?”韩信道:“曾有一个军师,叫蒯通,奈何有始无终,半途而去。”重湘叫鬼吏拘蒯通来审。?

♪ Reciprocal: "Are you a marshal, and you can't negotiate to help?" Han believed: "There was a division called Xiaotung. Where does it always end? "

? ? 重湘问:“韩信说你有始无终,半途而逃,不尽军师之职,是何道理?”

♪ I said, "What's the point of Xin saying that you've been running away and not doing your job?"

? ? 蒯通道:“非我有始无终,韩信不听我的, 奈何? 当初我劝他反汉,与楚连和,三分天下。韩信不从,反怪我教唆谋叛。”

♪ ♪ The tunnels: "If I hadn't, I wouldn't have listened to him, what's wrong with him?" I persuaded him to turn back on him, to join him in peace with him for three days. ♪ ♪ No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no., no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

? ? 重湘问韩信道:“你为何不听蒯通之言?”

♪ To ask Han to believe: ♪ Why don't you listen? ♪

? ? 韩信说:“有一算命先生许复,算我有七十二岁之寿,功名善终,所以不忍背汉。谁知夭亡,只有三十二岁。”?

♪ ♪ Han Xin said, "Who knows that I'm only 32 years old when I'm seventy-two years old?


Retrospective: "Han Xin is 32 years old. How come you're 72 years old? You're a magician only to make fun of people's money, to make mistakes for life, to hate!"

? ? 许复道:“据理推算, 韩信应该七十二岁。但他杀机太深,短折了寿命。当初韩信弃楚归汉迷了路,遇两个樵夫指引,韩信恐走漏消息,拔剑回步,杀了樵夫。乃忘恩负义。后又十面埋伏,杀尽楚兵百万。故折寿四十年。非我推算不准也。”

♪ And he said, "According to the theory, Han Xin should be 72 years old. But he killed too much and lost his life. When Xin lost his way to Han, he was led by two masters, afraid of leaking information, pulling his sword back, and killing his husband. It was ungrateful. Then he ambushed and killed a million soldiers. So he died for 40 years, and I can't guess either."


He said, "Ham Xin, do you have another argument?" He said, "How did Xiao nominate me as a general and then design me to hurt me?" He said, "How can Xiao understand?"


He said, “Hushu, why do you propose to him again and again?” He said, “Han Xin didn't meet him, the Emperor did not have a general, and neither did he. Who knew then that the Emperor had changed his heart and became jealous of Han Xin.” She said, “Han Xin is a rebel, and I am afraid of Queens, but I have to draw a strategy that will not harm his heart.”


? ? 大梁王彭越来告状:“我有功无罪。只因高祖征边去了,吕后宣我入宫议事。我进得宫时,宫门落锁。三杯酒罢,吕后淫心顿起,要与我讲枕席之欢。我执意不从。吕后大怒,喝教乱锥打死,煮作肉酱,说我谋反,好不冤枉!”?

♪ On the contrary, Wang Peng said, "I am not guilty. I went to the palace just because I was a member of the clan. When I got into the palace, the palace door was locked. Three glasses of wine went down, and the Queen's heart went to bed to tell me the joy of the pillows. I couldn't do it. ♪ Queen Lu was so angry, he drank and killed him, he cooked meat sauce and said that I had rebelled, so that I could not be wronged!"


Wang Ying of Xijiang preached: “The Han family has earned it from Han Xin and Peng Viet without any treacherousness. On a day, the Queen of Lu gave me a bottle of meat sauce, which is also the flesh of Wang Peng-yeon. We shall decapitate our subjects. We sent him to take my head. I died in vain, and I waited for the king to make a decision.”


? ? ?重湘问:“刘邦还有辩么?”汉皇刘邦顿口无言。重湘道:“看来都是刘邦之过。三贤死得可怜,寡人做主,把汉家天下分与你三人,报生前汗马功劳。”这时, 项羽来告王翳、杨喜、夏广、吕马童、吕胜、杨武等六人。重湘道:“灭你者韩信, 你如何反告此六将? ”

♪ ♪ Redly asked: ♪ ♪ Is Liu Bong still talking? ♪ ♪ Liu Bong-bong-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang! ♪ ♪

? ? 项羽道:“是我不识英雄,以致韩信弃我而去,不怪他。我兵败垓下,溃围逃命,遇到个田夫,问他那一条是大路?田夫答左边。我望左走,不期走了死路。那田夫乃夏广,化装了害我。我杀出重围,来到乌江渡口,遇了故人吕马童,指望他放我一路。他同着四将,逼我自刎,分裂肢体,各去请功。故此心中不服。”?

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Xiang Yu ♪ ♪ I didn't know the hero so that Han Xin left me ♪ ♪ He didn't blame him ♪ ♪ We lost our army and ran away, and we met a fieldman and asked him if it was a big road ♪ ♪ ♪ I looked left, and I walked to the left ♪ ♪ ♪ and the fieldman took the road to the left. ♪ ♪ The fielder Nai-Gah-Gah-Gah-Gah-Gah-Gah-Gah-Gah-Gah-Gah-Gah. ♪ ♪ ♪ I killed the siege, came to the river crossing, met the native Lu-Ma boy, and expected him to let me go ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


In a nod, he said: “The six men who were invincible have failed, forced themselves to attack them, and have made the best of them.” He called on the judges to bring the list to the end of the day and to give birth to each one of them:


? ? “韩信,你尽忠报国,替汉家夺下大半江山,却含冤而死。发你托生为曹操。先为汉相,后为魏王,享有汉家山河之半。那时威权盖世,任你报前世之仇。当身不得称帝,明你无叛汉之心。子受汉禅,追尊你为武帝,偿还你十大功劳也。”?

♪ “O Han Xin, you took over most of the country for the Han family, but died in sin, and sent you to be Cao Cao. Then you were Han-sang, then Wang Wei, and half of the Han family. Then you were given the power to avenge your former life. You will not be an emperor, and you will not be a traitor to your heart, and your son will be honoured by you as a martial king, and will pay you back ten great tributes.”


And he called on Han Joo-bong to fall: "You will live your life in Han's house, and you will serve as an emperor, and you will be bullied by the Cao Cao, and you will be scared and restless, and you will live your life like a year."


After the death of Lu, he said, “You were killed by the Cao Cao Cao, after you had gone into exile, to avenge the death of the Cao Cao Cao, and to avenge the murder of the Cao Lei Palace.”

  叫萧何发落:“你投胎为杨修。官为曹操主簿,大俸大禄,以报三荐之恩, 后为曹操所杀。前生你哄韩信入长乐宫,来生偿其命也。”

His name is Xiao He-hwan: "You are to be born Yang-hyu. The officer is Cao Cao's master's book, Tai Da-hwan, to be thanked and killed by Cao Cao Cao. You told Xin to enter the palace to pay for his life."


And he called on Wang Ying Boo of Kyushu to give birth to you as a grandchild, and to be King Wu to enjoy the wealth of a nation.”


"You're an honest man, born Liu Bei, then Emperor, and you're three ways away from Cao Cao and Sun's power."

? ? 彭越道:“天下大乱之时, 西蜀一隅之地,怎能敌得过吴、魏?”

♪ "How can you beat Wu and Wei when the world is full of chaos?"

? ? 重湘道:“我判几个人扶助你就是了。” 乃唤蒯通:“你足智多谋,发你托生为诸葛亮,号卧龙, 做刘备军师,共立江山。你还做三分天下。”?

♪ Recital: "I'll give you a few helpers." It's called, "You're resourceful, you're born as Zhu Gwang Liang, No.


And he said, "You're seventy-two years old, but you're thirty-two years old. You've been born to Pang-hyun, the number being Phoenix, to help Liu Bae-cheong. Thirty-two years old, died on the same day as Xin, in exchange for a loss of fortune."

? ? 唤过樊哙:“发你投胎为张飞。” 又唤项羽:“发你只改姓不改名,为关羽。你二人都有万夫不当之勇,与刘备共立基业。樊哙不该纵妻助吕后为虐。项羽不该杀害秦王子婴,火烧咸阳,二人都注定凶死。但项羽不杀太公,不污吕后,不于酒席上暗算人。有此三德,注定来生义勇刚直,死后封神。”?

♪ ♪ And ♪ ♪ You're born to fly ♪ ♪ And ♪ You're born to be born to fly ♪ ♪ And ♪ You're born to change your name to not change your name to Guan Yu. ♪ You both have the courage to do so with Liu Bei Liqi. ♪ ♪ You shouldn't let your wife help you. ♪ ♪ ♪ You shouldn't kill the Prince of Qin and burn the Xianyang. ♪


And Ding said, "You were born as Zhou Yu, and Sun Qin's men were killed and 35 died. You can't do anything, and you can't do anything for the future?"


And then, Xiang Xiang Yu and his teeth will be called: "You are both sinners. You will be given a name change, and one name change is ugly, and you will be executed by Guan Yu to exorcise the hatred of the past." And another six will be given to Guan Yu under Cao Cao's Cao Cao's command, so that he will be executed in order to exorcise the hatred of the last life of the Yujiang.



Then there will be those who die in disgrace, and those who bear not the end of their arms shall be born in the three countries. Thus, there shall be no elaboration. And the judge shall know in detail who is the state, who is the county, who is the country, and who is the country, and when he will die, and when he will die, and what is the matter, and what is the matter with him, and what is the matter with him, and what is the matter with him, and what is the matter with him, and what is the matter with him; and what is the matter with him?


The Jade Emperor met him and praised him, saying, "It's amazing that he's been out of justice for more than 300 years, because he's six hours. He's got the talent to give the throne to him in the middle of the earth, and he's still born in the house of Sma's house, and he's going to come and pass on his children, and he's going to swallow the three countries, and he's going to give the name of his country."

(1) 皇权VS相权

(1) Royal VS power

? ? 开国皇帝夺取天下, 并不是皇帝他一个人的功劳, 而是皇帝和他的战友这一群人共同的功劳, 因此, 这一群人成为国家机器的最高决策者, 而不是皇帝一个人。

♪ It was not the Emperor who seized the world, but the Emperor and his comrades, who made this group the highest decision maker of the State machine, not the Emperor alone.

? ? 皇帝和他的战友们属于合伙人关系, 胜利果实, 大家当然都有份, 各自按股分成, 都占有一定的不同比例的份额, 合伙人根据功劳的大小, 担任不同级别的官员。

♪ The emperor and his comrades are partners, the victories, of course, all of us, each in shares, each in a certain proportion, and the partners, depending on the size of the credit, are officials at different levels.

? ? 皇帝与官员共同成为国家的最高决策者。在官员里面, 又有级别大小之分, 最大的是相, 居百官之首, 相的权利仅次于皇的权利。

The Emperor, together with the officials, is the highest decision-maker in the country. Among the officials, there is also a hierarchy, the biggest being the man, the leader of the 100th official, the man's right is second only to the king's right.

? ? 任何人的任何行为, 都必然导致三种结果: 增值、保本、亏损。

♪ Any act by anyone must lead to three consequences: value added, security, loss.

? ? 正常人的行为选择与动机, 从主观上讲, 都是要使自己增值, 或是退而求其次保本, 最不愿意接受的是亏损。

♪ Normal people's choices and motives, subjectively, are about adding value to themselves, or turning back to the next level of protection, and most reluctant to accept loss.

? ? 因此, 老百姓有使自己增值的欲望, 便想做官。做官的有使自己增值的欲望, 便想做相。而做相的, 也同样有着使自己增值的欲望。

♪ So, people want to add value to themselves, they want to be officials. Officers want to add value to themselves, they want to make faces. And they have the same desire to add value to themselves.

? ? 做相的如果再继续增值, 就意味着: 做皇的正在亏损。

♪ If you continue to add value, it means doing the Emperor's loss.

? ? 所以, 皇权与相权之间, 必有矛盾, 有矛盾就必有斗争, 而斗争的结果: 要么是相权窃取了皇权, 要么就是皇权侵害了相权。究竟何方可以胜出? 万古不变的规律是: 弱肉强食、适者生存。而无论你是谁。至于封建礼教忠孝节义嘛, 嘿嘿, 很难约束得了的。

♪ So, there must be a contradiction between the royal power and the right to each other, and there must be a struggle, and the result of the struggle: either the right to usurp it, or the right to usurp it.

? ? 不是说没有忠心的人, 而是这一方面的东西看不见, 摸不着, 实在是不太靠谱。只有实力, 才是唯一可信的凭据。

♪ Not that you're unfaithful, but that you can't see, you can't touch it, it's not very solid. Only power, it's the only thing that can be trusted.


? ? 丞相一职, 秦时由一人担任, 有时也由左右两丞相担任, 权利是相当大的。汉时, 皇帝在与丞相的博弈中, 抓住机会分两步将相权彻底整垮。

♪ The position of Prime Minister is held by one person at the time of the Qin and sometimes by the two Prime Ministers, and the power is considerable. In Han, the Emperor, in a game with the Prime Minister, seizes the opportunity in two steps to bring the power to an end.

? ? 首先是瓦解。皇帝将原本集中的相权, 拆开分成了若干股, 由三公九卿各持股若干份, 将丞相的权利分散, 由多人担任, 使之再无法与皇权抗衡。

♪ First of all, disintegrate. The Emperor divides the formerly concentrated rights, divides them into shares, splits the shares of the three Secretaries-General, divides the powers of the three Secretaries-General, divides the powers of the three Secretaries-General, and divides them among many, so that they can no longer compete with the powers of the Emperor.

? ? 其次是架空。皇帝又私设一个“内朝”, 选用自己最亲信的人,组成宫中决策机构。“内朝”对“外朝”发号施令, “外朝”即三公九卿, 仅剩个名分, 已无决策权, 只能做些传达、执行之类的事。从此, 政府高级官员的权利被皇帝剥夺了, 本属合伙的权利, 最终落到了皇帝一人的手中。

The Emperor has set up another “Inner Dynasty” and has chosen one of his closest associates to form a decision-making body in the palace. The “Inner Dynasty” has given orders to the “Exterior Dynasty” and “External Dynasty” is the only one left, with no decision-making power, but only to communicate, execute, and so on. As a result, senior government officials have been deprived of their rights by the Emperor, and they are part of a partnership, and eventually fall into the hands of one of the Emperors.

? ? 这一回合较量的时间跨度是很长的, 总之, 最后的胜利者是皇帝, 而丞相被淘汰, 凉在了一边。

♪ There's a long time span for this round, and anyway, the winner is the Emperor, and the Prime Minister is eliminated, and he's cooled off.


? ? 皇权虽然巩固了, 但他的“内朝”内部又分裂成了外戚、宦官两股势力。这是在战胜相权过程中留下的后遗症。

♪ Although the monarchy has been consolidated, his “Inner Dynasty” has been divided into two powers: a clique and an army. This is the legacy of the victory over each other's power.

? ? 老皇帝死了, 小皇帝继位, 年幼不能决策天下事, 就由他的妈来主持朝政, 他的妈也不过20几岁, 就委托她娘家的兄弟(皇帝的舅舅)来主持朝政, 称为外戚, 一般都是封的大将军, 位在三公之上。他们的主要责任, 是防止其他任何官员以任何形式窃取皇权。

♪ The Emperor is dead, the Emperor's successor, and the young can't decide the world, and his mother presides over the dynasty, and his mother is not more than 20 years old, entrusting her mother's brother (the Emperor's uncle) to preside over the dynasty, known as a foreign relative, usually a sealed general, above the Sanctuary. Their primary responsibility is to prevent any other official from stealing the Emperor's power in any form.

? ? 外戚与小皇帝是有血缘关系的, 能守住皇权, 外戚是有功的。可问题是, 小皇帝长大后, 舅舅家族的势力也日益庞大, 自己曾委托给舅舅的权利如何收回? 他就只有依靠自己身边的宦官了, 也就是太监, 这些太监一直看护着小皇帝长大成人, 肯定要比亲爹还亲, 他们帮助皇帝夺权成功后, 得到的封赏,“超登公卿之位”。

But the question is, when the Emperor grew up, the uncle's family was growing in power, and how did he recover the power he had entrusted to his uncle? He had to rely on his superiors, the eunuchs, who had always looked after the Emperor, who must have been more close to his father than his father, who had helped the Emperor to take power, and who had received a reward, the "benevolent" position.

? ? 太监和皇帝共同扳倒外戚后, 权利又回到皇帝手中, 当然, 也有太监的份。新皇帝总是要娶妻生子的, 妻子的兄弟多数又是封大将军, 又成为新的外戚。

♪ When the eunuchs and the Emperor take down the family, the power returns to the emperor, of course, and the eunuchs. The new emperor always takes his wife and gives birth to his children.


? ? 汉灵帝统治时期的格局为:

♪ The pattern of the time of the Haning Emperor was as follows:

? ? 1. 皇帝和他手下的太监, 最具实力, 处于“甲”的位置,

♪ 1. The Emperor and his eunuchs, the most powerful, are in the position of "A."

? ? 2. 皇帝的舅官何进, 新封的大将军, 也较有实力, 处于“乙”的位置,

♪ Where the Emperor's uncle entered, where the new general was more powerful, in the position of “B”.

? ? 3. 三公九卿、文武百官, 虽然人多, 其实实力最小, 处于“丙”的位置。

♪ Three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-one-one-one-one-one, actually the smallest, in a "c" position.


? ? 这三方力量中, 甲乙两个强方都是自家人, 最铁的人, 为内朝。丙为外朝, 其实只有两方。皇帝再无能, 皇权也是稳固的。

♪ Of these triad forces, the two powerful are their own families, the ironiest of them, for the introspection. C is a foreign dynasty, but there are only two. If the Emperor is no longer capable, the Emperor's authority is strong.


? ? 三公九卿尽管一直被凉在一边, 但他们还是会瞅准时机, 与皇权相博。三国演义第一回提到汉灵帝在位时发生的一系列的灾异现象:

♪ Even though they've been cold on one side, they'll still be on time, and they'll be in touch with the Emperor's authority.

? ? 1. 一条大青蛇,从梁上飞下来,蟠于椅上。把皇帝惊倒,百官俱奔避。

♪ 1. A big blue snake, flying down from the beam and strangulating on the chair. ♪ ♪ Scare the emperor and run away. ♪

? ? 2. 蛇不见了。忽然大雷大雨,加以冰雹,半夜方止,毁坏房屋无数。

2. The snake is gone. Suddenly there is a thunderstorm, hailing it, stopping it in the middle of the night, destroying numerous houses.

? ? 3. 洛阳地震;

♪ 3. Luoyang earthquake;

? ? 4. 海水泛溢,沿海居民,尽被大浪卷入海中。

♪ 4. Spills of sea water, coastal dwellers, drawn into the sea by waves.

? ? 5. 母鸡变公鸡。

♪ 5. Hens become roosters.

? ? 6. 黑气十余丈,飞入温雄殿中。

♪ 6. Black air, flying into the warmth. ♪

? ? 7. 五原山岸,尽皆崩裂。

♪ 7. The mountain bank, all torn apart.

? ? 种种不祥,非止一端。

♪ All the bad, the bad end. ♪


? ? 十年中发生这些怪异现象, 应该也算正常, 但官员中一个议郎上疏皇帝,不说别的, 只说母鸡变公鸡这件事是太监干政所导致的。

♪ It's supposed to be normal for a decade to come, but one of the officials, the king, said nothing but that hens became roosters because of the eunuchs.

? ? 母鸡变公鸡是否属实? 即使属实, 也和太监没有半点关系。这件事反映了: 官员中有人企图打击太监, 而太监行使的权利是“皇权”, 打击太监就有可能被说成是挑战皇权。也许他的立场是对的, 但方法绝对是错误。

♪ Is hens turned into roosters true? Even if they are true, they have nothing to do with eunuchs? This reflects the fact that some of the officials are trying to strike at eunuchs, while the eunuchs are exercising their right to “principal authority”, which may be described as challenging the eunuch. Maybe his position is right, but the approach is definitely wrong.

? ? 从博弈优选策略的角度来看, 做为弱势的丙方, 直接攻击强势的甲方, 这是在找死。结果, 这个官员很快就遭到了陷害。

♪ From the point of view of the game selection strategy, being a weak C, directly attacking a strong A, it's a dead end. As a result, the official was quickly framed.

(2) 黄巾军VS朝廷

2) Yellow Shirts VS court

? ? 尽管有些太监坏到了极点, 但太监行使的权利是“皇权”, 任何官员胆敢得罪太监, 就等于是冒犯皇上。因为皇权神圣不可侵犯。

♪ Although some eunuchs are at their worst, the exercise of the eunuch's power is a “royal authority”, and any official who dares to offend the eunuch is an affront to the Emperor, because the eunuch is sacrosanct.

? ? 太监帮皇帝夺回权利, 有功该赏, 太监的势力发展迅猛, 极为猖狂, 以至朝政日非, 民不聊生, 最终酿成了东汉末年的黄巾军大起义。

♪ The eunuchs took back the Emperor's rights, and deserved credit, the eunuch's forces grew so fast, they were so angry, that the people were so restless, that they ended up in the last year of the yellow towel army uprising in East Han.


? ? 黄巾军的领袖是冀州钜鹿郡人张角。张角本是个不第秀才,以宗教领袖自居, 四方授徒, 施符治病,信众日多,各地百姓为去拜见张教主, 仅死在半路上的就不计其数, 足见其影响力之大。

♪ The leaders of the Yellow Shirts are the Hoshigs. Zhang Kwokmoto is a brilliant man, a religious leader, a Quadrant, a man who treats illness, a man of faith, a man of many days, and a man of all places who dies on half a journey to see Lord Zhang.

? ? 东汉皇帝的地盘共计有13个州, 而张的教徒则遍布青、幽、徐、冀、荆、扬、兖、豫, 这东部的8个州。

♪ There are 13 states in the territory of Emperor East Han, while Chang's followers are found in the eight states in the east.


? ?

? ? 张角将徒众编成三十六方,大方万余人,小方六七千,各立渠帅,称为将军, 四方百姓,蜂涌而至, 头裹黄巾, 从张角反者达四五十万。张角自称“天公将军”,还有两弟, 张宝称“地公将军”,张梁称“人公将军”。声势浩大,打的各州官府望风而靡。

Zhang has made the crowd 36 parties, more than 10,000 men, more than 67,000 men, and a lot of good men and women, called the generals, the generals, the generals, the generals, the crowds, rushing to, the heads of the yellow towels, and the four and a half million men from Zhang's back. Zhang has called himself the “General of Heaven” and two brothers, Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang, the “General of Man” and the “General of Man”.


