The Merge & Weeth 合并主题系列直播活动

资讯 2024-06-18 阅读:29 评论:0



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"When will you merge? ?

这大概是 2022 年以来在以太坊社区被问得最多的问题。在现在这个时间节点,相信没有人能给出一个确切的日期。但从以太坊开发者们有条不紊地按测试计划逐步推进合并的工作来看,这个以太坊有史以来最复杂且意义最为重大的硬分叉的确就在眼前了。

This is probably the most asked question in the community of Etheria since 2022. At this point in time, it is believed that no one will be able to give a precise date. But the most complex and significant hard fork in the history of Ether is now in sight, as shown by the systematic step-by-step implementation of the testing plan by Ether developers.


Compared to the above, there are many more important and relevant questions that need to be understood about the Etherno merger. For example:

  • 对于已经参与质押的个人验证者,合并后运行节点的设备需要有什么变化?收益是否会有增长?如何转换客户端?可以参与到 MEV 的提取吗......

    changes the need for equipment to run nodes after

  • 对于已经参与质押池的质押者,合并后目前使用的质押池服务商的 APR 有什么变化?如何处理 MEV?是否足够支持客户端多样性......

  • 对于想做质押但因为还未合并仍然处于观望状态的潜在质押者,如果合并成功了,是选择做个人质押者还是参与质押池服务商?如果使用质押池服务商,应该怎么选......

    If the merger succeeds,

  • 对于以太坊的基础设施提供商,它们要因应合并做哪些修改?

    What changes should be made by

  • 对于在以太坊上部署智能合约的项目,合并后它们的合约会出问题吗?

    Will there be any problems with the /strong' merger of the project to deploy smart contracts in Ether?


当然,对于关心以太坊发展的更广泛群体来说,合并在技术上是怎么实现的?执行层+共识层客户端组合这样的设计对以太坊以后的发展有什么影响?合并后完全转向 PoS 的以太坊是否更安全了?是否比 PoW 以太坊更去中心化?ETH 是否更接近于通缩......

Of course, for the wider community concerned with ETA development, how does `strong' technologically work? What effect does design such as the implementation layer+consensus client combination have on post-Etheria development? Is it safer for Etheria to move completely to Pos? Is it more central than Pow Etheria? Is ETH closer to deflation

可见,以太坊合并跟我们每个人都有或直接或间接的联系,甚至对以太坊生态以外的人也有影响?—— 因为合并后的以太坊不再需要消耗大量的电力,碳排放量降低超过99%。

So, the Etheria merger has a direct or indirect connection to each of us, and has an impact even on people outside Ether's ecology? — because the merged Etherpant no longer consumes large amounts of electricity, reducing carbon emissions by more than 99 per cent.

在以太坊合并将至未至之际,ECN 联合区块律动、链捕手、巴比特 和 DeFi 之道,举办这次主题为?The Merge & Weeth —— 以太坊合并与我们的距离的活动,邀请了以太坊基金会研究员 Hsiao-Wei Wang (合并熊猫 这个 meme 的创作者)、流动性质押服务提供商 Lido 以及去中心化质押服务提供商 Rocket Pool 的代表,连续三周依次给大家带来主题分享+AMA,希望可以解答大家关于合并与 Staking 尽可能多的疑问。

The theme The Merge & Weeth >, the event at which Etheria merged with us , invited Etheria Foundation researcher Hsiao-Wei Wang (combining the meme creator of the panda), mobile security provider Lido and representatives of decentralised pledge service providers Rocket Pool, to share the theme three weeks in a row , hoping to answer as many questions as possible about integration and Staking.

活动主题:以太坊 PoS 之路

Event theme: The PoS Road

活动时间:5 月 9 日 18:00 (北京时间)

Hours of activity: May 9th, 1800 hours (Beijing time)

嘉宾:Hsiao-Wei Wang?

Guest: Hsiao-Wei Wang?


