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文 | 野马财经 姚悦

Mustang Finance > nbsp;Yiaoyan

编辑 | 缪凌云

Editor Mu Lingyun


What is the power of the Won-Cosmos?


As the largest acquisition of the VR track in the country this year, as soon as the byte beats the 9 billion-dollar gold-buying birdie to see it, the concept of the meta-cosmos is rapidly gaining widespread attention.


The code for the bytes to jump in investment is a game to reboot the world; Roblox, the first share of the Woncosmos, landed in the country, and was issued by the agent of Robres. The Internet factory’s constant ups and ups, and more so, speeds up the fires of the Woncosmos.


With the heat of the meta-cosmos, several listed companies indicated on the interactive platform that the field had begun to be laid out. On September 8, the Chinese Qingbao, known as the “constellation of the meta-column”, was on the rise. On that day, more than a 10% increase in shares related to the concept of the meta-cosmos.


In fact, the concept of the meta-cosmos was raised 29 years ago, it began to be laid seven years ago. Why is it suddenly hot? Is the meta-cosmos a bubble or a future?



In the early 1990s, when the Internet had just opened up a rapid development model, the writer Neil Stephenson was thinking of a super-realistic virtual world in his science fiction, Avalanche: people living in a digital world, communicating with virtual images.


Neil Stephenson calls the world a meta-cosmos, the supercosm. The meta-cosmos is a collection of virtual time space, made up of a series of enhanced realitys (AR), virtual realitys (VRs) and the Internet.


The central technology of the Woncosm was VR, the first potential rise of the Woncosm in 2016, known as “VR Year.” A number of businesses, including Internet giants like Facebook, entered the game. According to the CVSource investment, there were 120 financing events in China in that year, with a cumulative financing of nearly 2.5 billion yuan.


Now, once again, is the Yuan cosmos hot again, and does that mean that the Yuan cosmos is really maturing?


Open Source Securities Research reports that in 2021, the meta-cosmos became a vent mainly because of the growing maturity of hardware, software, and content. With respect to hardware and software, the 5G end-to-end delay is contained within 10ms, resulting in a significant increase in the flow of weak interactive content, such as 3D videos.

从产品上看,AR、VR产品确实放量明显。有机构预测,今年上半年,Facebook的Oculus VR产品全球出货量同比增长297%至226万台。代工企业歌尔股份2021年出货量可达800万台左右。

On the product side, AR and VR products do appear to be in significant quantities. There are agencies predicting that in the first half of this year, Facebook's Oculus VR products have increased their global output by 297 to 2.26 million on a year-on-year basis. The surrogate Gore shares can reach about 8 million in 2021.


Analysis suggests, however, that several of the most critical technologies in the AR/VR upstream/downstream industrial chain are currently in the build-up phase, including precision sensing, motion tracking, 3D optical imaging, professional visual computing chips, and AR/VR operating systems and computing platforms, and the direction of the technology is unclear. At least for the domestic level, voice rights are more in the hands of highly sophisticated firms abroad, such as high-fibre, English-Weed chips.


Moreover, on the course of the meta-cosmos, AR/VR is just one side. As a bottom hardware, it can bring immediate experience to users. But building a mature meta-cosm requires reliance on a richer content ecology, as well as a social platform that can build virtual networks.


In the next 3-5 years, the meta-cosmos will enter into an exploratory phase, with progressive technological breakthroughs and business model innovations in areas such as VR/AR, NFT, AI, cloud, PUCC, digital people, digital twin cities, etc.


According to the New Age Securities Journal, the meta-cosmos is a promising future, but it is still a primary form that needs to be explored and further developed in the future in terms of AR/VR hardware, digital content, etc., which may be expected.


At the same time, several institutions have pointed out that the metacosystem is still in its early stages, that many of the metacosystem elements remain unfulfilled, that the real realization of the metacosystem requires technological push and support, and that the industrial chain begins to emerge for at least 5-10 years.


Another national game giant said, "The concepts of AI, VR, community, etc. that were associated with the game in the past have been invented, and now the ‘megaspace’ is equivalent to integrating many of the civil achievements of the last 10 years, such as games and computer interactions, into one model. But the form of the so-called ‘megaspace’ is still a prototype, even Roblox."



Although, in the view of many, the meta-cosmos has not yet taken shape, the agile capital has already begun to rage.


In March of this year, Roblox, the first company to write the dollar cosmos into an offer, landed at New York, with a sharp increase of 54% in the first day, with a market value of $40 billion, a ninefold increase over a year ago’s estimated value of $4 billion. Roblox, the first share of the dollar cosmos, undoubtedly, also hit this year’s first shot in the capital market.

紧接着4月,风靡游戏《堡垒之夜》母公司Epic Games获得新一轮10亿美元的融资,是今年以来元宇宙领域最高的融资。

Immediately following April, the Fortress Night parent company, Epic Gomes, received a new round of $1 billion in financing, the highest ever in the meta-cosm since this year.

