
资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:28 评论:0



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作者 | 顾梦婷,转载请注明出处

Author, Gu Montine, please state where you're from.


The BTC quickly returned blood or further confirmed the end of the encrypted winter, which was boosted by market sentiment, and which is now a “flash of flowers” in the market next month.


On May 17, BTC jumped in a straight line of prices, falling short by over 18%, and once by $7,000. After last Friday’s crash, Bitcoin regained its resilience over the past two days, touching $8,000 in a number of attacks.


Primitive Ventures创始合伙人Dovey Wan等加密货币分析师认为,上周五BTC的一轮急跌或许是受单一投资者操纵所致,且最终BTC价格还是快速回归7000美元上方。

Encrypted currency analysts such as Dovey Wan, a founding partner of Primitive Ventures, argued that the sharp fall of the BTC last Friday might have been manipulated by a single investor, and that the BTC price eventually quickly returned to over $7,000.

Dovey Wan发推称,有大庄在Bitstamp上挂了5000枚比特币的卖单,而Bitstamp深度低且比特币期货交易平台BitMEX的价格指数有50%权重来自于Bitstamp,因而导致BitMEX爆单。

Dovey Wan deduced that Big House had 5,000 bits of billed sales on Bitstamp, while Bitstamp had a low depth and had a 50 per cent weight on the BitMex price index from Bitstamp, the BitMex futures trading platform.

此前,加密货币交易员“Satoshi Flipper”也表示,结合近几周BTC的表现,即使币价暂时出现回调,中长期来看BTC仍将继续延续强势上涨动力。

Previously, the crypto-currency dealer Satoshi Flipper had also indicated that, in the light of the performance of BTC in recent weeks, the BTC would continue to maintain a strong upward trend in the medium to long term, even if currency prices were to revert temporarily.


: “I insist that the BTC retreat will be benign, but a substantial return of $30 to $4,000 is not possible. If the local top is constructed, I think it's 10%.”

据比特币资产管理公司Bitwise Asset Management推出的“Real 10(10家真实交易量的交易所)”最新交易量数据显示,当前“Real 10”的真实交易量约为10亿美元,而3月份该项数据仅达到2.7亿美元

According to the latest transaction data of “Real 10 (10 real-trade exchanges)” launched by Bitwise Asset Management, Bitcoin Asset Management, the current real transaction volume of “Real 10 is approximately 10$ billion, while the figure for the month of 3 reached only 2.7$$.


BTC can quickly stop the bleeding rebound after the market value evaporates by $13 billion, and has driven the market out of the boom in recent days, or has meant that the market mood has been greatly boosted by the warming of the currency.

突破8000 美元后怎么走?

How do we get past $8,000?


Market views suggest that the rise in mainstream currencies, such as bitcoin, in recent weeks is largely due to increased inflows of capital from institutional investors.


The data show that in recent days, the currency futures market of the Chicago Commodity Exchange (CME) and the Bitcoin Investment Trust Fund (Graycale) have seen a sharp increase in the volume of transactions on a day-to-day basis.

另外,谷歌趋势(Google Trends)最新数据显示,随着上周末BTC价格强势反弹,关键词“bitcoin(比特币)”的搜索量近日创下自2018年2月以来的14个月新高,表明散户投资者对BTC的兴趣和投资需求都有明显提升

In addition, the latest Google Trend data show that the search for the key term “bitcoin” has recently reached a 14-month high since February 2018 with a strong rebound in BTC prices over the past weekend, and shows that the interest and investment needs of the diaspora investors in BTC have increased significantly .


If the interest of bulk investors in Bitcoin continues to grow in the coming weeks, it may bring new growth dynamics to the encryption market.

对于BTC快速止跌反弹并收复8000美元重大关口,Fundstrat Global创始人Tom Lee表示,这也意味着进一步确认加密寒冬期已经结束。

Tom Lee, founder of Fundstrat Global, said that this would also mean further confirmation of the end of the encrypted winter period.


Previously, BCH listed 13 reasons for the end of the BCH war, the surge in transactions on the chain, BTC prices above the 200-day average and the occurrence of gold crosses, and the Bitcoin Pain Index over the 89th step to confirm that the encrypted winter had ended.

加密货币技术分析师Josh Rager表示,如果BTC能牢牢站稳8200美元关口,则近期目标看向9600美元。

The crypto-currency analyst, Josh Rager, said that if (strong> BTC(strong) was able to stand firmly at the 8200 dollar threshold, the immediate target would be 9,600 .


With the halving of the Bitcoin block incentive in May 2020 approaching, BTC is expected to continue to rise and further boost market sentiment with this significant benefit.


"Big Brother" will take the pennies?


From the beginning of the year to the present, most currencies, such as LTC, BCH, EOS and BNB, show a remarkable increase of 140-400 per cent, but most mainstream currencies have recently performed far less well than bitcoins and still far from their historical peaks.


However, in the view of the encrypt currency traders, the long-awaited spring of the market may soon come.

交易员“Satoshi Flipper”称,“当BTC出现回撤,短时会连带山寨币受到轻微打击,但随后当BTC横盘整理时,山寨币将大幅反弹。”

The trader, Satoshi Flipper, stated that “when the BTC retreats, it will be hit with a slight blow, but then when the BTC is rounded up, the mountain coin will rebound substantially”.


For the second half of the year, it thought,


: “BTC will race in the second half of this year, accompanied by benign amendments and lateral consolidations, but at the same time the bounties will take off.”

Satoshi Flipper表示,未来几周当BTC价格稳定后,受市场欢迎的山寨币将率先起飞,属于山寨币的季节将在6月降临,届时所有山寨币将全线反弹

Satoshi Flipper said that when BTC prices stabilized in the coming weeks, the market-populated bounties would take off first, and the season of .




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