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聚焦精品案例? 解读适法难点

Focus Fine Case?


In order to promote the harmonization of applicable law and to serve as a model for good cases, the Shanghai City High People's Court's Official Micro-Certificate Public has set up a section entitled “Reference Books of Cases”, which selects such fine cases as reference cases from the Shanghai High People's Court.


application for execution of a certain


Other title disputes



虚拟财产 / 比特币 / 返还交付 / 折价赔偿

Virtual property / Bitcoin / Return delivery / discounted compensation


The main message of the strong is .


Bitcoin, as a virtual property, has property attributes and is regulated by property rights law. When Bitcoin executes the return delivery, it executes the court delivery request regulation and determines whether the executed person has a bitcoin that is enforceable.


case interpretation


He is currently an assistant judge of the Executive Board of the Shanghai People’s Court. He has received an award from the Shanghai Civil Service and has written a case that has been evaluated for the annual excellent case analysis of the Supreme Court.


Basic case


After a hearing, the court ordered the defendant to give a certain amount of bitcoin to the plaintiff.


After hearing the judgement, the court issues a notice of enforcement to the person who is the subject of an application for enforcement for failure to comply with the legal instrument in force.


The enforcement court, through the existing web-based control system, failed to trace the amount of bitcoins available for enforcement under the name of the executed person. Subsequently, the enforcement court, through its traditional control, intended to issue an enforcement decision and a notice of assistance in execution to its Bitcoin trading platform. However, the platform was registered overseas and therefore did not have a valid communication address for the platform.


The enforcement court informs the applicant, at which point the parties express their willingness to consult.


Results of the decision


Court thinking


Click to see the big picture


Annex: Full text of the case


Case author






On 10 October 2020, the plaintiff went to the People’s Court of the City of Shanghai to sue for the return of a bitcoin to one of the defendants. On 23 February 2021, the court handed down a civil judgement: the defendant applied for the return of a bitcoin to one of the plaintiffs within 10 days of the date of the entry into force of the present judgement.


Upon the entry into force of the judgement, the person against whom an application for enforcement was made by an executor for non-compliance with the legal instrument in force applied to the court on 7 May 2021, requesting the person against whom a return of a bitcoin was made. After the court had accepted the decision, on 8 May 2021, a notice of enforcement was sent to the person against whom enforcement was ordered to comply with the sentence and to declare the property, but the person against whom enforcement was made failed to do so.


On 8 May 2021, the Executive Court, through the National Network of Courts, implemented a system of surveillance and control (hereinafter referred to as the “Network Control System”) to inquire about the property under the name of the executed person, but failed to find out about the situation under the name of the executed person in Bitcoin.


Subsequently, the enforcement court intended to issue an enforcement decision and a notice of assistance in the execution of the Bitcoin transaction platform, which was opened by the executor. The enforcement court failed to check the address and contact information of the platform in force in China. It also found that the executor’s name, Bitcoin, had been transferred to an outsider in all cases and that the outsider was unknown. The executor reported the case to the public security authorities on 27 August 2020 and opened a case investigation.


The enforcement court informs the applicant. At the same time, the parties express their willingness to negotiate.


Results of the decision


On 27 May 2021, the Shanghai Po Mountain People’s Court organized an enforcement settlement between the parties.


First, the applicant no longer required the person to return a bitcoin.


Second, the parties agreed, after consultation, that the person to be executed should be compensated for the purchase price of RMB 84,000 at the time of the applicant's loan.


Third, the applicant may claim a separate right in the case of non-fulfilment by the respondent at that time.


Reasons for decision


The enforcement court held that the difficulty of enforcement in this case lay in the applicable legal rules in the Bitcoin enforcement case and in the manner in which a certain amount of money was to be returned to a certain destination and, if it could not be returned to delivery, what should be done.


The law of Bitcoin is considered to be the primary prerequisite for the application of the enforcement law of Bitcoin.


The first instance held that Bitcoin was valuable, scarce, disposable, etc. and thus characterized as a object of rights, in line with the constituent elements of virtual property. In our view, the court, in the enforcement process, should apply the principle of judicata, using the legal findings of Bitcoin in civil judgements as the basis for the application of the law, as a reference to the legal norms of property rights.


Second, how bitcoin is returned to delivery.


Court investigations are carried out in the following ways:


1. Network control systems;


2. Traditional surveys, including inquiries, inquiries, on-site investigations, etc.


Currently, the network control system only has access to traditional assets such as banks, cars and securities, and does not have access to virtual property such as Bitcoin.


Moreover, when the enforcement court intended to issue a notice of assistance to the Bitcoin trading platform in this case, it found that the trading platform was an offshore company with no valid address. The traditional investigation was particularly important at this point.