? ? 民间有人造反, 皇帝就命他的舅官大将军何进镇压起义军。由于朝廷的军队数量不够, 不足于消灭义军, 大将军何进做了以下两个方面的部署:

♪ Civil rebellion, the Emperor ordered his uncle-in-chief to suppress the Intifada. Since there were not enough troops in the court, not enough to destroy the Army, the General was deployed in two ways:

? ? 1. 启奏皇帝, 火速降诏,传圣旨给各州官员, 令他们自行招兵买马, 各处备御,讨贼立功。

♪ 1. The Emperor, send the decree to the officials of the Länder so that they may recruit their own troops, prepare their own places, and seek the help of the traitors.

? ? 2. 派遣中郎将卢植、皇甫嵩、朱俊,各引精兵分三路讨之。

♪ 2. Sending the Kron to divide the ranks of Lu Xi, His Royal Qi and Zhu Jun.

? ? 朝廷的军队与地方的军队两方合击起义军。

♪ The imperial army and the local army are fighting the Intifada. ♪


? ? 在何进对张角的这场博弈中, 张角是占优势的, 就是人多, 除此之外, 好像没有别的什么优势。而且, 作为领导人的张角在布局阶段存在明显的漏洞:

♪ In this game of what goes into the square, the corner is the upper hand, it's the number of people, but it doesn't seem to have any other advantage. Moreover, there is an obvious gap in the layout of the corner as a leader:

? ? 1. 暗中送钱,结交太监封谞,为内应。

♪ 1. Secretly deliver money and hand it over to the eunuch for internal control. ♪

? ? 2. 造反之前, 派弟子唐周去给太监报信。

♪ 2. Before the rebellion, send Brother Tang Chow to report to the eunuch.


? ? 这里面存在至少如下变数:

♪ There are at least the following variables in this:

? ? 1. 唐周可能去报信, 也可能去告密, 两个选择。

♪ 1. Don Cho may go to the mail, or he may go to the whistle-blower, two options.

? ? 2. 太监有可能支持, 也可能不支持, 两个选择。

♪ 2. The eunuch may support, or may not support, two options.

? ? 这件事要成功, 先要唐周选择不告密, 太监接到信后, 再选择支持。因此, 成功的概率最多只有25%。已失算。

♪ To be successful, Don Cho chooses not to inform, the eunuch gets a letter, then supports. So, the odds of success are only 25% at the most. It's not working.

? ? 张角送金钱给太监, 如果只是为了传教, 应该是有效的, 太监帮这个忙是举手之劳。如果为了造反, 就很难说了, 皇帝一倒, 太监也没权了, 就算张角当了皇帝, 他太监还是个太监(最好的可能只是和原来持平), 太监选择支持对自己无利, 因此, 他选择不支持的可能性会更大。

♪ Jang's giving money to the eunuch, if it's just a mission, it should work, and the eunuch's help is a hand job. It's hard to say that if the emperor falls, the eunuch is no longer in power, and even if the eunuch becomes the eunuch, the eunuch is a eunuch, and the eunuch chooses not to support himself, so it's much more likely that he chooses not to support him.

? ? 而派弟子唐周去报信, 唐周得什么好处? 总之, 派去送信的人, 地位一般都不会高。而唐周出卖张角, 则有可能瞬间获大利, 因此, 他选择告密的可能性会更大。

Anyway, whoever sent him to deliver the letter usually doesn't have a high profile. And Don Chow sells Zhang's horn, and it's possible that he'll get a quick profit, so he's more likely to rat.

? ? 结果, 唐周一出门就向朝廷告了密, 导致张角的全盘计划被打乱, 把个发了大财的太监公公也给害死了。

♪ As a result, Don went out on Monday to inform the court, causing Zhang's whole plan to be disrupted and killing a rich eunuch.


? ? 布局失算, 不一定结局失败, 但一定会导致中局困难。

♪ The layout fails, not necessarily the ending fails, but it's bound to make the middle of the game difficult. ♪

(3) 刘关张投军

(3) Liu Guanqiang has joined the army


? ? 朝廷派出三路大军, 与地方上各州官员共同与黄巾军对决。各州的官员便有了自行招兵买马的实权。

A three-way army has been sent to the court to fight with local state officials against the Yellow Shirts.

? ? 最北方的幽州, 太守刘焉,出榜至本州各县招募义兵。榜文发到涿县,有刘备、关羽、张飞三人结拜为兄弟来投军。

♪ In the northernmost ghost state, too close to Liu Xi to recruit soldiers in the counties of the state. ♪ The list is sent to Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei three men to join the army. ♪

? ? 刘备, 28岁, 编席子、卖鞋子为生。关羽, 至少27岁前就杀过人, 流窜至涿县,职业不明。张飞, 颇有庄田,卖酒屠猪为业。

Liu Bei, 28 years old, makes tables and sells shoes for a living. Guan Yu, who killed people before at least 27 years of age, travels to Xiangzhou County, with unknown occupations. Zhang Fei, with a lot of fields, sells wine and butchers pigs for a living.

? ? 张飞有钱, 由他投资, 招了300个乡勇, 但是没有马, 没有兵器。

♪ Zhang Fei has money, invested by him, recruited 300 country warriors, but no horses, no weapons. ♪


? ? 他们都是社会最底层人员, 且都有自己谋生的手段, 如果没有黄巾起义, 他们还会继续原有的生活, 刘备继续卖鞋, 关羽继续亡命江湖, 张飞继续杀猪卖酒。

♪ They're the lowest in society, and they all have the means to make a living, and if they don't, they'll continue their lives, Liu Bei will continue to sell shoes, Guan Yu will continue to die, Zhang Fei will continue to kill pigs and sell alcohol.

? ? 现在突然要改行, 就说明:

♪ And now suddenly you're going to change your business, you're going to say:

? ? 要么是原行业做不下去了, 要么是新行业比原行业获利更大,

♪ Either the original industry won't be able to do it, or the new industry will be more profitable than the original industry. ♪

? ? 通常是这两种情况, 总之, 不会无缘无故的改行。

♪ It's usually these two situations, in any case, not for no reason.

? ? 改行做什么? 他们其实有两个选择:

They actually have two choices:

? ? 1. 投靠官府, 去剿贼。

♪ 1. Into the palace, to hunt down thieves. ♪

? ? 2. 投黄巾军, 参加革命。

♪ 2. Drop the yellow towels, join the revolution. ♪


? ? 这两个行业是对立的, 不能兼职, 选哪边? 当时的实际情况是革命军的势力大, 政府军的势力小, 而他们兄弟三又是社会最底层人员, 按说, 投身革命的可能性会更大。

♪ These two industries are against each other, not part-time, on which side? The reality was that the revolutionary army was big, the government army was small, and their brothers were at the bottom of society, and they were more likely to be part of the revolution.

? ? 但政府军开的价高, 价格高者优先成交, 这在哪都是的。皇帝的圣旨上明文写着杀贼者立功, 立了功当然有官做。而革命军可能只管饭, 因为他们本身就是为争夺生存权而战的。从战争结束后的情况看, 因杀贼而升官的比例还是相当大的, 刘备这个小贩, 也当上了市长, 这种机会真的极少, 可见朝廷还是下了本的。

But the price of the government forces is high, and the price of the price is high, and it's all there. The Emperor's edict says that the murderers have done their job, and they certainly do their job. And the Revolutionary Army may be just cooking, because they are fighting for their right to exist.

? ? 另外, 有两个大商家听说他们要投军杀贼, 一次性赞助了50匹马, 500两金银, 1000斤镔铁打兵器。不需要高瞻远瞩, 就可以看清楚: 投政府军赚头更大。

♪ Plus, two big merchants heard they were going to shoot thieves, sponsored 50 horses, 500 taels of silver, 1,000 kilos of steel. Without looking forward, they could see that they made more money: they were going to go to the government.

? ? 三兄弟得到赞助后, 又招了200人, 一共500人, 来投幽州太守,太守大喜。太守刘焉,乃汉鲁恭王之后, 而刘备自称中山靖王之后, 扯得上是亲戚, 刘焉遂认刘备为侄。

♪ When the three brothers got sponsored, they recruited 200 more, 500 of them, to go to the Queens' toots and toots. Too close to Liu Xin, after King Han Luk Kyu, and after Liu Bei called himself King Nakayama, Liu became Liu's nephew.

? ? 刘焉喜的当然不是得了这个侄儿, 而是这500兵。这个侄儿和他没什么关系的。

♪ Of course Liu Xinhee didn't get this nephew, but this 500 soldiers. This nephew has nothing to do with him.

? ? 不数日, 革命军5万来攻, 刘焉只派刘备的这500人去打, 风险奇大, 刘备欣然领军前进。虽然不太合理, 但也没有多大矛盾。

♪ In a few days, 50,000 Revolutionary Army troops came, and Liu sent only 500 of Liu Bei's men to fight, at great risk, and Liu Bee-in led the march. It's not reasonable, but there's not much contradiction.

? ? 1. 刘焉派刘备出战, 可以尽量保存自己的实力。

♪ 1. Liu Xi will fight to preserve his strength as much as possible.

? ? 2. 刘备奉命出战, 可以获得立功的机会。

♪ 2. Liu Bei was ordered to fight, and he was given a chance to make a difference.

? ? 尽管不太合理, 但不发生利益冲突, 且互为有利, 所以很容易达成一致。这一仗, 关羽、张飞以闪电战快速斩了贼将首领, 其余乌合之众一哄而散, 刘备捉了许多俘虏, 大胜而回。

♪ Though unreasonable, there was no conflict of interest, and there was mutual advantage, so it was easy to agree. In this war, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and the lightning war quickly cut off the thief's leader, the rest scattered, Liu Bei captured many prisoners and won.

? ? 第二天, 青州太守来信求救, 说已被围困, 不日将陷, 刘焉派刘备去青州助战, 又叫手下的邹靖带5000兵同去。这次又立了一功, 解了青州之围。

♪ The next day, the Qingzhou Taitao came to ask for help, saying that he had been besieged, that he would be trapped, that Liu Xi sent Liu Bei to Qingzhou to help with the war, and that his men, Zou Jing, would take 5,000 troops with him. This time, he did a great job and solved the siege of Qingzhou.

? ? 刘备投军后, 新手上阵, 居然连立两次大功, 且都是以少胜多, 若不是军事奇才, 则必是运气极佳。

♪ When Liu Bei is in the army, he's got a new hand two times in a row, and he's got to be lucky if he's not a military genius.

? ? 但是, 刘备很快就作出了一个重要的决定: 到冀州广宗县去, 投奔中郎将卢植。于是, 邹靖把带来的5000人又带回去了, 刘关张带着本部500兵去了广宗。

♪ But, Liu Bei quickly made an important decision: to go to Guangjong County, Suzhou, and go to Nakahiro-kun and Lu-sik. So, Yoo-jin brought back 5,000 people, and Liu Guan-Shang took 500 troops to Guang-seong.

? ? 书上都是夸他们一出山就立大功, 其实不是的, 没有功的, 为什么? 刘备两胜之后, 本金还是原来的500兵, 职位也没有任何变化, 他的功在哪? 最多只能叫有功无利。照这样干下去, 只有投入, 没有产出, 可以明确地预见得到:

After Liu's victory, the principal was 500 soldiers, and there's no change in the position, and his work can only be called unhelpful. By doing so, only inputs, no output, can be clearly foreseen:

? ? 1. 刘关张在打胜仗的情况下, 没有收益, 若是败了, 就会被打死。

♪ 1. If Liu Guanqiang wins the war, there is no profit, and if he loses, he will be killed.

? ? 2. 若是没被打死, 就会安排到下一次去送死。

♪ 2. If they weren't killed, they'd be scheduled to die next time.

? ? 3. 总有一次会被打死。

♪ 3. There's always a time when you're going to be killed.


? ? 跟这样的地方军合作, 有什么意思? 不如跳槽到中央的正规军去, 发展的机会可能会更大一些。地方军不被中央军管, 刘备这一走, 功劳当然就记在了地方军头上。

What's the point of working with a local army like this?

? ? 由此可见:

♪ So it can be seen that:

? ? 1. 无论布置多么困难的任务给有进取心的下属, 下属都会高兴地接受, 或是不情愿地强迫自己接受。工作难度一般不会造成人才流失。

No matter how difficult a task is assigned to a motivated subordinate, the subordinates are happy to accept it, or reluctantly force them to accept it. The difficulty of working does not usually result in a brain drain.

? ? 2. 对于已得利益的分配不公平, 是导致人才流失最直接的原因。

2. Unfair distribution of acquired benefits is the most direct cause of brain drain.

(4) 胜利的果实是谁的

(4) Whose is the fruit of victory?



? ? 中央军分3路: 卢植、皇甫嵩、朱俊。革命军也分3路: 张角、张宝、张梁。卢植与张角对战于广宗, 张角有15万兵, 卢植只有5万兵, 但抗得住, 未分胜负。

The Central Army is divided into three ways: Luse, Emperor, Chu Jun. The Revolutionary Army is divided into three ways: Zhang Guo, Zhang Po, Zhang Liang. Lu Xi and Zhang are at war in Guangzhou, Zhang has 150,000 soldiers, Lu Xi has only 50,000 soldiers, but they are able to fight, and they are not defeated.

? ? 刘备三人带着500兵来投卢植。卢植大喜,留在帐前听调。

The three of Liu Bei came with 500 soldiers to throw at Lu Xi. Lu Da-hee, stay in front of the bill and listen.

? ? 卢植说:“贼弟张梁、张宝在颍川,与皇甫嵩、朱俊对垒。你引本部人马,我再助你1000官军,前去颍川助战。”刘备领命,引军来颍川。

Lu-sik said, "The thief's brothers Zhang Liang, Zhang Bao are in Sasakawa, facing the Emperor and Joo-joon. You draw your troops, I will help you with 1,000 more officers, and I will go to Sasakawa to help fight." Liu Bae-seok was ordered to lead the army to Sasakawa.

? ? 颍川的皇甫嵩、朱俊用计烧散贼军, 贼军逃跑, 结果遇到也是来助战的曹操, 曹操拦住,大杀一阵,斩首万余级,夺得旗幡、金鼓、马匹极多。曹操时任骑都尉,虽说不怎么大, 但好歹也是京官, 手里有兵, 不稀罕俘虏, 所以造反者皆被斩杀, 只抢夺贵重物资。

♪ The emperors of Sakakawa, Chu Jun and the bandits broke loose, and they ran away, and they met Cao Cao, who also helped to fight. Cao, who stopped, killed, killed, and captured the flag, the gold drum, and the horses too many. Cao, though not too big, was the captain of the Cao Cao Cao Cao Cao, but with the soldiers in his hand, and not too rare to capture, all the rebels were killed and only seized precious goods.

? ? 刘备来迟了, 曹操已经杀过了, 他才来。所以, 皇甫嵩、朱俊又叫刘备回去, 刘备只好再往转走。空跑了两趟, 没捞到油水, 正在生闲气, 忽见路上一囚车, 押的竟然是中郎将卢植! 刘备大惊, 忙问其故。

Liu Bei is late, Cao Cao has already been killed, he has only come. So, the Emperor and Chu Jun have called Liu Bei back, so Liu Bei has to go back. Two empty trips, he didn't get any oil and water, he's angry, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way, he's on his way.

? ? 原来, 卢植奉大将军命出征, 宫里的太监赶来勒索, 此时的太监公公, 正如日中天, 连大将军都被他们压着, 又何况下面的一个中郎将! 而卢植没钱给, 太监就上奏皇帝,说他高垒不战,惰慢军心, 因此朝廷震怒,取卢植回京问罪。又另派一中郎将董卓来代替。

♪ Turns out, Lu Xin was sent out by General Lu, and the eunuch of the palace came to blackmail, and the eunuch of the eunuchs, like mid-day, the generals were held by them, and one of the under-principals of Lu ♪ ♪ And without money, the eunuchs played the emperor, saying that he had no high base, he was slow, so the court was angry and took Lu Qin back to Kyoto for a crime, and sent one of the men to replace Dong Cheol.

? ? 卢植只有5万兵, 而张角有15万兵, 高垒不战,也说得过去, 换个董卓来, 也强不到哪里去。董卓战是战了, 但被张角杀的大败, 幸好是刘关张三人救了董卓一命。董卓见他三人低贱, 身无半职, 故十分轻视。

Lu-sik has only 50,000 soldiers, and Zhang's 150,000 soldiers, and the high base is not fighting, and there's no way to go. Dong-suk's battle is a battle, but the defeat of Zhang's defeat is fortunate that Liu Guan-sang saved Dong-suk's life. Dong-suk's three men are low and half-working, so it's very low-valued.

? ? 刘关张三人本是来投卢植的, 现在却要在董卓手下受气, 况且奔波了这多时, 什么好处也没捞到, 张飞就憋不住了:“二兄要便住在此,我自投别处去也!”

♪ Liu Guanqiang, who came here to throw at Lu Xi, is now going to suffer under Dong Cheol's command, and after all this time, Zhang Fei won't be able to hold it any longer: "If you want to live here, I'll go elsewhere!"

? ? 张飞要走, 就意味着他的300兵也要被抽走, 刘备、关羽仅剩200, 分不得, 于是, 刘备道:“我三人义同生死,岂可相离?不如都投别处去。”

♪ If Zhang Fei wants to leave, it means that his 300 soldiers will be taken away, and Liu Bei and Guan Yu will have only 200 left, so Liu Bei-do: "Can I live and die?"

? ? 兄弟三人弃了董卓, 又跳槽到朱俊这边。

♪ The three brothers abandoned Dong Cheol and jumped to Jojoon's side.

? ?

? ? 当时, 曹操跟着皇甫嵩讨张梁。皇甫嵩屡胜, 而董卓屡败,朝廷也把董卓拿回去审, 命皇甫嵩代之, 统领两路军马。

At the time, Cao Cao followed the Emperor's call for Zhang Liang. The Emperor's victory, and Dong Cao's defeat, the court took Dong Chou back to trial and ordered the Emperor to replace him, leading the two armies.

? ? 革命军这边, 张角病死, 张梁统其众,也率领两路军马。皇甫嵩连胜七阵,斩了张梁, 又把张角从棺材里挖出来割了脑袋,送往京师请赏。朝廷加皇甫嵩为左车骑将军,领冀州牧。曹操有功,任济南相。他们已经结束, 班师赴任去了。

♪ On the side of the Revolutionary Army, Zhang Guang died of disease, and Zhang Liang was the leader of both sides of the army. The Emperor won seven battles, executed Zhang Liang and cut his head off from the coffin and sent him to the Emperor to ask for his reward. The Emperor's father was a left rider of the State.


? ? 朱俊见他们都升了官, 便催促军马,急攻张宝。张宝的部下严政见势不妙, 刺杀了张宝投降。朱俊遂上表请赏。

♪ When Jojo saw them all promoted, he urged the horses to fight against Zhang Bao. Jang Bao's undersecretary was in bad shape and stabbed him to surrender. Joo-soo asked for a reward.

? ? 三个头领都死了, 黄巾之乱平息。

♪ All three heads are dead, yellow towels are quenching. ♪

? ? 紧接着, 黄巾军的余党又有三人聚众数万,与张角报仇。这一次, 朝廷命朱俊一路军马讨伐。

♪ And then three more leftovers of the Yellow Shirts gathered to avenge Zhang Horn. This time, the Emperor ordered Jojoon to fight.

? ? 朱俊将贼围困, 贼要求投降, 在接不接受投降的问题上, 分析如下:

♪ Jujoon besieged the thief, the thief demanded surrender, and the question of acceptance of surrender was analysed as follows:

? ? 1. 当年汉高祖刘邦特别优待投降的人, 是因为当时缺人, 要争取更多的人来,

♪ 1. Han Gozu Liu was particularly generous to those who surrendered because there was a shortage of people to get more. ♪

? ? 2. 现在不缺人, 让他们投降, 就是鼓励更多的人造反, 一打不赢就可以投降, 所以这不是良策,

♪ 2. Now that there's no shortage of people, to make them surrender, is to encourage more rebellions, to surrender without winning, so that's not a good idea.

? ? 3. 不能接受投降, 必须全部剿灭。

♪ 3. Unacceptable surrender, must be wiped out.

? ? 决定了全部剿灭, 怎样剿, 效果最好呢? 分析如下:

♪ It's decided that all will be destroyed, how will it be done, with the best effect?

? ? 1. 四面围如铁桶,贼不能降,必然死战。我军也必有较大亏损,

♪ On every side is a barrel, and the thief cannot come down, but he will surely die in battle. And surely there will be a great loss in our army.

? ? 2. 不如撤去一角,让他们跑。从三面追杀, 贼必然只顾逃命,无心恋战,这样杀, 我军的伤亡可减少到最小。

♪ 2. Why don't we get rid of the corner and let them run? From the three sides, the thief must have run for his life and no desire to fight, so that the casualties in our army can be minimized.

? ? 这个杀法, 是刘备的高论, 朱俊采纳了。

♪ This killing, it's Liu Bei's high-profile, Jojoon accepted. ♪

? ? 这时, 扬州的孙坚, 一个地方上的小官员, 他也和刘备一样, 自己组建了一支队伍, 他招了1500个兵, 赶来助战。

♪ That's when Sun Kin, Yangzhou, a small local official, like Liu Bei, formed a team of himself, and he recruited 1,500 soldiers to help.

? ? 正好, 朱俊、刘备、孙坚三方合伙夹攻, 大胜黄巾余党, 斩首数万级。

Just in time, Jojoon, Liu Bei and Sun Kin are in a three-way fight.

