
资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:27 评论:0



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比特币短线攻破66000美元。比特币在周末完成第四轮减半(Bitcoin Halving),矿工奖励从6.25枚比特币降至3.125枚。市场原认为为维持营运成本,矿工可能会大幅抛售,岂料,与减半同时上线的同质化代币协议Runes掀起热潮,刺激比特币交易手续费飙涨,矿工单日收入突破1.07亿美元,创下历史新高。

Bitcoin hit $66,000 on the short line. Bitcoin halved its fourth round over the weekend, reducing the miner's reward from 6.25 to 3.125. The market thought that, in order to maintain operating costs, miners could be sold out in large quantities, as expected, and set off a hot tide with the half-way lined homogenous monetic agreement, Runs, stimulating a sharp rise in Bitcoin transaction fees, and miner's daily revenue of $107 million, which is historically high.

CryptoQuant研究主管Julio Moreno分享数据显示,比特币矿工周日收入达到1.07亿美元,创下历史新高,大幅超越2021年4月创下的7700万美元单日纪录。

According to data shared by Julio Moreno, the director of the CryptoQuant study, Bitcoin miners earned $107 million on a Sunday, up from an all-time high, significantly exceeding the $77 million-day record created in April 2021.

Runes上线后,比特币网络手续费飙涨,矿工的区块总奖超过了17枚比特币,甚至一度来到‎ 40.751枚比特币,让全球规模最大的矿池F2Pool联合创始人神鱼不禁发推:“这不是比特币减半,而是翻倍啊。”

When Runes got online, the bill on Bitcoin network went up, and the miners' block prizes went up to more than 17 bitcoins, even once to &lm; 40.751 bitcoins, allowing the co-founder of F2Pool, the largest mine pond in the world, to push: &ldquao; this is not about halving bitcoins, it is about doubling them; and & rdquao;


As the market knows, the income of the Bitcoin miners consists of block incentives and transaction fees. Of this record $107 million, the largest share was transaction fees, 75 per cent, or $80.5 million, and the remaining $26.2 million, or only about 24.6 per cent.

SC&P高管Baylor Landry也表示,第四次减半前的最后77个区块加总起来,矿工收入仅3500万美元,但在第四次减半后,前77个区块共已产生7500万美元的矿工收入,减半更像是加倍。

The SC&P executive Baylor Landry also indicated that the last 77 blocks before the fourth half had together generated only $35 million in miner income, but after the fourth half, the first 77 blocks had generated $75 million in miner income, which was more like a doubling.


What Bitcoin investors most urgently want to know, however, is that this situation is sustainable?

深入观察所以比特币交易手续费会在减半后暴增,其主因与和减半同步上线的比特币同质化代币协议Runes有关。该协议上线后,用户争相铸造符文代币,令比特币交易费用暴涨,高优先级费用一度冲破2200 Sat,约合200美元。

In-depth observation, the bill for Bitcoin transactions will increase sharply after halving, mainly because of the coin-synchronization protocol, Runs, which is in line with the half-threshold coin. When the agreement is in line, users compete to create token coins, causing the transaction costs of Bitcoin to rise sharply, and the high-priority costs are at one point over $2,200 Sat, or about $200.

Dune Analytics数据显示,在减半后,与Runes协议相关的交易,在比特币总体交易中占比高达57.7%。#比特币减半#

Dune Analytics data show that, after halving, transactions related to the Runes Agreement accounted for up to 57.7 per cent of the total Bitcoin transactions #bitcoins50%#


It should be emphasized, however, that market analysis warns that, unless the heat of fire in Runes continues, the miner's return to normal value will be reasonably judged, and that if there is no significant increase in currency prices, it is likely to be even lower than before the reduction by half.

Runes是由Ordinals创始人Casey Rodarmor在2023年9月提出,旨在解决BRC-20引起比特币网络阻塞和异常,影响正常交易的问题,是一个基于UTXO、更轻量简洁的资产发行协议。

Runes was proposed by Casey Rodarmor, founder of Ordinals, in September 2023, to address BRC-20's problems that caused Bitcoin network blockages and anomalies that affected normal transactions, and was a lighter asset distribution agreement based on UTXO.


The main difference with BRC-20 is that BRC-20 stores the information in the witnessing part of the transaction, while Runs uses the OP_RETURN function to store the information directly in UTXO in Bitcoin, in a way that ensures that the information is different from that of the transaction and makes the management of the money easier and more transparent.

据mempool数据显示,比特币网络的交易费用,高优先级费用一度突破2000 Sat,来到 2084 Sat/vB。

According to mempol data, the transaction costs of the Bitcoin network, with high priority costs, were once out of the 2000 Sat to 2084 Sat/vB.

当前虽然已有所回落,但仍比平常高出许多。无优先级费用为20 Sat/vB,低优先级费用为942 Sat/vB,中优先级费用为1099 Sat/vB,高优先级费用为1190 Sat/vB。

The current decline is still much higher than usual. Non-priority costs are 20 Sat/vB, low priority costs 942 Sat/vB, medium priority costs 1099 Sat/vB and high priority costs 1190 Sat/vB.

Ordinls开发者、Runestone创始人Leonidas表示,将空投给Runestone的符文迷因币DOG GO TO THE MOON被蚀刻在1258757 Sat/vB的交易中。当前,若要透过Luminex铸造符文,最低手续费也需要1071 Sats/vB。

The Ordinls developer and founder of Runestone, Leonidas, said that the mosaic mosaic that dropped on Runestone was carved into a deal of 125857 Sat/vB. At present, 1071 Sats/vB is also required for the minimum processing fee to be made through Luminex.


According to Bitinfocharts data, the average transaction fees on the Bitcoin Internet over the weekend were close to $19 and had recently reached a high point of over $24.

与此同时,The Block数据指出,比特币网路的交易费用在本月初的7天移动平均值从4.11美元,急升至16.7美元,涨幅惊人地超过了4倍。

At the same time, the Block data indicate that the average mobile cost of the Bitcoin network for seven days at the beginning of the month rose sharply from $4.11 to $16.7, an alarming fourfold increase.


Although the current average fees have not reached the historical high of over $30 during the 2023 Ordinals and BRC-20 campaigns, the cost levels are already quite significant at this stage.




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