On this basis, it may be assumed that there is no enforceable bitcoin for the person to be executed, in accordance with article 495 (2) of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court concerning the Application of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Judicial Interpretation of Civil Procedure Law), according to which the rules governing the right of delivery of goods, i.e. the right of delivery of goods, are enforced in accordance with the provisions of article 494 of the Interpretation.


In applying the article, the court should consider whether the property was specific. In our view, so-called specialization means that it is not an alternative and that Bitcoin is not an irreplaceable alternative, so that two enforcement options arise, one for the purchase of delivery and the other for the commutation of the price.


In the context of our current financial policy, it is not appropriate to ban the circulation of virtual currency transactions, and the purchase of deliveries is not in the public interest.


Finally, the standard for commutation should be agreed between the parties.


As noted above, there is currently no market reference price for the transactions in Bitcoin.


In the course of the consultations, the court is required to take note of the special nature of Bitcoin as a virtual property, to clarify the bargaining rules and to give special notice, such as the risk of enforcement and the legal consequences, the court’s review of the legality and reasonableness of the outcome of the bargaining.


As a result of the above, the executor is no longer able to return to Bitcoin and, after consultation with the parties, is dealt with in the form of a discounted compensation. In the commutation, the parties negotiate and agree upon an enforcement settlement. As the original subject matter of the trial has been lost, the parties agree in enforcement to change to a monetary payment, and if the executor fails to comply with the settlement agreement, the applicant may sue the executor separately.


case assessment


Bitcoin is an encrypted digital currency based on block chain technology. The absence of appropriate laws and regulations has led to vague application of the law in Bitcoin enforcement and mixed results in enforcement, which is precisely the difficulty of enforcement practice.


i, clarify the legal position of Bitcoin


Bitcoin is not a currency in the legal sense. Currency is a credit currency issued by the state as a means of legal settlement and accounting.


In the case of our people, the currency is the legal currency, which means that creditors are not obliged to accept payment by the debtor in bitcoin in the absence of a special agreement. As a result, bitcoin is not legal and cannot become a true currency.


So how do you make a legal determination in bitcoin?


(i) Skinning cocoons: multiple studies on the legal findings of Bitcoin


The law on Bitcoin held that there was much controversy in the academic world and that the essence of those disputes was to find the basis for a determination from the traditional theory of civil rights.


Current mainstream view:


1. In rem claims that Bitcoin is considered to be an intangible with specificity and independence;


2. Claims are said to be evidence of the right of network users to claim claims, based on the contractual relationship of services between network operators and network users;


Intellectual property claims that Bitcoin is considered an intangible property and an intellectual achievement;


New property claims that the uniqueness of Bitcoin is sufficient to make it an object of new civil rights.


The above doctrine is analysed from only one aspect of Bitcoin and is not comprehensive. For example, in rems, the term “matter” in the civil law general refers to the existence of objects, excluding incorporeals, and our country follows the legal principle of property rights, and Bitcoin does not constitute a object of property; secondly, the object of the claim is an act, obtained through the “mining” of the miner, which relies on the “decentralized” chain, and which does not have a central paying agency to hold on Bitcoin, so it is not a claim; secondly, Bitcoin is a computer-based substantial calculation of a particular cryptographic algorithm and is not an intellectual achievement; and finally, the new type of property says that it needs to be reconstructed by the concept of “declared”, which is not clearly defined in the current legislation.


In the context of the discussion of multiple doctrines, it was not possible to make a legal determination in relation to the currency, and therefore to seek answers in judicial practice.


(ii) Judicial practice: Bitcoin is virtual property on the Internet


The Circular on Protection against the Risk of Bitcoin (2013) issued by our regulatory authorities refers to “in its nature, Bitcoin should be a particular virtual commodity”, but virtual goods are economic terms rather than legal concepts.


In trial practice, the legal positioning of the People's Court in Bitcoin formed a unified opinion that it was regarded as virtual property.

例如,吴某与上海耀志网络科技有限公司、浙江淘宝网络有限公司网络侵权责任纠纷案 [(2019)浙0192民初1626号]、李某、布兰登?斯密特诉闫某等财产损害赔偿纠纷案[(2019)沪01民终13689号]、陈某诉张某返还纠纷案[(2020)苏1183民初3825号]等案件中,法院认为比特币通过“挖矿”产生,需要购置、维护相关的专用机器设备,支付耗电能源的对价才能获得。同时其可以产生经济收益,具备价值性;其次,比特币的总量受算法的影响恒定为2100万个,具备稀缺性;最后,比特币的持有者对比特币进行占有、使用、收益及处分,使其具备可支配性,符合虚拟财产的构成要件。

For example, in such cases as the dispute between Wu and Shanghai Yozhi Network Technology Ltd. and Zhejiang Trea Network Ltd. Network Liability for torts on the Internet, the Court held that Bitcoin was generated through “mining”, requiring the purchase and maintenance of related specialized machinery and equipment to pay the price of electricity-consuming energy. At the same time, it could generate economic benefits and have value; secondly, the total number of Bitcoins affected by the accounting law was set at 21 million and was scarce; and finally, the amount of Bitcoins was held by its holders to take possession, use, gain and dispose of the special currency in a manner consistent with the composition of the virtual property.


