比特币上演过山车行情 “疯狂的矿机”成为过去式

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(原标题:比特币上演过山车行情 “疯狂的矿机”成为过去式)

Original title: Bitcoin's been on a roller coaster. "The Crazy Miner" became the old-fashioned.

本报记者 藏瑾 深圳报道

Reporter, Shenzhen.



According to an analyst from a New York investment agency, the current trading price of Bitcoin is essentially the profit-and-loss cost of digging up a bitcoin. The cost of Bitcoin remains very different because of regional power costs.


The "crazy miner" is gradually becoming the old-fashioned one in the north of China.


Recently, the business of mining machines has been flattened by the influence of digital virtual currency movements. The biggest market that economic reporters in the twenty-first century have visited the country’s miner trade is Shenzhen Jojo North, where it has been discovered that the price of the miner’s near cutbacks has not attracted more customers, and that global players are no longer looking for a miner in China’s north.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Em data-scene= "strange" no more.


With the rise of virtual money, the “miner” of computer mainframe equipment designed to optimize virtual currency algorithms has been a hot wave in the north of China. In the past, multi-storey shops on the 3-6th floor of Seger Electronic Square, where computers and accessories were used as the backbone, began mining since the second half of 2017.


Starting in October 2017, the price of a coin surged, with a bitcoin price once exceeding $100,000, a wildly rich dream that led to the influx of countless people and pushed up the miner’s movement. At that time, the shopkeeper compared the “miner” to the “apple phone” that used to exist, saying that the miner business had survived the North Korean computer market.

2018年1月29日,比特币当日价格徘徊在74800元左右,记者走访华强北市场,最为热销的蚂蚁S9 (13.5T)矿机售价约26000元,且大多店铺供货紧张,现货较少,需要等待数日或者春节后才能拿货。

On 29 January 2018, the daily price of Bitcoin hovered at around $74,800, and journalists visited the North China market, selling the hottest ants S9 (13.5 T) mine for about $26,000, and most of the stores were under stress, with fewer supplies on the spot, waiting for days or spring.


The explosion in the mine business has also led to the emergence of miner companies, which have become an enviable model of stifling and wealth in one of the world's top three producers of digital money miners, on the Bit continent, where ant machines are produced, on the Gianan Jieji, where Avalon is produced, and on the Billion Bites, where production wings are made, on the other hand, the world's top three largest producers of digital money miners.


The ASIC (specially designed integrated circuit) mine has become the dominant mining force, and has also created new opportunities for upstream chip producers. For power builders with advanced-tracking lead, the third quarter of 2017 mentioned $300 to $400 million in sales proceeds from virtual currency and AI smart products.


In February, a series of illustrious news reports brought the price of Bitcoin down to almost $6,000, a striking 70 per cent decline compared to the nearly $20,000 high point in December last year.

不可避免地,矿机的行情也受到影响。当21世纪经济报道记者3月19日再次来到赛格电子广场,多家柜台上整齐地摆放着未拆封的蚂蚁矿机现货,多位商家对蚂蚁S9 (13.5T)矿机带官方电源版的报价均在13600-13800元。相比一个多月前,价格将近腰斩。且多位商铺老板表示无需等待,一手交钱一手拿货。

When the 21st century economic reporter came back to Seger Electronics Square on March 19th, the undisclosed ant miner was present on various counters, and the price of the official power version of the ant S9 (13.5 T) mine was 13600-13,800 dollars. The price was close to being cut more than a month ago.


At present, an ant S9 (13.5 T) mine with an official power source has a cost of $15,000 on the official website of the continent. The current state shows that it is sold out and can be shipped between 20 March and 30 March. This means that there is little profit for the current miner unless it is hoarded at lower prices.


The bid for bitcoin was $8570 on 20 March, representing an increase of 4.3 per cent in the day, a cumulative decline of 11 per cent over the past week. The price of the talisman rose by almost 1 per cent, to close to $550.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}I don't know what's going on.


The Bitcoin process of “mining” solves a complex array of mathematical problems by using higher arithmetic to prove that the miners used the process and put the transaction records on the block chain. If the miners succeed in validating the equation, they will get the corresponding number of bitcoins.

随着挖矿大军日益庞大,监管风声收紧,对于个体来说,进入这个市场淘金的难度和风险早已日益增大。工业数据网站CryptoCompare的CEO Charlie Hayter称,人们对比特币挖矿的兴趣从去年12月份开始激增,从那时起,矿工的收益几乎减少了一半。

With the growing size of the mining army and tight regulations, it has become increasingly difficult and risky for individuals to access the market. The industrial data site CEO Charlie Hayter, CryptoComparate, claims that interest in Bitcoin mining began to surge in December last year, when the miner’s revenues were almost halved.


Theoretically, when the cost of getting bitcoin exceeds the return, miners lose the incentive to dig, and the machine business naturally falls into trouble.

纽约投资机构Fundstrat的分析师Thomas Lee在上周四的一份报告中说:“目前比特币的交易价格本质上就是挖一枚比特币的盈亏平衡成本。由于地区电力成本的不同,比特币的成本仍有很大差异。假设每千瓦时的电费为6美分,再加上其他费用,当前挖出一枚比特币的成本价格为8038美元。”据称,这个模型包含了挖矿的设备成本、电力以及其他开销(比如维护冷却设施的费用等)三个因素。该公司另一位分析师称,让大多数矿工真正开始关闭业务的比特币价格是3000到4000美元。

New York investment agency Fundstrat's analyst Thomas Lee said in a report last Thursday: “The current trading price of Bitcoin is essentially the profit-and-loss cost of digging up a bitcoin. The cost of Bitcoin remains very different because of regional power costs. Assuming that electricity costs are 6 cents per kilowatt hour, plus other costs, the cost of digging up a bitcoin is currently $8038.” The model allegedly contained three factors: the cost of equipment, electricity, and other expenses (such as the cost of maintaining cooling facilities).


“The number of mines yesterday is 0.0017 dollars per day, and it must have been back for more than five months.” “Now the spot is cheaper than the future, with plenty of money to do it, the price of the mine is bound to rise.” “The current price of Bitcoin is bound to have room for upswing”, a businessman, a Chinese businessman from North Hua, told customers who came to ask for the price on 20 March.


A virtual currency enthusiast has indicated to journalists that the current buying of machines is subject to a number of uncertainties, including, inter alia, machine stability, bitcoin prices and regulatory policies. “The current cost of mining machines and mining revenues are directly linked to the currency price, which, in the event of significant currency fluctuations, will have a significant impact on the recovery cycle of mining funds; since this year there has been a tightening of global regulation of digital money. In the future, more countries are tightening or sealing down bitcoins, which could cause a sharp fall in bitco prices.




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