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Sun Woo said he'd release 7 billion worthless Volunts on the waves.

  亿万富翁巴菲特在周一接受 CNBC 采访时重申了对加密货币的厌恶,他认为加密货币基本上没有价值,也没有持有任何加密货币,并开玩笑地讽刺道,将会离世后发布一种以自己命名的「沃伦货币」。上个月,Tron 创始人孙宇晨和他的四位客人与巴菲特共进晚餐,但这并没有改变这位亿万富翁投资者对加密货币的反对立场。

Billionaire Buffett, in an interview with the CNBC on Monday, reiterated his aversion to encrypted currency, which he believed was largely worthless and did not hold any encrypted currency, and joked that he would publish his own name, the “Worren currency.” Last month, Tron’s founder, Sun Woo, and his four guests had dinner with Buffett, but that did not change the billionaire investor’s opposition to encrypted currency.

  据悉,波场创始人孙宇晨闻讯后即刻发布推文称,将全力支持沃伦货币,并在波场区块链上发行 70 亿沃伦币,该代币虽然没有任何价值,但每个持有者都是巴菲特先生的粉丝。

According to the information received, the founder of the Poll, Sun Woo, immediately after hearing the news, issued a tweet stating that he would give his full support to the Voluntian currency and issue 7 billion Voluntaires on the chain of the Poll block, which, while of no value, was a fan of Mr. Buffett.


Introduction of measures to promote digital technology applications such as block chains


Today, Hebei has put in place 10 specific measures to address the impact of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic and to support the development of high-tech enterprises and high-technology areas.


Jilin Provincial Court deployment in 2020: advanced technological innovations in block chains


On 28 February, the Jilin Provincial Court convened the first meeting of the Leadership Group on Cybersecurity and Informatization in 2020 to hear a state-of-the-art report on the development of the network and informatization of courts throughout the province in 2019, and to study the deployment of the work in 2020. The meeting called for a comprehensive acceleration of the construction of intelligent courts with a focus on priority tasks.


Hunan Province Ministry of Industry and Communications approved the establishment of the Hunan Province Block Chain Industrial Park

  2月27日,湖南省工业和信息化厅批准娄底市国家级区块链研究和应用示范推进领导小组办公室《关于申报湖南省级区块链产业园的请示》,同意依托娄底万宝新区设立湖南省区块链产业园(娄底万宝)。 批准文件指出希望“区块链产业园”构建区块链产业生态,加快产业聚集发展,为推动全省区块链技术和产业创新发展作出新的贡献。

On 27 February, the Hunan Province Department of Industry and Informatization approved the request of the Office of the National Directorate for the Development and Application of Block Chains in Ludeo City for the declaration of sector chain estates in Hunan Province and the establishment of the Hunan Province sector chain estates (Lou Diwanbao) on the basis of the new district of Hujudi; the approval document stated that it was to be hoped that the block chain industrial ecology would be constructed in the “block chain estates” to accelerate industrial convergence and make a new contribution to the technological and industrial innovation development of the chain throughout the province.


Shenzhen City Revenue Department uplink block-link electronic invoice very fast


In order to provide rapid re-entry of block chain electronic invoices to small micro-enterprises, the Shenzhen City Revenue Authority has launched an urgent development programme to optimize the configuration of complex parameters based on the original micro-credit billing function, and has added a scanning opener function. The block chain electronic invoice is fast-tracked in recent days. Enterprises that use the terminal block chain electronic invoice are only registered and configured online so that they can open the block chain electronic invoice qualification at the earliest half hour.


Jiangxi United launched the block-based business re-entry filing platform


Under the overall guidance of the Information Promotion Unit of the Engineering and Information Service of Jiangxi Province, the China Institute of Connectivity has worked five days and five nights together with Jiangxi-Tungong and Jiangxi-Industrial Inter-Industrial Branches to develop the country's first “Platform for Reconstruction Reporting of Businesses Based on Block Chains”. This filing platform has been installed on the Jiangxi Industrial Cloud Platform.