Article 127 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China states that it is protected by law, but does not specify its concept and application. In judicial practice, the courts do not judge directly the legal nature of virtual property.


II. Real-life dilemma for Bitcoin implementation

司法实践中,标的物的返还交付分为当事人自行履行或法院强制执行。前者不必赘述,后者是在当事人拒不履行生效判决后,法院通过司法强制力对标的物 “占有”后,转交申请执行人。鉴于比特币的特殊性,故有必要对其返还交付中遇到的问题进行分析。

In judicial practice, the return of the subject matter is divided into the parties' own performance or enforcement by the courts. The former need not repeat the fact that, after the parties have refused to comply with the judgement in force, the court “possesses” the subject matter by judicial coercion and forwards it to the applicant. Given the special nature of Bitcoin, it is necessary to analyse the problems encountered in the return of the subject matter.


(i) Status of Bitcoin implementation


According to the Chinese Network of Judicial Instruments, there were only six cases of decisions on the civil enforcement of Bitcoin, four in Beijing, one in Jiangsu and one in Guangdong, four in Beijing, and two in which Bitcoin was used as the property of the executed person.


As far as the instrument is concerned, Bitcoin enforcement faces two major dilemmas: on the one hand, how to obtain relevant information about Bitcoin and, on the other, how to exercise judicial control over bitcoin.


(ii) Performance of Bitcoin Implementation Dilemma


1. Access to Bitcoin information


There are two ways for the enforcement court to obtain subject information, namely, a web-based control system and a traditional investigation.


The network control system, which operates a network system based on memorandums between the Supreme People's Court and the Bank and relevant ministries, currently has access to 16 types of information on real estate, deposits, vehicles, etc. throughout the country, but does not have access to virtual property such as Bitcoin.


In contrast, traditional investigations have been hampered by unclear property leads, such as the fact that in the present case the Bitcoin trading platform is an offshore enterprise, that there are no communications addresses in the country, and that there are wide variations in the policies of mutual legal assistance between States, the monetary regulatory system and the rules governing financial operations, which make it difficult for the enforcement courts to make any progress in obtaining evidence in the investigation.


2. Judicial control of Bitcoin


How is the judicial control of Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a bitcoin wallet stored on a trading platform, which produces numerous wallet addresses, each of which can be deposited or paid in bitcoin.


At the same time, the platform automatically generates key pairs with a set of " private keys " and " public keys ". Each bitcoin address corresponds to a " private key ", and if you want to use the bitcoin in your wallet, you must sign it with a " private key" called data encryption. The "private key" is randomly generated, the "public key" is obtained by specific algorithms, the "public key" is encrypted to a bitcoin address and the process is unreversible.


The owner disposes of and disposes ofs of its bitcoin through a “private key,” which is the key to judicial control of the bitcoin. A “private key” may be stored in a network environment (e.g. a third-party trading platform) or in a non-network environment (e.g. on a notebook).


In theory, the enforcement court may exercise control by issuing a notice of assistance to the third party trading platform and by searching the residence of the executed person in Bitcoin.


In practice, however, many of the trading platforms are offshore enterprises with no operating address in the country, the whereabouts of the executors are unknown, and the possession of third persons is a source of uncertainty that prevents the enforcement of effective judicial enforcement measures by the courts in relation to the currency.


III. Path to judicial enforcement in Bitcoin


(i) Legal basis for Bitcoin enforcement


In Bitcoin enforcement, reference should be made to the legal norm of property rights. In this case, the court ruled that the person who was executed should be returned to Bitcoin, in the form of the return of the property, which, according to article 495 (1) of the Judicial Interpretation of Civil Procedure Law, provides that a person who is in possession of the property designated for delivery by a legal instrument shall be ordered to deliver and, if he refuses to transmit it, enforceable.


At the same time, paragraph 2 of the article provides that, in the event of loss of property, reference is made to the legal regulation of the right to claim delivery of the goods provided for in article 494 of the present interpretation. There is therefore no legal impediment to the enforcement of the Bitcoin.


(ii) Bitcoin execution for delivery


When a bitcoin is returned to delivery, priority is given to whether the executed person has an enforceable bitcoin.


