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The shadow of block chains is easy to find, from car manufacturing to artificial intelligence, and you may find examples of block chain applications in one industry. Even the U.S. Treasury Department, through the official voice of the bill, advocates more block chain pilot projects and testing projects.

“世界经济论坛”预计,到2025年,全球GDP总量的10%将存储汇聚在区块链产业中,某种程度上这也意味着,全球各大公司支持区块链应用,并可能已经着手为这一重大转变做出准备。区块链应用的分布式账本技术(Distributed ledger Technology,DLT)带来的影响可能将与互联网革命一样巨大。

The World Economic Forum expects that by 2025, 10% of global GDP will be stored in block-chain industries, which also means, to some extent, that major global companies support block-chain applications and may have started to prepare for this major shift. The impact of distributed book technology (distributed chainer Technology, DLT) applied to block-chains may be as significant as the Internet revolution.

2018 年,每天都有新的区块链项目出现,虽然实例不同,但区块链技术所带来的好处一直没变,透明性、不变性、冗余性和安全性,以下就是全球各地应用区块链的 50 个实例,我们一起来体会。

In 2018, new block chain projects appeared on a daily basis, and while there were different examples, the benefits of block chain technology remained constant, transparent, non-transform, redundant and safe, as illustrated by 50 examples of the application of block chains around the globe.


Government management

一些国家对去中心化数据管理框架来存储公共数据的区块链技术表示出了极大兴趣,就如Essentia公司正在与芬兰农业生产者和林主联合会(Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners)试点开发一个电子政务项目,该项目将应用区块链技术使芬兰各地的城乡居民能查询各种记录,充分满足居民和雇主需求,提高就业率。另外,利用该技术,还能提高政府运转效率,让居民能方便地查询教育、公共记录和投票等各种信息。

Some countries have shown great interest in decentralised block chain technology for storing public data, such as Essentia, which is piloting a project on e-government with the Finnish Federation of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners, which will apply block chain technology to enable urban and rural residents throughout Finland to access records that adequately meet the needs of residents and employers and increase employment rates.


Waste recycling


For example, a smart waste management system in China uses the RFID technology of Waltonchain, which uses this block chain application of Waltonchain to effectively monitor waste levels in order to improve management efficiency and resource optimization.



素有 “加密谷” 之称的瑞士城市楚格已经和合作公司Uport利用区块链技术开发了一套身份认证系统,通过该身份认证系统,公民能很好地参与在线投票和进行居住证明。

The Swiss city of Chug, known as the “encrypted valley”, has developed an identification system using block chain technology, which enables citizens to participate well in online voting and residence certification.


Border control


Essentia has been working with the Dutch government to establish a border identification system for the Dutch government using its block chain technology to screen passengers travelling to and from Amsterdam and London. Currently, European Star high iron passengers between the two countries need to undergo border control checks at multiple locations. Essentia is studying a solution based on the block chain, which will securely store passenger data so that Dutch identification records can also be reviewed by British border agencies. The block chain technology will ensure that the data is not tampered with and is verifiable and accurate.


Health care


It is well known that medical records are very dispersed and prone to errors, and inconsistent data-processing processes often force hospitals and clinics to process incorrect or incomplete patient records. In contrast, MedRec, a block chain electronic patient record system developed by MIT, uses block chain technology to facilitate data sharing, while providing authentication and confidentiality services.


Enterprise management


As corporate clients for Microsoft Azure applications, they can use block chains, or services (BaaS), which will enable companies to access smart contracts and block chain applications in a secure hosting environment. According to media reports, Google is also developing a unique block chain project to support its cloud-based operations.


Medical data


Medical centres that digitalize patient records do not store data between multiple devices, usually on centralized servers, which is the main target of hackers, as evidenced by the Wannacry attack on the NHS hospital in the United Kingdom’s National Health Center. But, apart from that, there is still a fragmentation problem, even when safety risks are ignored.