  百度财报体现区块链 BaaS平台成为新战略重点

100-degree financial reporting reflects the chain of blocks and the BaaS platform becomes the new strategic focus


On 28 February 2020, 100-degree financial statements were published, which provided a separate account of the progress made in relation to the PaaS platform in the block chain, highlighting the increased attention and input to technological innovation in the block chain and the potential for the sector-chain platform, which relies on the 100-degree cloud, to become a new engine of growth in the direction of technological innovation.


is the cloud's "catalog block chain" that helps the city of Beijing to precisely control the outbreak .


China contributes to the development of a catalogue block chain system for the city of Beijing, which establishes an orderly correspondence of 50+ commissions, catalogues, and data to achieve weak management, resource indexing, and robust use of the data itself. The Beijing municipality uses data for outbreak control and screening, using functional data from the catalogue block chain records, and engages offices of the relevant commissions in operations. To avoid privacy disclosure, secure and reliable use of data is achieved through technology such as authorization control, security computing, etc.

  唯链正式发布 PoA 2.0 SURFACE 论文预印本 推动区块链学术领域研究

officially released PoA 2.0 SURFACE preprint to promote research in the academic field of block chains

  由唯链首席科学家周子衡博士以及唯链高级区块链技术研究员任之劼博士研究撰写的论文《SURFACE: A Practical Blockchain Consensus Algorithm for Real-World Networks》正式在预印本网站 Arxiv 上发布。唯链表示,文章目标是极大提升唯链区块链基础设施在安全性、稳定性方面的优势,为区块链在技术共识阶段和商业共识阶段的长远发展提供创新性理论基础。

The paper SURFACE: A Fundamental Blockchain Consensus Algorithm for Real-World Networks, written by Dr. Zhou Kojishi, the leading scientist, and Dr. Yoo Yoo, a high-level technical researcher on the chain of blocks, is officially published on the pre-printed website Arxiv. The objective of the article is to significantly enhance the security and stability advantages of the chain infrastructure of the chain of blocks, providing an innovative theoretical basis for the long-term development of the chain of blocks at the stage of technical and commercial consensus.

  2020 胡润全球富豪榜:区块链行业 6 人上榜 4 人来自交易所领域

2020 Hu Yun Global Rich List: 6 in the block chain industry 4 in the exchange area

  胡润研究院发布 2020 年胡润全球富豪榜,其中区块链行业共有 6 位企业家上榜,其中 4 名企业家来自加密货币交易所领域。他们分别为:币安创始人赵长鹏、欧科集团创始人徐明星、Ripple 创始人 Chris Larsen、Coinbase 交易所创始人 Brian Armstrong、比特大陆联合创始人詹克团以及火币集团创始人李林。

The Huun Institute published the 2020 Hu Yu Global Rich list, in which there were six entrepreneurs in the block chain industry, four of whom came from the area of the crypto-currency exchange. They were: Zhao Chang Peng, founder of the Yuan, Xu Star, founder of the Oco Group, Chris Larsen, founder of Ripple, founder of the Coinbase Exchange Brian Armstrong, co-founder of the Bit Continent Union, and Lee Lin, founder of the Fire Currency Group.


Korea will fully restructure the national integrated procurement system using block chains and AI technology


The Korea National Integrated Electronic Purchasing System, the National Market, will be fully restructured by 2023 using smart information technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) and block chain technology. According to the 25th day of the Office, the “new generation of national fairs” will begin by redesigning outdated basic technology to make it easier for users to use, while increasing operational stability.


Korea Farmers Association Bank implements the Samsung-supported block chain identification system

  韩国农协银行(NH Bank)已经引入了一个基于区块链的移动ID系统,该系统是在由大型本地公司(包括三星电子和LG Uplus)建立的一个技术联盟中开发的。该银行目前正在与韩国最大的无线运营商SK电讯联合实施新的移动身份识别系统。

NH Bank has introduced a block-based mobile ID system, developed in a technology alliance established by large local companies (including Samsung Electronics and LG Uplus). The Bank is currently implementing a new mobile identification system in conjunction with SK Telecom, Korea’s largest wireless operator.


semiconductor Nordic and object network block chain platform IoTeX co-launch tracker