Direct return to delivery


In the case of return to Bitcoin, the person refused to do so, and the enforcement court, in accordance with the law, imposed such coercive measures as restrictions on consumption, inclusion in the list of persons who have lost faith, fines, etc., which constitute a crime, shall be transferred to the public security authorities. It should be noted that the refusal to do so is presumed if there is no evidence that the person has no enforceable bitcoin and if the person fails to provide a statement of his or her inability to return within the prescribed period.


2. Purchase for return to delivery


In the present case, where the executor had transferred Bitcoin to an outsider and was unable to return it directly to the applicant, the court could proceed with its disposition in the light of article 494 of the Judicial Interpretation of Civil Procedure Law, bearing in mind the circumstances in which the property was particularized.


There are two criteria for determining whether property is substitutable in the sense that it is specific to property:


1. Subjective value judgements, such as emotional attachments;


Objective practical criteria, such as orphanhood.


Bitcoin is a virtual property, but it is not irreplaceable. Its criteria are not absolute, but ultimately need to be determined in the context of the particular case.


On this basis, and in the light of the reply of the Executive Office of the Supreme People's Court on the question of the price to be discounted after the loss of a particular object delivered to the Supreme People's Court, in the case of loss of the type of object, the person against whom the application is made may be ordered to purchase the same object for repayment.


We believe that this law is inappropriate. “The law is not difficult.” Although we do not prohibit the holding of bitcoin, documents such as the Notice on Protection against the Risk of Bitcoin (2013), the Proclamation on Protection against the Risk of Money Issue Financing (2017) and the Proclamation on Protection against the Risk of Virtual Currency Transactions (2021) make it clear that our country has a total ban on business related to virtual currency.


At the same time, the enforcement court should take reasonable, appropriate, and not exceed the necessary limits, as required by the concept of good-faith civilization.


(iii) Bitcoin enforcement discounted compensation


1. The principle of autonomy of meaning


In this case, Bitcoin was in the possession of a third person and could not be returned, and, by mutual agreement, the return was converted to monetary compensation, which should be respected as a matter of fact. If the executor fails to comply with the enforcement settlement, the applicant may sue the executor separately.




In judicial practice, discounted compensation is based on objective and subjective bargaining.


In general, objective pricing is used, which is based on the fair value of the subject matter and is combined with the market price at the time the property is damaged, the price at the time the property is acquired and the parties' claims to compensation.


On the other hand, the circular (2021) on the prevention of exposure to virtual currency transactions explicitly deals in transactions related to the exchange of legal and virtual currency and virtual currency, the purchase and sale of virtual currency as a central counterparty, the provision of information intermediaries and pricing services for virtual currency transactions, the financing of currency issuances and the trading of virtual money derivatives, in violation of the relevant laws and regulations, and in connection with criminal activities such as the illegal collection of funds, the illegal issuance of securities and the illegal sale of coupons.


This means that Bitcoin is unable to use objective pricing and can only negotiate subjectively.


How do


1 Legitimacy and reasonableness review


The court is required to conduct a legitimate and reasonable review of the outcome of the mutual bargaining in order to prevent the occurrence of non-compliance with the provisions of the law and of extremely unreasonable prices.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.


Although the law does not provide for compulsory bargaining procedures, reference may be made to the provisions of the Supreme People's Court's Rules on Certain Questions of the People's Court in Determining the Reference Price for the Disposal of Property, which contain three elements:


The first is the mutual consent of the parties;


Second, special notification (including the implementation of risk notification and bargaining rules), paying attention to the need for special notification to set out the speciality of Bitcoin and the principles of legality and reasonableness;


If the parties are to submit the results of the negotiations within a specified period of time, the negotiations are concluded if they are not.


3. Principle of fair balance of gains/losses


Based on the principle of fair balance of gains and losses. In this case, the applicant’s purchase and loan of bitcoin was completed on the same day and all were highly relevant to the person being executed.


As a result, one party offered compensation in the amount of $84,000 for the purchase price at the time of the loan, with the approval of the other party, after which the parties reached an enforcement settlement. In the absence of agreement between the parties, the enforcement court shall terminate the execution and the applicant may sue separately.


An encrypted currency, such as Bitcoin, is an application of block-chain technology, but it has caused financial disruptions, posing huge investment and legal risks to investors. Enforcement courts should be based on a plurality of dispute resolution mechanisms, with precision in the application of the law, in order to better serve the larger picture, effectively resolve conflicts, and maintain social stability.


related law


Article 127 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China


Articles 494 and 495 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China


No. 8




case book


week has a wonderful week

聚焦精品案例? ? ?解读适法难点

focuses on the case? <


From Shanghai City High People's Court,


Shanghai City Po Mountain People's Court


High Court contribution department: Research Office


Case author: Quinquill.

责任编辑 | 邱悦、牛晨光

The editor of duty, Qui-Ying, the morning of the cow.


Please refer to the "Pujiang Tianping" public number.






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