原文标题:The Layer 2 ecosystem: Scaling blockchain for the future
Original title: The Layer 2 ecosystem: Scaling blackchain for the future
This post is part of our special coverage Human Rights Watch.
Source: Starknet.
Compose: White block chain
The block chain technology continues to develop, with the Tai Lok achieved a record 2 million transactions a day in January 2024.
As a result, the second-tier (L2) solution emerged: a series of technologies designed to speed up transactions and reduce costs, without compromising the security and decentralisation of the leading L1 network. According to L2Beat, the L2 extension solution has changed the Etheria, dealing 11-12 times as much as the Taibo itself.
Source: L2beat.com
This paper examines L2 ecosystems, including their key innovations, challenges and future directions.
As more and more users trade on L1, these networks become more slow and expensive. Addressing the scalability of L1 usually means a compromise between security or decentralisation, both of which are the characteristics that all blocks want. , among the desired characteristics of the scalability, decentralization and security chain, can only choose two of the compromises called “block chain three problems”.
Solving the block chain three challenges is particularly important for Ether because it has become the preferred L1 for building decentralised applications. Of these three desired features, it chooses safety and decentralisation at the expense of scalability.
In order to expand the number and type of cases in the Tai Po, a more complex structure of dApp must be economically viable.
L2 solutions have emerged as a way of addressing these problems by moving most of the heavy calculations associated with processing transactions from the base level to the second level, increasing transaction throughput, reducing costs and improving user experience. The objective is to achieve this while taking advantage of the security and decentralisation of the basic L1 block chain.
The total lock value of the L2 ecosystem (TVL) is now over $46 billion, containing a variety of technologies and frameworks with unique characteristics. Let us look at some of the most important technologies in more detail:
Rollups(聚合链)- Rollups有两种类型:乐观聚合链(Optimistic Rollup)和有效性聚合链( Validity/Zero knowledge Rollup)。乐观聚合链默认假设交易是有效的。它们通过防止欺诈的机制,使网络参与者能够使用“欺诈证明”对预计为欺诈的交易提出挑战,以证明其无效。相比之下,有效性聚合链使用“有效性证明”来证明提交到基础层的每个交易的有效性。这两种类型的聚合链相比L1,提供了更高的吞吐量和较低的费用。
状态通道(State channels)-状态通道允许参与者通过将区块链状态的一部分锁定到多签名合约来进行离链交易。参与者可以在链外自由交易,最终状态在链上结算。状态通道提供几乎实时的交易和低费用,但在功能和参与者数量方面有一定限制。 The State Channel allows participants to trade off the chain by locking a part of the block chain status into a multi-signature contract. The participants are free to trade outside the chain, and the final state is settled on the chain. The status channel provides almost real-time transactions and low costs, but there are limitations in functionality and number of participants. Plasma(分片链)- Plasma是一种创建与主链锚定的分层侧链的框架。Plasma链可以在链外处理交易,并仅向主链提交定期更新,减轻了L1网络的负担。与乐观聚合链类似,Plasma链使用欺诈证明来对可疑交易提出挑战。 L2生态系统正在快速发展,众多项目和倡议正在努力扩展主要的L1区块链。虽然有一些解决方案致力于为比特币带来可扩展性,比如著名的闪电网络,它利用状态通道在网络上提供更快、更便宜的交易,但在比特币上尚未出现通用计算的L2解决方案。 The L2 ecosystem is developing rapidly, and many projects and initiatives are trying to expand the main L1 block chain. While there are solutions that are committed to making bitcoin scalable, such as the famous Lightning Network, which uses state lanes to provide faster and cheaper transactions on the network, there is no commonly calculated L2 solution on bitcoin. 另一方面,以太坊已经孕育了一个蓬勃发展的L2解决方案生态系统。我们将重点介绍其中的主要参与者,并简要描述它们。 On the other hand, the Ethernos have developed a dynamic ecosystem of L2 solutions. We will highlight the main players and briefly describe them. 这些项目中的许多仍处于早期阶段,通常涉及一段被称为“训练轮”阶段的集中控制期,这允许进行受控的系统更新和错误修复。