In the case of life and death of patients, the lack of comparison of reliable medical data and slow operational efficiency will be fatal, and the Essentia application framework will address all these problems by using a block-based system that will store all clinically relevant patient data, regardless of geographical boundaries, which can be accessed immediately. The patient’s patient’s patient’s medical record privacy is also protected in the system, and access can be made only by medically authorized persons at a given time.


Musical production


One of the main benefits of block chain technology is that it eliminates unnecessary middlemen or middlemen, as exemplified by the music industry, where artists’ inefficiency directly results in low pay. At this point, projects based on block chains emerge to seek a fairer trading and business environment for music creators, like Artbit’s former gun-rose drummer Matt Soren’s director.


Carbon compensation

作为一个高度工业化的国家,中国的环境改变是巨大的。2017年3月,IBM与能源区块链实验室(Energy-Blockchain Labs)联合推出了Hyperledger Fabric区块链项目,用它来对中国的碳资产进行发现,这不仅为跟踪碳排放创建了一个可衡量和可审计的系统,也为寻求抵消能源消耗同时激励绿色工业实践的公司提供了一个可交易的市场。

As a highly industrialized country, China’s environmental change is enormous. In March 2017, IBM and Energy Block Chain Laboratory (Energy-Blockchain Labs) jointly launched the Hyperledger Fabric Block Chain Project, which was used to detect China’s carbon assets, creating not only a measurable and auditable system for tracking carbon emissions, but also a tradable market for companies seeking to offset energy consumption while stimulating green industry practices.


Supply chain management


Supply chain management is considered to be one of the cases where the application of block chains has benefited better, as it is well suited to the delivery of such goods from express delivery to receipt or from manufacturers to shops. IBM and Wal-Mart have joined forces to launch the Block Chain Food Safety Alliance in China, and the project is also operating in partnership with the Tokyo Corporation, with the aim of improving the tracking and safety of food deliveries, thus making it easier to trace food safety issues.

事实证明,中国是区块链项目的成熟试验基地,另外它也是世界上第一个农产品区块链的所在地。世界知名食品贸易商路易·德雷福斯公司(Louis Dreyfus Co)与荷兰和法国银行合作建立了一个区块链技术项目,利用该项目技术,在向中国出售大豆的过程中,交易结算比传统方法更快。

China has proved to be a mature testing base for the block chain project, and it is also the site of the world’s first agricultural block chain. The world-renowned food trader Louis Dreyfus Co., in cooperation with the Bank of the Netherlands and France, has set up a block chain technology project, using the technology of the project to settle transactions faster than the traditional method of selling soybeans to China.


Diamond industry

世界上最著名的钻石公司德比尔斯集团(De Beers Group)拥有自己的区块链公司并已开始运营,其目的在于 “为平台上注册的每一颗钻石建立一个数字记录”。考虑到人们对钻石的来源、原产地道德标准,以及钻石质量的风险,区块链技术自然是一个很好的选择,因为它的每一个记录都是不可磨灭的,它将确保每一块钻石的自身电子数据和它本身一样长存。

The world's most famous diamond company, De Beers Group, owns and is operating its own block chain company, which aims to “establish a digital record of every diamond registered on the platform.” Given the risk to the origin of diamonds, the ethical standards of origin and the quality of diamonds, the block chain technology is naturally a good option, as each of its records is indelible, and it will ensure that each diamond has its own digital data and is as permanent as itself.


Real estate transactions


Currently, Ukraine is the first country to use block chain technology to facilitate property transactions. Michael Arlington, the founder and encrypted currency player of TechCrunch, a well-known technology website, bought and reselled one of his Kiev properties remotely through an intelligent contract with the Taiyo block chain, which was done by Propy, a start-up company specializing in block chain real estate transactions.




Block chain technology is now being used to support the development of sustainable fisheries. Illegal fishing is a widespread problem in this industry, and the block chain distribution book technology provides a proof of the way in which the catch is made, processed and sold. The supply chain from the net to the table allows inspectors to determine whether the catch comes from areas where human rights are violated or from countries affected by economic sanctions.


