In 2008, there was a mysterious character called Nakamoto, who published an article on the Internet called Bitcoin: A P2P Electronic Currency System.
In his article, he describes a cool, encrypted currency that doesn't need a bank or a government to issue, and that can be traded by two people who don't know. So, the new bitcoin is born.
But what's strange is that no one knows who it is. When Bitcoin started operating, he rarely showed up, and disappeared completely in 2010. At that time, Bitcoins began to grow in value, and it was assumed that the founder would make a lot of money. Everyone knows that money is real.
所以,一开始比特币虽然听起来很厉害,但大家都不怎么重视它。直到2010年5月22日,有个人叫 Laszlo Hanyecz ,他居然用了一万比特币去换了一份比萨!这是真实的交易,他还上传了照片作为证据。
So, at first, Bitcoin sounded amazing, but nobody took it very seriously. Until May 22, 2010, a man named Laszlo Hanyecz, who used 10,000 bitcoins for a pizza! This was a real deal, and he uploaded photographs as evidence.
Since then, everyone knows that bitcoin can buy things, and that's the first time bitcoin's in the real world.
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