? ? 朱俊被封为右车骑将军。孙坚除别郡司马上任去了。刘备几经周折也谋了个定州中山府安喜县尉。(县尉下面的两个位置由关张占着), 这个县尉一职, 大概是刘备、关羽、张飞三个人合伙共有的, 只不过是以刘备的名字注册的, 所以这三个人吃饭一起吃, 睡觉一起睡, 发了工资三人一起花。

♪ Joo-joon was named General on the right bike. Sun Xianbing County is on his way. Liu Bei, after a couple of weeks, also managed to find a captain of Anxie County in the capital of Nakayama. (The two sub-county positions are occupied by Guan Zhang) This sub-county position, which is probably shared by Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, is registered under Liu Bei's name, so they eat together, sleep together, and spend their salaries together.

? ? 总之, 杀贼立功的人, 基本上待遇都比较好。

♪ Anyway, whoever kills a thief makes a difference, basically gets better.


? ? 但是, 好景不长。皇帝总是要把临时下放的权利收回的, 于是, 太监们又开始代表皇帝行使皇权, 勒索这些有军功的官员。边勒索, 边裁员。勒索是为了私利, 裁员是例行公事。如此, 大家辛苦了一场, 胜利的果实, 又流到了太监们的手里。

♪ But it's not too long. The Emperor always takes back temporary powers, so the eunuchs begin again to exercise their authority on behalf of the eunuchs, blackmailing these military officials. At the same time, blackmail, layoffs. Extortion is for personal gain, and layoffs are routine. So, you've worked hard, and the fruits of victory are in the hands of the eunuchs.


? ? 相关人员的结局如下:

♪ The outcome of the people involved is as follows:

? ? 皇甫嵩、朱俊两个车骑将军被撤了职, 罢了官。由太监公公担任了车骑将军。

♪ The Emperor and Zhu Jun were removed from their posts as officers. The Eunuchs were appointed as generals.

? ? 多数官员被裁, 封了13个太监为侯。

♪ Most of the officers were laid down, 13 eunuchs were sealed. ♪

? ? 董卓破黄巾无功, 朝议欲定罪, 但他以重金贿赂太监, 不仅幸免, 还被封为前将军、西凉刺史, 统帅西北大军20万。

♪ Dong Cheol broke the yellow towel, tried to convict him, but he bribed the eunuchs with heavy gold, not only to escape, but also to be named as a former general, a history of the Western Colds, the commander of the Northwest Army of 200,000.

? ? 曹操的身份比较奇特, 父亲是一个太监的养子, 所以没怎么动他, 当然也有其他原因。

♪ Cao Cao's identity is strange, the father is an eunuch's adopted son, so he hasn't been touched much, of course for other reasons.

? ? 孙坚也有人情, 官职未动, 长沙又有人造反, 太监假传圣旨任命孙坚为长沙太守讨贼, (圣旨是真的, 只是没有通过皇帝)。

♪ Sun Kin is also a man of love, a man of no authority, a man of no authority, a rebel in Changsha, and the eunuch's eunuch's pseudo-defendation that appoints Sun Kin as the Shata traitor, (The eunuch is true, but not through the Emperor).

? ? 刘备的这个县尉是三个人分的, 所以拿不出多的钱, 被裁掉了。绕了一大圈, 又回到了最初的起点上, 一切都得重新再来。

♪ Liu Bei's captain is a three-man division, so he can't get any more money, he's been cut off. He's going around a lot, and he's going back to the beginning, and everything has to start over again.

? ? 好在革命军此起彼伏, 地方上得不停的招兵御敌, 故此, 机会多多, 刘备又因新的军功获得一个平原县令的官职, 且颇有钱粮军马。

♪ It's good that the Revolutionary Army is on top of each other, that the local army is constantly recruiting, so there are plenty of opportunities, and Liu Bei has been given an official post in the plains for his new military service, and he has plenty of money.


? ? 曹操, 下级官员的代表。

♪ Cao Cao, representative of the lower officer. ♪

? ? 孙坚, 地方势力的代表。

Sun Kin, representative of the local forces.

? ? 刘备, 草根阶层的代表。

Liu Bei, representative of the grass roots.

? ? 在镇压黄巾起义中, 他们都是助战的小势力, 后来都逐步演变成为中坚力量, 的确都属不易。从中也可以清楚地看到: 在创业之初, 由于起步基础的不同, 导致所遇到的困难是没法比较的。曹操固然很杰出, 但他获得好机会的可能性相对要多一些。而刘备则尽是遇到倒霉的事。

♪ In the suppression of the yellow towel uprisings, they were small helpers, and they all evolved into medium-strength powers, indeed, not easy. It was clear from this that, at the beginning of the start-up, it was impossible to compare the difficulties encountered because of the different starting bases. Cao Cao was remarkable, but he was more likely to get a better chance than ever. Liu Bei was in a bad way.

? ? 在创业阶段, 出身的条件比自身能力更加重要。

At the start-up stage, the condition of birth is more important than your ability.

(5) 外戚VS太监

(5) Eunuch VS


? ? 黄巾起义平息后, 皇帝病危, 召大将军何进入宫,商议后事。只要皇帝一死, 大将军把持朝政的时代就要来临了。

♪ When the jaundan uprising subsides, the Emperor is in a state of illness, calling the General to enter the palace to discuss the future. As soon as the Emperor dies, the General will take over the era of dynasty.


? ? 在这一局中, 要决策的项目是: 立谁为新皇帝。

♪ In this Bureau, the item to be decided upon is who will be the new Emperor.

? ? 有权参与决策的人是: 皇帝、太监、大将军这三方内朝的人。而三公九卿、文武百官都是外朝的, 他们只能静等通知, 不能参与。

♪ Those who have the right to participate in decision-making are: the Emperor, the eunuch, the General, and all three of them. But all of them are foreign, they can only wait for notice, they can't participate.

? ? 皇帝有两个儿子, 大儿子叫刘辩,是大将军何进的妹妹何皇后生的。小儿子叫刘协, 是王美人生的, 王美人死了, 刘协就由婆婆(即皇帝的母亲)董太后收养。

♪ The Emperor has two sons, Liu Qing, the eldest son, born of the eldest general's sister, Queen Ho. The younger son, Liu, was born of Wang Mei, who died, was adopted by her mother-in-law, the Emperor's mother.

? ? 这两个儿子, 究竟立哪一个? 若按制度, 长子是合法的继承人。但是皇帝更偏爱小儿子, 临死前, 决定立小儿子为接班人。

But the Emperor prefers the younger son, and before he dies decides to make the younger son his successor.


? ? 皇帝选择的是小儿子。那么, 太监们究竟该怎样选呢?

♪ The Emperor chose the youngest son. So, what are the eunuchs supposed to do?

? ? 他们的选择, 也是和皇帝一样的, 立小儿子刘协为新皇帝。这倒不是因为他们如何如何地忠于皇帝, 而是涉及到他们的已得利益甚至是身家性命, 因为:

♪ And their choice, like the Emperor, is to make their little son Liu Xing the new Emperor. That's not how they're loyal to the Emperor, it's about their acquired interests and even their lives, because:

? ? 1. 大将军何进一定会选择自己的外甥皇长子刘辩做新皇帝。

1. The General will choose his own nephew, His Majesty Liu Qing, as the new Emperor.

? ? 2. 大儿子刘辩做了皇帝, 大将军何进就会把持朝政。

2. If Liu is the Emperor, the General will take over the dynasty.

? ? 3. 何进把持朝政, 太监们的利益就会落到何进手里, 或死在何进手上。

♪ 3. Where the dynasty is held, the eunuchs' interests fall into their hands, or they die in their hands.

? ? 立小儿子做皇帝, 对太监最有利, 立大儿子做皇帝, 对太监最不利, 所以绝对不能让何进的外甥做皇帝。这一选择是太监们的优选策略。正招!

♪ A young son as Emperor is the best for the eunuch, an older son as an eunuch, and the worst for the eunuch, so there is absolutely no way that a nephew can be an eunuch. This is a choice for the eunuchs.


? ? 内朝三方人中的两个强势方的意见是一致的: 立小儿子刘协做新皇帝。这就等于是通过了, 因为大将军何进无论怎样选择, 都不能改变这一结果。

Two powerful parties among the three parties in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea agree: the young son Liu is the new Emperor. That's the way it is, because whatever the general chooses, he cannot change the outcome.


? ? 可问题是: 皇帝一死, 局势就变成太监、大将军两方了, 如果小儿子当了皇帝, 大儿子的舅舅大将军何进必然不服, 他若生出事端怎么办?一个叫蹇硕的太监说:“若要立刘协为太子,必需先杀何进,以绝后患!”

♪ But the question is: When the Emperor dies, the situation becomes the eunuch, the general becomes the eunuch, and if the younger son becomes the eunuch, the older son's uncle-in-law will not obey, what if something happens to him? A eunuch named Jin-seok says, "If Liu is the prince, we must kill him first, and we must destroy him!"

? ? 皇帝说“好。”于是, 杀何进,通过了, 宣何进入宫。

♪ The emperor said, "Well." So, kill who, pass, declare who entered the palace.


? ? “强对强”, 结果不太好判断。而“强对弱”, 就很容易预料。对手越弱, 胜算越大。而“弱”又可以分成不同的级别进行排序:

The stronger the stronger, the less judgmental. And the stronger the weaker the better. And the weaker the better. And the weaker the better.

? ? 1.略弱? ? 2.较弱? ? 3.很弱? ? 4.极弱

♪ Weak ♪ ♪ weak ♪ ♪ weak ♪ ♪ weak ♪ ♪ weak ♪ ♪ weak ♪ ♪ weak ♪ ♪ weak ♪ ♪ weak ♪ ♪ weak ♪ ♪ weak ♪

? ? 何进的实力比太监们略弱一点点, 悬殊不大, 真打起来, 未必收拾得了。最好的办法是: 使何进从“略弱”变为“极弱”, 这样方能一击必胜。把何进骗进宫, 在他毫不知情的情况下, 直接暗杀掉, 就是以强对极弱, 这种做法的胜算概率最高, 成本也是最低。

♪ What's a little less powerful than the eunuchs, what's not big enough, what's really fighting, doesn't have to be cleaned up. The best way to do that is to get what's going from "weak" to "weak" so that you can beat it.

? ? 从中我们也可以看到: 阴险的招数比正大光明的招数更易于获胜。因为阴险的招数导致了信息的不对称, 信息的不对称又导致了实力的不对称, 实力的不对称导致了最终的胜负结果。这一点是有数据支持的, 不管你喜不喜欢。

♪ And we can see from it that the subtle moves are easier to win than the bright ones. Because the insidious moves lead to asymmetrical information, asymmetrical information leads to asymmetrical power, asymmetrical power leads to final negative results. This is supported by data, whether you like it or not.


? ? 大将军何进接到通知, 兴冲冲地往宫里走, 他这一去, 必然就是去送死! 但意外的事常有, 当何进刚走到宫门时, 一位官员说:“不能进去, 蹇硕公公要杀你哩。”就这一句话, 把太监设的局打破了。

♪ Where the General gets the notice, rushes to the palace, he goes this way, he has to die! ♪ But there's always an accident, when he comes to the palace door, an official says, "You can't go in, you can't be killed." That's the word, break the eunuch's department.

? ? 何进大惊, 急转身回走。马上召集诸大臣商量: 太监们要对我下手, 我决定杀进宫去, 把这帮太监斩尽诛绝!

♪ Why are you so scared, turn around and go back? ♪ The eunuchs are going to kill me, I'm going to kill the eunuchs, I'm going to kill the eunuchs, I'm going to kill the eunuchs!


? ? 这一局的决策项目是: 杀太监。

♪ The Bureau's decision-making program is to kill the eunuch.

? ? 参与的决策者是: 内朝的大将军何进和外朝的诸位官员, 两派人。地点就在何进的私宅内。

♪ The decision makers involved are the generals of the Inner Dynasty and the officials of the Foreign Dynasty, the two parties. The location is in the private house.

? ? 这个时候, 东汉王朝高层的整体大格局为:

♪ At this time, the overall top of the East Han dynasty was as follows:

? ? 甲方(最强): 太监。

A: eunuch.

? ? 乙方(次强): 大将军何进。

♪ B-B: Where's the big general?

? ? 丙方(较弱): 诸位朝廷官员。

♪ Cfon (weaker): Your court officers.


? ? 乙方如果直接攻击最强的甲方, 获胜的把握不怎么确定。因此大将军何进没有单方面采取行动, 而是与处于丙方的诸位朝廷官员联合起来共同攻击甲方, 这样比较牢靠些。这是优选策略, 正招!

♪ If we attack the most powerful party, we're not sure how well we can win. So why didn't the General take a unilateral action, but joined forces with the royal officials on the C side to attack the A. That's better. This is the best strategy, the right move!

? ? 乙方丙方联合起来杀太监, 一致通过了。但在具体怎么杀的问题上, 丙方阵营(朝廷官员)内部却出现了争议, 有如下两种看法:

♪ B. C. joined forces to kill the eunuch, unanimously. But there was a controversy within the C-strikes on how to kill, with the following two views:

? ? 1. 所有的太监, 全部一次性的斩尽杀绝。(以袁绍为代表。)

♪ 1. All eunuchs, all one-time killings. (Reflected by Yuan Shau.)

? ? 2. 只杀罪魁祸首, 其余的太监不可尽诛。(以曹操为代表。)

♪ 2. Kill only the culprits, and the rest of the eunuchs will not end. (For Cao Cao's sake.)

? ?

? ? 他们都各自说出了一套理由, 并且都十分有理, 究竟哪一种策略更好呢?

♪ They all say one set of reasons, and they're all very reasonable, which strategy is better?

? ? 我们先看看下面这个分析:

♪ Let's look at the following analysis:

? ? 1. 作为丙方, 单独攻击甲方是找死, 必须和乙方联合, 共同攻击甲方才是正招, 这和乙方的选择是一致的, 所以双方很容易结盟。

♪ 1. As a C side, separate attacks on A side are death-seeking, must be joined with B, joint attacks on A side are the right way, which is consistent with the B side's choice, so it's easy for both sides to form alliances.

? ? 2. 结盟后, 乙方一定会尽全力攻击甲方, 否则, 失败的可能性极大。从而导致乙方不得不成为认真履行合同的一方。

♪ 2. After the alliance, B will do everything in its power to attack A, otherwise there is a great risk that B will fail, so that B will have to be a serious party to the contract.

? ? 3. 丙方助乙攻甲, 开始也一定是认真的, 但如果一举将甲方全部歼灭了, 则乙方存在对丙方下手的可能, 丙方为了自保, 就会私自悔约, 放过甲方一马, 使甲方喘过气来反扑乙方, 丙方再开始认真履行合同对付甲。

♪ 3. It must have been serious at first, but if we destroy all A, then B has the possibility of doing something against C, and in order to protect himself, C repents, lets go, lets go, lets go, lets go, lets go, lets go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go.

? ? 4. 丙方此一时彼一时, 必须见风使舵, 方能占据最有利的位置。甲乙两方尽管都会痛恨丙方, 但暂时都不会对丙方下手, 因为甲要尽全力攻击对自己威胁最大的乙, 乙也要尽全力攻击对自己威胁最大的甲。丙方就是安全的。

4. At this point in time, C must see the wind in the wheel, in order to take the most advantage. The A and B parties, while they hate C, will not do anything to C for the time being, because A will do everything to attack B, which is the most threatening to itself, and B will do everything in its power to attack A, which is the most threatening to itself. C is safe.

? ? 5. 一直等到甲乙双方斗的两败俱伤之日, 便是丙方出面收拾残局之时, 一举消灭双方而胜出。

♪ 5. Until the day the battles between A and B are destroyed, the C party will come out to clean up the mess, and the two sides will be defeated.

? ? 这是三方博弈中, 丙方优选策略的基本模型。

♪ It's the basic model of the three-way game, the C-preferred strategy.


? ? 袁绍主张将甲方一次性全部消灭, 曹操主张只将甲方中带头的人消灭。因此, 曹操提出的方案是丙方的优选策略, 正招!

Yuan Shau advocates the total elimination of A, and Cao Cao advocates the elimination of only A's leader. Therefore, Cao Cao's proposal is C's preferred strategy.

? ? 但是, 对于乙方大将军何进来说, 将甲方一次性全部消灭, 才是乙方的优选策略。所以, 袁绍表态后, 将军大喜; 而在曹操表态后, 将军叱骂曰:“汝小辈, 安知朝廷大事!”

♪ But, if General B comes in and says, "It's the best strategy for the B to destroy all of the A." So, after Yuan Shau has expressed his position, General Xin, and after Cao Cao has said, "You are well aware of the affairs of the DPRK!"

? ? 各人有各人的看法, 并不存在“对不对”,只存在“对不对味儿”, 袁绍对将军的味儿, 就是对的, 曹操不对将军的味儿, 就不对。

♪ There's no one's opinion, there's no “right”, there's only “right to smell”, Yuan Shau's taste of generals, that's right, Cao Cao doesn't smell like generals, that's not right.

? ?

? ? 大家正在商量, 有人来报信: 皇帝已经死了, 太监们要骗大将军进宫, 准备杀掉。说未了, 传圣旨的人到了:“宣大将军何进速速入宫!”

♪ We're talking about a message that the Emperor is dead, and the eunuchs are trying to trick the General into the palace, and they're going to kill him.

(6) 大将军是怎么死的

(6) How did the General die?


? ? 博弈是一门艺术, 研究的是如何选择的学问。不同的选择导致不同的结果。

The game is an art, studying how to choose. Different choices lead to different outcomes.

? ? 在众多可以选择的条件中, 选择最佳策略可以加大胜算的概率。如果斗争的双方采用的都是优选策略, 那么, 至少可以继续持久的抗衡下去, (即: 不败)。如果某一方采用了劣选策略, 那么, 则很有可能当时就被对手立即吃掉。

In many options, the choice of the best strategy increases the probability of success. If both sides of the struggle use the preferred strategy, then at least a lasting counterweight can continue (i.e., not to lose). If one party uses a poor strategy, then it is likely that it will be eaten immediately by the opponent.

? ? 所以, 我们说: 结果始终不太确定, 但策略总是可以有优选。

♪ So, we say, "The results are always uncertain, but the strategy always has a choice.


? ? 在上一回中, 我们分析了太监、大将军、朝廷众官员这三方各自的优选策略:

♪ In the last time, we analyzed the three-way strategy of eunuchs, generals, and court officials:

? ? 甲. 太监们的优选策略是: 杀掉大将军。

The eunuchs' preferred strategy is to kill the general.

? ? 乙. 大将军的优选策略是: 联合众官员, 杀掉所有的太监。

♪ B. Big General's preferred strategy is to unite officials, kill all eunuchs.

? ? 丙. 众官员的优选策略是: 联合大将军, 只杀掉小部分太监, 使太监们与大将军互相杀伐, 然后从中坐收渔人之利。

The preferred strategy of the officials is to unite the generals, kill only a small part of the eunuchs, let the eunuchs kill each other, and then take advantage of the fishermen from the eunuchs.

? ?

? ? 这是三方各自的优选策略, 如果某一方违背了优选策略, 失败的概率就会相当大。

♪ It's a three-way strategy, and if one of the parties violates that strategy, the probability of failure is quite high.

? ? 众官员里又分两派:

♪ There are two more factions among the officials:

? ? 1. 袁绍要杀掉所有的太监。

Yuan Shao is going to kill all eunuchs.

? ? 2. 曹操要杀掉小部分太监。

2. Cao Cao is going to kill a small part of the eunuch.

? ? 因此, 曹操的方案是丙方的优选策略, 袁绍的方案是丙方的劣选策略。但袁绍的劣选策略正好是乙方大将军的优选策略。所以, 大将军只派袁绍带兵杀进去, 而不派曹操。袁绍由此获得了执行权, 去执行对丙方阵营最不利的方案。

♪ So the Cao Cao solution is Cao Cao's preferred strategy, Yuan Shao's poor strategy is C. But Yuan Shau's poor strategy is just B's preferred strategy. So the General only sent Yuan Shau to kill them, not Cao Cao.

? ? 是不是说袁绍没有曹操聪明或狡猾呢?

♪ Does it mean Yuan Shao isn't smart or sly?

? ? 不是的。袁绍的劣选策略, 只是他口头上的, 并不代表他的实际行动, 而他在执行大将军的任务中, 居然又用实际行动作出了和曹操一样的选择!

♪ No. Yuan Shau's poor strategy, it's just that he's verbally speaking, and it doesn't represent his actual actions, and he made the same choice as Cao Cao with his actual actions in the execution of the General's mission!


? ? 丙方第一步:

♪ First step:

? ? 袁绍冲进宫中, 只斩杀了太监蹇硕一人, 按他自己说的要斩尽杀绝, 他却不杀了。跑来对大将军说:“今日可乘势尽诛之。”大将军当然很高兴, 好! 好!

♪ Yuan Shau came into the palace, killed only one of the eunuchs, killed him as he said, but he didn't kill him. He came and said to the general, "Today's the day." Of course the general was happy, yes!

? ? 袁绍若真的要把太监杀尽, 就不会给对手丝毫喘气的机会。他这样做, 实际上是在故意放太监一马。

♪ If Yuan Shao really wanted to kill the eunuch, he wouldn't give his opponent a chance to breathe. He did that, in fact, by deliberately letting the eunuch go.

? ? 太监们向何皇后(现任太后了)求情。何太后对大将军说:“蹇硕要害你, 他已经被杀了, 你怎么要把别的太监都杀掉? 不是这些太监的提拔, 你我兄妹能有今天的富贵吗? ” 大将军说:“好, 算了吧。”

♪ The eunuchs begged the Queen. The eunuchs said to the eunuch, "Wanting you, he's been killed, how can you kill all the other eunuchs?" Not these eunuchs, can your brother and sister be rich today?" The eunuch said to the eunuch, "Well, forget it."

? ? 袁绍用实际行动完成了丙方阵营优选策略的第一步, 杀了一个太监, 留下其余的太监, 便于攻击大将军。

Yuan Shau has completed the first step of the C-strength strategy, killing an eunuch, leaving behind the rest of the eunuchs to attack the General.


? ? 丙方第二步:

♪ Step two:

? ? 丙方的第二步是使太监和大将军相互对杀。

♪ The second step on C is to get the eunuchs and the generals to kill each other.