  总部位于挪威的半导体芯片巨头 Nordic 宣布与物联网区块链平台 IoTeX 合作推出基于 Nordic nRF9160 芯片和 IoTeX 区块链的可信硬件 Pebble 追踪器。Nordic 表示,这款基于 Arm Trustzone 可信执行环境的区块链安全硬件,通过全球蜂窝网络将数据安全发送到基于区块链的后端服务和应用,旨在实现大规模的分布式资产跟踪应用。

Nordic, a Norwegian-based semiconductor chip giant, announced a partnership with IoTeX to launch a credible hardware Pebble tracker based on the Nordic nRF9160 chip and the IoTeX block chain. Nordic states that this block chain security hardware based on the Arm TrustZone credible implementation environment aims at large-scale distributed asset tracking applications by sending data securely to the back end of the block-based service and application via the global cellular network.

  企业区块链 R3 将为养老金企业推出区块链身份解决方案

Enterprise block chain R3 will introduce block chain identity solutions for pension enterprises

  企业区块链 R3 宣布将为养老金企业推出区块链身份解决方案,以帮助解决英国大量无人认领的养老金问题。英国有超过 3300 万人拥有退休金,但是今年咨询公司 Profile Pensions 的一项研究显示,仅在英国就有多达 370 亿英镑(约 478 亿美元)的无人认领的养老金。

The business block chain R3 announced that it would introduce a block-link identity solution for pension companies to help solve the massive unclaimed pension problem in the United Kingdom. Over 33 million people in the United Kingdom have a pension, but a study by the consulting firm Profile Pensions this year shows that there is as much as £37 billion (about $47.8 billion) of unclaimed pensions in the United Kingdom alone.


The big pharmaceutical giant urges FDA to use block chains to track prescription drugs


Following a pilot project with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), MediLedger, a drug traceability block chain alliance, published a report advocating the use of block chain technology to track and track prescription drugs. According to reports, members of the alliance include drug manufacturers Pfizer, Relai, GlaxoSkin, Anjin, Novartis and Seinofi, wholesale or retail companies, Migen Bergen, Walgreens and Wal-Mart, and distribution companies, such as federal couriers.

  区块链先驱Caitlin Long将在怀俄明州建立加密银行

Caitlin Long, the pioneer of the block chain at

  美国怀俄明州区块链工作组联合创始人、区块链先驱、华尔街资深人士Caitlin Long表示,她创立的怀俄明州公司正准备向该州的银行部门申请特殊目的存款机构(SPDI)执照。Long宣布,该银行名为Avanti,将专注于为加密资产提供受监管的服务。

The co-founder of the United States Wyoming Block Chain Working Group, the pioneer of the block chain, and a Wall Street senior, Caitlin Long, stated that her company, Wyoming, was preparing to apply for a special purpose deposit agency (SPDI) licence from the state’s banking sector. Long announced that the bank, known as Avanti, would focus on providing regulated services for encrypted assets.

  MIT科技评2020年大全球突破性技术Top10 数字货币入选

MIT Science and Technology Review, Big Global Breakthrough 2020 Top10 Digital Currency Selection

  美国麻省理工学院创办的《麻省理工科技评论》评选出“2020 年度全球十大突破性技术”榜单,“数字货币”入选,其他技术包括:防黑互联网、超个性化药物、抗衰老药物、人工智能发现分子、超级星座卫星、量子优越性、微型人工智能、差分隐私、气候变化归因。

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States launched the MIT Review of Technology and Technology, which selected the “Ten Global Breakthrough Technologies for 2020” list, “Digital Currency”, other technologies include black Internet, super-personalized drugs, anti-old age drugs, artificial intelligence discovery molecules, superconstellation satellites, quantum superiority, micro-intelligence, differential privacy, and climate change attribution.


Hong Kong proposes to include virtual money service providers, among others, in the regulatory framework


In response to improved supervision, the Director of Finance of Hong Kong, Chen Maobo, in a new Budget Bill, indicated that the anti-money laundering and terrorist fund-raising system in Hong Kong would be further strengthened, including by considering the inclusion of virtual money service providers and the jewellery and precious metals industry in the regulatory framework; a public consultation on specific recommendations was planned during the year.