Art painting


Similarly to the diamond trade, the art industry relies on the provenance and authenticity of the art, and although the chain of blocks cannot identify whether a painting is original or counterfeit, it can be used to prove that the painting was previously possessed. Moreover, block chain technology is now used as a means of obtaining the art that allows for easy trade and exchange of tangible items anywhere in the world without physical transfer from safe storage.


Public facilities


In Freemanter, Australia, a project dedicated to distributed energy and water systems management is using block chain technology, and solar panels are being used in sunny areas to acquire electricity and then to heat water and provide electricity, all of which will be recorded in block chain data.


In Chile, for its part, the National Energy Commission has begun to use block chain technology as a means of validating energy use data in the country, and some sensitive data will be stored in the block chain as a means of modernizing and safe operation of the electricity infrastructure of this South American country.

同性恋权利(LGBT Rights)

LGBT Rights

区块链有助于建设 “粉红经济”,也有助于LGBT社区在不透露人们身份的情况下争取属于他们自己的权利,这是一个极其重要的问题,因为社会对同性恋群体的歧视犯罪经常出现,尤其是在那些以侵犯人权而臭名昭著的国家,同性恋是违法的,或者至少是不被允许的。

Block chains help to build “the pink economy” and to help LGBT communities to claim their own rights without disclosing their identity is an extremely important issue, as social discrimination against homosexual groups often occurs, especially in countries that are notorious for human rights violations and where homosexuality is illegal or at least not permitted.

巨灾债券(Catastrophe Bonds)

Catastrophe Bonds


Bulk bonds may be the only hope for victims of earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters. Block chains, which allow for rapid and transparent reconciliation between the parties and ensure that the system continues to function in an unoperated manner, are now successfully used in the settlement mechanism for mega-debts.




Local Hawaiian institutions are looking at how to use block-chain technology to improve the economy, such as the introduction of bitcoin and other currency payments to facilitate the transaction of local goods and services. In this way, the Hawaiian government hopes to attract tourists, especially from Asia, to spend more locally to boost Hawaii’s economic development.


Homeland security

2016年,美国国土安全部( DHS )宣布了一个项目,该项目将利用区块链技术作为安全存储和捕获数据传输的手段。DHS采用Factom公司的区块链技术,加密存储安全摄像头和其他传感器捕获的数据,这种区块链技术的应用,将大大降低数据泄露的风险。目前,该项目仍在进行中。

In 2016, the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced a project that will use block chain technology as a means to secure data storage and capture transmission. DHS uses Fedom block chain technology to encrypt data captured by secure cameras and other sensors. The application of this block chain technology will significantly reduce the risk of data disclosure.


Naval transportation

区块链用于记录船舶运输数据的好处不言而喻,目前,一些地方的船运项目已经了采用分布式账本技术,在海运物流行业中,区块链技术可以让国际贸易中那些不可避免的繁琐管理程序更加透明有序。全球最大的海运商之一 Maersk 是利用区块链的先驱,如今,以星国际航运公司 ZIM 也已对区块链技术进行跟进利用。

The benefits of block chains for the recording of ship transport data are self-evident. At present, some local shipping projects have adopted distributed booking techniques, and in the maritime logistics industry, block chain technologies can make international trade more transparent and orderly.


Tax collection


As one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, China has become a pioneer in the area of block chains and related technology applications. At present, Diaocai and the National Tax Administration are leading a project to promote the collection, issuance, and regulation of electronic invoices using block chains in conjunction with government chain technology.


Move Payment


Encrypted goods and their underlying block chain technology are being used for mobile payments in various projects. One of the most recently announced initiatives is that the Japan Banking Union will use the Ripple Open Source Payment Agreement in autumn 2018 to facilitate instantaneous mobile payments.