? ? 太监们三番五次地想扳倒大将军, 都没有得逞。大将军想杀太监却碍于妹妹何太后的情面, 不好下手。袁绍为大将军出了个主意:“既然您不好意思动手, 那就传旨叫下面各个地方政府的头领们带兵来逼宫, 太后迫于压力, 必然会杀太监。”

♪ The eunuchs tried so many times to bring down the general, but the general tried to kill the eunuch, but the sister was in the way, and he couldn't do it. Yuan Shau made an idea for the eunuchs: "If you're too shy to do it, then tell the heads of the local governments below to bring troops to the palace, and the queen, under pressure, will surely kill the eunuchs."

? ? 大将军道:“此计大妙!”

♪ Big General said, "That's a great plan!"

? ? 曹操有不同意见: 纷纷招外兵, 动静太大, 其事不秘, 事必不成。

♪ Cao Cao has a different opinion ♪

? ? 袁绍这一步, 其实是个妙招, 他就是要让事不成。

♪ Yuan Shao's step, it's actually a trick, he's just trying to make it go away.

? ? 1. 他的目的不是要杀太监, 如果真要杀太监, 秘密的方法有多种, 不需要招外兵把动静搞那么大。

♪ 1. He didn't want to kill eunuchs, but if he really wanted to kill eunuchs, there were many ways to keep secrets, and he didn't need to hire extra soldiers to do anything.

? ? 2. 把动静搞大, 是在提醒、逼迫太监们快速下手杀大将军!

♪ 2. Making the noise is a reminder, forcing the eunuchs to kill the general quickly!

? ? 自小皇帝登基后, 大将军上升为甲, 太监们下降为乙。若长期斗下去, 太监们迟早是要完蛋的, 太监们完蛋了, 大将军再无牵制, 对丙方就极为不利。

♪ Since the Emperor's reign, the generals have risen to A, the eunuchs have fallen to B. If they fight for a long time, the eunuchs will die sooner or later, the eunuchs will die, and the great general will be extremely disadvantaged against C.

? ? 袁绍把外兵招来逼宫, 太后必然会被迫下令诛杀太监。至此, 太监们只剩下唯一的选择: 就是抢在外兵逼宫之前, 先杀掉大将军! 否则没有活路。

♪ Yuan Shau will be forced to order the eunuchs to kill the eunuchs when he brings them to the palace. Then the eunuchs will have only one option: to kill the general before they rob the eunuchs!

? ? 如果袁绍不把外兵招来, 太监们就还存在与大将军慢慢周旋的余地, 选择多多, 不一定急着采用暗杀手段。

♪ If Yuan Shao doesn't bring in the foreigners, there's still room for the eunuchs to move slowly with the general, to choose more options, not to rush into assassination.

? ? 结果, 大将军进宫的时候, 被预先埋伏的太监们砍为两段! 把脑袋割下来甩到墙外。

♪ And as a result, when the General entered the palace, he was cut into two pieces by the eunuchs who were ambushed in advance, cutting his head off and throwing it out of the wall.

? ? 大将军遭太监们暗杀, 是由袁绍“招外兵来逼宫”这一步棋直接导致的! 大将军到死都不知道自己是怎么死的。

♪ The General was assassinated by the eunuchs as a direct result of Yuan Shau's move to “recruit foreign soldiers to force the palace” ♪

? ? 袁绍一个人单独完成了丙方阵营优选策略的第一步和第二步。却未被人识破。

♪ Yuan Shau alone completed the first and second steps of the C-string strategy, but it was undetected.


? ? 丙方第三步:

♪ Step three of C:

? ? 大将军被太监们暗杀了, 局势发生了明确的逆转! 丙方阵营的第三步: 出面收拾残局的机会终于到来了。

The General was assassinated by the eunuchs, and there was a clear reversal of the situation!

? ? 袁绍、曹操、袁术(袁绍弟)率兵冲入宫中, 争先恐后, 奋勇杀监, 且配合默契。但见阉官,不论大小,尽皆杀之。袁绍、曹操斩关入内, 将太监们剁为肉泥。宫中火焰冲天。

♪ Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Yuan Cao, Yuan Cao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiang, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiang, Xiang, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Qu, Qu, Qu, Qu, Xu, Xu, Qu, Qu, Qu, Xu, Xu, Qu, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X,

? ? 曹操原先不主张把太监杀尽, 现在丝毫不落于人后, 见太监就杀, 仅有的一点仁慈也没了, 为什么? 甲方乙方大火拼的机会出现了, 丙方阵营等的就是这一天! 必须杀干净, 以防后患。

♪ Cao Cao didn't want to kill the eunuchs, now they're dead, now they're dead, then they're dead, and there's no mercy.

? ? 不需要商量, 大家不约而同地做, 就连以前罢了职的官员也赶来助战。

♪ There's no need for negotiation, people do it together, even formerly employed officials come to help. ♪

? ? 所有的太监们被斩尽杀绝。杀完了太监, 再杀太监的家族, 尽皆灭族。杀完了太监的家族, 再杀到大将军的家族, 大将军的弟弟也以勾结太监谋害兄长的罪名而砍为齑粉。

♪ All the eunuchs were killed. Killed the eunuch, then killed the eunuch's family. Killed the eunuch's family, then killed the eunuch's family.


? ? 皇帝内朝的外戚、太监这两股强大的势力, 在一夜之间, 被杀得片甲不留, 成为永远的历史。在这一局中, 作为弱势的丙方阵营, 即朝廷的众位官员, 大获全胜!

♪ Two powerful forces of the Emperor's family, the eunuch, were killed overnight, and became forever history. In this game, as a vulnerable C-strike, the official of the court, was won!

? ? 记住他: 袁绍。

Remember him: Yuan Shau.

(7) 董卓进京

(7) Dong-joo Jin-kyung




? ? 一夜之间, 皇帝内朝的外戚、太监全部都灰飞湮灭了, 成为中国历史上罕见的大变局。现在, 只剩下外朝的众官员们, 群龙无首, 秩序混乱。

♪ In one night, the Emperor's relatives, the eunuchs and the eunuchs were wiped out, becoming the rare major transformations in China's history. Now, there are only foreign officials, the dragons, and chaos.

? ? 以前, 大量的要职一直是被外戚与太监们占据着, 今夜, 他们统统被杀掉之后, 所空出来的职位, 就成为众官员们的胜利果实, 几乎人人都有获得晋升的机会。

♪ Before, a lot of important posts had been occupied by relatives and eunuchs, and tonight, after they were all killed, the posts that were vacated became the fruit of the victory of the officials, and almost everyone had a chance to be promoted.


? ? 这一局, 要决策的项目是: 面对这一大堆胜利果实, 大家究竟该怎样分配?

♪ In this game, the project to be decided is: What is the distribution in the face of this huge pile of victories?


? ? 首先要说明两点:

♪ Let's start by saying two things:

? ? 1. 无论怎么分配, 一定会有人感到不公。因为从来都没有绝对的公平。

♪ 1. No matter how distributed, someone must feel unfair. There's never been absolute fairness.

? ? 2. 无论怎么分配, 一定会有人获得最大的份额。也就是说, 一定会产生一个新的把持朝政的人出来。

♪ 2. No matter how distributed, someone will get the biggest share. That means, a new one will come out for the dynasty.


? ? 人人都希望分配的多一些, 实力强的人希望按实力大小进行分配, 资格老的人希望按排资论辈进行分配, 功劳大的人希望按功劳大小进行分配。

♪ Everyone wants more, powerful people want to be distributed according to strength, qualified people want to be allocated according to seniority, and those who appreciate it want to be distributed according to merit.

? ? 究竟按什么原则进行分配最合理? 这在当时是没有标准的, 无论按什么标准进行分配, 都是有争议的, 因此, 兼顾多种因素综合参照后的标准, 争议可能会最小。

What is the most reasonable principle of distribution? It was not standard at the time, no matter what criteria were allocated, it was controversial, so it might be the least controversial criterion, taking into account the multiple factors taken together.

? ?

? ? 在杀太监的过程中, 袁绍、曹操、袁术的功劳最大, 但他们只是下级官员, 小辈耳, 离把持朝政的距离还很远, 因此, 他们在这一局中竞争的目标不会是把持朝政, 而是在现有的基础上能得到提升。

♪ In killing the eunuchs, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Yuan Cao, but they're just lower officials, younger generation, far from the dynasty, so the goal of their competition in this bureau is not to keep the dynasty, but to build on it.

? ? 高级官员竞争的目标当然是把持朝政, 由谁来把持朝政? 这只会在高级官员中产生。按文标准是排资论辈, 按武标准是比实力大小。

♪ The goal of high-ranking officials to compete is, of course, to hold the dynasty, and by whom? This will only come from among senior officials.


? ? 1. 实力比较

♪ 1. A comparison of power

? ? 全国13个州中, 凉州兵马最为雄壮, 因此凉州的董卓最具实力, 但别的州也不一定就打不赢他, 比如荆州兵的丁原就不服他。

♪ Of the country's 13 states, the cool state soldiers are the strongest, so the cool state Dong-goo is the best, but the other states don't necessarily have to beat him, like Tingbara of Jinzhou soldiers.

? ? 董卓的兵马本来就强, 再加上大将军的兵马又都被董卓收编了, 实力就更强。丁原是个劲敌, 董卓设计收买了丁原的部将吕布, 吕布杀了丁原, 荆州兵散去一半, 剩下的被吕布带来投靠了董卓。

Tung-Chou's army is strong, and the General's army is all over it. Ting-Tuan is a powerful enemy, and Tung-Chou has bought Ding-won's department to take Lui-Bou, Lui-Bou killed Ting-Puan, and Tian-zhou troops have split up, and the rest has been brought to Dong Duk-Chou.

? ? 至此, 董卓的实力, 几乎已无人能控制。

♪ And so, Dong Cheuk's power is almost uncontrollable.


? ? 2. 排资论辈

♪ 2. Replenishment

? ? 名义上级别最高的是三公, 在中央政府和三公一个级别的还有将军、太傅, 合称五府, 大将军在三公之上, 其余将军在三公之下。

♪ The highest rank in name is the Three Kings, and in the central government and at the level of the Three Kings there are generals, Taifu, all known as the Five, the Grand General is above the Three Lords, and the rest of the Generals are under the Three Kings.

? ? 因此, 把持朝政的人只会在中央政府的三公、将军、太傅这五府中产生。

♪ So, bringing the dynasty to power can only be found in the central government's triads, generals, tafos.

? ? 董卓是前将军, 他上面的大将军、骠骑将军、车骑将军都死了, 不在了, 董卓的排名就靠前了, 他现在的身份是相当于代理大将军。

♪ Dong Cheol is a former general, the generals on top of him, the generals on the horse and the generals on the bike are dead, and without that, Dong Cheol's ranking is ahead, and now he's in the same position as the acting general.


? ? 在众官里面, 同时具备资格与实力这两个条件的人选, 只有董卓一个人。所以, 董卓获得了胜利果实的最大份额, 成为新秩序下把持朝政的牛人。

♪ In the public domain, only Dong Cheuk is the one who has both qualifications and strength. Thus, Dong Cheuk has won the largest share of the fruits of the victory, becoming a bullman in the new order who holds the dynasty.

? ? 这样分配的争议是最小的。大家都情愿接受, 或是不情愿也忍着接受, 因为再没有合适的人选了。

♪ This distribution is the least controversial. Everyone's willing to accept, or unwilling to accept, because there's no more suitable candidate.


? ? 有人说, 董卓专权, 都是袁绍招外兵导致的。

♪ Some say that Dong Cheuk's exclusive authority was caused by Yuan Shau's recruitment.

? ? 董卓是外兵, 但他同时也是朝庭的前将军。你招不招外兵, 他都是会以朝庭前将军的身份跑来把持朝政的。如果董卓不是前将军, 仅仅只是外兵, 他跑来把持朝政就是造反, 当时就会发生战争。

♪ Dong Cheol is a foreign soldier, but he is also a former general of the court. If you don't recruit a foreign soldier, he'll be running for the dynasty as a former general. If Dong Cheuk is not a former general, he's just a foreign soldier, and he's coming for the dynasty is a rebellion, then there will be war.


? ? 董卓成为最大的受益者。(这在当时是顺理成章的事, 大家基本上都默认了。至于他后来的表现不好, 那是后来的事, 不要混为一谈)。其他的官员也多有升赏, 以前罢职的人也多有重用, 总之, 朝廷官员这一阶层的人, 多有不同程度的收益。

Dong Cheol became the biggest beneficiary. (This was a logical thing at the time, and everyone basically agreed. As for his subsequent bad behavior, that's later, and don't mix it up.) Other officials have a lot of rewards, and those who had been removed from the post have a lot of use, and in any case, the class of court officials has a lot of different benefits.

? ? 董卓自封为相国, 被废除多年的丞相又死灰复燃了。

♪ Dong Cheol has declared himself a foreign country, rekindled by the defunct Prime Minister for many years.


? ? 外戚、太监总是留给大家不太好的印象, 但事实上, 他们才是保护皇权的重要力量, 失去了他们, 皇帝就成了一个孤儿, 皇权被相权轻易地击败了。

♪ Foreign relatives and eunuchs are always a bad impression, but in fact, they're the ones who protect the royal power, and without them, the emperor becomes an orphan, and the royal power is easily defeated.

8) 董卓为什么要立献帝

Why did Dong Cheuk make the Emperor?



? ? 董卓、三公九卿、文武百官、袁绍、袁术、曹操、等等, 凡是剩下来的人, 他们统统都是原先丙方阵营的人。因为:

♪ Dong Cheol, Sam Koo, Wei Wu, Yuan Shau, Yuan, Cao Cao, etc., all those who remain are from the former C-Front. Because:

? ? 1. 他们都是同朝为官。并且都是外朝的官员。

♪ 1. They're all the same officers, and they're all foreign officials. ♪

? ? 2. 他们都不是皇帝内朝的外戚。

2. They are not relatives of the Emperor.

? ? 3. 他们都不是皇帝内朝的太监。

♪ 3. They're not the Emperor's eunuchs.

? ?

? ? 原先的外戚、太监都死掉后, 他们所空出来的大量职位, 就变成了所有外朝官员们的利润。大家都可以获得不同程度的增值, 由于人人都想分配的多一些, 故此, 又产生了新一轮的竞争。

After the deaths of their former relatives and eunuchs, the large number of jobs that they empty becomes the profits of all foreign officials. Everyone can get a different degree of value added, because everyone wants to share more, so there's a new round of competition.


? ? 在这一群所有的外朝官员之中, 只有董卓的实力、资格都是最占优势的, 所以董卓成为新秩序下的老大。

♪ Of all the foreign government officials in this group, only Dong Cheol's strength and qualifications are the best, so Dong Cheuk became the leader of the new order.

? ? 董卓在重新分配这些利润的时候, 必须保证做到以下2点, 方可使自己立于不败之地:

♪ As Dong Joo redistributes these profits, he must ensure the following two things in order to make himself undefeated:

? ? 1. 让多数人公平。

♪ 1. Make the majority fair.

? ? 2. 让少数人不公平。

♪ 2. Unfair for a few. ♪

? ? 因为没有绝对的公平, 无论你怎样分, 总是有人会感到不公平的。既然不公平是不可避免的, 那就干脆直接让少数人来承担不公平。

♪ 'Cause there's no absolute fairness, no matter how you divide it, there's always someone who feels unfair. Since injustice is inevitable, let's just leave it to a few to bear it.

? ? 感到公平的人, 不一定会对自己拥护, 但感到不公平的人就一定会对自己敌视。因此, 不公平的人只能是少数, 名额必须有限。只要多数人是公平的, 少数人就翻不起大浪。

♪ People who feel fair don't necessarily stand up for themselves, but those who feel unfair will be hostile to themselves. So, unfair people are only a few, and there must be a limited number of places. As long as the majority is fair, a few can't turn the tide.

? ? 那么, 究竟让哪一部分人来承担不公平呢? 最优选的策略是:

♪ So, what part of the world does it take to pay for the injustice?

? ? 让对自己威胁最大的少数人不公平。

♪ Let the few who are most threatening to themselves be unfair.

? ? 因为不公平的名额是有限的, 好钢必须用在刀刃上。对自己威胁最大的人, 无论怎样分, 总是对自己有威胁的, 所以, 让对自己威胁最大的人来承担不公平, 是最经济的做法。

♪ Because unfair quotas are limited, good steel has to be used with a knife. Whoever is most threatening to himself, no matter how much, is always threatening to himself, so it's the most economical way to make those who are most threatening to themselves feel unfair.


? ? 对董卓威胁最大的人有两派:

♪ There are two groups that threaten Dong Cheol most:

? ? 1. 文派。是官员中级别最高的三公。不过三公的地位虽然高, 但都是虚职, 没有实权。

Monarchy. It's one of the highest-ranking public officials. But it's high, but it's empty. It's no real power.

? ? 2. 武派。是京中带武装队伍的军官。不过他们手里虽然有兵, 但地位一般都不太高。

♪ 2. The martial arts. They're the officers with the armed forces in Beijing. But they've got the men in their hands, but they're generally not very well-placed.

? ? 如果一但发生叛乱, 这些手里有兵的下级军官一定是最具实力的。所以, 这一部分人对董卓的威胁最大。让这一部分人来承担不公, 是董卓的优选策略。

♪ If there is a rebellion, these junior officers with soldiers must be the most powerful. So, this part of the population is the most threatening to Dong Cheol. It's Dong Cheol's best strategy to make this part of the population bear the brunt of the injustice.

? ? 而在这一部分人中, 袁绍、袁术两弟兄都是京中带武装队伍的军官, 他们的叔叔袁隗则是太傅, 三公一级的人物。因此, 袁氏家族最具把持朝政的可能, 袁隗是董卓最强有力的竞争对手, 要打击袁隗, 先得拔掉袁绍、袁术两弟兄。

♪ And of these, Yuan Shao and Yuan Tsi are armed officers in Kyoto, and their uncle is Tai Fu, the third-class figure. So, the Yuan family is the most likely to hold the dynasty, the strongest rival of Dong Cheol, to strike the dynasty, first to remove Yuan Shau and Yu Tsiao.

? ? 在前期大将军与太监的斗争中, 袁绍、袁术等带武装队伍的下级军官都是杀太监有功的, 是以什么名义杀的呢? 以国家的名义, 为国锄奸, 为皇帝锄奸, 故此, 他们不是叛臣, 而是皇帝的功臣。

♪ In the battle between the previous General and the eunuchs, the junior officers of Yuan Shao and Yuan's armed ranks were successful in killing the eunuch, and in what name? ♪ In the name of the state, as traitors of the state, as traitors of the Emperor, so they were not traitors, but rather the Emperor's.

? ? 是功臣就该封赏, 一封赏就又加大了对自己的威胁。演变下去, 会出现抗衡, 或是战争。故此, 必须设法把这些功臣的功劳给抹杀掉, 找什么理由呢? 从这些下级军官身上确实找不到什么正当理由, 那就拿皇帝开刀。

♪ It's up to you to keep the reward, and one reward increases the threat to you. There will be resistance, or war. So, you have to find a way to get rid of the credit.

? ? 把皇帝废掉, 皇帝一废, 这些下级军官的功劳也就等于废了。

♪ Lose the Emperor, the Emperor, and the credit of these lower-ranking officers is gone.

? ? 小皇帝登基时间很短, 和大多数官员都还没有建立利益关系, 只有这些立有军功的下级军官们和小皇帝存在利益关系。小皇帝一废, 利益关系就解除了。

♪ The Emperor has been on the throne for a very short time, and most of his officials have yet to establish a relationship of interest, only those junior officers with military merit have a relationship of interest with the Emperor. Once the Emperor is eliminated, the relationship of interest is dissolved.

? ? 大家私分的是皇帝的权利, 在董卓的操纵下先完成分配方案, 再叫皇帝签字通过, ?你们这些人原先的功劳, 都去找那个破产了的皇帝去结帐吧。

♪ It's the Emperor's right that we all have to finish the distribution plan under Dong Cheol's control, and then ask the Emperor to sign it. ♪ All of you have done well, go to the bankrupt Emperor to settle the debt. ♪

? ? 这就是董卓废掉皇长子少帝又立皇次子为献帝的真正用意。不是为了欺负皇帝, 而是为了打击竞争对手。

♪ That's the true intention of Dong Cheol to destroy the Emperor and set up the Emperor. Not to bully the Emperor, but to fight against the rivals.

? ? 如果董卓不是为了打击竞争对手, 仅仅只是为了便于自己操纵皇帝, 那他就不会废长立幼, 因为大儿子刘辩没有小儿子刘协聪明能干, 这是公认的, 相对来说, 操纵大儿子比操纵小儿子要更加方便些。何必多此一举。

♪ If Dong Cheol didn't fight his rivals, but only to control the Emperor himself, he wouldn't have grown up, because he doesn't have a smart son like Liu, it's recognized that it's easier to manipulate an older son than a younger son. Why more than that.


? ? 董卓走这一步棋, 是要冒一定的风险的, 但这是一步要招, 尽管会招骂, 但还是要走。这步棋一走出, 直接导致了袁氏兄弟连夜逃出了京城。

♪ Tung Cheol takes a certain risk, but it's a step to be taken, even if it's a curse, but it's a step to go. As soon as he gets out, this step leads the Yuan brothers out of the city overnight.

? ? 逃跑是正招。因为董卓的这个动作, 明摆着就是冲他们来的, 无论合作, 还是不合作, 演变下去, 都是迟早要对他们下手。所以别人不怕, 他们最怕, 逃命要紧。

♪ Running away is a good way to do it. Because this move by Dong Cheuk, clearly, comes for them, whether it's cooperation, or non-cooperation, it's going to happen sooner or later. So they're not afraid, they're scared, they're running for their lives.


? ? 通过废长立幼直接打击有军功的这部分对自己有威胁的人, 间接震慑其他的人, 再提拔大量对自己无威胁的名流名士作官, 为以前的冤案平反, 罢官的复职, 使受益的成为多数人, 董卓的位置就稳了。

♪ By taking advantage of this part of the army directly, indirectly deterring others, promoting a large number of well-known cavalry officers who have no threat to themselves, redressing previous grievances, withdrawing from office, and making the beneficiaries the majority, Dong Cheuk is in a stable position.