Buffett sends the encrypted money to the charity

  近日,巴菲特表示,他已将今年慈善午餐时孙宇晨赠送他的内含比特币和波场币的三星手机交给了慈善机构GLIDE Foundation。较早时候,巴菲特在接受CNBC采访时称,他并未持有任何加密货币,也永远不会持有。

Recently, Buffett stated that he had given his three-star phone with bitcoin and wavebill to his charity GLIDE Foundation at this year’s charity lunch. Earlier, Buffett, in an interview with the CNBC, stated that he did not hold any encrypted currency and would never do so.

  冠状病毒数字货币CoronaCoin上线 交易者可基于病发或死亡人数押注

's digital currency can be posted by traders on the basis of an outbreak or a death toll

  随着冠状病毒疫情蔓延,有欧洲开发者发行了一种数字货币 CoronaCoin,该代币允许交易者基于由冠状病毒引发生病或死亡的人数进行押注。CoronaCoin 官网信息显示,该代币的总供应量会随新病例的发生每两天减少一次,也就是说,随着病毒杀死的人数增加,代币价格会上涨。CoronaCoin 的区块链记录了冠状病毒的传播,其代币则可在 Saturn.Network 等在线交易所买卖。

As the corona virus epidemic spreads, European developers issue a digital currency, CoronaCoin, which allows traders to bet on the number of people who are sick or dead as a result of the corona virus. CoronaCoin official network information shows that the total supply of the coin will decrease every two days as new cases occur, meaning that the price of the coin will rise as the virus kills. Corona Coin’s sector chain records the spread of the corona virus, which can be sold on online exchanges such as Saturn.Network.

  Coinbase 参与了引发巨大争议的 Clearview AI 面部识别软件测试

Coinbase participated in the controversial Clearview AI facial recognition software test

  据 BuzzFeed 发布的一份报告显示,有两千多家公司测试了面部识别软件 Clearview AI,其中包括 Coinbase。Coinbase 的一位发言人称,Coinbase 尝试 Clearview AI,是由于“围绕安全性和合规性的独特需求”,以测试该服务是否可以有效保护员工和办公室免受物理威胁并调查欺诈。Coinbase 表示尚未将该服务用于客户数据。

According to a report released by BuzzFeed, more than 2,000 companies have tested Clearview AI for facial recognition, including Coinbase. Coinbase’s spokesperson stated that Coinbase tried Clearview AI because of “unique needs around safety and compliance” to test whether the service effectively protects employees and offices from physical threats and investigates fraud. Coinbase stated that the service has not been used for customer data.


  加密货币交易所币安计划在第二季度末或第三季度初启动期权合约交易,消息人士称,币安一直在与相关市场参与者会面,以在第二季度末或第三季度初启动该计划。币安已经于去年 9 月启用提供了期货合约交易,目前支持各包括比特币,以太坊和 XRP。

The secure currency exchange’s currency exchange plans to start options trading at the end of the second quarter or the beginning of the third quarter. Sources say that the currency has been meeting with the relevant market participants to start the program at the end of the second quarter or the beginning of the third quarter.

  火币全球站:持牌交易所火币泰国已正式上线 可使用泰铢购买 HT

Market Global Station: Stock Exchange Firebill Thailand is officially online to purchase HT using the Thai baht

  火币全球站在官方网站发布公告称,基于火币云技术搭建的火币泰国数字资产交易平台已于近日正式上线。火币全球站表示,火币泰国站持有泰国财政部颁发的数字资产交易许可牌照,获准在当地开通数字资产与法币的交易,泰国地区用户可在平台以泰铢购买 4 种数字资产:BTC、ETH、HT 和 USDT。

In an announcement posted on the official website, the Treasure Global Service announced that the China Dollar Digital Asset Trading Platform in Thailand, which is based on the technology of the sign cloud, has been officially launched in recent days. The Coal Global Station indicated that it holds a licence plate issued by the Thai Ministry of Finance for digital asset transactions and is authorized to open local transactions between digital assets and French currency, and that Thai regional users can purchase four types of digital assets in the platform: BTC, ETH, HT, and USDT.