Land registration

区块链再次证明,它不仅适用于加密领域,也同样适用于一些小公司。例如,格鲁吉亚政府创建了一个定制的区块链系统,用它来登记土地所有权,并将其整合到国家公共登记局 NAPR 的数字记录系统中,目的旨在充分利用区块链技术的优点,减少欺诈,带来更多透明化操作。

The block chain has proved once again that it applies not only to the area of encryption, but also to a number of small companies. For example, the Georgian government has created a customized block chain system, which is used to register land ownership and integrate it into the National Public Registry's NAPR digital record system, with the aim of taking full advantage of block chain technology, reducing fraud, and generating more transparent operations.


Computation services

亚马逊网页服务(AWS)正与数字货币集团(DCG)合作,致力于通过区块链技术来提高数据库安全性,双方将为 DCG 投资的创业公司提供工作平台,并为相关项目提供具体的技术支持。

The Amazon Web Service (AWS) is working with the Digital Monetary Group (DMG) to improve database security through block chain technology, both of which will provide a working platform for start-up companies investing in DCG and specific technical support for related projects.


International insurance

区块链应用于保险行业的谈论比较多,但其实很多不为人知的技术已经开始在实施了,例如,美国国际保险集团公司(AIG)与 IBM合作,为渣打银行(Standard Chartered Bank)完成了所谓的“智能合约”策略的跨国投保试点工作,另外,还将应用区块链技术来管理复杂的国际保险业务。

There has been much talk about the use of block chains in the insurance industry, but many unknown technologies have already begun to be implemented. For example, the American International Insurance Group (AIG), in cooperation with IBM, has completed a multinational insurance pilot for the so-called “smart contract” strategy for Standard Charter Bank and will apply block chain technology to manage complex international insurance operations.


Conservation of endangered species

人性面对彼此本就敌对,面对动物更是凶残。Care for the Uncared 非政府组织目前正在与业内先进的开发商合作,寻找一种利用区块链技术来保护濒危物种的方法。

Care for the Uncared NGO is currently working with industry’s advanced developers to find a way to use block chain technology to protect endangered species.




The New York Interactive Advertising Trading Corporation (NYIAX), in collaboration with NASDAQ, created an advertising trading market for branders, publishers, and agents using the block chain. The whole process was simple, security-related, using the open agreement on the Ether section chain to maximize financial security.


Public information


Permanent is now the hot topic of journalism. A wrong operation, with years of hard work and research, may be in vain. No doubt, block chain technology will be a suitable solution to this problem. CIVIL, a decentralized news market company, provides an economic incentive model for high-quality news content, in addition to its obvious block chain advantage, and provides a permanent archiving function that will remain accessible forever.


In addition to the obvious advantages of the block chain, decentralizing the news market provides a model of economic incentives for high-quality news content, as well as the ability to permanently archive content, which can be accessed at any time in the future.


The City of Wisdom.


Smart cities are no longer the scenes of science fiction. Taipei is trying to position itself as a future city, using distributed ledger techniques. At present, the Taipei municipality has announced a partnership with IOTA and has begun to produce card devices with light, temperature, humidity, and pollution sensitivity detection features.


Oil industry

大宗商品市场的主要参与者之一,普氏能源公司(S&P Global Platts)正在试用一种用于记录石油储存数据的区块链解决方案,应用该方案,其每周的石油库存将储存在区块链上,减少了人工数据管理的需求,最大限度地减少了人为错误的可能性。

One of the major players in commodity markets, S&P Global Platts, is piloting a block chain solution for recording oil storage data, which will be applied with weekly oil stocks stored on the block chain, reducing the need for manual data management and minimizing the likelihood of human error.




In Russia, railway operator Novotrans is using block chain technology to improve its operational efficiency, and one of the company’s largest railway rolling stock operators in Russia will use block links to record data related to maintenance requests, inventories, and other operations. The reason is that block chain records will be more effective in preventing data manipulation and destruction.


Game industry


Ubisoft, one of the most influential companies in the game industry, is studying how to deploy block chain technology in its video games, specifically, using this technology primarily to focus on the ownership and transfer records of player equipment in the game, such as game credits and digital collections, applications that have been successfully demonstrated in the game chain in the taepan.