尽管最初是必要的,但这些训练轮最终应该被移除,以实现预期的去中心化和无需信任的操作。 Many of these projects are still at an early stage, often involving a centralized control period known as the “training wheel” phase, which allows controlled system updates and wrong fixes. While initially necessary, these training rounds should eventually be removed to achieve the desired decentralization and untrustworthy operation. L2解决方案的采用在包括去中心化金融(DeFi)、非同质化Token(NFT)和链上游戏在内的各个领域稳步增长。最常用的L2类型往往是乐观聚合链和有效性聚合链。然而,L2解决方案的整合并非没有挑战。 The adoption of the 尽管L2解决方案有着巨大的潜力,但仍需克服一些挑战才能实现其全部潜力。从用户的角度来看,与L2网络的交互可能会稍微复杂一些,需要额外的步骤,比如桥接资产和管理多个钱包。通过更好地整合钱包、简化入门流程和提供更直观的界面来改善用户体验,将对推动主流采用至关重要。 Although the L2 solution has great potential, some challenges still need to be overcome in order to achieve its full potential. From a user’s perspective, interaction with the L2 network may be somewhat more complex, requiring additional steps , such as bridge-crossing assets and managing multiple wallets . Improving user experiences by better integrating wallets, simplifying entry processes and providing more intuitive interfaces will be crucial to promoting mainstream adoption. 这就是为什么Starknet提供了内置的账户抽象功能,可以实现更流畅的用户体验,例如通过面部识别和指纹识别进行交易签名(例如,Braavos钱包提供了这两种功能)。在Starknet上,使以太坊扩展意味着Web2风格的用户体验与更便宜、更快的交易同样重要。 This is why Starknet provides built-in accounts with abstract features that allow for a more fluid user experience, such as the signing of transactions through facial recognition and fingerprint recognition (for example, the braavos wallet provides these two functions). on Starknet, making e-Team expansion means that the Web2-style user experience is as important as cheaper and faster transactions. 随着L2生态系统的成熟,我们可以预见到一波创新的浪潮,比如在Starknet上的本地账户抽象功能。已经开始出现将不同L2技术的优点结合起来的混合解决方案,为乐观聚合链和有效性聚合链提供了双重好处。有效性证明(如STARKs)的进步进一步提升了L2网络的可扩展性和隐私性。 As the L2 ecosystem matures, we can foresee a wave of innovation, such as the abstract function of local accounts on Starknet. A mixed solution combining the advantages of different L2 technologies has begun to emerge, offering dual benefits to optimistic and effective polymer chains. 展望未来,L2解决方案的未来与区块链技术的整体发展密切相关。随着L1网络的不断演进和权益证明等新的共识机制的推广,L2解决方案将需要适应并与这些变化无缝集成。 The future of the L2 solution is closely linked to the overall development of block chain technology. As the L1 network evolves and new consensus mechanisms, such as proof of interest, the L2 solution will need to adapt and be seamlessly integrated with these changes. 未来几年,我们将看到针对特定用例和应用领域量身定制的L2解决方案的蓬勃发展。一些人预测,L2网络最终将成为用户交互的主要层,而L1将作为安全的结算层。其他人设想了一个多层次的区块链架构,L2解决方案相互并行发展,有时在其上方还会有第三层(L3)链,以创建一个可扩展且互操作的生态系统。 Over the next few years, we will see a dynamic development of L2 solutions tailored to specific areas of application and application. Some predict that the L2 network will eventually become the main layer of user interaction, while L1 will serve as a secure clearing layer. Others envisage a multilayered block chain structure, with L2 solutions developed in parallel, sometimes with a third (L3) chain above it, to create a scalable and interoperable ecosystem. 随着L2生态系统的不断发展,开发人员、研究人员和用户之间的合作与贡献对于开发强大且用户友好的L2解决方案至关重要。 As the L2 ecosystem evolves, cooperation and contributions among developers, researchers and users are critical to the development of strong and user-friendly L2 solutions. 通过拥抱L2技术的潜力,区块链社区可以克服L1网络的限制,并为去中心化应用开启新的可能性。前方道路上充满了挑战和机遇,但通过正确的方法和共同的愿景,我们可以构建一个可扩展且包容的区块链生态系统,赋予个人权力并改变产业。 By embracing the potential of L2 technologies, block-chain communities can overcome the limitations of the L1 network and open new possibilities for decentralizing applications. The road ahead is full of challenges and opportunities, but through the right approach and a common vision, we can build a scalable and inclusive block-chain ecosystem that empowers individuals and transforms industries.
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