  日本社交通讯巨头Line关闭旗下新加坡交易所 推出美国合规交易所

The Japanese social communications giant Line closed down the Singapore Exchange and launched the U.S. Compliance Exchange

  日本社交通讯巨头 Line 已关闭旗下位于新加坡的加密货币交易所 Bitbox,并推出一个面向全球的加密交易平台 Bitfront。Bitfront 交易所总部位于美国,由 LVC Corporation 的子公司 LVC USA 运营,该公司负责监管 Line 的加密货币和区块链业务。

The Japanese social communications giant, Line, has closed down its encrypted currency exchange, Bitbox, which is located in Singapore, and has launched an encrypted global trading platform, Bitfront. The Bitfront exchange is based in the United States and operated by LVC USA, a subsidiary of LVC Corporation, which oversees Line’s encrypted currency and block chain operations.

  比特大陆将发售蚂蚁矿机 S19 Pro 及 S19

The ants S19 Pro and S19 will be sold on the Pit continent.

  根据比特大陆官方网站信息显示,比特大陆将发售两款蚂蚁矿机新品 S19 Pro 和 S19。比特大陆表示,本次发售的蚂蚁矿机 S19 Pro 的算力为 110 TH/s,能效比为 29.5 J/TH±5%;蚂蚁矿机 S19 的算力为 95 TH/s,能效比为 34.5 J/TH±5%。目前比特大陆尚未公布这两款矿机的价格和具体发货时间。

According to the official Bitcontinent website, two new ant miners S19 Pro and S19 will be sold on Bitcontinent. Bitcontinent states that the sales of the ant miner S19 Pro is calculated to be 110 TH/s, with an energy efficiency ratio of 29.5 J/TH ~ 5%; the ant miner S19 is calculated to be 95 TH/s, with an energy efficiency ratio of 34.5 J/TH ~ 5%.

  加密货币经纪商 Tagomi 将成为 Libra 协会的最新成员

Encrypted Money Broker Tagomi will be the newest member of the Libra Association

  加密货币经纪商 Tagomi 将成为 Libra 协会的最新成员,目前 Facebook 沟通团队方面已确认此消息,正式声明定于周五或下周公布。加入 Libra 协会意味着 Tagomi 将为开发这一加密货币贡献至少 1000 万美元。此外,Tagomi 还将需要操作一个节点以验证 Libra 区块链上的交易。

The encrypted money broker Tagomi will be the newest member of the Libra Association, which is now confirmed by the Facebook communications team and is scheduled to be announced on Friday or next week. Joining the Libra Association means that Tagomi will contribute at least $10 million to the development of this encrypted currency. In addition, Tagomi will need to operate a node to verify transactions in the Libra block chain.

  艺术家Franky Aguilar将其最新艺术创作代币化 售价250 ETH

artist Franky Aguilar monetizes his latest art for 250 ETH.

  最近,在抖音海外版TikTok位于洛杉矶的办公室里,艺术家Franky Aguilar在一个现场绘制了一幅艺术画作。2月27日,Aguilar于以太坊区块链上将该作品进行了代币化(代币数量为1,代表该作品的所有权)。据悉,该作品目前售价250 ETH(约54468美元),若有买家购买了这幅作品,将会获得上述代币,其中包含了这幅作品的位置、大小和所用材料等元数据。

Recently, in TikTok's overseas office in Los Angeles, artist Franky Aguilar drew an art painting in a field. On February 27, Aguilar monetized the work (the number of coins is 1, representing the ownership of the work). The work is now known to be sold at 250 ETH (approximately US$ 54468), and if a buyer buys the work, it will get the same token, which contains metadata on its location, size and materials.

  北交大教授:区块链人才储备极为不足 目前应用太浅

Professor North: The stock of talent in the block chain is extremely inadequate and currently applied too thinly


According to the Vice-President of the China Society for Strategic Studies and Professor of the Beijing Transport University, the challenges posed by the block chain are mainly threefold: first, the pool of talent is extremely inadequate; second, the current block chain is too thinly applied, even with the potential for bias and error; and third, there is a lack of awareness of the social impact of block chain technology.