国内资本市场也闻风而动。去年10月打造大火国产独立游戏《动物派对》Demo的VR工作室Recreate Games,投资方根据“元宇宙”概念给出了数亿元估值,身价瞬间翻倍。

Domestic capital markets are also moving. Last October, VR studios in Demo built the fire independent game, the Animal Party, were valued by investors at hundreds of millions of dollars based on the concept of the metacosystem, and prices doubled in an instant.


According to VRPinea data, there were 27 financing mergers and acquisitions in the VR/AR/AI area alone in June; since 2021, front-line funds, including longitude China, Jingue funds, five-source capital, etc., have been on board.


In recent times, the concept of the “megasmos” has been blown up in the capital market, with a large increase in shares labelled “megasmos”, especially playing games.


On 6 September, Sino-Singbao announced that he would build a dollar-cosmos game, " The Wine Master ", in which players could travel back 100 years to run a wine factory.


Tom Cat, who launched the electronic pet game, The Talking Tom Cat, also interacted on 8 September to say that the existing product had a large user base, a user base for the development of meta-cosmos products, and that it would actively explore a technological reserve for the development of meta-cosmos products.


On 8 September, Qingbao and Tom had risen and Qingbao had recorded two chains; 24 of the 26 gameboard units had recorded an increase in the number of shares, with Klon Wanwei and Seng gaining more than 15 per cent.


The VR equipment, which is widely considered to be the main end in and out of the meta-cosmos, has also led to a huge increase in the shares. The A shares of multiple VRs and AR concept units have all experienced an aberration: the Golden Dragon Power has been suspended for a while, and Gore's share plate has been boosted.


Since then, regulatory attention has been sent to hot spots and frenzy concepts. On September 9, successively upswings of the meta-cosm concept unit echoed deep, leading to a fall in the concept block, most of the shares were green, and more than 10% of the views, the ark culture, the bouncing technology, the silk path vision, the hypercharting software, etc.


On September 8, in a notice of abnormal stock price fluctuations, China Xingbao warned that the meta-cosmos was a huge concept and model, that the company was still in the preliminary stages of exploration, that the concept was relatively shallow and that the corresponding product was still under development. There were a number of factors affecting the time and area of the new game.


Tom Cat also announced on 10 September that the meta-cosmos was a grand and distant vision, and that there was a wide gap between the company's current game products and the theoretical meta-cosm, in terms of immersion, multi-end import switching, amount and system, tactability and scalability.



As an Internet social giant, Facebook began paving the way for itself to become the “first player” in the Woncosmos as early as 2014 by acquiring the virtual reality company Oculus.


Domestically, the bytes, the bytes, the bytes, the web, the hundreds of large Internet plants naturally do not want to lag behind in the meta-cosmos station and cut into the meta-cosmos mainly from socialization and games.


This year, not only did the bytes beat 100 million dollars in domestic cellular game developers code, but more than 9 billion dollars were spent on buying VR hardware producers and birds to take tickets to the meta-cosmos.

相比之下,腾讯更早瞄准这一赛道。2012年,就对今年荣升“元宇宙第一股”的Roblox进行了投资,还购入了前文中提到的拿下今年元宇宙最高融资的Epic Games超40%的股份,以布局社交、直播、电商等全业务领域的元宇宙生态。2019年,腾讯还与美国元宇宙游戏公司Roblox合资创办团队,并将《罗布乐思》和《堡垒之夜》作为接下来在元宇宙游戏方面的两大王牌。

In 2012, Roblox, who rose to the first share of the Woncosmos this year, made an investment and purchased more than 40% of the shares of the Epic Games, mentioned earlier, the largest dollar cosmos financing this year, to map the eco-cosm of the entire field of operation, such as socialization, live broadcasting, electricity dealers, etc. In 2019, it also co-organized a team with Roblox of the United States dollar cosmos, and used Roblox and Fortress Night as the next two great medals in the meta-cosm game.


In January, the Internet appeared on the list of investors in the new round of financing of the Avatar-Based social platform, Imvu, a product dominated by immersed 3D chats. In addition, the Web has developed its first light-playing community-based game, the Beaver Initiative.


At the 2021st World Congress, hundreds of people were able to experience the virtual space of the Science and Technology Fair by setting up VR Chapters and launching a platform for interactive interaction among many people in the “Hyoma” virtual space, based on 5G, 100-year-old cloud cellular technology and a completely new upgrade, so that people who could not be present could feel the virtual space of the event and “present the words” for the meta-cosmos.


In fact, the meta-cosm involves a wide range of industrial chains, including AR, VR, network games, social Internet, cloud computing, smart wear, biometrics, digital twinkling, optical and audio-visual technology services.


When IonTech said on the interactive platform that the metacosystem represented the post-PC era, the post-movement holo-platform era, it could be applied in educational, medical, learning, dating, shopping, tourism, industry, industrialization, etc.


The economist Benjamin said that the meta-cosmos provided a new path to the eventual digital transformation of human society and that it had a full intersection with the “post-human society” and presented a new era that could be as historic as the era of ocean navigation, the era of industrial revolution and the space age.


Moreover, Jules Verner, the father of science fiction, once said, “But something humans can imagine must be realized”.


Are you looking forward to going into the meta-cosmos? When do you think the meta-cosmos will actually come true? Welcome to comment!




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