? ? 废长立幼, 封建社会里这么大的事, 也默认通过了, 也没见哪路诸侯为了忠于皇帝而起兵讨伐他的。为什么? 因为受益的占到了多数。

♪ Up and down, up and down, up and down in feudal society, and by default, there's no way that the emperors fought for his loyalty to the Emperor. Why? Because the benefits are in the majority.


? ? 袁氏兄弟逃出了京城后, 一个向北跑, 一个向南跑, 他们的职务换上了董卓的人, 这个时候, 已不构成威胁了, 于是, 又变成了董卓拉拢的对象。

♪ When the Yuan brothers escaped from the capital, one ran north, one ran south, and their job changed to Dong Cheol's man, and this time, it was no longer a threat, and then it became the object of Dong Trea.

? ? 董卓封袁绍为渤海太守, 封袁术为南阳太守, 京官变成了土皇帝。又加地位低的袁术为后将军, 使他兄弟不和。

♪ Doo Cheol-sau is the master of the sea, the seal of the sea is the king of the land, and the king becomes the emperor of the land. ♪ And the low-status Yuan is the queen of the land, making his brother disconcerting. ♪


? ? 就目前的局势来看, 董卓已经具备了成为一代名相的外在条件, 但是, 他的内在素质, 还是低了。

♪ As far as the situation is concerned, Dong Cheuk already has the external conditions to become a generation, but his inner qualities are still low.

(9) 怎样杀董卓

(9) How do you kill Dong Cheol?



? ? 汉灵帝本来是准备立小儿子刘协当皇帝的, 未能如愿, 后来董卓还是把刘协推上了皇位, 这刘协还是有当皇帝的命。

♪ Han Ling-ti was prepared to make his youngest son, Liu, Emperor, but he was not able to do so, and Tung-jung chose Liu as Emperor, who was still the Emperor's life.

? ? 刘协就是汉献帝, 不过, 他实际上只是个孤儿, 空有个名义, 皇帝的权利, 他最多只占1%, 都被董卓霸占了。

♪ Liu is the Emperor of Han, but he's actually just an orphan, with a name, the Emperor's rights, he's only 1% at the most, and he's taken over by Dong Cheuk.

? ?

? ? 董卓又把废掉的少帝和何太后害了, 何太后是被扯住双手, 从楼上直惯而下摔死的, 少帝是用药酒药死的。自此, 董卓每夜入宫,奸淫宫女,夜宿龙床。

♪ Tung-Cheol killed the desolate Young Master and Mrs. Ho, who were pulled and fell down from upstairs, and died with alcohol. Since then, Dong-joo has entered the palace every night, raped the courtmaid, nightbed the dragon bed.

? ? 这是侵犯的皇权, 不过, 此时的皇家已经成了少数人, 都拿他没办法。

♪ It's a violation of the emperor's authority, but, at this point, the king has become a minority, and he has no choice.


? ? 董卓引军出城,行到阳城地方,遇村民男女。卓命军士围住,尽皆杀之,掠妇女财物,装载车上,悬头千余颗于车下,扬言杀贼大胜而回;于城门外焚烧人头,以妇女财物分散众军。

Dong Cheon led the army out of the city and went to the city of Yangtze to meet the men and women of the village. The soldiers surrounded them, killed them all, looted women's belongings, loaded their cars, hung over a thousand of their heads under the vehicle, threatened to kill thieves and return; burned their heads outside the city, displacing the army with women's possessions.

? ? 这是侵犯的民权, 不过, 老百姓手无寸铁, 也都斗不过他。

♪ It's a violation of civil rights, but the people are unarmed, and they can't beat him.


? ? 在当时的朝廷官员中, 董卓的爪牙甚多, 这就足以保证他的位置能坐稳。

♪ Among the court officials at the time, Dong Cheol had a lot of claws, which was enough to make sure his position was secure.


? ? 一日, 王允设宴请旧臣喝酒, 酒行数巡,王允道:“董卓欺主弄权,社稷旦夕难保。想高皇诛秦灭楚,奄有天下;谁想传至今日,乃丧于董卓之手也。”

♪ On one day, the king promised to invite his ex-prisoners for a drink, a drinking tour, and the king said: "Tung Cheol is a fool, and there is no peace in the world."

? ? 王允经过试探众官, 发现众官都不表态, 只有曹操一人有意。于是, 王允私下与曹操商量, 曹操道:“操虽不才,愿即断董卓头,悬之都门,以谢天下。”

♪ The king, after having been tested by the public, found that the public was silent and that only Cao Cao Cao was interested. So the king agreed to negotiate privately with Cao Cao Cao, and Cao Cao Cao Cao Cao, saying, "If it isn't for sex, we'd be happy to cut off Dong Cao's head and hang the door for thanking the world."

? ? 王允问他:“孟德有何高见?”曹操说:“近日我屈身以事董卓,实欲乘间图之耳。现在颇得董卓信任。闻司徒有七宝刀一口,愿借与操入相府刺杀之,虽死不恨!”

♪ The king said to him, "What's the opinion of Mend?" Cao Cao said, "I've been in a position to take advantage of it in recent days. I now have the trust of Dong-soo. I'd like to kill him with a seven-thousand knife, even though I don't hate it!"

? ? 王允曰:“孟德果有是心,天下幸甚!”遂亲自酌酒奉操。操沥酒设誓,允随取宝刀与之。操藏刀而去。

♪ The king has promised: "Mundago has a heart, and the world has been blessed!" So he has chosen his own wine. He has vowed to take the sword with him. He has gone away with the sword.


? ? 为什么在那么多的旧臣里, 只有王允和曹操要害董卓呢? 这是因为新秩序下的分配对王允和曹操最不公平。

♪ Why, among all the old subjects, only Wang Yun and Cao Cao are responsible for the murder of Dong Cao because the distribution under the new order is the most unfair to Wang Yun and Cao Cao.

? ? 王允是司徒, 三公之一, 排司徒前面的是太尉, 太尉也是董卓在担任。扳倒董卓后的最大受益者, 应该是王允和袁隗等三公级别的高级官员。

♪ Wang Yun is Szeto, one of the three lords, and in front of the platoon is the captain, who is also Dong Cheuk. The greatest beneficiaries of the defeat of Dong Cheol are senior officials in the 3rd rank of Wang Yun and Yu. ♪

? ? 袁氏兄弟逃出了京城后, 旧臣中带兵的官员属曹操最高, 但他不是董卓的人, 不可能被重用的。

♪ When Brother Yuan escaped from the capital, the officers of the old soldiers were the highest of Cao Cao Cao, but he was not Dong Cheol's, he could not be used again.

? ? 因此, 王允和曹操共同扳倒董卓之后, 就会建立下一个重心分配的新秩序, 在这个新秩序下, 王允和曹操都会成为受益最大的人。

♪ So, when Wang Yun and Cao Cao take down Dong Cao, they will create the next new order of focus, where both Wang Yun and Cao Cao will be the most beneficial.

? ? 当然, 他们不会说的这么直接, 而是说为了国家, 为了皇帝。

♪ Of course, they wouldn't say so directly, but for the country, for the emperor. ♪


? ? 王允和曹操联合, 是旧臣中最强的组合了, 但和董卓的势力相比, 还是差得远, 没法比, 因此, 暗杀就是优选策略, 成本最低, 胜算最高。

♪ Wang Yun and Cao Cao are the strongest combinations among the old subjects, but they're still far from Dong Cao's forces, and they're impossible to compare, so assassination is the preferred strategy, the lowest cost, the highest chance.


? ? 甲. 最大势力, 丞相: 董卓

♪ A. Biggest Power, Your Highness, Dong Cheol

? ? 乙. 高级官员, 司徒: 王允

♪ B. Senior Officer, Stu: Wang Yun

? ? 丙. 下级军官, 校尉: 曹操

♪ C.O., Lieutenant Cao ♪


? ? 乙方必须联合丙方, 因为王允没有单独接近董卓的机会, 必须要依赖可以单独接近董卓的人, 方能行刺。

♪ B must unite with C, because Wang Yun has no chance to get to Dong Cheon alone, and must rely on someone who can get to Dong Cheon alone to carry out the assassination.

? ? 丙方的曹操也必须联合乙方的高级官员, 方能行刺。

♪ Cao Cao Cao must join the senior officials of B in order to carry out the assassination. ♪

? ? 如果曹操不联合乙方, 单方面采取行动, 则存在如下变数:

♪ If Cao Cao Cao does not join Cao Cao B in taking unilateral action, the following variables exist:

? ? 1. 存在成功或不成功这两个变数。最好的结局是暗杀成功。

1. There are two variables of success or failure. The best outcome is a successful assassination.

? ? 2. 在暗杀成功的情况下, 又存在变数: 乙方有可能以暗杀大臣的罪名杀掉曹操。

2. In the event of a successful assassination, there are also variables: B may kill Cao Cao on the charge of assassinating the Minister.

? ? 因此, 曹操要暗杀董卓, 必须先得到乙方的认可。乙方即使口头上保证了, 丙方仍不可全信。这样就导致了丙方在履行合同的时候, 不卖力是优选策略。

♪ So Cao Cao Cao's assassination of Dong Cheuk must first be sanctioned by B. Even if he says so, C cannot be trusted. This leads C to be the preferred strategy in fulfilling his contract.

(10) 曹操为什么刺杀董卓没成功

(10) Why did Cao Cao fail to kill Dong Cheol?



? ? 董卓躺在床上, 曹操如果挥刀乱砍, 不管三七二十一的乱砍, 是完全有可能令董卓当场毙命的, 即使董卓从镜子里发现了, 也是来不及反攻的, 可曹操为什么不和他拼命呢? 今天我们来分析这个问题。

♪ Tung Cheol is lying in bed, Cao Cao will probably kill Dong Cao if he waved his sword, whether he cut it or not, even if he finds out from the mirror, he won't be able to fight back, but why don't Cao Cao fight with him?


? ? 甲方. 最大势力, 丞相: 董卓,

♪ A. Biggest Power, Your Highness,

? ? 乙方. 高级官员, 司徒: 王允,

♪ B-B. Senior Officer, Stu: Wang Yun,

? ? 丙方. 下级军官, 校尉: 曹操。

Lieutenant Cao.


? ? 曹操、王允密谋要暗杀董卓, 只要干掉了董卓, 他们就有望成为下一轮重新分配中的最大受益者。

♪ Cao Cao, Wang Yun plotted to assassinate Dong Cheon, as soon as he was killed, they could be the biggest beneficiaries in the next round of redistribution.

? ? 乙方与丙方只有联合起来共同对付甲方才是优选策略, 否则, 任何一方单独去攻击甲方, 都是极其危险 + 愚蠢的。

♪ B and C are the preferred strategy only if they join forces against A, otherwise either side will attack A alone, it's extremely dangerous + stupid.

? ? 现在, 他们结盟了, 这是正招, 必须的。结盟之后, 作为乙方的王允, 应该尽全力与甲方董卓相博, 才是合理的, 这样才能更加团结丙方, 加大对甲方的攻击力度。

♪ Now, they're allied, and that's the real move, and it's necessary. After the alliance, as King of the B, you should do everything you can to make sense of it, so that you can be more united and step up your attacks on the A side.

? ? 王允与董卓相博的方式总共只有两种:

♪ There are only two ways in which Wang Yun and Dong Cheuk can get involved ♪

? ? 1. 明争。即以合法手段, 在朝堂之上争取更多的有利条件, 削弱董卓的势力。

♪ 1. Distinguished. That is to say, by legal means, to win more advantages over the courthouse, to weaken Dong Cheon's forces.

? ? 2. 暗斗。即以非法手段, 在僻静之处直接把董卓暗杀掉了事。

♪ 2. Enemy. That is, the assassination of Dong Cheol in a remote place by illegal means.

? ? 由于王允的司徒身份是个虚职, 而朝廷的大多数要职都已被董卓的爪牙占据了, 因此, 王允不具备在朝堂之上以合法手段与董卓相争的条件。

♪ Since Wang Yun's Szeto identity is a vain position, and most of the important positions in the court have been occupied by Dong Cheol's claws, the King has no conditions for legitimate confrontation with Dong Shao in the courthouse. ♪

? ? 如果采用暗杀手段, 王允也不具备与董卓单独相处的条件。

♪ If you use assassination methods, Wang Yun doesn't have the conditions to be alone with Dong Cheuk.

? ? 那么, 王允与董卓之间, 根本就不存在相博了。这也就是说, 作为乙方的王允, 没有条件履行自己的义务。

♪ Well, there's no connection between Wang Yun and Dong Cheuk. That means, as King of the B, there's no way to fulfil its obligations.

? ? 如果不能履行自己的义务, 那么, 这个合作联盟, 就必将面临解体的可能。

♪ If you can't live up to your obligations, then this coalition will surely face the possibility of disintegration.

? ? 现在, 乙方王允把自己该履行的义务全部交给了丙方曹操, 事败, 则曹操亏损, 事成, 则王允获利。这种合作还能不能继续得下去?

♪ Now, King B has given all his obligations to Cao Cao Cao, his defeat, his loss, his success, and his profit. Will this cooperation continue?

? ? 不是说王允这个人没有诚意, 而是他不具备合作的条件。所以, 这次联盟暗杀董卓的计划, 从一开始就是水的。

♪ It's not that Wang Yun is not sincere, but that he doesn't have the right to cooperate. So, the Alliance's plan to assassinate Dong Cheol was water from the beginning.


? ? 作为丙方的曹操, 在和乙方结盟的时候, 有一个很重要的环节不能忽视, 那就是“鼓吹”, 这是一步要招, 必须“鼓吹”, 并且还要信誓坦坦地“鼓吹”!

♪ As Cao Cao Cao, in his alliance with B, there's an important link that can't be ignored, that's "advocacy," it's a step-by-step, it's gotta be "advocacy," and it's a promise to "advocacy"!

? ? 比如, 在前面的密谋杀太监局中, 袁绍就向大将军信誓坦坦地鼓吹: 愿斩关入内, 诛尽阉党。说的将军大喜。至于后来袁绍是不是真的会一次性把太监们斩尽杀绝, 在当时, 谁也不知道。但话一定要这样说。这样说没有任何坏处, 而好处却有三:

♪ For example, in the previous secret murder of the eunuchs, Yuan Shau vowed to the General that he was willing to go inside and destroy the castration party. ♪ ♪ Saying the general ♪ ♪ ♪ How did Yuan Shau really kill the eunuchs once and for all? ♪ At the time, no one knew. ♪ But say the same thing. ♪ There's no harm in saying that, but there are three advantages:

? ? 1. 取得合作者的信任,

♪ 1. To gain the trust of the collaborators,

? ? 2. 坚定合作者的信心,

♪ 2. The faith of the firm collaborators,

? ? 3. 鼓吹的成本, 总是为0。

♪ 3. Advocacy costs, always zero.

? ? 鼓吹之后, 合作者未必就有信心,也未必就完全信任, 但总是比不鼓吹要好。因为空口一句白话, 是没有任何成本的, 既然不付成本, 当然可以狂吹, 怎么好听就怎么说。至于后来没办成, 令人相信的理由多的是。

♪ After advocacy, collaborators don't necessarily have confidence or complete trust, but it's always better than not to. Because there's no cost, if you don't pay for it, you can blow it, you can say what you want. And if you don't do it later, there's a lot of reason to believe it.

? ? 曹操在这一局中的表现就非常到位。他信誓坦坦地对合作者王允说, 杀一个董卓是很容易的, 你把宝刀借给我, 我马上把董贼的头割下来悬挂在城门上, 以谢天下, 虽死不恨!

♪ Cao Cao is doing well in this business. He swore to his collaborators, Wang Yun, that it was easy to kill a Dong-goon, that you lend me the knife, that I would cut off the head of the thief and hang it on the gates of the city, for the sake of the world, even if he didn't hate it!

? ? 很好。

That's good.


? ? 这样说固然很好, 但真要这样做了, 就是极为劣势的选择, 作为丙方最优选的策略是助乙攻甲, 见机行事, 如果单独进攻甲方, 那就是在找死。

♪ That's good to say, but to do it, it's a very disadvantaged choice, and the best strategy for C is to help E.A.A., to act, if you attack A. alone, you're looking for death.

? ? 曹操如果真的单独去进攻甲方, 刺杀董卓, 那么, 一定会有如下变数发生:

♪ If Cao Cao is really going to attack A alone and kill Dong Cheuk, then there must be the following variables:

? ? 1. 董卓躺在床上, 曹操挥刀上去乱砍, 存在砍死或没砍死两种结果, 曹操有一半的成功机会。若没砍死, 则曹操必死, 这就结束, 没有变数了。若砍死了董卓, 后面还有变数:

♪ 1. Dong Cheol is lying on his bed, Cao's sword is slashed up, there are two outcomes, and Cao Cao has a chance of success. If he doesn't, Cao Cao will die. This is the end, there are no variables. If Dong Cao is slashed, there are variables behind him:

? ? 2. 曹操砍死了董卓, 吕布牵马过来了, 持戟杀操, 操挥刀再砍吕布, 又有两种结果: 吕布杀死曹操, 或曹操砍死了吕布。曹操哪是吕布的对手, 几乎不可能, 假设他非常幸运, 万一砍死了吕布, 后面还有变数:

♪ 2. Cao Cao Cao killed Dong Cao, Lui Bble brought his horse here, killed him with a knife, then cut him off, with two other results: Lubble killed Cao Cao Cao, or Cao Cao Cao killed Lu Bble.

? ? 3. 曹操砍死了吕布, 被众家丁围住, 曹操挥刀乱砍, 又有两种结果: 曹操被众家丁杀死, 或曹操冲出包围, 逃离了相府。后面还有变数:

♪ 3. Cao Cao has killed Lui Bu, surrounded by his family, and Cao Cao has slashed his sword, with two more results: Cao Cao was killed by his family, or Cao Cao escaped from the siege.

? ? 4. 曹操逃出了相府, 又有两种结果:? 原先的合作者乙方王允以刺杀大臣的罪名杀死曹操, 或王允承认曹操的功劳给他加官。而在这两个结果中, 杀死曹操是乙方王允的优选策略, 这种可能性最大, 故曹操死定了。

♪ 4. Cao Cao has escaped from the throne, with two other results: the former partner, King B, killed Cao Cao on the charge of assassinating the Minister, or the King admitted to adding Cao Cao Cao's credit. In both cases, killing Cao Cao is the preferred strategy of King B, and that is the most likely, so Cao Cao Cao is dead.

? ? 因此, 曹操只要去刺杀董卓, 就有可能死在董卓手里。不死在董卓手里, 则死在吕布手里。不死在吕布手里, 则死在众家丁手里。不死在众家丁手里, 则必死在王允手里。没有活路。

♪ So if Cao Cao is to kill Dong Cheol, he will die in the hands of Dong Cheol. If he does not die in the hands of Dong Cheuk, he will die in the hands of Lui Bu. If he does not die in the hands of Lui Bo, he will die in the hands of the family. If he does not die in the hands of the family, he will die in the hands of the King. There is no way to live.

? ? 如果曹操是个脑子进了水的“死士”, 那还有可能会选择与董卓同归于尽, 可问题是曹操的脑子很正常, 并且很发达, 他是不会做无谓的牺牲的。

♪ If Cao Cao Cao is a dead man in the water, he might choose to die with Dong Cao, but the problem is that Cao Cao Cao's brain is normal and well developed, and he doesn't make meaningless sacrifices.


? ? 所以, 在谋划刺杀董卓这一局中, 从乙方王允的角度看, 不具备合作条件, 从丙方曹操的角度看, 有百害而无一利。于是, 先前信誓坦坦的约定, 就必然会变成一个虚假的联盟, 从而无法实施。

So, from the point of view of King B, there are no conditions for cooperation, and from the point of view of Cao Cao Cao Cao, there are no harms and no profit. So, the promise made in the past is a false alliance, and it is impossible to implement it.

? ? 也就是说, 刺杀董卓的计划, 从一开始就是个虚假合同, 并不会真正去执行的。

♪ So, the plan to assassinate Dong Cheuk was a false contract from the beginning, and it's not really going to be executed.

? ? 既然无法实施, 就得另做打算。最后, 曹操选择了放弃。他也和袁氏兄弟一样, 逃离了京城。

In the end, Cao Cao chose to give up. Like Yuan's brother, he fled the city.

(11) 关东联军VS董卓

(11) VS Dong Cheol of the Kandong Coalition Forces

? ? 中央朝廷官员主要是由董卓的凉州部下(凉系)和原先的朝廷官员(旧系)构成的, 曹操是旧系, 不是凉系, 所以他很难得到董卓的重用。

Cao Cao is an old family, not a cold family, so it's hard for him to get his re-use.

? ? 曹操与王允合伙暗杀董卓, 由曹操一人去执行, 而王允什么也不做, 事败, 则曹操亏损, 事成, 则王允获利。天下哪有这样的好事?

♪ Cao Cao Cao, in partnership with Wang Yun, assassinated Dong Cheol, executed by Cao Cao Cao alone, while Wang Yun did nothing, lost everything, lost the Cao Cao Cao Cao, finished the job, and made a profit. How can such a good thing happen in the world?

? ? 所以暗杀董卓的计划, 根本就是行不通的, 曹操选择了放弃。

♪ So the plan to assassinate Dong Cheuk, it's not gonna work, Cao Cao chose to give up.

? ? 因此, 曹操如果继续留在京城, 无论是与董卓合作, 还是与王允合作, 都没有好结果。也就是说, 他呆在京城已经没有增值的希望了。所以曹操选择和袁氏兄弟一样的道路就是理所当然的。

♪ So if Cao Cao was to remain in the capital, he would have no good results, either with Dong Cheol or with Wang Yun. That is, he would no longer have any chance of adding value in the capital. So the Cao Cao option is the same way as the Yuan brothers.


? ? 曹操逃出京城, 走这一步棋的变数是很不确定的, 有可能会混好, 有可能会混栽, 没有人能保证, 所以这一步棋是在冒险。但若不冒这个险, 继续留在京城, 那么后面的变数很确定, 只有一种可能: 就是一定会混栽, 这是可以保证的。

♪ Cao Cao escaped from the capital, and the variable is uncertain, and there's a chance to mix up, there's a chance to mix up, there's no guarantee, so it's a risk. But if you don't take the risk, stay in the capital, then the variable is certain, and there's only one possibility: it's bound to get mixed up, and that's guaranteed.