Vice-President of the British Central Bank: The rise of stable currencies like Libra could result in credit depletion affecting the economy as a whole

  英国央行副行长Jon Cunliffe在最近出席的活动中表示,Facebook旗下Libra等稳定币的崛起,可能导致信贷枯竭,进而影响整体经济。Cunliffe表示,与大型科技和社交媒体平台相关的稳定币可能会导致人们把大部分或全部资金从银行账户转移到非银行机构提供的虚拟钱包。当局需要确保任何用作货币的稳定币符合商业银行货币的标准,并通过竞争、数据保护和反洗钱等领域的其他测试。

In a recent event, the British Central Bank’s Vice-President, Jon Cunliffe, said that the rise of stable currencies like Libra under Facebook could deplete credit and thus affect the economy as a whole. Cunliffe said that stable currencies associated with large science and technology and social media platforms could lead to the transfer of most or all of the funds from bank accounts to virtual wallets provided by non-banking institutions. The authorities needed to ensure that any stable currency used as a currency met the standards of commercial banks’ currencies and passed other tests in the areas of competition, data protection and anti-money-laundering.


President of the Virginia Milky Way: Buffett's statement about the value of encrypted money is “total error”

  前Facebook高管兼维珍银河董事长Chamath Palihapitiya 在接受CNBC采访时表示,传奇投资者巴菲特关于加密货币没有价值的言论“完全错误”。他表示,每个人都应将其净资产的1%投资于比特币。他将比特币视为完全不相关的资产类别,并将传统金融中杠杆的过度使用视为与BTC对冲的方式。

In an interview with the CNBC, former head of Facebook and head of the Virgin Milky Way, Chamath Palihapitiya, stated that the legendary investor Buffett was “totally wrong” about the value of encrypted money. He said that everyone should invest 1% of their net assets in Bitcoin. He saw Bitcoin as a completely irrelevant asset class, and saw excessive leverage in traditional finance as a way to hedge against BTC.

  去中心化服务平台 AVA 收购私人资本市场平台 Investery

Decentitation Service Platform AVA Acquisition Private Capital Market PlatformInvestery

  由康奈尔大学著名计算机学者 Emin Gun Sirer 创立的去中心化服务平台 AVA 宣布收购了私人资本市场平台 Investery,Investery 现有的合作伙伴将会移交给 AVA。Investery 成立于 2019 年,是一个提供全方位投资管理服务的私有资本市场平台,可提供市场研究、资产管理和交易等服务。

AVA, a decentralised service platform created by Emin Gun Sirer, a leading computer scholar at Cornell University, announced that existing partners from the private capital market platform Investery, Investery, would be handed over to AVA. Investery, established in 2019, is a private capital market platform that provides a full range of investment management services, such as market research, asset management and transactions.

  交易分析公司 Apex:E3 获得 ConsenSys 的种子轮融资

Trade Analysis Company Apex: E3 gets seed rotation finance for ConsenSys

  交易分析初创公司 Apex:E3 宣布完成 ConsenSys 投资的种子轮融资,并发布其新推出的多资产分析平台测试版本。此次 Apex:E3 未透露具体融资金额,Apex:E3 表示,新推出的资产分析平台最初是为交易数字资产的散户及机构投资者设计的,未来将合并不同的、更传统的资产类别。

Apex:E3 announced the completion of seed rotation financing for ConsenSys investments, and released a test version of its newly launched multi-assets analysis platform. This time, Apex:E3 did not disclose specific financing amounts, Apex:E3 indicated that the newly launched asset analysis platform was originally designed for bulk investors and institutional investors trading digital assets, and that different, more traditional, asset classes would be merged in the future.


  成都链安科技有限公司宣布获得前海母基金新一轮融资,以推动区块链安全事业健康有序发展。此前,成都链安已在 2019 年 12 月获得由联想创投、复星高科领投,成创投、任子行战略投资的数千万元融资。

Chengdu Chain Technology Co. Ltd. announced a new round of financing from the former Sea Mothers’ Fund to promote healthy and orderly development of block chain safety. Prior to that, Chengdu Chain had been financed in December 2019 by tens of millions of dollars in innovative, re-stardly, innovative, and strategic investment.

