
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:28 评论:0



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In the past few days, a story about bitcoin has been on the country's major technology boards.


In order to preserve the value of the currency, the Argentine people began to look at virtual currency, that is, bitcoin.

继德国成为首个承认比特币合法货币地位的国家后,阿根廷又因为其高企的通货膨胀率,导致国内大量购买比特币保值,而这一举动,也折射出这个由天才少年中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)08年发明的网络虚拟货币,在经历了广泛的质疑和博弈后,正从幕后走到台前,并一步步为互联网时代的人们接纳和认可。

After Germany became the first country to recognize the legal monetary status of Bitcoin, Argentina, because of its high inflation rate, was able to purchase large amounts of bitcoin in the country, a move that reflected the virtual currency of the Internet, invented in 08 by Satoshi Nakamoto, a gifted teenager, who, after extensive questioning and games, was moving from behind the scenes to the stage and was accepted and endorsed by the people of the Internet age.

这项引流计划的幕后操作者正是一家阿根廷比特币交易公司Cryptocambios,后者帮助BitPagos,一家拉美在线支付平台,为商户处理信用卡和比特币交易。最近每周的总业务量达到1万美元 —— 其中大部分还是信用卡业务。外国游客无需将比特币兑换成阿根廷比索,就能直接享受便捷的金融服务。——虽然目前很多国家对于比特币褒贬不一,态度也不尽相同。

It is Cryptocambios, an Argentine company trading in bitcoin, who helped Bitpagos, an online payment platform in Latin America, to process credit card and bitcoin transactions for merchants. The total business recently reached $10,000 a week – most of it a credit card business.


What is a bitcoin? By authoritative interpretation, Bitcoin is a virtual currency in the form of a P2P. Bitcoin is not issued by a specific monetary institution, and it is generated by a large number of calculations based on a particular algorithm. The decentralized properties and algorithms of P2P can themselves ensure that the value of the currency cannot be artificially controlled by mass-manufacturing bitcoin.


The biggest difference between Bitcoin and other virtual currencies (e.g., Q coins) is that its total number is very limited and extremely scarce. In the first four years, the monetary system will have no more than 10.5 million, and the total will be permanently limited to 21 million.


In China, the boom in Bitcoin began with its high rate of return on investment. For a long time, Bitcoin had been a miniature toy for guests and technocrats, with minimal monetary value: “In 2010, the value of Bitcoin was less than 14 cents; it took a year to reach 86 cents; and the real reason for putting bitcoin in the public eye was a report from Forbes, and since then, this virtual cyber currency has been well received, lured by the public's fanatical speculators, and has soared up to $30. Prices remain high until today.




/ strong


On the Chinese World's Bitcoin website, Huen has a lot of adverts about selling or leasing mining machines, accessories, chips, etc. Miners use these high-end devices to get bitcoin more quickly to make a profit. This also breeds a hidden industrial chain.


The so-called mining, that is, the method of producing bitcoin, is simply to use the powerful computers in their hands to calculate the arithmetic questions in the Bitcoin network, to successfully solve all bitcoins in the area (block), to be portrayed as mining in a way that relies on computer algorithms to obtain money, while bitcoin's “pooners” are naturally called “miners”, whose “heads” are the computers in their hands.


In the early age of the century, a large number of blocks were in a state of unexploitation, and after Bitcoin was so hot, a large number of miners came to compete for the few bitcoins left, while the production of bitcoins was regressive. Competition became more heated. Ordinary computer production of bitcoins could take between one and two years – and it could take a long time – to incur high electricity and time costs.


The accidental death of an anarchist
Dario Foe, in the play "The Unintentional Death of an Anarchist", said, “The situation is too complicated, the reality is too cruel! The ideals are broken, and I don't want to live.” The line, too, could be a footnote to Bitcoin’s reality from birth to present.


Can you imagine a scenario in which, one day in the future, you can buy any commodity with a virtual currency that is not controlled by any financial institution, is global, is global, is stable, and is distributed at a steady rate? Don't worry about inflation, and the deal is safe enough, and you can even make it yourself. Isn't that cool enough?


But the power to issue money has always been of paramount importance to sovereign countries, and the idea of decentralizing the Internet is not conducive to the regulation of financial institutions, but also increases the difficulty and costs of prevention. And the government’s policy to protect against electronic money is to clarify the boundaries between virtual and real – a simple example, where you can buy Q-dollars, but not to exchange them for yuan.


On the other hand, leaping from real currency to virtual currency, which is still a sudden shift in the long history of civilization, from shell shells to gold and silver to banknotes, if we see one or two from the abyss of history, the introduction of a currency is bound to be accompanied by great resistance and inevitable fates of failure, there is always a gradual process of market acceptance, and if forced marketing, such as in the history of military tension, the general uses paper to send his soldiers to their homes for food — an act that is now, of course, no different from banditry.


Thus, Governments have been hostile to electronic money from the outset, and despite the fact that he is wearing a purple gold mask on the Internet, has an extremely benign and Internet spirit, and has been designed so well as to eliminate all kinds of bugs, there may be a long way to go before he can really become an equivalent, and it is a fact that the goods and services that can be purchased are still extremely limited, and the shops that support the payment of bitcoin are still few, and on the electric platform ebay, Amazon, cannot be purchased in bitcoin.


What needs to be known, however, is that bitcoin is still the most popular Internet currency in the world, and some will say it is Q, but there is a great difference between bitcoin and Qbi: first, it can be sold indefinitely, while bitcoin is limited, and second, tether companies can change the rules at will, but bitcoin’s rules cannot be changed. Finally, if the tether server is down, perhaps you will be worthless, but bitcoin is theoretically not such a risk that hackers will not be able to attack all network nodes at the same time.


There are so many advantages, but recognizing the legitimate monetary position of Bitcoins is still a long way off. The constant nature of bitcoins avoids the risk of inflation, but is not well regarded because of their deflationary properties.


Simply put, because the number of bitcoin is constant, when bitcoin rises by the hot price of bitcoin, those who own bitcoin choose to hold rather than trade for value-added purposes create a vicious circle in which the price of bitcoin rises, which is a typical market bubble. Bitcoin prices do not rise indefinitely, and the value of bitcoin collapses and falls sharply. In other words, would you like to replace your wages with shares?


The Argentines bought bitcoin in order to preserve their value, and this South American country suddenly became the paradise of bitcoin, where is the next paradise of bitcoin?


No one can say that.





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