? ? 在“一定会混栽”和“可能会混栽”这两者之间选择, 应该是好选的。

♪ The choice between "will" and "maybe" should be a good choice.

? ? 两利相权, 取其重。两害相权, 取其轻。

♪ Two interests, take it seriously. Two interests, take it lightly.


? ? 曹操逃到兖州陈留地方, 和父亲商量: 打算变卖家产, 散尽家资, 招募义兵, 讨伐董卓。

♪ Cao Cao fled to Chen Yu in Chenzhou to discuss with his father:

? ? 这个决策是需要魄力与勇气的, 这才是真正体现曹操英雄气概的地方, 而不是所谓的敢刺杀董卓, 那只是说说而已。

♪ This decision takes courage and courage, and that's where the true heroism of Cao Cao is, not the so-called dare to kill Dong Cheol, that's just talk.

? ? 曹父比较支持: 就是本钱还是太少了, 我认识一个巨富卫弘, 若能得到他的相助, 大事可图矣。

♪ Father Cao is more supportive: it's still too little money, I know a great rich Wei Hong, and if he can help us, we can figure something out.

? ? 曹操请卫弘喝酒, 卫弘答应投资入股, 出尽了家财, 也极有英雄气概。

♪ Cao Cao invited Wei Hong to drink, Wei Hong to invest in the stock market, to make money and to be a hero. ♪


? ? 紧接着, 曹操做了两件事: 先发矫诏通知各个地方政府的太守刺史们, 共同起兵讨伐董卓。然后招兵买马, 组建自己的队伍。

♪ And then Cao Cao did two things: order the royal order to inform the local government's thugs, join forces to fight Dong Cheol. Then recruit his own troops and form his own team.

? ? 这个顺序是合理的, 做两件事的时间可以重叠着一起用, 如果先组建队伍之后, 再发通知, 必然会浪费时间。

♪ The sequence is reasonable, the time to do two things can be used together, and if you form a team first, then you send a notice, it'll be a waste of time.


? ? 曹操现在的身份应该是不担任任何职务的, 因此, 他的队伍是民营的, 和最初的刘关张一样, 不同的是本钱巨大, 他的这支民营队伍不见得不国营的小。

♪ Cao Cao is not supposed to be in any position now, so his team is private, like the original Liu Guanqiang, and the difference is great money, and his private team is not as small as the state.

? ? 曹操招到的人:

♪ Cao Cao's caller:

? ? 1. 乐进,李典,留为帐前吏。

♪ Happy, Li Sheng, leave it as a bookkeeper. ♪

? ? 2. 夏侯惇与族弟夏侯渊,各引壮士千人来投。此二人本操之弟兄:操父曹嵩原是夏侯氏之子,过房与曹家,因此是同族。夏侯惇自小习枪棒, 十四岁就杀过人, 亡命江湖, 经历一点也不比关羽逊色。

♪ 2. Ha Ho Ho Ho Ho Hoon and his brother Cha Hoon, each of them led thousands of strong men to cast their votes. The two men were the best brothers: Father Cao, the son of Cao Ho, passed through the house and the Cao family, so he was one of them. Since he was a small man, he had killed a man at the age of 14, and he was no worse than Guan Yu.

? ? 3. 曹氏兄弟曹仁、曹洪各引兵千余来助。此二人弓马娴熟,武艺精通。

3. The two brothers Cao Jin and Cao Hong have come to help us. They are masters and masters of martial arts.

? ? 创业之初, 还是家族势力为主。这些人只要是活下来的, 后来都成为元老。

♪ At the start of the business, it's still the family force. These people survive, and they all become senators.


? ? 曹操在发矫诏通知各个地方政府的官员时, 他不可能预先知道谁会来, 谁不来, 因此, 为了争取到更多的力量, 他必须满发, 全国那么多州郡, 最优选的方案是: 所有的州郡全部发遍, 来了多少是多少。

♪ Cao Cao can't know in advance who's coming, who's not coming, when the Dahir informs local government officials, so, in order to gain more power, he has to be full, in so many states and counties all over the country, the best option is: all the states send out, how much they come.

? ? 发多少的选择权在于曹操, 来多少的选择权在于各地官员。

♪ How much choice lies with Cao Cao, how much choice lies with local officials. ♪

? ? 发传单的成本是最低的, 只要能来一路兵马, 产出就远大于投入。所以, 发传单应该尽量的全部发遍铺个满。这样才有可能招来更多的兵马。

♪ The cost of the flyers is minimal, the output is much greater than the input if you can come all the way. So, the flyers should be distributed as full as possible. That makes it possible to get more horses.

? ? 尽管策略上可以有优选, 但结果始终是不太确定的。

♪ Although there's a choice in strategy, the results are always uncertain.

? ? 曹操的传单发出后, 几乎就没有谁理他的, 曹操仅仅只招来了一路兵马。是哪一路? 袁绍!

♪ When Cao Cao's flyer came out, there was hardly anyone to take care of him ♪

? ? 袁绍老早就有此意, 一接到曹操的通知, 就聚集麾下文武, 引三万兵, 离渤海来与曹操会盟。

♪ Yuan Shau has always wanted to join Cao Cao as soon as he was notified, bringing in 30,000 troops to join the Cao Cao Cao Cao.


? ? 袁绍这个人的身价是相当高的。

♪ Yuan Shao is quite expensive.

? ? 1. 出身高贵, 名门之后, 祖上有四代人担任过三公的职务, 极为显赫。朝廷、地方的许多官员都是袁家的门生。

♪ I'm from a noble family, I'm famous, I've had four generations in my family, and I've been in my family for a long time.

? ? 2. 在所有的地方官员中, 只有袁绍曾经在中央朝廷担任过最高职务, 并且在杀太监时, 功劳最大。

♪ 2. Of all the local officials, only Yuan Shao has held the highest position in the Central Court and has done the most to kill the eunuch.

? ? 3. 个人修养颇高, 有姿貌威容(即: 英俊威武), 且善作谦虚状, 又好纳名士, 好养门客, 在京城的时候, 宾客莫不争赴其庭, 来投奔他的人有时甚至会造成交通堵塞, 无论贵贱, 袁绍都会下车以礼相待。

♪ 3. Personally well-bred, well-dressed, modest, well-behaved, well-intentioned, well-intentioned, well-attended guests, who, when they were in the capital, came to their court and sometimes caused traffic jams, and, no matter how cheap they may be, Yuan Shau will get out of the car and treat each other politely.

? ? 就单单只从“面子”这个方面来讲, 袁绍这个人是没有什么问题的, 有着其他人所无法具备的门面资源。门面资源也是一种强有力的竞争优势。

♪ For the sake of face alone, Yuan Shao is a person who has no problem with the frontal resources that no one else can afford. The frontal resources are also a powerful competitive advantage.


? ? 早在杀太监之前, 袁绍和曹操就是密友, 现在, 他们的利益是一致的, 敌人又是同一个人, 袁绍又怎会不来呢? 即使以前的关系不好, 没有任何交情, 只要是在利益一致, 敌人一致的情况下, 选择合作, 总是正选。

♪ Long before the eunuchs were killed, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao were close friends, and now, their interests are the same, the enemy is the same person, why won't Yuan Shao come?

? ? 有袁绍的加盟, 形式就不一样了, 二人商量之后, 再发一次传单, 这次招来了十六路兵马, 加袁绍、曹操共为十八路。诸路军马,多少不等,有三万者,有一二万者。

♪ With Yuan Shau's union, it's a different form, and after we've discussed it, we'll send out another flyer, and this time we'll call 16 soldiers, Ga Yin Sao and Cao Cao to 18 ways. There's more or less of them, 30,000 of them, 120,000 of them.

? ? 是不是说各路诸侯只给袁绍面子, 不给曹操面子呢? 有一定的因素, 也不尽然。因为大家虽然都有此意, 但都不知道其他人的真实意图, 即不知道敌人是否一致, 其他人究竟是敌是友, 谁知道呢? 所以就都不敢冒冒然地参加。

♪ Does it mean that all the people in the world give respect only to Yuan Shao, and not to Cao Cao Cao? There are a number of factors, not all of them. Because, while everyone has this intention, they don't know the real intentions of others, i.e. they don't know if the enemy is the same, or if the others are friends, who knows?

? ? 曹操的面子小, 你一参加他, 很有可能导致敌多友少, 未灭董卓, 反灭了自己。而袁绍的面子大, 有他参加的话, 应该可以保证敌少友多一些。

♪ Cao Cao Cao's small face, when you join him, there's a real chance that you'll end up with a few friends, an undefeated Cao Dynasty, and you'll destroy yourself. Yuan Shau's big face, if he's in it, should make sure there's more of them.

? ? 不是面子表面的交情问题, 而是面子背后的利益问题, 安全保障的问题。有袁绍的面子做保障, 有野心的人们就自动的浮出了水面。

♪ It's not the relationship between face surfaces, it's the interest behind face, the safety and security problem. With Yuan Shau's face as a guarantee, people with ambitions come out of the water.


? ? 这十八路军马, 称为关东联军, 他们代表正义的力量去挑战董卓。但无论怎样, 董卓是代表政府的, 当然要剿灭、镇压这些叛军。

♪ These 18-way horses, known as the Confederate Army of Guandong, they challenge Dong Cheol on behalf of the forces of justice. But in any case, Dong Cheol represents the government and, of course, destroys and suppresses these rebels.

? ? 董卓说他们是叛军, 反政府非法武装, 这是说得通的。

Dong Cheol said they were rebels, illegal anti-government forces, which makes sense.

? ? 联军也应该找一个合适的理由说董卓的不是才更具攻击性。

The coalition should also find a suitable reason to say that Dong Cheuk is not more aggressive.

? ? 首先, 最具攻击性的应该是质疑董卓上台当太尉当相国的合法性, 但是没有一个人质疑他的合法性, 这就说明, 董卓上台的时候, 他上面的人都死光了, 是该轮到他了。

♪ First of all, the most offensive should be to question the legitimacy of Dong Cheol's appointment to the throne, but no one questions his legitimacy, which means that when Dong Cheol took office, he died, and it's his turn.

? ? 这方面找不到充足的理由, 于是, 说: 董卓, 你坏, 你残暴, 你不是人!

♪ There's no good reason for that, so, "Tung Cheol, you're bad, you're brutal, you're not human!"

? ? 董卓的确做过许多令人发指的事, 所以以这个名义来讨伐他, 也是说得通的。

♪ Dong Cheuk did a lot of horrible things, so it makes sense to fight him in that name. ♪


? ? 至此, 天下形成以董卓为首的政府军, 和关东十八路联盟的反政府军, 这两大阵营的对垒。都是有理由的, 都是说的为了国家, 究竟谁是谁非? 只能以成王败寇论。

♪ So there's a government army headed by Dong Cheol, and the anti-Government army of the Kandong Roads Alliance, the two camps, all for a reason, who's right and wrong for the sake of the country?

(12) 十八路关东联军

(12) Allies of the 18th-Walk East



? ? 袁绍、曹操一共召集了有18路兵马, 组成关东联军, 推举袁绍为联军盟主, 共同讨伐董卓。

Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and Cao have assembled 18 soldiers to form the Kandong coalition, to take Yuan Shao as the coalition leader and to fight against Dong Cheol together.


? ? 1,后将军南阳太守袁术。? ? 2,冀州刺史韩馥。

♪ 1 after General Namyang-tae's machination. ♪ 2 ♪ Punzhou's assassin, Han-jung. ♪

? ? 3,豫州刺史孔伷。? ? ? ? ? 4,兖州刺史刘岱。

♪ 3 ♪ ♪ 4 ♪ ♪ 4 ♪ ♪ 4 ♪ ♪ 4 ♪ ♪ Shou Dynasty. ♪ 4 ♪

? ? 5,河内郡太守王匡。? ? ? ? 6,陈留太守张邈。

♪ Five, the Prince of Hanoi County. ♪ ♪ Six, Chen Liu Tai, Zhang Yu. ♪

? ? 7,东郡太守乔瑁。? ? ? ? ? 8,山阳太守袁遗。

♪ Seven, Eastshire ♪ ♪ eight, Shanyang ♪ ♪ Yuan ♪

? ? 9,济北相鲍信。? ? ? ? ? ? 10,北海太守孔融。

♪ Nine, Zibei-Sun-shin ♪ ♪ 10, North Sea guard.

? ? 11,广陵太守张超。? ? ? ? ?12,徐州刺史陶谦。

♪ 11, the mausoleum of Chang ♪ ♪ 12, Xu State stabbed Stauchin.

? ? 13,西凉太守马腾。? ? ? ? ?14,北平太守公孙瓚。

♪ 13, West Fonds guard the horsesten ♪ ♪ 14, North Pilgrims guard the grandkids.

? ? 15,上党太守张杨。? ? ? ? ?16,乌程侯长沙太守孙坚。

♪ 15, the old party's too close to Jang ♪ 16, the U-chung Sha is too close to Sun Kin.

? ? 17,祁乡侯渤海太守袁绍。? ?18,即曹操。

♪ 17, Qing Hae-tae, Yuan Shao ♪ 18, Cao Cao.





? ? 全国有13个州, 各州的郡(国)多者有12个, 少者也有5、6, 共105郡(约数)。除司隶外也还有12个州, 因此, 郡以上的地方官员至少有117处。这117处的官员中, 来了17处。还有至少100处没来。

♪ There are 13 states in the country, with more than 12 counties in each state, and a small number of five or six, with a total of 105 counties (approx.). There are 12 states in addition to the sheriffs, so there are at least 117 local officials above the county. Of these 117 officials, 17 are coming. There are at least 100 missing.

? ? 公开反对董卓的占14.5%, 是少数人, 还有大多数占85.5%的没有头脑发热, 这占85.5%的大多数人究竟是反对董卓呢? 还是支持董卓呢? 不知道, 因为他们没有明确表态。

♪ 14.5% of the public opposition to Dong Cheuk is a minority, and the majority of the 85.5% have no brain fever, is that 85.5% of the people against Dong Cheuk or do they support Dong Cheuk?


? ? 因此, 此时的格局为:

♪ So the pattern at this time is:

? ? 1. 董卓直接控制的势力, 是北方西边的凉州, 和中间的司吏, 这2块地盘。

♪ 1. The forces directly controlled by Dong Cheuk are the cold state on the west side of the north, and the middle of the division, these two plots.

? ? 2. 关东联军的主要力量聚集在北方东边的7个州。

2. The main forces of the coalition forces are concentrated in the seven states east of the north.

? ? 3. 南方的益州、扬州、交州、荆州的大部分地区都没有参加。

3. In most of the regions of the South, Yeung, Yang, Chao and Qingzhou, no participants took part.


? ? 发生战争的地方只在北方, 南方并没有参与。

♪ The place of war is only in the North, and the South is not involved. ♪

? ? 南方为什么不参与呢? 从地图上可以看到: 南方的益、荆、扬三个州的面积要比北方的九个州还大, 而每个州的级别又都是大致相等的, 这就只能说明: 南方不够发达。

Why is the South not involved? As you can see on the map: the three states of the South are bigger in size than the nine states of the North, and each of them is roughly equal in rank, which means that the South is not sufficiently developed.

? ? 凡看地图, 有一个很重要的规律, 就是: 划分越密集的地方越繁华。

♪ Where you look at the map, there's a very important pattern, which is that the more you divide, the more you divide.

? ? 好比今天的蒙疆藏地区, 从地图上看, 大的很, 却不一定有人愿意去。

♪ Like today's Montagnard, from the map, the big one, but not necessarily the one who wants to go.

? ? 益州是古巴国、古蜀国, 荆州人是南蛮, 交州是天崖海角, 即使董卓的凉州, 也被戏称为胡汉杂交, 这些大地盘在当时人的眼里都不过是少数民族, 并不像现在这么富饶。

Jae-ju is the Cuban state, the ancient state, the Chinese are the southern barbarians, the bordering state is the Cape of Tianchang, and even Tung-Chou's cold state, it's known as the Hu-Han hybrids, which are not as rich as they are now, in the eyes of the human race.

? ? 南方的益、荆、扬三个州相比, 扬州是沿海的, 所以又比那两个强。荆州其实不是什么好地方, 在这个时候还不是什么兵家必争之地, 因为起不到枢纽的作用。不过荆州北部和司吏接壤的那一块还是比较好的。

♪ The three states of the South are coastal, so Jan is stronger than those two. Jianzhou is not really a good place, not at this point in time, because it doesn't play the role of a hub. But it's better to have the northern part of the state on the border.

? ? 不够发达, 这是原因之一, 还有一个更重要更直接的原因, 就是董卓尽管作恶多端, 但还没有把魔掌伸过来伤害他们的利益。

♪ Not developed enough, that's one of the reasons, and there's a more immediate reason why Dong Cheuk, despite all his evil deeds, hasn't reached out to harm their interests.

? ? 在上面北方的9个州中, 西边只有凉州一个, 除中间的司吏外, 东边有7个州, 这7个州才是当时全国最好的地段。这和做生意开门面抢码头是一个道理, 越是闹市区的门面, 面积越是趋小, 租金越是趋贵, 越是郊区的门面, 面积越是趋大, 租金越是趋便宜。

♪ Of the nine states in the north above, there's only one in the west, and there's seven in the east, in addition to the middle, that's the best part of the country at the time. It's a good reason to open doors to business. The smaller the city's door, the more expensive the rent, the bigger the suburban door, the cheaper the rent.

? ? 董卓当然要优先考虑这上面东边的7个黄金地段, 所以, 他现在没有精力对下面南方的四个州下手。

♪ Of course Dong Cheol has to give priority to the seven gold fields on the east side, so he doesn't have the energy to deal with the four states down south.

? ? 因此, 对于南方的四个州来说, 你们打你们的, 我搞我的, 不关我们的事, 所以不参战。不支持, 不反对, 看戏。尤其是最远的交州, 从秦始皇时起, 就一直在看戏啦。

♪ So, for the four states of the South, you fight, I fuck mine, it's none of our business, so don't fight. No, no, no, no. Especially the most distant states, since the Qin Emperor, have been watching the show.

? ? 北方发生战争, 南方还算是安定的。

♪ There's war in the North, there's peace in the South.


? ? 董卓的凉系不仅霸占了京城, 而且还要继续向东推进, 尽量把自己凉系的干部安排到这东边的7个地方上去。可是, 这东边7个州的人民不答应, 怎么办呢? 那就只有打仗解决。

♪ Dong Cheol's cool system not only takes over the city, but also continues to push eastwards, trying to get his cool cadres to seven places on the east side. But, the people of the seven states on the east side don't say yes, what do they do?

? ? 东边的这7个州中, 兖州最香。因为:

♪ Of the seven states on the east side, Xiangzhou is the best. ♪ Because ♪

? ? 1. 面积最小, 相对最密集, 人均收入相对就高,

♪ 1. Smallest, relatively densest, relatively high per capita income,

? ? 2. 接壤最多, 有5个州为邻居, 起到了枢纽的作用。

♪ 2. Most bordering, five states are neighbors, serving as hubs.

? ? 所以, 兖州才是这一时期的兵家必争之地。

♪ So it's time for the soldiers to fight ♪ ♪ So it's time for the soldiers to fight ♪

? ? 有的朋友可能会说, 按史书上记载的, 兖州并没有冀州强。是的, 冀州好比是坚硬的骨头, 发达的肌肉, 兖州则好比是灵活的关节。尽管他不强硬, 但若把他打坏了, 骨头肌肉都会瘫痪的。

♪ Some friends might say that, as recorded in history, Penang is not a strong state. Yes, it's like a hard bone, a developed muscle, a flexible joint. He's not tough, but if he breaks it, the bones are paralyzed.

? ? 兖州虽小, 但非常重要。所以董卓下手的目标, 兖州是最优先考虑的对象。而在18路诸侯中, 这个地盘最小的兖州, 居然占了6路(含曹操), 其他州最多的也只2路。可见兖州受到的威胁是最大的。

It's small, but it's very important. So Dong Cheol's target is the highest priority. And out of 18 people, this country, the smallest, takes six, and the other states only two. So the threat is the greatest.

? ?

? ? 1. 兖州的6路兵马, 是受到董卓的直接威胁, 他们打董卓是为了自保, 否则会被董卓吃掉。

♪ 1. The Six Road Rangers in Liangzhou are under direct threat from Dong Cheol, who fights to protect themselves, otherwise they will be eaten by Dong Cheol.

? ? 2. 袁氏兄弟作为地方官员时, 是董卓拉拢的对象, 如果选择与董卓合作, 就是坐等董卓蚕食关东。所以他们打董卓是为了限制董卓势力的扩张, 简单点说, 就是想和董卓争天下。

♪ 2. When the Yuan brothers were local officials, they were the target of Dong Cheol, and if they chose to work with Dong Cheuk, they were waiting for Dong Cheuk to eat Kandong. So they fought Dong Cheuk to limit the expansion of Dong Cheol's power, so to put it simply, they wanted to compete with Dong Cheol.

? ? 3. 其他各路兵马, 打董卓是在响应号召。

♪ 3. The other soldiers, Dong Cheuk is responding to the call. ♪

? ? 因此, 这18路诸侯, 打董卓这个目标是一致的, 而打董卓的目的, 则各有各的想发法, 并不太一致。这个变数就大了。

♪ So, the 18-year-olds, the goal is the same, and the purpose of the fight is different, not the same. That's a big variable.

(13) 袁绍的优选策略

(13) Yuan Shau's preferred strategy


? ?

? ? 任何人的行为, 都是由选择驱动的。不同的选择导致不同的行为, 不同的行为导致不同的结果, 而结果只有3种: 增值、保本、亏损。

Everyone's behavior is driven by choice. Different choices lead to different behaviors, different behaviors lead to different outcomes, and only three outcomes: value added, security, loss.

? ? 所谓优选策略, 就是在众多的可以挑选的方案之中, 选择一种最有可能导致结果为增值的方案出来。

♪ The preferred strategy is to choose among the many options that can be selected, one that most likely results in value added.