  区块链安全公司CoolBitX完成1675 万美元 B 轮融资

Block Chain Security CoolBitX completes $16.75 million B round finance

  总部位于中国台湾的区块链安全公司 CoolBitX (库币科技)完成由日本金融巨头 SBI Holdings 领投的 1675 万美元 B 轮融资,其他投资机构还包括台湾行政院国发会国发基金、韩国加密交易所 BitSonic、日本金融机构 Monex 等。CoolBitX 表示此轮融资后其日本、韩国的子公司也即将上线。

CoolBitX, a block chain security company based in Taiwan, completed a US$ 16.75 million B round of financing by Japan’s financial giant, SBI Holdings, with other investment agencies including the China Development Fund of the Taiwan Executive Council, the Korean encryption exchange BitSonic, and the Japanese financial institution Monex. CoolBitX states that its Japanese and Korean subsidiaries will soon be online after this round of financing.


Cryoot raised $500 million


The encryption-friendly financial technology start-up firm Revolut raised $500 million in a new round of financing, with an estimated value of $5.5 billion. The round was led by a venture capital company, TCV, based in Silicon Valley. TMV was an early investor in such companies as Facebook and Netflix.

  香港区块链服务公司 Diginex 或通过并购在纳斯达克上市

  总部位于香港的区块链服务公司 Diginex 对纳斯达克上市公司 8i Enterprises Acquisition Corp. 的并购交易已于上周被美国证券交易委员会(SEC)批准,Diginex 或即将在通过此次并购在纳斯达克借壳上市。

Diginex, a Hong Kong-based block chain service company, has been approved by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) last week for M&A transactions against NASDAQ listed company 8i EnterprisesAcquisition Corp., or is about to be listed in NASDAQ through this M&A.


The total market value of


According to the AICoin data, the total market value of the global encrypted currency is approximately $23,8616 million. The market for encrypted currency is ranked first in Bitcoin, with a market value of approximately $16.9 billion, with a current market value of 67.42 per cent; the market value is ranked second in the Pacific, with a market value of approximately $25 billion, with a market value of 10.45 per cent; and the third in the Ripoon, with a total market value of approximately $10.4 billion, with a market value of 4.34 per cent.


The number of global block chain patent applications in 2018 reached 2,966


According to the Strategic Planning Analysis of the Market Outlook and Investment in the Block Chain Industry, published by the Institute of Forward-looking Industries of China, the process of technological research on the global block chain has accelerated in recent years and the number of industrial patent applications has increased rapidly. According to SOOPET statistics, the number of global block chain patents continued to rise in 2014-2018, reaching a total of 2,966 by 2018. Of these, the number of patents on the block chain in China rose from 33.33 per cent in 2018 to 82.1 per cent in 2018.


The number of patents on the block chain in China in 2019 was 63%

  根据前瞻产业研究院发布的《中国区块链行业市场前瞻与投资战略规划分析报告》显示:根据统计数据显示,2019年企业整体发明专利申请量较上年增长明显。从入榜企业所属国家来看,TOP 100名企业主要来自10个国家和地区,中国占比63%,其次为美国占比19%,日本占比7%,德国和韩国分别占比3%,瑞典、安提瓜和巴布达、爱尔兰、芬兰和加拿大各占比1%。

According to the Strategic Planning Analysis of the Market Outlook and Investment in the Block Chain Industry, published by the Institute of Forward-looking Industries of China, the total number of patent applications for corporate inventions increased significantly in 2019 over the previous year. In terms of the number of listed countries, the number of ToP 100 businesses came mainly from 10 countries and territories, with China accounting for 63 per cent, followed by the United States for 19 per cent, Japan for 7 per cent, Germany and South Korea for 3 per cent, and Sweden, Antigua and Barbuda, Ireland, Finland and Canada for 1 per cent each.


Report on the analysis of the strategic plan for market foresight and investment in China's block chain industry, 2020-2025


In-depth analysis of business model innovation and investment opportunities in the Chinese block chain industry, 2020-2025


The content of this paper is representative of the author’s personal point of view only, and the provision of reference at this site does not constitute any recommendation for investment and application. (Please contact: service@qianzhan.com if there are content, copyright or other problems.)




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