Languages: Chinese

直播:Bilibili (以太坊中国)

Live broadcast: Bilibili (Ethio-China)

提问区:EthereumCN discord #合并活动-1-ama-提问

Question area: EtheeumCN Discord #Consolidated Activity-1-ama-Question


ECN 希望这次的活动不是传统的单向输出,而是一次有效的双向沟通,让主流以太坊社区听到更多中文社区的声音。同时践行以太坊的社区精神,互助才能共同进步。因此我们策划了两个互动环节:

The ECN hopes that this event will not be a traditional one-way output, but rather an effective two-way communication that will allow the mainstream Ether community to hear more from the Chinese community. At the same time, the community spirit of Ethio will enable mutual assistance to move forward together.

AMA 提问&点赞

AMA Questions > / strong

ECN 的 discord 将设立三场活动的提问频道,在规定时间进行有效提问的 (具体请看 discord 公告),即可获得当场活动的一个主题 NFT (三场活动的 NFT 都不一样哦!),活动后我们会逐一私信,收集地址。

ECN’s Discord will set up a question channel for three events, and we will collect a personal letter after the /strong event.

除了提问,我们还鼓励大家对有价值、有共鸣的问题点赞 (点赞即投票),这样在问题太多,嘉宾无法逐一回答的情况下,可以形成一个自然的甄选结果,当然这不是挑选问题的唯一方式。

In addition to asking questions, we encourage all to pay tribute to the worthy and resonant questions (point of praise: votes), so that, in the event of too many questions and the guests being unable to answer one by one, a natural selection result, which, of course, is not the only way of selecting the questions.



"Speakers" for

由于这三场活动干货多多,后两场的演讲者使用的是英语,对于一些平时无法紧跟以太坊发展的小伙伴来说可能会出现理解上的困难。我们知道社区里卧虎藏龙,因此希望可以发动社区的互助力量,提前呼唤“课代表”。我们希望每场活动大家都一边打开 B 站直播,一边打开 ECN discord 的活动直播频道,如果听到嘉宾谈到自己熟悉的内容,可以快速地把曾经看过的文字资料 (不限来源与语言) 或者自己了解到的情况在频道里分享,帮助其他社区成员理解。如果你是英文达人,我们同样呼唤野生字幕君?(第二类课代表),把自己听懂且觉得有价值的部分翻译出来给大家参考。

Since these three events have a great deal of work, the speakers in the latter two sessions are speaking English, and there may be difficulties of understanding for some of the small partners who are often unable to follow Ether's development. We know the community, and we hope to be able to mobilize the community's mutual help, calling for the “students.” We hope that each event will open B to live, while opening the live channel of ECN Discord's activities, and that if the guest talks about what he knows, we can quickly translate the text (unlimited sources and languages) we've read into the channel, and helps other community members understand. If you're an English-speaking man, we also call (second class representative) > /strong >, and translate some of the things that he understands and feels valuable for information.

同样,对于优质的分享内容和翻译,我们鼓励大家不要吝啬点赞。每场活动获赞最多的15位“课代表” (可累计) 将获得此次活动的一枚精美 POAP+当场活动的主题 NFT。活动后,我们也会逐一私信。

Likewise, for quality content sharing and translation, we encourage you not to be stingy. The top 15 “student delegates” (and cumulative) of each event will get one of the finest POAP+ topics of the event, NFT. After the /strong event, we will also have a personal trust.


如对活动有任何疑问,欢迎在 discord 私信 ECN,还没进入的,快戳:

If you have any questions about the event, welcome to Discord's private letter ECN, not yet in, Quickpoint:

后两场活动的消息将随后公布,STAY TUNED!

The news of the last two events of

提问获得 NFT 的要求:

Question for NFT request:

1. 问题与本次主题相关

1. Issues relevant to the present theme

2. 后面提出的问题不得与前面的问题意思重复

2. Questions raised later should not duplicate those raised earlier.




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