? ? 如果谁违背了这个原则, 作出了与优选策略相反的劣选决策, 那么, 无论你多么高尚, 都有可能被淘汰出局。

♪ If anyone goes against this principle, makes bad decisions that are contrary to the preferred strategy, then, no matter how noble you are, there's a chance that you'll be out.


? ? 现在, 东边的袁绍等18路诸侯造反了。他们没有别的选择, 不造反不行:

♪ Now, the east of Yuan Shao has rebelled 18 years ago. They have no choice but to do so:

? ? 1. 打董卓, 存在三种不确定的结果: 增值、保本、亏损。各有三分之一的可能。

♪ 1. There are three uncertain outcomes: value added, security money, loss. There's a third chance each.

? ? 2. 不打董卓, 只存在一种很确定的结果: 亏损。迟早要被董卓蚕食掉。

♪ 2. There's only one definite result: loss. Sooner or later, it'll be eaten by Dong Cheuk.

? ? 所以, 打董卓是优选策略。这个选择是有可能导致结果为增值的。

So, it's a strategy to hit Dong Cheuk. This option could lead to an increase in value.


? ? 既然决定了要打, 就得找个理由来证明他们的行为是合法的。找合法理由, 不完全是为了讲道义, 而是为了获得其他不参战的诸侯们的支持。

♪ If you decide to fight, you have to find a reason to justify their actions. Legal reasons, not just for moral reasons, but for the support of the other non-warlocks.

? ? 你打董卓是合法的, 其他不参战的诸侯们可能会支持你多一些, 你打董卓是非法的, 其他诸侯就有可能会乘机剿灭你而立功。

♪ Your fight against Dong Cheol is legal, the other non-warlocks may support you more, your fight against Dong Cheuk is illegal, the others may take advantage of the opportunity to destroy you.

? ? 所以, 一定要找个好理由, 方能出师有名。

♪ So, you have to find a good reason to be famous.

? ? 找好理由, 尽管一直被视为道德层面的东西, 但他同样也是有可能导致结果为增值的优选策略。所以一定不能忽视, 必须加以利用。

♪ Find a good reason, although it's always been seen as something moral, he's also a preferred strategy that could lead to an outcome that adds value. So must not be overlooked, must be used.


? ? 找什么理由打董卓最好呢?

♪ What's the best reason to hit Dong Cheol?

? ? 最大的理由是质疑董卓上台的合法性, 但是没有人质疑, 这就默认了董卓上台是合法的, 他的这个相位是皇帝认可了的, 所以不能以这个理由去打他。

♪ The big reason is to question the legitimacy of Dong Cheol's presence, but no one questions it, which means that Dong Cheuk's presence is legal, and his face was approved by the Emperor, so he can't be beaten on that basis.

? ? 这个理由不行, 那就再找下一个理由: 董卓上台之后, 都干了哪些坏事。

♪ That's not a good reason, then find another reason ♪ ♪ What did Dong Cheol do when he came on stage. ♪

? ? 董卓干的第一件坏事, 是废长立幼, 换皇帝。以这个理由来打董卓, 行不行呢? 也不行:

♪ The first bad thing that Dong Cheol did was to grow up, replace him with an emperor. Can you fight Dong Cheuk for that reason?

? ? 1. 皇帝年少时, 由三公、将军、太傅这五府掌政, 因此, 换皇帝是五府做出的决策, 虽然是董卓蛮横霸道地威胁强迫大家通过的, 但毕竟大家都是一致通过了的。那么, 由五府做出的换皇帝这个决定, 你下面的官员就只能接受, 而无权反对。所以根本就不能以这个理由来造反。

1. When the Emperor was young, he was ruled by the Five Kingdoms, Generals and Taifu, so the decision to replace the Emperor was made by the Five, even though he threatened to force it, and we all adopted it unanimously. So, the decision to replace the Emperor by the Five will be accepted by the officials below you, not opposed. So there can be no rebellion on that basis.

? ? 2. 如果袁绍指责董卓换皇帝是谋反, 那么, 这个理由对袁绍自己也是不利的。因为袁绍的优选策略至少有两个: 一是进攻, 消灭董卓。二是在消灭不了的情况下, 袁绍可以在东边的8个州建立一个新的汉朝, 找一个皇室宗亲来担任皇帝一职。所以千万不能说董卓换皇帝是谋反, 否则, 自己也不能这样干了。

♪ 2. If Yuan Shao accuses Dong Cheuk of being a traitor to the Emperor, then this reason is not good for Yuan Shao himself. Because Yuan Shau has at least two preferred strategies: one is to attack and eliminate Dong Cheuk. Second, in the event that it cannot be eliminated, Yuan Shau can create a new Han Dynasty in the eight states to the east, and find a royal relative to take over the Emperor's post. So do not say that Dong Cheuk is a traitor to the Emperor, otherwise he cannot do it himself.

? ? 基于以上两个原因, 袁绍尽管十分痛恨董卓换皇帝这件事, 但也绝不能以这个理由来讨伐董卓。因为这个理由并不能导致结果为增值。不能导致结果为增值的理由, 无论多么正确, 都是没有用的。

♪ For both reasons, Yuan Shao, while he hates Dong Cheon for the Emperor, must not be used to fight against Dong Cheon for that reason. That's why it doesn't add value. It doesn't add value, no matter how right it is, it doesn't work.

? ? 因此, 那就只有再往下继续寻找理由: 董卓毒杀少帝这件事是可以利用的。虽然没有什么证据, 但想必也十有八九是董卓干的。再就是董卓滥用职权犯下的一系列滔天罪行, 天下共愤。这些都可以作为讨伐董卓的理由来利用。

♪ So, there's only one more reason to continue to look for: the case of Dong Cheuk to kill Young-deon can be used. There's no evidence, but there must also be a dozen cases of Dong-Cheol. And a series of heinous crimes committed by Dong-Cheol in abuse of power, and there's a common sense of outrage. All of this can be used as a justification for the fight against the former.


? ? 讨伐董卓的理由虽然有了, 但问题是: 即使董卓有罪, 你又有什么权利来制裁他? 大家谁都没有这个执行权。执行权在皇帝, 不在袁绍。袁绍想制裁董卓, 得有皇帝签字通过才行。

♪ There's a reason for the fight against Dong-goo, but the question is: Even if Dong-goo is guilty, what right do you have to sanction him?

? ? 皇帝在董卓手里, 这是不会被批准的。因此, 董卓的优势就相当大了, 无论他怎样胡作非为, 他的暴行都是合法的, 都是经皇帝批准了的。而只要是反对他的, 就都是非法的, 都会被批准逮捕。

♪ The Emperor is in the hands of the Emperor, and this is not going to be approved. So, Dong Cheuk's advantage is considerable, and no matter what he does, his atrocities are legal, sanctioned by the Emperor. And if he is against him, they are illegal, they are authorized to be arrested.

? ? 既然没有皇帝的授权, 袁绍他们就只有伪造, 这叫: 奉天子密诏。

♪ Without the Emperor's authorization, Yuan Shau will only forge it, it's called "By the Heavenly Divinity."

? ? 奉天子密诏, 就是皇帝秘密命令我等来攻打董卓的, 不是我存心要跟董老头子过不去。

♪ It was the Emperor's secret order to attack Dong Cheuk that I didn't want to mess with him.

? ? 密诏当然是假的, 大家都心知肚明。但是伪造这个东西, 是必须的, 他可以向大家“保证”: 请放心, 打董卓是合法的, 皇帝叫我们打的。

♪ Of course it's a fake, everyone knows it. But it's necessary to falsify this thing, and he can assure you: Please rest assured, the fight against Dong Cheuk is legal, and the Emperor asked us to do it.

? ? 这也是有可能导致结果为增值的选择。

♪ It's also an option that could lead to results being added value.


? ? 请记住优选策略的要点: 被选择的行为, 应该具备有导致结果为增值的可能。而不是其他。

♪ Remember the main points of the preferred strategy: the selected behaviour should have the potential to lead to value added. Not the others.

? ? 也就是说, 是“因为打董卓可能导致增值”, 才去打他的(以他坏的理由去打他) 。而一般史书上说的都是“因为董卓坏”, 才去打他的。这两者是有天壤之别的。

♪ That is, it's because it's possible to add value to the fight. It's because it's possible to hit him. It's because it's always said in the history book, it's because it's good to hit him. There's a difference between these two things.

? ? 在那么多打董卓的人中(包括刺杀他的), 也许有的只是为了泄私愤, 也许有的真的是为了忠君爱国, 也许有的另有其他目的, 总之, 原因会有N种, 其实, 无论是什么原因, 都不重要, 重要的是看结果是否产生了增值。因为:

♪ Of all the people who hit Dong Cheol (including the assassins), maybe just to express their anger, maybe it's really for loyal patriotism, maybe it's for some other purpose, in short, because there's a N type, and in fact, whatever the reason, it doesn't matter, it's important to see if the results add value.


? ? 1. 只有使结果产生了增值, 才能胜出,

♪ 1. The only way to win is to add value to the results. ♪

? ? 2. 行为不能使结果产生增值, 那么, 这个行为就是浪费,

♪ 2. Behavior does not add value to the outcome, then the act is waste.

? ? 3. 行为使结果产生了亏损, 你就会被淘汰。

♪ 3. Behavior causes a loss, and you'll be eliminated.

(14) 董卓的优选策略

(14) Dong Cheuk's preferred strategy



? ? 袁绍等关东诸侯兴兵来打, 董卓不可能就这样不明不白的给他们打, 那么, 董卓是怎样应对的呢?

♪ When Yuan Shao and the soldiers from Guandong Ho Heng fight, Dong Cheuk can't fight them without knowing, then how did Dong Cheuk deal with them?


? ? 他总共只有3种选择: 攻、守、退。

♪ There's only three options he's got: offensive, defense, retreat.

? ? 1. 攻。主动出击, 采用粗暴的手法猛打火拼, 或是采用柔和的手法离间瓦解, 或是其他办法。总之, 攻只有一个目的: 彻底打垮关东联军, 使关东的7个州真正成为自己的地盘。

In short, the attack has only one purpose: to bring down the coalition forces and make the seven states of Kanto their own territory.

? ? 2. 守。被动防御, 守住关东联军的进攻, 使他们攻不破。守住后的效果为: 董卓占据西边的凉州这一大块地盘和中间的司隶这一小块地盘, 关东联军占据东边的7个州(这7个州的地盘都不大)。双方互不能胜, 各占一半天地。

♪ 2. Defensive. Defensive, holding the Confederate Army of Guandong in the attack. The effect of the post-deposit was that Dong Cheol occupied a large area of the cold state on the west side and a small part of the middle, and the Confederate Army occupied seven states on the east side (the territory of the seven states is not large). The two sides won, each taking half of the world.

? ? 3. 退。主动或被动撤退, 放弃司隶, 退回到凉州老巢去。退守的效果为: 董卓占据西边的凉州这一大块地盘, 关东联军占据中间的司隶和东边的7个州。双方各占一半, 董卓占小头, 关东联军占大头。

♪ 3. Departure. Active or passive retreat, relinquishing the driver, and returning to the cold state nest. The effect of retreating is that Dong Cheol takes over a large area of the cold state on the west side, the eastern Union Army takes over the middle and the eastern seven states.


? ? 这三个选择中, 攻, 是首选, 因为进攻有可能导致结果为增值, 而其他两个选择则不能。

♪ Of the three options, attack, is preferred, because an attack may result in value added, while the other two do not.

? ? 18路关东联军中,各路兵马多少不等,有三万者,有一二万者。总共大概40万人是有的。董卓京中的兵马大概是20几万, 处于弱势, 一交战就折了猛将华雄, 吕布纵英雄, 但被一伙人围着打, 最多也只够保个本。

In the 18-year-old coalition, the number of soldiers varies from 30,000 to 120,000. A total of about 400,000 are. The number of soldiers and horses in Tung Cheok-kyung is about 200,000, in a vulnerable position.

? ? 凡是属于双方对抗性的博弈, 往往是实力在起主要作用, 智慧起到的作用相对要少些, 而运气起到的作用就更少了。

♪ Any game that is mutually confrontational, it's often power that plays a major role, intelligence does less, and luck does less.

? ? 董卓采用强攻, 根本攻不进去。来硬的不行, 就来软的, 采用离间瓦解之术, 拉拢联军中最前面最勇猛的孙坚, 但是, 孙坚不买帐, 董卓瓦解不了。

Tung Cheol used to fight, he couldn't get in. Hardly, softly, with a break-up technique, he brought the bravest of the coalition, but, Sun Kin couldn't break up without buying it.

? ? 因此, 处于弱势的董卓, 没有条件实施最优选的策略, 进攻无法取胜。那么, 他其实只有两个选择了: 防守司隶, 或是退守凉州。

♪ So, Dong Cheol, who is in a vulnerable position, has no right to pursue the best strategy, and the attack cannot be won. So, he has only two options: defense, defense, or retreat from the cold state.


? ? 防守司隶, 20几万人未必守得住40万人的进攻, 这也不好。如果把他老巢凉州的20几万大军都调过来, 应该是可以守得住的。问题是凉州的大军主要是用来防御境外胡人的, 暂时挪用一下估计还是可以, 但绝不能抽过来长期驻守司隶。否则, 就等于是放弃了凉州。

It's not good that 200,000 people won't be able to hold the offensive of 400,000 people. If he brings in 200,000 troops from the cold state of his old nest, it'll be okay. The problem is that the cold-state army is mainly used to defend the outsiders, and it's still possible to embezzle it for a while, but it's not possible to draw it over for a long time. Otherwise, it would be like to give up on the cold-state.

? ? 既然不方便把凉州的20几万人调过来, 那么, 把司隶的20几万人调过去, 可不可以呢? 这个选择应该是可以的。放弃司隶这块小地方, 总比放弃凉州老巢大地方要好。

♪ Well, since it's not easy to transfer the 20 million people from Cool State, can you transfer the 200,000 people from the driver's office? This option should be possible. Give up this little place, it's better than give up the cold state's nest.

? ? 所以, 董卓做出了一个很重要的决定: 迁都。把京城从洛阳搬到长安, 皇帝、大臣、官员都强行搬过来。也就是退出司隶, 牢守凉州。

So, Dong Cheol made a very important decision: to move the city from Luoyang to Chang An, to forcibly move the emperor, ministers, and officials. That is, to withdraw from the division, to secure the cold state.

? ? 这是董卓在两个可以挑选的劣势选择中, 做出的较为优选的决策。

♪ It's a better decision by Dong Cheol to choose between two disadvantaged options.


? ? 注意: 董卓集中两处兵马(约有四、五十万), 在选择是守司隶还是守凉州的问题上, 选择守凉州是优选方案。这个是可以肯定的, 应该没有什么争议。而有争议的是: 如果董卓集中全部兵力, 猛烈进攻关东联军, 效果是不是会更好呢?

♪ Note: Dong Cheol gathers two army horses (about 4 or 500,000), and the choice of a cold state is a preferred option for choosing whether it is a vigilante or a cold state. This is certain, and there should be no controversy. What is at issue is: would it be better if Dong Cheuk concentrates his full strength and fights against the Eastern Coalition?

? ? 这个才是最优选的策略! 因为集中兵力后, 并不比关东联军弱, 甚至要强, 再者, 只有进攻才有可能导致增值, 带来收益, 而无论防守何处, 都不会增值, 最多是保本。

That's the best strategy, because when you're concentrated, you're not weaker than the coalition forces, you're even stronger, and then only an attack is likely to add value, bring benefits, and no matter where the defense is, it's not going to add value, at best it's going to be safe.

? ? 那么, 董卓为什么不选择这一更具优势的方案呢? 这是因为:

♪ So why didn't Dong Cheuk choose this better option?

? ? 选择进攻, 成本太高, 董卓必须押上全部家当来下注, 而进攻后的变数总是胜败各占一半, 胜则独霸天下, 败则倾家荡产。也就是说, 这个优选策略可能导致董卓要么获得100%的利润, 要么一切归为0, 出现两个极端。

♪ The choice of attack, the cost is too high, Dong Cheuk has to bet on all his family, and the difference after the attack is always half the difference, the winner is the one who dominates the world, and the loser loses his family. That is to say, this optimist strategy could lead to either 100% of Dong Cheuk’s profits, or zero, and two extremes.

? ? 如果选择防守, 那么可以确定: 已得的这部分利润, 是完全守得住的, 虽得不到100%, 但也不至于变成0。

♪ If you choose defense, then you can be sure that this portion of the profit that you've earned is fully held up, not 100%, but not zero.


? ? 关东联军需要获得收益, 董卓同样也需要获得收益。关东联军若不打董卓就不可能产生收益, 而董卓不打关东联军, 则还有别的办法产生收益。这就要考虑到皇帝的收入了。因为皇帝的收入已经变相的成为董卓的了。董卓手里多了这张牌。

Kandong's coalition needs to get the money, and Dong Cheuk needs to get the money. If Dong-joo doesn't do it, Dong-joo won't get the money, and if Dong-joo doesn't do it, there's another way to get the money. This takes into account the Emperor's income. Because the Emperor's income has become Dong-joo's.

? ? 皇帝主要有两项收入: 一是全国各地的税收要上缴进贡给皇帝, 二是卖官的钱, 每个职务按大小论价, 这个是皇帝的私房钱, 从汉灵帝开始的, 即卖官粥爵, 这在当时是合理的。

♪ The Emperor has two main sources of income: first, tax revenues from all over the country are paid to the Emperor, and second, the sale of the official's money, in terms of the size of each post, and this is the emperor's private home money, starting with the Hanlingue, the sale of the official congee, which was reasonable at the time.

? ? 现在, 这两项主要的收入(或另有其他收入)当然是由董卓代皇帝收管的, 只要皇帝在自己手里, 他就有权向大家收这个钱。?

♪ Now, these two main income (or other income) are, of course, under the control of Emperor Dong Cheuk, who has the right to collect it from you as long as the Emperor is in his own hands. ♪

? ? 东方的7个州虽然乱了, 但在程序上还是免不了的, 由于这个钱是交给皇帝的, 所以必须按时交纳。因为大家反的是董老头子, 不是反皇帝。

♪ The seven states of the East are out of order, but they can't be avoided, because the money is given to the Emperor, so it has to be paid on time. People turn their backs on Old Dong, not against the Emperor.

? ? 但这个钱一交上去, 就又到了董老头子手里, 所以很矛盾, 于是, 大家渐渐地, 开始学会赊帐了, 口头上还是承认给, 就是拖欠着不拿出来。

♪ But as soon as the money is handed over, it's in the hands of Old Dong, so it's a paradox, so, you're starting to learn to pay on credit, and you say yes, you're in arrears.

? ? 下面南方的四个大州并没有乱, 当然是会定期按合同交钱的。

♪ There's no confusion in the four big states down the south, of course they'll pay on a regular contract. ♪


? ? 总之, 只要皇帝在董老头子手里, 董老头子就赚大了, 这个利益要远比拿家当去跟人家拼命划算, 无非是减少了东部几个州的收入而已。

♪ Anyway, as long as the Emperor is in the hands of Old Dong, he's making a lot of money, and that's a lot more than trying to make money with his family, just less money in the eastern states.

? ? 因此, 董老头子不与关东联军火拼(防守), 他的较高收益是有保障的。如果火拼了(进攻), 就是两种结局: 一是比原先增加一些, 一是全部输个精光。

♪ So, Old Tung doesn't fight with Guandong, and his higher earnings are guaranteed. If the fire fights, there are two ends: one adds to the original, the other loses everything.

? ? 董老头子不愿意冒险, 保守地选择了防守, 这是相对理性、稳健的做法。

♪ Old Dong doesn't want to take risks, conservatively choose defence, it's a relatively rational and robust approach.

? ? 但也从侧面暴露出董老头子这个人: 缺乏一统江山的英雄豪气, 不敢像历代开国皇帝那样孤注一掷, 做亡命之徒。董老头子攒了不少的钱, 说过这样一句名言: 事成, 则雄据天下, 不成, 守此亦足以毕老。

♪ But it's also revealed from side to side that he is a hero who lacks the hero and dares to be as desperate as the Emperor of the Kingdom. Old Dong has saved a lot of money, saying that if he does, he can't, and if he doesn't, it's enough to stay here.

? ? 都安排的好好的。

♪ It's all arranged.

(15) 国会纵火案?

(15) The congressional arson case?


? ? 关东联军来打董卓, 发起了战争。从战争的结果来进行倒推, 一定会出现如下结局之一种:

♪ To fight Dong Cheol, to start the war. From the end of the war, to push back, there must be one of the following:

? ? 1. 联军方消灭了董卓方,

♪ 1. The United Army destroyed Dong Cheong Fong,

? ? 2. 董卓方消灭了联军方,

♪ 2. Dong Cheuk Fung wiped out the United Army,

? ? 3. 互不能消灭, 双方打平。

♪ 3. We can't destroy each other, we're even.

? ? 对于双方来说, 结果都存在胜、负、平三种可能之一种。而在最初的布局阶段, 双方一定都是首选取胜之道, 次选战平之道, 尽量避免失败的命运。

For both sides, there are three possible victories, negatives, and flats. At the initial stage of the layout, both sides must be the preferred way to win, the second way to win, and try to avoid a failed fate.

? ? 如此, 董卓的策略一定是: 首先想办法消灭关东联军, 如果消灭不了, 那就想办法守和, 如果守不和, 那就只有等着去死了。

♪ So, Dong Cheol's strategy must be to find a way to destroy the Confederate Army, and if it doesn't, find a way to make peace, and if it doesn't, it's just to die.


? ? 董卓要想消灭关东联军, 他总共只有两个选择:

If Dong Cheol wants to destroy the Kandong coalition, he has only two options:

? ? 1. 就本部20万人, 进攻联军40万。这个办法存在百分比很小的巧胜可能, 但经董卓反复试验而确认: 不能获胜, 只有小亏。因此, 这个选择根本无法实施, 达不到目的。

♪ 1. For 200,000 of our own people, attack 400,000 of our coalition forces. There's a very small chance of success, but as Dong Cheuk has repeatedly tried to confirm, there's only a small loss. So, this choice is simply impossible to implement, and it's not going to achieve its purpose.