Rental of vehicles


The distributional booking technology of the block chain is well suited to register any type of record in a secure and unchangeable manner. One such application being developed by Essentia is the automobile leasing industry, and some large car leasing companies can use the Essentia block chain protocol to store customer data, which are entirely encrypted and can be shared with interested parties on an authorized basis.


Energy distribution


One of the biggest challenges facing the energy sector is the tendency of energy companies themselves to trade excess supplies, but to maintain accurate records, in which real-time tracking of energy distribution and ensuring efficient distribution in the supply chain requires multiple data points and requires close collaboration among all entities. Essentia is working with a number of large energy providers to develop a testing project to help them track resource allocation in real time and to ensure data security.



Every day, the application of block chain technology in various industries is expanding, from logistics to artistic creation, and it is difficult to find an area that is not covered by this revolutionary technology. Many applications have proved that block chain technology is far superior to some of the current ways in which it operates.

“世界经济论坛”预测,到 2025 年区块链技术的应用将成为主流,但在了解了以上不同行业的应用实例之后,我们心生疑问,真的还需要等那么久吗?在整个应用链中,只有一个小环节在拖后腿,这就是互操作性问题。

The World Economic Forum predicts that the application of block chain technology will be mainstreamed by 2025, but after learning about the above examples of applications in different industries, do we really have to wait that long? In the whole application chain, there is only one small link that lags behind, which is the issue of interoperability.

就像一条河流安静地流淌着,持续了15年,突然某天出现了一场暴风雨,这一下就是好几个星期,河水最终形成湍流,席卷了两岸的一切。可以想像,这条大河就是 Web 2.0,而即将到来的暴风雨就是区块链技术,而暴雨过后会留下什么呢?当雨水停歇,洪水消退,沉淤卷起,大片肥沃的土地正等待耕种。

Like a river that flows quietly for 15 years, and suddenly a storm occurs one day, and for weeks, the river eventually forms a current, swept over everything on both sides. As you can imagine, the big river is Web 2.0, and the storm that is about to come is the technology of the chain, and what will it leave behind? When the rain stops, the flood cools, there is a silt, and a vast tract of fertile land is waiting to be cultivated.

随着不断的进化,在自然生态系统中,促进内部流动和相互影响的河流消失了。而Web 3.0 也会如此,不同行业在快速增长,但很大程度上它们仍然互不兼容,但很快就会有解决办法。解决方法就是 Essentia ,它就像在这片肥沃的土地上,农民用来建立新的去中心化生态系统的工具,它的主要任务是创建连接并促进内部操作,以此来构建一个健壮的区块链环境。

As it evolves, rivers that promote internal mobility and interconnectivity disappear in natural ecosystems. And so does Web 3.0, where industries are growing rapidly, but to a large extent they are still incompatible, but there will soon be solutions. The solution is Essentia, a tool that farmers use to create new decentralized ecosystems on this fertile land, whose main task is to create connections and promote internal operations to build a robust chain environment.

Essentia的技术可以用来加速数字世界中区块链的应用。当前,有些人认为现实世界应用区块链的速度将比原先估计的时间快 50%,这也就意味着到 2020 年左右,互联网生态系统可以重新获得互操作性,到那时,去中心化的区块链技术将填补隐私、安全和数据所有权方面的所有空白。

Essentia的技术可以用来加速数字世界中区块链的应用。当前,有些人认为现实世界应用区块链的速度将比原先估计的时间快 50%,这也就意味着到 2020 年左右,互联网生态系统可以重新获得互操作性,到那时,去中心化的区块链技术将填补隐私、安全和数据所有权方面的所有空白。

本文作者为 Essentia.one公司创始人兼区块链互联网基金会主席Matteo Gianpietro Zago。

This paper is by Matteo Gianpietro Zago, founder of Essentia.one and President of the Block Chain Internet Foundation.

*参考来源:medium ,clouds 编译,转载请注明来自 FreeBuf.COM

*Reference source: edited by Media, Clouds, referenced from FreeBuf.COM




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