? ? 2. 把老巢凉州的20万人调来, 40万进攻联军40万。这个办法应该存在50%的胜算几率, 一旦成功, 也只能增加东部7个州的收益, 一旦失败, 将血本无归倾家荡产。收益与风险严重失衡, 不划算。所以他不愿冒险, 这个选择没有加以任何试验就主动放弃了。

♪ 2. Bring in 200,000 people from the Old Cay County, 400,000 against 400,000 coalition troops. This option should have a 50% chance of success, and if it succeeds, it will only increase the profits from the seven eastern states, and if it fails, it will leave the blood behind. There's a serious imbalance between the benefits and the risks, and it's not cost-effective. So he doesn't want to risk it, and the option is abandoned without any trial.

? ? 因此, 两个选择, 一个主动放弃了, 一个根本无法实施, 这就是说: 董卓不可能消灭关东联军。

♪ So, two options, one giving up on its own, one that can't be implemented at all, which means that Dong Cheuk can't destroy the Confederate Army.

? ? 既然不可能消灭关东联军, 那就只有守和, 守和后的结果为: 董卓占西, 联军占东, 各分一半, 战争结束。这个结果是董卓放弃进攻后的最佳结果, 他应该想办法促成这种局面的形成。

Since it is not possible to destroy the Kandong Coalition, the only thing to do is to keep the peace, and the post-constituency outcome is: Dong Dukangxi, the coalition forces are half the way, and the war is over. This is the best result since Dong Dukwung gave up the attack, and he should find a way to make this happen.


? ? 在这一局中, 董卓要决策的项目是: 怎样才能守和。

♪ In this Bureau, Dong Cheuk's project is how to keep the peace.


? ? 董卓要想守和, 有两个选择:

♪ Dong Cheol wants to keep peace, there are two options:

? ? 1. 就在洛阳防守。不让关东联军打败。

♪ 1. Just stand guard in Luoyang. Don't let the Confederate Army defeat. ♪

? ? 2. 退到凉州防守。不让关东联军打败。

♪ 2. Fall back to the cold state defense. Don't let the Confederate Army defeat. ♪

? ? 如果就在洛阳防守, 本部20万人, 防守联军40万的进攻。这个难度比较大, 有一定的守和可能。但是损耗一定不会小。

♪ If it's in Luoyang, our department's 200,000, the coalition's 400,000. It's more difficult, there's a certain amount of defense and possibility. But it's not too much to lose.

? ? 即使守住了, 也只是在僵持, 对方一定不会轻易地罢兵, 时间一耗长, 联军方有出现内乱的可能, 董卓方也同样有出现内乱的可能。董卓方的人少些, 先出现内乱的几率就会比联军方大。

♪ Even if we hold it, it's just a standoff, and it's not going to be easy, it's going to be a long time, it's going to be a civil disturbance, it's going to be a civil disturbance, it's going to be a civil disturbance for Dong Cheuk.

? ? 因此, 就在洛阳防守, 虽有守和之可能, 但风险较大。如果退到凉州防守, 则非常容易形成守和的局面。

♪ So, just in Luoyang, there's a chance of peace, but there's a greater risk. If you go back to Cold State, it's very easy to create a state of peace.

? ? 于是, 董卓主动放弃洛阳, 退守凉州去了。这就明确地表了态: 董卓不想和他们打仗, 已经向对方妥协了。

♪ So, Dong Cheol took the initiative to give up Luoyang, and left for the cold state. That's a clear statement: Dong Cheuk doesn't want to fight them, he's already compromised.

? ? 注意: 不是说董卓怕了袁绍, 是因为打仗对董卓益处很小, 而害处极大。这是由利益关系决定的, 打仗的本质, 就是为了争夺利益, 不是为了打仗而打仗。董卓已经是巨额利益的获得者, 为了避免损失, 保存已得的胜利果实, 这样选择应该是比较稳健的做法。

It's determined by the interests, the nature of the war, to fight for the interests, not for the sake of the war. Dong Cheuk is already the recipient of the great benefits, in order to avoid loss, to preserve the fruits of the victory, which should be a more robust choice.


? ? 董卓主动妥协的目的, 是为了避免打仗, 减少损失。但是对方不一定就会让步, 因为对方依然也存在攻、守、退三种可能。

The purpose of Dong Cheol's initiative to compromise is to avoid fighting, to reduce losses. But the other side does not necessarily give in, because there are still three possibilities for attacking, defending, and retreating.

? ? 1. 攻。关东联军继续追击, 追到凉州来打。

♪ 1. Attack. Chongdong Coalition forces continue to pursue and fight in the cold state.

? ? 2. 守。关东联军放弃追击, 但防止董卓反攻。

♪ 2. Guards. Kanto United Army abandons pursuit, but prevents Dong Cheon from attacking back.

? ? 3. 退。关东联军不存在退, 只要不进攻, 就可以算退。

♪ 3. Fall back. There's no retreat of the coalition forces, so long as they don't attack, they can count back.

? ? 因此, 对于董卓来说, 只要联军不进攻, 不追到凉州来打, 一切就万事大吉了。对方只要一放弃进攻, 则和局马上成立, 双方各占一边。

♪ So, for Dong Cheol, as long as the coalition doesn't attack, if we don't chase to the cold state, everything's gonna be fine. As soon as the other side abandons the attack, the Bureau is set up, on both sides.

? ? 所以, 董卓只有一个任务: 就是设法阻止关东联军的追击。

♪ So, Dong Cheuk has only one mission: to try to stop the pursuit of the Confederate Army.

? ? 用什么方法来阻止敌人的追击呢? 用兵当然是个办法, 但最好的办法还是用利。因为联军打董卓的目的也不是为了打仗而打仗, 更不是为了忠于皇帝而打仗, 而是为了争夺利益而打仗。

The best way to stop the enemy's pursuit is to use soldiers, of course, but the best way to do it is to use profit. Because the coalition is not fighting for the sake of war, not for loyalty to the Emperor, but for the purpose of fighting for profit.

? ? 董卓曾经企图吞掉东部, 威胁到了东部的利益, 所以东部要和董老头子拼命, 而董老头子没有威胁到南方4个大州的利益, 所以南方就不愿意参战。就是这个道理, 并不是东部的人比南方的人更忠于皇帝, 更痛恨贪官。

♪ Dong Cheol tried to swallow the east, threatened the east, so the east tried hard with Dong's old man, who did not threaten the interests of the four major states in the south, so the south did not want to fight. That is the fact that the East is not more loyal to the Emperor than the South, and hates corrupt officials.

? ? 现在, 董老头子跑了, 解除了对东部的利益威胁, 那么, 东部攻击董卓的积极性马上就要降下来, 因为他们即使能把董老头子消灭掉, 他们所能得到的利益, 还是和这差不多的。那就没有必要浪费精力了。这是原因之一。

♪ Now that Old Dong has gone away, and has removed the threat of interests in the east, then the East's motivation to attack Dong Cheuk is about to come down, because even if they can wipe out Old Dong, they'll get the same benefits as that. There's no need to waste effort. That's one of the reasons.

? ? 原因之二: 董老头子一撤退, 把司隶这个小地盘送给18路诸侯, 那么, 一定会分赃不均狗咬狗。谁若继续追击, 谁将孤军犯险挨揍, 并且自己可能得到的那份利润会被同伙们瓜分, 有害无利, 导致关东联军都不敢轻易追击。

♪ Two reasons: When Old Tung withdraws and gives this small land to 18 people, it's bound to be stolen. Whoever goes after it will be beaten on his own, and the profits that he may earn will be divided among his partners, and it will be unhelpful, leading to the failure of the Confederate Army to pursue it easily.

? ? 董老头子做出了让步之后, 40万兵马就凝聚到了一处, 胜率就会增加, 对手如果还追过来, 阵线就会拉的太长, 胜率就会下降。对手如果也是理性地权衡利益得失的话, 理论上就该停止追击了。和局就此形成。

♪ When Old Dong makes a concession, 400,000 soldiers gather in one place, and the odds increase, and if the opponent returns, the front will pull too long, and the odds will fall. If the opponent is also rationally weighed against the loss of profit, then theoretically it should stop.

? ? 但是, 万一对手疯了, 偏要非理性地追过来拼命怎么办? 董老头子想了一条毒计: 切断东部与西部通道的枢纽, 在这里人为的制造一个巨大的障碍,使他们造成补给上的困难, 即使追过来了, 也只有挨打的份儿。

♪ But, what if the opponent goes crazy and goes after him irrationally? Old Dong thought of a poison that would cut off the eastern and western corridors and create a huge barrier here that would cause them supply difficulties, and even if he did, he'd only get beaten up.

? ? 连接东西部通道的枢纽, 就是洛阳。把洛阳的财富全部卷到他凉州来, 等于没有什么损失, 再把洛阳城毁掉, 变成一个废墟, 送给18路诸侯, 这个战略要地就再也起不到半点作用了, 18路诸侯即使全部扑到凉州来, 也是没有什么后劲支持的。

♪ The hub that connects the east and west passages is Luoyang. Bringing Luoyang's wealth all over his cold state is nothing to lose, destroying Luoyang city, turning it into a ruin and giving it to the 18 people, the strategy is less than half to do, and the 18 people, even if they're all on their way to the cold state, have nothing to back up.


? ? 于是, 董老头子开始行动了:

♪ So Old Dong started to act:

? ? 先杀掉袁绍的叔叔, 将袁家灭族, 职务换上别的人, 你袁绍就是打死了董老头子, 依然轮不到你来把持朝政, 彻底断了袁绍的念头。(袁绍只有报仇的私念了, 事实上, 袁绍一直没有报仇。)

♪ Kill Yuan Shau's uncle first, kill Yuan's family, change his position to someone else, and you're still not the one who's going to take charge of the dynasty. ♪

? ? 然后, 将洛阳富户的财产全部没收入官。凡是袁绍等门下宗党, 全部抄斩, 取其金赀。

♪ And then, all the property of Luoyang's family goes to no official. All the parties in Yuan Shao's house, all of them are cut off and their gold is taken. ♪

? ? 再将洛阳之民数百万口,全部驱赴长安。每百姓一队,间军一队,互相拖押;死于沟壑者,不可胜数。又纵军士淫人妻女,夺人粮食;啼哭之声,震动天地。如有行得迟者,背后三千军催督,军手执白刃,于路杀人。

♪ And many more of the people of Luoyang will be driven to Chang'an. Each of the people, one army will drag one another, and there will be no number of people who will die in a ditch. And they will take food from their wives and daughters, and they will cry and shake the heavens and the earth. If they do so late, they will kill by force of three thousand soldiers behind their backs.

? ? 最后, 董老头子临行时,教诸门放火,焚烧居民房屋,并放火烧宗庙宫府。南北两宫,火焰相接;长乐宫庭,尽为焦土。又差吕布发掘先皇及后妃陵寝,取其金宝。军士乘势掘官民坟冢殆尽。董卓装载金珠缎匹好物数千余车,望长安去了。

♪ And finally, when he was on his way, he taught the doors to set fire to the houses of the inhabitants, and set fire to the temple palaces. The two houses, north and south, were filled with fire, and the Long Lok Palace, were filled with scorched ground. Luib was also asked to find the late Emperor and the late Princess and to take his treasures. The sergeants took the graves of the diggers.

? ? 这一兽行(战略上很重要), 董老头子自己的人也曾反对过, 但董老头子已经说得很清楚了:“吾为天下计,岂惜小民哉!”

♪ This beast (strategicly important) was opposed by Dong's own people, but he made it very clear: "What do I do for a living?"


? ? 如此, 则和局彻底形成。两大集团很难发生大规模的火拼, 东边的联军休想跑过来消灭董老头子, 当然, 董老头子从此再也休想得到东边的7个州。之后, 东部与西部之间, 基本上就没有什么战争发生了。因为互不侵犯,已经失去了利益冲突。

♪ So, there's nothing like a war between the east and the west. Without each other, there's no conflict of interest.

(16) 曹操为什么要单独追击董卓

(16) Why would Cao Cao pursue Dong Cheol alone?



? ? 董卓把京城的财富全部转移到凉州后, 一把火烧了京城, 转身就走了。关东联军仅仅只能占领一个废墟, 虽然没有多大收获, 但威胁已经被解除了。

♪ When Dong Cheol transferred all the treasures of the city to Coolzhou, he set fire to the city, turned around and left. The Confederate Army of Guandong only occupied one ruin, but the threat was lifted.

? ? 现在, 关东联军的各路诸侯们坐在这一片废墟上商量: 下一步究竟该怎样行动。无非是两个选择:

♪ Now, the Confederates of Kanto are sitting on this ruin and talking about what to do next. There are two options:

? ? 1. 继续追击董卓, 赶到凉州去消灭他。

♪ 1. Go after Dong Cheol, go to Coolzhou to destroy him.

? ? 2. 放弃追击, 就此结束战争, 各人回家。

♪ 2. Abandon pursuit, end the war, everyone go home.


? ? 这两个选择, 究竟哪一个更好? 可以通过比较法得出结论:

♪ These two choices, which is better?

? ? 董卓已经主动放弃了进攻权, 又主动放弃了防守权(京城), 仅仅只保留了一个退守权(凉州), 因此, 董卓的选择权只剩下一个: 退守凉州。

♪ Dong Cheol has given up his right to attack, and he has given up his right to defend (King City), leaving only one standoff, so Dong Cheuk has only one option left: stand back.

? ? 而关东联军则攻、守、退三选皆有能力做到。选择权越多, 则越占优势。也就是说, 董卓已经不打关东联军了。而关东联军则是既可以打董卓, 也可以不打董卓。从而掌握了战争的主动权, 应该更具优势。

The more you choose, the more you take it, the more you take it. That is, Dong-joo no longer fights Dong-joo.

? ? 那么, 关东联军应该采取继续追击的策略才是首选。即使后来确实打不过, 再退回去也不迟嘛。

♪ So, it's best for the coalition forces to continue their pursuit strategy. Even if they can't do it later, it's not too late to go back.

? ? 但是, 大多数人却都不愿意再打了, 选择了放弃追击。为什么会做出这样一个次选的决策呢? 我们来分析一下:

♪ But most people don't want to fight anymore, choose to give up pursuit. Why do you make such a decision? Let's analyze it.


? ? 第一、成功的胜算有多大?

♪ First, what's the odds of success?

? ? 董卓是主动撤退的, 并不是打败了逃跑的, 所以你赶上去打他, 结果根本无法预料。但可以预见的是: 董卓的40万兵力正在会拢聚集, 而关东联军的40万兵力正在战线拉长。这个形势对联军并不有利。

Dong Cheol's withdrawal did not defeat the escape, so you caught up with him, and it was impossible to predict. But what could be expected is that Dong Cheuk's 400,000 troops are gathering, while the 400,000 troops of the coalition forces are growing up on the front line. This is not a good situation for the coalition forces.

? ? 总之, 没有任何数据可以支持联军必胜, 同样, 也没有任何数据可以支持董卓必胜, 所以, 这个结果是不太确定的, 应该是双方各有一定的胜算几率。

♪ Anyway, there's no data to support a coalition victory, and there's no data to support Dong Cheuk's victory, so the result is not certain, and it should be that each side has a certain chance of winning.

? ? 我希望大家尽量不要在不确定的事物上猜来猜去, 没有意义的。优选法是人在选择, 不是神在选择, 这个问题既然暂时无解, 就放一放, 再从其他角度进行选择, 看还能不能找到比较确定的因素。

♪ I want you to try not to guess and guess at things that are uncertain, it doesn't make sense. The preferred option is a choice, not a choice by God, and since it's a temporary problem, let it go, and then choose from other angles, see if there's any more certainty.


? ? 第二、成功后的利润有多大?

♪ Second, what's the profit after success?

? ? 关东联军能不能打赢是个未知数, 假设打赢了(这是最好效果), 消灭了董卓, 能产生多少利润呢? 这个应该比较好算:

♪ Can't the Confederate Kanto win an unknown number, assuming it's the best thing to do, and destroy Dong Cheuk, how much profit can you make?

? ? 皇帝下面依然是五府(三公、太傅、将军)掌政, 这些关东的地方官们能不能混成京官呢? 估计是能, 但能不能混进五府呢? 恐怕是不能。最多只有袁绍或是袁术混上了大将军之位, 或是两弟兄一个当大将军, 一个当骠骑将军, 总之只有一个名额可以进五府去把持朝政。

♪ Under the Emperor is still in power in the Five Kingdoms (the Three Kings, the Taifu, and the Generals), can these Kandong magistrates become the Kings? Yes, but can they enter the Five?

? ? 这些关东的地方官员们即使混成了京官也比原先的地方土皇帝强不了多少, 在朝廷里不能把持朝政又受制于人, 甚至还不如在自己的地盘上当土皇帝划算。

♪ Even if these Kandong local officials were better than the original local emperors, they couldn't keep the dynasty and be held hostage in the court, even less than being emperors in their own land.

? ? 因为这些诸侯们已经是地方上的最高长官了, 这和当年的董卓在西北地方当最高长官是一样的, 皇帝怎么给他封官, 他都不会去的。

♪ 'Cause they're already the top chiefs of the land, and it's the same as when Dong-joo was in the northwest, how the emperor gave him the title, and he's not going to go.

? ? 这样一算: 冒着死亡的风险去打董卓, 即使打赢了, 还是回去当地方上的土皇帝, 不打董卓, 马上就可以回去当土皇帝, 打与不打得到的利益是一样的, 悬殊不大。那么, 上面那个无解的问题就可以不用解了。

♪ That's how you risk death to beat Dong Cheol, and even if you win, go back to being the Emperor of the land, and then go back to being the Emperor of the land, and fight the same benefits as if you didn't get. So, you don't have to solve that puzzle.

? ? 现在, 董老头子跑了, 对他们不构成威胁了, 所以他们一致选择了放弃追击, 因为费一趟力和不费力的收益是一样的, 你还跑去打, 不是脑残么?!

♪ Now, when Old Dong ran away, it didn't pose a threat to them, so they all chose to give up the chase, because it's the same thing to do, and you're still fighting, aren't you?


? ? 只有袁绍、袁术两弟兄才有可能成为进攻获胜后的最大受益者, 所以也只有他们才是最希望大家出一把力杀到凉州去的人。

♪ Only Yuan Shao and Yuan Tsi are likely to be the biggest beneficiaries of the attack, so only they are the ones who want you to come out and kill them.

? ? 可是, 他们只是少数, 绝大多数人都是不会无偿卖命的, 在这种情况下, 不要说袁绍只是个盟主, 他就是皇帝, 他就是玉皇大帝, 他也是指挥不动了的!

♪ But they're just a few, and most people don't work for free, and in this case, don't say that Yuan Shao is just an ally, he's the Emperor, he's the Emperor, he's the commander!

? ? 所以, 关东联军没有继续追击董老头子, 是由可以预见的(很确定的)利益结构导致的, 请大家再不要把这个责任全部归罪于袁绍指挥无方了。书上之所以要那么写, 完全是出于某种需要而故意污蔑袁氏的。可以肯定地说, 这个时候的袁绍, 要比任何一个人都着急!

♪ So, the Confederacy of Guandong has not continued to pursue Old Dong, as a result of a predictable (determinable) interest structure, so please don't blame Yuan Shao for all his responsibilities. The book is written in such a way that he deliberately insults Yuan Shih out of need. To be sure, this is a time when Yuan Shao is more anxious than anyone else!


? ? 袁绍这个盟主已经调不动这帮诸侯了, 东西方形成和局的大势已定, 难于扭转。曹操正是看破了其中的奥妙, 捏住所有人的软肋, 大叫道:“董贼弃逃, 此天亡之时也, 一战而天下定矣! 诸公何疑而不进?”

♪ Yuan Shau, the ally of Yuan Shao, can't move these people, and the East and West are determined, and it's difficult to reverse them. Cao Cao is the one who has broken through it, squeezing everyone's weakness, saying, "Tong's thief has fled, and at the time of his death, the war is over!

? ? 众诸侯皆言:“不可轻动。”

♪ And the people say, "Don't touch it."

? ? 操大怒曰:“竖子不足以谋!”遂自引一万兵来赶董卓。

♪ Fuck the fury: "Shuko's not enough!" So he brought 10,000 soldiers to get rid of Dong Cheol.

? ? 曹操的这个举动, 并不是真的要去打董老头子, 只是做做样子而已。因为一万人去打几十万, 这是很搞笑的, 不需要细推就能知道结果。所以他一定会采用只追不打的策略, 做做样子给袁氏弟兄看, 给各路诸侯看。

♪ This move by Cao Cao Cao is not really going to hit Dong Cao, it's just to make a scene. Because 10,000 people go to fight hundreds of thousands, it's funny, you don't have to push to know the results. So he's going to do what he wants to do, and he's going to do what he wants to do, and he's going to show them to everyone.

? ? 袁氏弟兄一看: 好! 只有曹操是和我们一条心的, 真正值得信赖的朋友!

Only Cao Cao is with us, a truly trusted friend!

? ? 各路诸侯一看: 好! 只有曹操是真正一心为公为国的人! 我们都不如他。

We are not as good as Cao Cao, who is truly devoted to the common good.


? ? 这样演变的后果必然是: 若袁氏弟兄得势, 曹操将成为被重用的对象。若袁氏弟兄失势, 则曹操有可能被推选为下一个盟主。左右逢源, 为今后的发展, 获得了一定的政治资本。

♪ The consequences of this evolution must be that, if Yuan's brother succeeds, Cao Cao will be used again. If Yuan's brother fails, Cao Cao will be chosen as the next ally.

? ? 曹操单独去追击董老头子, 一定没有取胜的可能, 若只追不打, 安全应该没有问题的。但是董老头子相当的狡猾而老练, 差点要了曹操的小命。不过曹操还是逃回来了。

♪ There's no chance that Cao Cao will go after Old Cao alone, and if he doesn't fight, there's no problem with security. But Old Cao's sly and sophisticated, almost killed Cao Cao. But Cao Cao has escaped.

? ?





















深度 | 中美脱钩之日,即是美帝崩溃之时























深度分析: 从双循环和大国博弈的视角,才能深刻理解南水北调















八、东西方的对决 正式打响!





























9、深度 | 怒不可遏!今天我要爆锤精神犹太人!


















































46、委员提案 “全民免费医疗” 遭强烈反对!反对者都是些什么人?












































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